Have some information on how you can join:
My name is Zachary Rich, but you all might know me better by my online persona “Flamingo1986”. For the past few months I’ve been heavily involved in directing and producing a fan-made episode based on the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, called “Double Rainboom”. I’ve been approaching the film as if I were in charge of a professional studio, and have thus far gathered an impressive crew of over 75 experienced artists who are working passionately to make the film not only match the quality of the show it’s based on – but equal it in terms of animation, sound design, backgrounds, voice acting, and storytelling.
You can learn more about the film via the links below:
Film's Website ► http://www.doublerainboom.com/
Film's First Promo ► http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOiEukVCAm8&feature=plcp
That said, we’re currently looking for someone to fill the role of Rainbow Dash and are thus issuing an “Official Call for Rainbow Dash Voice Actresses” to audition for the part. We need a voice actress as soon as possible, so the deadline for submissions is August 19th, 2012. If you are interested in trying out, or know someone who is, then feel free to email us at:
And of course, have a couple of images showing off one of their backgrounds, and a shot of the world after the break! That is a damn nice looking ponyville and countryside if I do say so myself.