• Everfree Northwest Announces: James "Wootie" Wootton and Jim Miller

    Everfree Northwest might be right around the corner, but that won't stop them from announcing even more guests! This time, they're bringing on a pair of Jameses, of the both "Wootie" and "Big Jim" varieties. These guys are both super big names at the very top of DHX Media, and are responsible for a lot of the things that make Friendship is Magic so beautiful and engaging. And they'll have a panel at the convention, how exciting is that? I'll tell you: it's super exciting!

    For all of the official press release goodness, check below the page break!

    The party just keeps getting bigger! We are pleased to announce two more special guests, this time joining us from the incredible creative team at DHX Media Vancouver. First up is James "Wootie" Wootton, the acclaimed director behind each episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It has been said that Wootie can do things with Flash that no other human being was thought capable of.

    Before an episode is ever animated, it must first be translated from the script into a visual narrative, called a Storyboard. That's where James "Big Jim" Miller and his talented team come in, to create the framework upon which the colorful animation is built. But enough from us about these two talented guys--head over to our website soon for their own Bios!

    In the meantime, we are also pleased to announce the winner of our conbook contest, Cosmic Unicorn (cosmicunicorn.deviantart.com). Originally, this beautiful piece [pictured above] was our winner.

    However, once we selected the above piece as our winner, Cosmic decided to go back to the drawing board and has created such a breathtaking piece of pony perfection that we cannot show it here until the opening of the convention next weekend. It's just that good. So please put your hooves together and say congratulations to the amazing Cosmic Unicorn!

    PLEASE NOTE: We are still looking for staff, even though we are sold out. If you are willing to help out at the con and want to be a part of the incredible team that will make this event a reality, then we want to talk to you! Please lend us a helping hoof so we can make this convention even more spectacular. Fill out a staff application below at:
