This Roundup's going to be perfect
The kind of post I always dreamed I'd write again
Everypony will click 'page break',
And they'll do a double take
When they realize that I am not Calpain!
(I am required by Equestrian Law to inform you that our current banner is considered a health hazard due to excessive cute.The Surgeon General warns that too much filly Celestia and Luna can cause Type II Diabetes. Make sure you tell Jdan-S how this makes you feel.)
Brony Gaming Community Hits XBox Live. Elsewhere, a Dog Barks
Well, actually it's a multi-platform group looking to bring gaming goodness the likes of Minecraft, Halo Reach, and Black Ops (among others!) to bronies of all sizes and skill levels. They're looking for feedback, members, discussion, and awesome gameplay footage to upload on to youtube. Check out their site at http://fimclanwebsite.weebly.
Galactic Ponies Meet in Melbourne as Citizens of Neptune Cry Foul
From the creator of CronyFest and Museum Ponies (meetups you probably never heard of), comes Galactic Ponies.
Meetup at Galactic Circus at Crown Entertainment Complex, 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank.
Plan: meeting in front of Crown Enterntaiment Complex at 10.30am on 28th of July.
11+am : having fun together and hanging out.
link to event:
Introducing: Sparkle Cola Rad!
Tired of your boring old soda? Wish there were more Fallout: Equestria references in your beverages of choice? Well look no further. Spudfish96 brings you the Sparkliest™ cola ever to be produced by an internet guide how to make Nuka Cola. It's a good thing he didn't settle for that, huh?
What is This Place Full of So Many Meetups? Southwest Bronies Beach Party: July 30
Meeting up:
Torquay Train Station - Outside @11:30 am (Waiting until 12:00 PM)
Alice (otherbuttons) and William will be outside the station to meet you all and take you to the beach.
Hollicombe Beach Torquay
For anypony driving, please contact Diamond Dan for directions to the Free Parking near the station.
Confirmed to be Monday 30th July 2012
This will be a free-for-all Beach party for Bronies. All dress is welcome, and Cosplay is permitted! Please use the link below to view the original Facebook event.
We have a beautiful gas BBQ for this event XD I'll be getting the Burgers etc. the day before.
We are asking if everypony can donate a couple of pound to help us cover our insurance costs.
On another note: The condition to us being permitted to have this party, is that we don't allow Alcohol at the beach.
Further Details
Bronies MKE and Midwest Brony Division Announce One-Year Anniversary Picnic as I Run Out of Clever Titles Already
Basically what it says on the tin. These guys and these other guys are having a picnic to celebrate a year of meetups as of August 12th. You can read all about that here, but the gist of what makes this cool is probably better said with a picture:
Philly Bronies Do Valley Forge, But Not in That Way
For the Philly Bronies this will be our third meet-up in three weeks! It’s time to go big or go home!
On Sunday, July 2nd we’re going to Valley Forge National Park!
Car pooling will be big for this. Get over to facebook for some coordination planning.
Where: Valley Forge National Park
When: July 22nd
Time: 10 am
Group Page:
Event Page:
Meanwhile, In Northern Ireland...
A Couple of people are heading to the Odyssey Arena (Belfast) on the 10th of August at around 2pm, for some bowling and to mess around in the arcade.
For more info see : or
This Roundup was going to be perfect
The kind of post I'd always dreamed I'd write again.
But instead of telling jokes
For all you lovely pony folks
I'm sitting here and being told exactly what to say
Presenting Pinkie: The Pony With the Bubble Pop, Bubble Bubble Pop Pop
No no, seriously. She's made out of gum. And Gummy is a gummy! BAwesome BAcon went and made this and it is just about the coolest food related thing I've seen all week. Take a look at this video and be all, "Hey neat!"
MLP FiSH Auditions Continue Through August 31: Don't Flop Around or... Something. Yeah.
It's an abridged series and it's looking for voices. That should be all you need to know, but since it isn't, here's a writeup and a video:
"Just like last time, same five characters are available: Rainbow, Pinkie, Gilda, Princess Celestia, and Rarity, but now that things are running more smoothly in terms of time and writing, and I can focus more on these auditions better, I set up a deadline on Tuesday July 31. of course, the video has all the info you need and I'm available for questions at this address ( which is also in the document on that ponychan thread (which is linked in the description of the video)"
German Newspaper FAZ Says Nice Things About Bronies, Yay!
That title sounds sarcastic, but it really isn't. The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine just released an article about FiM and had some wonderful things to say. They dip a bit into Rule 34 and spend some time referring to a "pirate party", but for the most part they're pretty nice about what they say... you know, in German.
