• Nightly Roundup #369

    It's finally the weekend! Time to party down or just kick back and relax. Hope you all have some interesting things planned.

    Not a ton of news tonight, but if you are looking for meetups, like pony podcasts, or are a fan of merchandise you might just find something for yourself in here!

    Celestia Radio Helps Little Girl

    As some of you may remember, a while back Celestia Radio did a 64 hour DJ-athon where $2000 was raised to help a little girl with cancer named Kiki. Well, apparently that little girl has very recently received surgery (she was actually in surgery according to the email when it reached us six hours ago with about 80% of the tumor removed) and it's our turn to send her some well wishes as she recovers!

    You can find her Twitter page here where it looks like Tara Strong has already weighed in (you rock Tara!).

    Gotta Have Cake!


    Brony and the Fatman - Episode Three

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    In this week's episode we talk Ponies, video games (I give a short review of Lollipop Chainsaw Massacre), people naming there kids weird names and some other pop culture stuff. Please check it out and give us a review and rating. Also this is a mature podcast so if you don't like mature language and subject matter please listen with care. You can find us in Itunes by searching Brony and the Fatman or if you don't use Itunes you can go to http://bronythefatman.libsyn.com/
    Reading Rainboom Radio Show Premiere!

    A new radio show has popped up for you guys to listen to! It premieres this Tuesday so check it out!

    Radio Show
    Youtube Page
    New Show - Filter

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    Filter launching soon

    We at the midnight run are pleased to announce a show where the viewers are in control. Filter. This time we're going to cover the to 10 PMV's of ALL Time. This is how the community will get involved. Starting today untill the 13th you can submit your favorite PMV's to [email protected]. On the 13th we'll tally up the score and place the top nominees into a poll which will determine the final order. On the 20th Filter will premiere with a special guest to show you what you think is your favorite. So it's time to let your voices be heard poines. Tell us what you love!

    You can submit and PMV as long as it is non clop or rule 34 related.
    Radio Free Equestria - Changeling Emotions

    Coming to you live from the Everfree Forest, it’s Radio Free Equestria!   In this Radio Free Equestria FLASH, we consider the true emotional range of the average Changeling.

    Mystery Pony Theater - New Episode

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    Howdy everypony Afro is off to camp for 3 weeks so we wont be outputting anything new on the main show's side (not that we have been XD) anywho we did some ahead of time Mystery Pony Theater 20,000 episodes so i will be steadily releasing those while im gone and also due to an uploading issue i have to re-uploade episode season 1 episode 26's episode so this weeks will be 25. sit down grab some popcorn and enjoy so comedy


    Successful Meetups

    Italian Bronies Group Picture

    Italian Fangroup Forum
    Danish Brony Meet-Up 2012

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    Last month, the Danish city of GrenĂ¥, hosted the second ever Danish brony meet up!

    Whit more than 45+ Bronies attending, it was simply a blast!  

    We where lucky enough to use the town´s own youth club (which is HUGEEEE)

    the event lasted a hole weekend. And what an amazing weekend. 

    Here is a gallery containing the best pictures taken at the event, i highly recommend taking a look trough these, just to get a feel of how awesome it was to be there!

    Image Gallery 

    Do you live in Denmark? wanna know when i host another meet-up? Join our facebook page!
    Facebook Page
    Vegas Brony Meetup

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    The meetup took place at the monthly art gathering at the Art District In Las Vegas, the meet started around 5pm and surprisingly a majority of our group all showed up at the same time. There were many spontaneous activities like us all reenacting the Flim Flam brothers song with cider and everything. The night started of slow but, it started moving very quickly once the rest of us got there. Many people showed up with custom plushies made by one of our local bronies. Our First Friday meets are some of our biggest meets usually having 40-60 bronies (sadly not all of us were in group pic). It was a fun meetup we sang, drank cider, and met new bronies. If you are a Brony in the Las Vegas area and want to connect with local bronies plz see our Facebook page. 

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Victoria BronyCon

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    On July 14th in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada at UVic a FREE Brony Convention will take place from 10 AM to 10 PM.

    Due to time restrictions, our budget was literally nothing, so we're charging everyone nothing in attendance!

    This year being our first year we're really expecting more of an organized meet up with some contests and prizes.

    For more information: Facebook Page
    Wind Gap, Pennsylvania Meetup

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    Starting a Brony Meet Up in Wind Gap, Pennsylvania (Address - 835 Jacobsburg Rd. Wind Gap, Pennsylvania) at Jacobsburg State Park

    Please Email me here to let me know if you are coming! - [email protected]

    Pony Oekaki Board Seeking More!

    It's been a long time since I visited an oekaki board, but I have nothing but good memories of them. For those who are unfamiliar with them, an oekaki board is like a message board, but with a built in system for drawing pictures which can be easily shared with others on the board.

    They are loads of fun and the pony oekaki board below is looking for some more friends! Check it out if you're interested and tell your friends! Get drawing you guys!

    Brony Oekaki Board
    Western Suburbs of Chicago

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    Also known as My little Pony: Friendships is Magic:The Gathering! 
    Bring your MTG cards!
    Bronies are encouraged to also bring art, altered/custom ponies, rare blind-bags among other things for the artist ally/black market. 
    Lets have a feast of icecream and food!!

    July 7th at 5pm
    The Colonial Cafe in Elgin
    (600 S Mclean Blvd, it's a couple blocks south of route 20)
    See you there!

    If you can't see the event feel free to join the group here: Facebook Group

    Bronies of NASA

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    Bronies of NASA - Facebook Page

    Bronies of NASA consist of fans who are a part of the various NASA Centers nationwide.  Find Bronies/Pegasisters around your workplace and make your job 20% cooler!

    Colorado Bronies Setting Up Meetups

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    Hey everypony! We at the COBronies (Colorado Bronies) group are hosting a series of meet ups for all the ponies who will be attending the local anime convention in Denver. The convention is September 14th-16th, and we will have lots of fun things planned all across the weekend, with our big meet up on the 15th, and a photoshoot following that! You cam read more about it and follow us (or join us) on our forums here:
    Or here:
    Hope to see you there!
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa Group

    Hello! TicTac here, and I'm looking to start a new meetup group for bronies in and around the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area.
    If you're in the area, and would be interested, please email me at [email protected].
    ~Thanks, TicTac

    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Cadance and Shining Armor Crochet Plushies
    Cupcake Charm Bracelet
    Cutie Mark Charm Bracelet
    Derpy Pillow
    Celestia Pillow