We need at least 30 minutes of Screwball in season 3.
Have some nightly roundup!
Doctor Whooves Adventures Fanart Contest
Like this Pony? Want one of your own? Well one of our dear Ponyinabox employees has some wicked skill with a needle and thread, and if you have some skill with some pencil and paper you can win yourself your own handy dandy handcrafted personalized crocheted pony plush! Want it? The rules are simple, draw a bit of fanart from the Doctor Whooves Adventures, and if we like it best, tell us who you want one of, and it's yours! The rule are simple:
1) No Porn.
2)Deadline August 31st.
3) While we like Derpy, please try to keep Doc with someone we've had in the show so far. This includes: The Professor, Dusk, Twilight, Berry, and Pinkie, Goodnight, Sergeant Kazoo, Madame Kazoo, Nightshift, and pretty much any pony that's had more than five lines onscreen.
4) Only submit your own artwork. If you submit someone else's art, you will be disquallified.
5) We are looking for fanart of THE DOCTOR. Specifically, his twelveth (pony) regeneration. This means we do not want to see art of Doctor Quinn, Doctor House, Doctor Doom, Doctor Insano, Doctor Horrible, Doctor Draken, Doctor Seuss, or any other fictional doctor. While including other regenerations in your pic is fine, please don't be a parasprite.
6) No foul language that would make something exceed PG rating.
7) Email Entry to [email protected] with the tagline Art Contest Entry
If you have no idea what Ponyinabox or Doctor Whooves Adventures are, you can find all the episodes and shorts in order on the tropes page. Watch some and draw something.
If you do know who we are and what we do, but don't know how to draw, please spread the word! We'd love to get some fantastic entries!

EQD Gets Destroyed
And then I took a loooong vacation.
Derpy Cake
Pony TF2 Mod Showcase
This dude has a ton of TF2 mods, check them out here!
Canterlot Voice #4
"Join us as we talk about BUCK, Howard Stern, and the worst ponies of Equestria!"
Successful Meetups
Buffalo NY Meetup
Copy Paste:
It took several months after my phone busted after the panel, but here they are! I just have pics from a brony panel I ran at a local anime con called UBcon here in Buffalo, NY. I have a pic of all the visitors and a few cosplayers. There's a guy in a brony shirt, he was the co host, Austin Reardon, and I'm in a red shirt, Anakin Siegel. Thank yous!
Chile Meetup
Copy Paste:
Hi there, my name is Sebastian "Sunset Shine" Astete, im a Brony from Chile, yes, Chile, South America.
in 21/07/2012, (yeah yestersay), we make a huge brony meet up in Chile, in the city of Santiago, in "Parque O'Higgins", a park in middle of the city.
Boston Meetup
Copy Paste:
On Saturday 30+ Bronies gathered together in Boston for some fun times. There was musical numbers, katamari fun, and people getting punched by ice cream. Luckily Dude Bro Brony was there to catch it all on film! Check out the video below to watch what happenes to Bronies when they don't wanna drive all the way to Trotcon.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
North Carolina Meetup Video Recruitment Thingy!
Iowa Group
Leeds Mega Meet-up - 28th July 2012
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a large meet-up in Leeds.
We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up and have arranged for
us to have not only a theatre but a bar as well. This meet-up is intended to be bigger then
the average meet-up and be much more fun!
Here are the Details:
Discuss the meet-up here:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: Yorkshire Bronies
I hope to see you there!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pinkie Plush
80s Cheerilee
Derpy Scarf
Scratch Custom