Go read it here, or maybe translate it if you're not one of those worldly types who bothered to learn languages not called English.
Steam Group: Filmers of Equestria Seeks More... Er... Filmers. Of Equestra
This Steam Group is all about pulling together the various pony Source Filmmakers from across the land. Here, let me let them talk about themselves:
"Our goal is to discuss techniques and advice with other members and create projects and collaborations in Source Filmmaker. We are need some more members, experienced or new to the software, to boost our group. We need more Source Filmmaker help as far as tutorials, advice, models, etc."
Ponibooru Film Night Reveals Kung Lao is Still Competitively Viable
It's time for our second film in our video game movie month! This week we're bringing you Paul Anderson's Mortal Kombat. Can our heroes defeat the mighty Shang Tsung and his army? Join us at 7pm EST (midnight BST) on Friday the 13th to find out! The stream can be found here:
This week's hosts are:-
Harlequin Jester
We hope you can make it!"
Brony Study Survey #3 Studies Bronies (and also Non-Bronies) For Science
You love science, right? We've featured Brony Study before as they've collected data to debunk myths associated with bronies and provide a more complete statistical analysis of this group of disparate individuals who have come together solely over a liking of particular animated equines. The results of this particular iteration of their survey are going to be featured in the Bronycon Documentary, so collecting data right now is essential! If you're reading this I think we both know what you are, but also if you happen to have any non-brony friends and family you should send them along here and get to data mining! The truth only comes out when we search for it, you know.
Additionally, there's an auxillary Brony Subculture Analysis which just received a major update and could use one more surge of data. Get cracking, guys. This stuff isn't going to study itself.
Here, Have a Meet the Applejack Video
Look, it's 3 in the morning. I've got nothing. Just... just take it.
I won't go to any of these meetups
I'm not posting any cakes
And really, I'm not entertaining you if I say
That at this godforsaken hour I've got any staying power
But the truth is I don't even care at aaaaaaallllllll
No, I do not love this site
It just keeps me up all night
But I just can't leave it alooooooooooone
Dungeons and Dragons Online Introduces Pony References Into its Equipment and Still The World Keeps Turning
I mean really this is actually kind of neat even if you're one of the millions of us who have never touched the game (personally I'd rather just sit at a tabletop and do it the traditional way with a small cardboard screen, some dice, and far too much caffeine).
Highlights include a bastard sword called "Nightmare, The Fallen Moon", the short sword "Celestia, Brightest Star of Day", and a quarterstaff calling itself "Twilight, Element of Magic". Well then.
Look. Forums. Go.
Thailand News Channel Contains MLP and Bronycon 2012 Materials, Delicious Peanut-Based Foods
I eat Thai. I don't speak it. But if you can follow this incomprehensible link then you will see the truth with your own eyes. I am so informative it hurts. (Really though I'm sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive, it's just apart from this being a neatish thing I have no idea what else to say without being able to parse what's going on)
Need to recaffeinate before its too late
Find a way to save the day
I hope that I'm lying when I say
That I don't fear that I may lose you
To something that might confuse you
Not give you timely news updates each daaaaaaay
I'm still obsessed with ponies
And bringing smiles to bronies
...Oh dear god my rhyme scheme
Is really kind of hokey!
Podcasts a Plenty Perched Precariously and Puissant
Anime Jam Session
The Anime Jam Session crew goes to Summer Bronycon 2012 and they talk about their experience there and give their impressions on their "Con-Report" for it.
If this could be mentioned on the Nightly Roundup, it would be very appreciated.
The Brony Bookclub
The Brony Bookclub is a podcast with two episodes out currently, and a third on the way. I, Roy, and my cohost Sam interview a guest author, and talk about brony fanfiction related to the theme of the week. Both episodes as well as all future ones can be found here. http://geekoutcentral.
BroNEcast #13 with PONY POKEY
Hey everypony,
Episode 13 of the BroNEcast is up and running so give it a listen! In this episode we had a nice interview with PONY POKEY!
Finally, the moment has ariiiiiiiiived~
For me to post this merchandiiiiiise~
See, the Song Lyrics Weren't Lying
New Filly/Colt Patterns on Etsy
MLP Dice (Looking to test waters for larger market) - as Tweeted by Tara Strong
Princess Cadance Pillow on Etsy (Squee)
Oh no, this deadline I can't make,
They'll end up running with that fake's
Equestria Daily will be
Mine. All Mine.