Have you ever wondered how exactly someone scores an entire season of 24 minute episodes without losing their mind? How they can keep bringing in fresh music even after such a huge amount has already been created? William Anderson just dropped off this insider secret over on his deviant art page:
Casting the spell known as "The My Little Pony Mind Meld," whereupon I enter a trance state and commune with The Grand Goddess of The Elements of Harmony, who transmits the music for the show to me while I am in oneness with her. The music for the MLP:FiM is not written by me, it is given. I am just the vessel for the transmission. The music is from The Goddess of the Elements of Harmony.
- William Anderson
I guess that confirms why Friendship is Magic is so alluring. You have all been coerced by a pagan god. Honestly, I don't even mind.
All Hail the Grand Goddess of the Elements of Harmony!