• Convention Compilation - August 31st

    Convention news is always reason to party down. Or is that par-tay? I can never remember the rules of partiquette. Which I've just been informed is in violation of my contract. So while I go sit down for another optional mandatory hour in Pinkie Pie's Smile Happy Fun Times Reeducation Center, you guys can have the world's finest convention news items, delivered fresh to your door in twenty minutes or your money back.

    Pon3con: Creation and details announced
    Bronycon: OC Contest (ending today! Whoops!)
    BronyCAN: website launch! =D
    BronyCAN'T: Parody, fake news announcement not appearing below page break. Laugh or don't.
    Bronymexicon Gala: new convention set up and announced
    Ponycon AU: Further funding updates and announcements
    Galacon: Feedback gathering for 2013
    PHPonycon 2013: Pre-registration up

    Pon3con 2012 Announcement

    Website: www.pon3con.com

    Attention Bronies and Pegasisters! Nebraska's first My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic convention -PON3 Con 2012: The Running of the Leaves- is on it's way!

    When: September 29th, 2012 10am-Midnight
    September 28th is a freeday, visit website for more info!

    Where: Sheraton Omaha Hotel. 655 N 108th Avenue; Omaha, NE

    $11 Pre-Reg(ENDED)
    $15 at the door for an all-day badge (Children 4 and under free*)
    Pre-Reg. available now! -http://pon3con.webs.com/apps/location/

    Even though this is our inaugural year, we've got a lot of big things planned for Bronies of all ages! Here are just a few things you can expect at this year's con:

    -Brony-out with your fellow MLP enthusiasts at our all-ages and 18+ panels. It's programming by Bronies for Bronies!

    -Hang-out with and attend panels by our super-special guests of honor: , Balddumborat, Braeburned, Whitedovecreations, and Derpy Grooves!


    -Draw (vector/Photoshop/finger-paint/whatever) your favorite ponies or non-pony things at our art jam featuring comic artist and illustrator Fredd Gorham!

    -Pick-up some amazing, one-of-a-kind pony merch and art from our pony art vendors and guest art auction featuring artwork by Hot Diggedy Demon, Aokineko, Smashinator, and more!

    -Party like Pinkie at our rave, featuring guest DJ and Brony: Revolution Boi!

    -Display your physical prowess in the Iron Brony competition -a contest of speed, agility, and guts that will put each Brony to the test!

    -Don't forget style, that should be considered! Channel your inner Rarity and show-off your style in our pony costume contest and masquerade.

    -Race, fight, and frag your friends in our all-day video game room by 70MGame! Feeling old-school? Don't fret, we have a great selection of analog games too -"you stung my bumblebee!"

    -Relax and catch a few episodes of everypony's favorite friendship-based show in the all-day MLP: FIM theatre.

    For more information on PON3 Con events, guests, and volunteer opportunities check out our website http://pon3con.com, Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/105983572856835/ , or shoot us an e-mail at [email protected]

    *Attendees 17 and under require a parent or legal guardian signature to attend. Children 15 and under are required to have a parent/legal present to provide supervision.

    If you'd like to host a panel, please fill out a panel application form found here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEg4V2NQMll4WkJBSG81QVFuekZSdUE6MQ#gid=0

    Keep an eye on this page for more info and volunteer opportunities!

    Bronycon OC Contest Reminder

    Hey everyone! Don't forget about the OC Contest that BronyCon is currently running. We are looking for either one or a small group of original characters to represent our convention. Your creation could represent us for years to come! This community has created some awe-inspiring things, so we hope to see more of what we have come to expect from all of you. There are only a few rules to follow: Your submissions must be equines (ponies, zebras, changelings), and we will not be accepting Alicorns. While it is not required, we would also like submissions to be consistent with our new color scheme. The colors are as follows (with RGB / CMYK color codes for you artsy types out there!)

    Navy Blue - R0, G33, B 82 | C 100%, M 92%, Y 36%, K 38%
    Cyan - R 123, G 207, B 244 | C 46%, M 2%, Y 0%, K 0%
    Purple - R 87, G 51, B 141 | C 82%, M 97%, Y 5%, K 1%
    Pink - R 159, G36, B136 | C 42%, M 100%, Y 5%, K 0%
    White - R 255, G 255, B 255

    You can even suggest a name with your submission! Depending on the amount and quality of submissions we may even select winning submissions from more than one artist! In addition to the obvious benefits of having something you made represent BronyCon you will also receive free admission to BronyCon 2013, and a free upgrade to our highest sponsorship level! Since our dates are not announced yet, this particular ticket will be transferable on the chance you won't be able to make it. We may alter your design as need be to fit the theme and style of future conventions although we may work with the winning artist(s) in the future on this and we make no guarantee to use the winning submissions’ suggested name(s). All submissions are the property of BronyCon (Lunar Solis Corp.) and may be used at our discretion for any present or future initiatives, including but not limited to: marketing, branding, logos, wordmarks, advertisements.

