• Morning Roundup #365

    Screwball edition! We need more backstory for her in season 2!

    Have some nightly roundup stuff, including way too many podcasts.

    Also, grats to My Little Dashie from the MLD show for getting engaged! Hope they had some fun last night. 

    Doctor Whooves Adventures Q&A + Recruiting people for their Team!

    The other day, we posted a link to a Q&A For Doctor Whooves Adventures (Starring the musician ponies). The link was broken, so check it here instead!

    Also have some copy paste for their recent call of recruitment:

    We’ve heard your clamoring!

    We know that you want Crossed Wires to be animated!

    And we’re going to do it!!

    We already have an animator picked out. It’s CanaleDoppiaggi, the guy that madethis and this. (Actually, we’re going to pay him. Stay tuned for info on a kickstarter project!)

    But before we animate, we need storyboards! Now calling for an (unpaid) storyboard artist! Draw a picture (or 2 or 3) that could reasonably fit as part of a storyboard for the Crossed Wires short and email it to [email protected]

    Start your email subject like with “Storyboard Artist Audition”

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Edible Stuff

    From goldie5999

    Septem Alae Seeks Voice Actors

    Check out their teaser video here!


    The Lightning Round Episode 5

    This is the fifth episode of my My Little Pony podcast The Lightning Round. I'm gonna tell you the biggest news of the last week and highlight some of the best media.  This week Robot Butterfly and I have an interview with the cast and crew of The Vinyl Scratch Tapes.  And special thanks to Joel Linsk for the wonderful opening theme.  For all the links on this weeks show check out the show notes here


    Sainted Bronies - Derpy Controversy


    UK of Equestria 14

    So this week we were live at the big party in the park meetup in London, lots of community members came on

    A lot of fun was had, and we also created a new question of the week, look out for the dadcast coming hopefully next week


    Stuff of the Week 18 and 19

    Episode 18
    Episode 19

    Cantercast Livestream 

    We are a weekly brony show and are currently on episode 4. We talk about ponies, the brony community, pony news, music, artwork, fimfics, and other geeky stuff.


    Celestia's Spartains

    Hello and welcome to the Celestia's Spartans first ever episode commentary special. This week the crew of the Celestia's Spartans podcast will be sharing their thoughts and feeling as we watch the My Little Pony Episode Ticket Master. This is the first of many to come but don't worry, after broNYcon weekend is over we will be going back to our regular podcast schedule bringing you new episodes every Saturday. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as our spartans have some interesting things to say in this weeks special episode.


    iBrony Radio

    We are iBrony Radio! Serving iBrony.com and the brony community at large, iBR! is home to podcasts, fanfic readings and live events for all good colts and fillies. Join us on the 11th as we speak with ROBCakeran53, author of insanely popular and touching ponific, My Little Dashie!

    Successful Meetups

    Mane6 Cosplay Meetup 

    last weekend I met up with a group of other pegasisters in Bremen, Germany.

    Each of us cosplayed one of the Mane6 (and Spike!).

    We did a huuuge shooting where we also re-enacted certain scenes from the series.
    I cosplayed an anthro-version of Rarity - it was a lot of fun!

    Germany Meetup

    Duesseldorf Regulars' Table ...
    became a Meetup! June 30th was a good reason to celebrate! Along with a Meetup in Ulm, we partied away as bronies.de had its 1-year-anniversary with more than 2.500 registered users. 23 of us went to a beer garden and had early dinner. Four hours filled with hugs, drawings and hilarious stories made us not want to end so soon. Hastily decided we went to play pool/billiard. Around midnight we parted. Next month: big picknick!
    On behalf of all, kind regards to Bronies worldwide!
    - Stargaze @ bronies.de


    St. Petersburg

    Here in Saint-Petersburg, we had our own little BronyCon too ^_^ "BronyVille" initiative began as a part of the grander free-arts festival "Tundik", which had been taking place every summer for several  years in the picturesque rural area near Saint-Petersburg.  Against overwhelming odds (such as immensely painful mosquito bites and lack of proper facilities) bronies of SPb managed to provide fun not only for themselves, but also for numerous guests, who came to visit "BronyVille" after a rather stalwart ad campaign was conducted ^_^ We sang songs and danced, we were able to get a film projector running and to show hand-picked episodes for a cheering audience (aged 3 ad infinitum ^_^), we drank real cider (this is where yours truly got a teeny-weeny bit too overenthusiastic, but meh...), we preached the way of love and tolerance and always got warm smiles in return. In general, we had a lot of fun. Maybe our little fest is nothing to compare to BronyCon, but I personaly think that this is the case when the scale of event doesn't matter that much.  Cheers, everypony!

    Kalamazoo Group

     Italian Meetup

    No group shot have some Pinkie Pie.
    The italian bronies from the www.mylittlepony.it forum actually got themselves a stand: for pony propaganda and spread the pony love! They had cosplays (not as many as wanted, for it was too darn hot!), arts, crafts, all pony-themed! They also spread some "lost pony" fliers with Fluttershy and a link to the website which were pretty successful, as many new bronies joined the herd already.

    Also, Taliesin (one of the three admins) got a Rarity plushie for his birthday, along with more pony stuff. He wanted to make sure Cereal knew.

    Check out the gallery here!


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Stockholm Meetup

    Du är välkommen till en riktig stor fest, i Sveriges huvudstad.
    En lokal är hyrd i Skarpnäcks kulturhus, med gratis inträde. Vi har ordnat pengar från Kulturförvaltningen som kommer betala för hela lokalen.
    I vintras var vi över 80 personer och då var det även en inträdesavgift. Nu har redan 150 personer svarat via Facebook inför denna fest.
    Det kommer ske redan nu på fredag så det är rätt så ont om tid, meddela gärna innan.

    Meddela till [email protected] eller hitta fler Svenska bronies på Facebook: Svenska bronies grupp på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181009408636884
    Trotholmsevenemanget på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/363311643715576 (kräver medlemskap i gruppen)

    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Derpy Pillow
    Pinkie Pie Merch
    Pegachess Commissions
    Pony Hair Sales
    Twilight Plushie