For as many Nightly Roundups we have, Luna sure doesn't seem to get a lot of header images. Well, let's change that a little bit shall we?
News time guys! Check it out after the break.
Ponies on Cars Make Them at Least 20% Faster
And then Calpain was stoned for making a 20% cooler joke.
Note: Xyro wants everyone to know that this is a Challenger, not a Mustang
Tonight's Cake Offering to the Cake Gods
Let's Play Celestia Civ V Mod
A Let's Play of the Civilization V Celestia Mod has popped up and is available on Youtube. Check out the progress so far at the link below.
Let's Play Link
Brony@Home Project Opens Twitter Account
The Brony@Home project has opened a Twitter account for all you protein folders out there to follow! They will be updating the account with the occasional news items and such from the group.
Brony@Home Twitter
On a personal note, projects like Folding@home and such really help scientists looking to understand how proteins work! If you've got the extra processing power please visit here.
Moonstuck Dub Project Looking for Voices!
The Moonstuck Dub guys are currently looking for VAs for both seaponies and batponies! Check out their little video explaining the situation below.
The Wonderbolt Diaries
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We've had another great interview this week! We talked to our friendly neighbourhood drawfriend Saunder Fong and talked to him about his latest project on Tumblr, the Wonderbolt Diaries.
Copypasta: If you thought Gabby Gumms was badass enough to publish Rarity's diary, you should get to know the one who has the guts to publish the diary of Equestria's greatest fliers, the Wonderbolts! This week on the MBS Show we interviewed our homeboy drawfriend Saunder Fong and his latest creation, The Wonderbolt Diaries ( ). Listen to him share his drawing tips and learn a thing or two from this Wonderbolt of art!
The Living Tombstone Interview
The Brony Hour - Episode 10 (Interview with Daniel Ingram!)
Successful Meetups
Santa Clarita Meetup
The Bronies of Santa Clarita group had a meetup of around 15 attendees at Santa Clarita Lanes. We partook in two hours of bowling, ate pizza, went to a nearby Foster’s Freeze for some ice cream, returned to watch some neon/cosmic bowling, and finally those of us who were left went over to a nearby Super Walmart to mess around where hilarities ensued. Everyone had a good time. :-3
Click here for our Facebook page.
Leeds Mega Meetup
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The Leeds Mega Meetup was a huge success. 48 Tylers turned up in Leeds on Saturday, taking over the train station. There was an episode screening at the University, a quiz and then drinks and pizza in a bar that was reserved for us. It was a great day, and we're sure to plan another meetup very soon. Thank to everyone who turned up!
UKoE feedback thread:
Inland Empire Meetup
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I am here to let you know that Inland Empire Bronies held their fourth meet up on Saturday July 28th. This time we (re)invaded the Fiesta Village Family Fun Center in Colton CA. Bronies of the Desert came down and joined us for a fun time of Mini Golf and Laser tag. This was a smaller meet up but we still had near 20 bronies at our peak. Not everyone was able to stay for the group picture, but I do thank them for coming. I would also like to send a shout out to Kibbie and the other Bronies of The Desert for making the drive to come and hang out with us. They can be found here
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Star Wars the Old Republic
Game: Star Wars the Old Replublic (SWTOR)Guild: Cutie Mark Crusaders
Server: Jedi Covenant (Empire)
Contacts: GuildMaster: So-com (S-ocom) Officer: Gene-sys (Stormcutter, Bubba-fat)
Description: We are a guild on SWTOR created to have a friendly environment to talk about MLP and have a good time. We focus on having a fun place to chat and relax, anyone can join just contact us in-game. We currently only have 7 members but are hoping to grow, and to have some great in-game experiences.
Arabian Bronies Group
Hi I would very much appreciate if my group was advertised in the next nightly roundup, its about promoting the show in the Middle East :D
Thank you for your time
A group for all the bronies around the world to discuss about ponies, and to arrange future meetups especially in the Middle East!!
--------------------------------------------------------------Bronies Weight Loss Group
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About a month ago DudeBroBrony started the Brony Weight Loss Group. Since then he's lost 10 pounds and has been encouraging others to jump on board and do the same. Bronies from all over have been joining in and supporting erach other into losing weight and getting into shape. A new video came out for the group with DudeBroBrony stating what he wants to see from the group and the plans he has for it in the future. It's never too late to get started on living a healthier life, so watch the video and check out the Facebook page in the links below. =D
Brony Weight Loss Group:
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Luna Plush
Octavia Plush