    Please send all submissions to [email protected]. You have until Midnight EST on August 31st, 2012 to get your submission in. We will select a group of finalists quickly afterwards, and you, the community, will get to vote on BronyCon’s final OC.

    BronyCon 2013

    BronyCAN Announced

    Website: http://bronycan.com
    Con merchandise: http://bronycan.spreadshirt.com/

    "We are pleased to announce that Canada's first brony convention website has now gone live. Check us out at http://bronycan.com and twitter.com/bronyCAN . We would like to thank all of the bronies for their massive support so far with 500 followers in our opening week!"

    Bronymexicon Gala 2012 Announcement

    Big announcement from Mexico!!
    Let´s celebrate the holidays with ponies!
    Yes, Mexicon is celebrating another pony convention. Bronymexicon Gala will be held November 18th on Mexico D.F. And what celebration will it be!
    Among the planned activities are:
    - Cosplay contest.
    - Karaoke contest.
    - Q & A session with Maggie Vera (Latin VA for Fluttershy) and Melissa GedeĆ³n (Latin VA for Pinkie Pie)
    - Live concert by Claire Anne Clarr and Yang Watanabe
    - Auction of pony merchandising
    and more!!
    Reservations are already open, for more information please contact the administrator Manuel Cabrera at
    [email protected] to discuss the terms of payment.
    Here´s the official facebook release:
    We hope to see you there, amigos!

    Ponycon AU Funding Update

    Hey guys,

    We’re all incredibly excited to have preparations under way for PonyCon AU. But did you know that you (yes you) can help us make it happen? A short while ago we activated our very own crowd-funding page with rewards at Indiegogo and it has already reached its goal of $5000!

    Did you miss out on donating and getting a discounted ticket or drawing? Well here’s the part you’re going to love!
    Just because we reached our target goal, doesn’t mean you can’t still donate and claim some awesome rewards! We currently have 99 discounted tickets and 11 personalized animations to hand out, so head on over to our Indiegogo page and see what else we have on offer! http://bit.ly/pcauindiegogo

    Galacon: Thanks, And Getting Ready for Next Year!

    Thank You!

    Dear loyal subjects,

    we’ve finally recovered properly from Crunch Time. We really wanted to do this press note earlier, but not before we could think straight again - What we have to say is heartfelt and important.

    So, better late than never:


    Thanks to all guests for giving up so much money and free time just for our little event; thanks to all volunteers and helpers for the sweat and blood they put in behind the scenes; thanks to Julia and Anneli for honoring us with their presence; thanks to SweBow, Mr. Poniator, Icky and Rautakoura for everything they contributed to Galacon and thanks to everyone at and around Everfree Radio!

    We are also very pleased to confirm that we raised, in fact, a whopping total of 8,145 euro at the Bronies For Good charity auction. Every single cent is appreciated and goes towards a wonderful cause. Be proud, you achieved a tremendous thing!
    Also, we got order from Anneli and Julia themselves to thank you all for the great weekend they had - So: Thank you! They had a wonderful time and we hope you had that with them, too.

    Right now, we are going through your feedback and looking into where and how we can improve. One wish could already be fulfilled: We now have a Deviantart group just dying to get all of your Galacon related artwork! We got a lot more stuff cooking, like a ticket design contest for Galacon 2013, some confirmed guests of honor, a completely revamped website and some surprises in cooperation with our pals from BUCK in the United Kingdom and BronyDays in France, but sit tight, we can’t tell more just yet.

    Now excuse us, we gotta prepare for 2013 already - But until then: We hope you enjoyed what we did this year, despite all its problems, and we especially hope to see you again in 2013.

    Best wishes,

    your Galacon team

    PHPonycon Accepting Pre-Registration


    The PHPonyCon 2013 Pre-Registration is now up! If you are interested in attending, please follow the important guidelines and fill out this form. As of today, payment for pre-registration is strictly via BPI bank deposit – we will not accept any other payment method until further announcement. Pre-registration will run from September 1 to December 31, 2012 – after the pre-registration period, all pre-registered guests will receive their PHPonyCon 2013 tickets and name tags, and they shall be entitled to any upcoming souvenirs we will give away on the day of the convention.

    Note: Applicants for the positions of merchandise sellers, art commissioners, or volunteer staff are required to contact PHB via e-mail before registration.