After living with an internet connection that would be put to shame by a 28.8k modem, I'm finally home from vacation and reunited with my normal connection! Thank you Seth and PK for filling in the past couple days, you guys rock!
Anyhow, time for some news folks!
GalaCon Needs VA Fanart
The good people of GalaCon are currently in need of fanart to use for their slideshow at the VA panel with German VA Julia Meynen (Twilight Sparkle) and Swedish VA Anneli Heed (Spitfire). Below you can find examples of their OCs and some information on where to send your creations!
"Every fanart can be uploaded to dA and e-mailed to [email protected] - also: Questions for the VA panel can be sent to this adress with the label (Anneli), (Julia) or (both)."

Past Sins Print Group Requesting Fanart Submissions
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We, the Past Sins Print Group, henceforth known as Equestria
Publications (A subsidiary of T.G.n.P. Trixie Enterprises), are opening
up to fan art submissions!
Get all the info here:
The pledgebank is still open. To sign up for a copy of the book, please
go to the following link for more information:
Did Somepony Say Cake?!
Brony Hour Podcast - Episode 10 (Featuring Daniel Ingram!)
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Applejack93 of The Brony Hour here and we have major news reguarding our 10th episode, this week we are focusing on musicians in the community. Tommorow night for our first ever Livestream'd edition of the show we are having Aviators and Varia on the show for an interview and also joining us for about 10-20 minutes will be Friendship is Magic's own Daniel Ingram will make his presence known during the show. so we are all very excited about this oppertunity. As for a crowd, if a herd of ponies try to get in we only have a 50 viewer limit BUT our friends at Celestia Radio will be simulcasting this interview over their airwaves. So I thought this was some big news to share with you all.
Livestream Link
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Love, Tolerance, and Acceptance Blog Looking for More!
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This blog is for you to post your own stories about tolerance, and
love, and acceptance.
This blog is about fighting bigotry and blind hatred.
This blog is about bringing a little more peace to the world, and
giving people a place to look when they don’t feel there’s anything
left to keep looking for.
So send in your stories now. The stories that warm your heart. The
stories that make you feel happy to be alive. The stories that show
exactly what makes life worth living.
There’s many of them out there, and you all have experienced them for
yourself. So please, submit them now, and share your story with our
Lets put an end to bigotry and hate.
Bronies Around the World Casting Call
The Bronies Around the World project is currently looking for a variety of musicians, singers, ect to help put together beautiful pieces of music. Check out the full description below!
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Welcome to the Bronies Around the World Project.
What is it? Well, it's basically a combination of pieces of music from bronies all over the world all into one single video. The song itself will be the result of the these bronies working hand-in-hand to piece together beautiful music. Requirements? No Requirements! All you need to be able to do is play music, sing, or rap, and you'll be eligible to join!
Guild Wars 2 Guild (EU)
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Game: Guild Wars 2
Guild: Royal Night Guards [RNG]
Home Server: Desolation (EU) (Server 'hoppers' welcome)
Website: http://royalnightguards.enjin.
Contacts: ekips, Sevoria Zahra, Queen Chrysalis (there is also an apply form on the website or a public forum for questions, etc.)
Description: The guild Royal Night Guards [RNG] may be based on an EU server. But we are open for everyone who would like to play with other bronies on an EU server, despite his/her location. Our play-style will be more casual-orientated and focused on providing fun for as many people as possible. This means that we don't commit to just one aspect of the game but try to cover all of the main areas (PvE, PvP and WvW) equally.
Membership is free, so don't hesitate and join us. (I mean..if you'd like to..)
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Derpy Custom
BronyCon Exclusive Rarity Card
DJ Pon-3 Xbox360 Controller
MLP Scarves