• Story Updates July 29th (Morning)

    Story updates overflowing as always.  Check them out below and seeping over the edges!

    Story: Freeze Frame (Update Part 11!)

    [Adventure] [Slice of Life]

    Author: ToixStory
    Description: “If you can make it in Fillydelphia, you can make it anywhere,” or so the saying goes. When a young mare comes to the big city with dreams of being a reporter, she is instead thrust into a world of corruption and squalor where she will need the strength of friends to survive.
    Freeze Frame


    Story: Letters From Ponyville (Update Part 3!)

    [Normal-Slice of Life] "Tired of ponyfics filled with sadness, wars, explosions, copious amounts of blood, humans, torture, and/or lesbianism? Sit back, relax, and have a story about ponies enjoying some friendship and magic." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates.

    Author: FearlessXIII
    Description: Life can be a rough gig, and life in Ponyville is no exception. Between pestering Parasprite plagues, dreadful Diamond Dog droves, and colorful Crusader craziness, Twilight Sparkle could tell you that moving to a new town can be quite a hassle. This… is not her story.

    Instead, meet Reason. He is not a bearer of one of the Elements of Harmony. He is not a cadet-warrior-pegasus-in-train
    ing. He is not a wandering unicorn vagabond living in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic Equestria (that would be silly). No, Reason is a regular earth pony with regular earth pony problems trying to carve out a life for himself and his sister in the not-so-regular town of Ponyville.

    Set during the events of Season One, Reason must navigate the perils of a normal pony’s life in a town that is less than normal, juggling romance and duty, and ultimately discovering for himself whether friendship truly is magic... Or, you know, not.

    After all, in a place like Ponyville, anything is possible.
    Letters From Ponyville


    Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Sequel Part 22!)

    [Adventure] [Tragedy] Fanart after the break!

    Editor: Nine
    Illustrator: Denial
    Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.
    Envy and Arrogance 


    Story: Petriculture (Update Sequel Part 3!)


    Author: Kwakerjak
    Description: In an effort to keep her mind occupied, Twilight Sparkle decides to delve once again into the grand mysteries of Pinkie Pie. This time, Twilight's focus is on her claims of growing up on a rock farm: like so many things related to Pinkie Pie, the idea that somepony could grow rocks as an agricultural product makes absolutely no sense. However, the investigation eventually leads Twilight to a rather... surprising discovery.


    Story: Beyond Judgment (Update Part 23!)


    Author: Solar Phoenix
    Description: While studying advanced magic techniques, Twilight stumbles upon a powerful spell that nopony has ever conceived. What will it cost her to possess this power, and what will it cost her friends?
    Beyond Judgement


    Story: Harmony (Update Part 4!)

    [Crossover] [Grimdark] [Adventure]

    Author: Aquaman52

    Description: When Ruby boards the first trans-oceanic flight in Equestrian history, the last place she expects to end up is stranded in the middle of Eternity's Crossing in the wake of a horrific zeppelin crash. After a mysterious tower leads her and a fellow survivor to discover a twisted and fragmented city twenty thousand feet below the surface of the ocean, though, a bit of fire and smoke is the last thing she needs to worry about. Between the horrendously disfigured residents and the paranoia of the madmare who once built and controlled it, daily survival in this corrupted utopia is anything but a guarantee. But with the help of some new friends and a few genetic enhancements, Ruby isn't going down without a fight, and in the process might just discover that the deadliest weapon in Harmony is herself.

    An adaptation of BioShock for the world of MLP. Written to be comprehensible to anyone, regardless of whether they've played the original game.
    Welcome to Harmony


    Story: The First Prince (Update Part 2 Interludes + Text Adventure!)

    [Grimdark] [Adventure] There was some confusion on links with this one, so I'm reposting it. Sorry guys!

    Author: Chaucer345
    Description: Prince Blueblood the 23rd learns how his family was formed as Princess Celestia tells him the story of his line's unlikely founder.
    The First Prince 


    Story: The Sisters Doo (Update Part 5!)


    Author: Ponky
    Description: Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. Bleak pasts are revisited, dark secrets unearthed, innocent children foalnapped, and Rainbow Dash might just die of happiness along the way.
    The Sisters Doo