It's been a little while since we've done one of these! Unfortunately Bronycon scrambled things up and got us a little off schedule, but we're all done being/looking at sleepy ponies, so we'll be returning to our normal Friday schedule for convention news after this.
We'll outline the bullet point for you right here as always, but check out all the con news that's fit to print below this delicious, nutritious page break. Mmmm!
- Camaraderie is Supernatural Canterlot Gardens Plans
- The foundations for a new Australian Con - PonyconAU
- BUCK reduces vendor prices and announces two contests
- The Bronycon feedback form
- Galacon - a whole bunch of stuff
- PON-E3 - promo video and schedule
Camaraderie is Supernatural at Canterlot Gardens
Their attendance was already not a secret, but they've released a video detailing all of their plans for the upcoming Ohio convention. Look at it and be educated:
Ponycon Au - Laying the Foundations for an Australian Convention
PonyCon AU, Australia's answer to BroNYCon!
The Facebook page is nearing 600 likes with heavy support from the respective communities, confirmed musicians such as Stablefree, Pinkie Guy, Stormwolf and more! However there's still a long way to go so all hooves on deck are needed by you bronies out there.
For more information:
BUCK - Vendor Prices Reduced, Plus Two Contests!
Vendor prices at BUCK have dropped again. Now it only costs £20 for general entry (instead of £45) plus £20 for your table! Applications have been extended to the 17th July so get your applications in quick!
Linky linky:
Also! Competition time:
We want to get BUCK and/or our mascot Britannia into the media. If you manage this in any way you will be granted TWO free tickets to BUCK! This can be done in many ways... ie: call up BBC Radio and say "Yes I think the problems with Ed Balls is that he hasn't been to the Brony UK Convention on the 18th and 19th of August in Manchester. Then he'd learn to Love and Tolerate and we'd fix this banking crisis already!" send us the recording and the tickets are all yours (I swear to God if anyone does this I will love them forever)
Post your "Media Invasion" BUCK Facebook page, tweet it to us @bronyukcon link it on the UKoE thread: or send it
Go forth valiant Bronies and invade the media with Love and Tolerance!
BUCK is hosting another Competition! It's simple: create a MLP related video. It can be a pmv, a comedy animation, a redub- ANYTHING... We're really setting you loose on this one. All the videos will be compiled together and played at the convention. There are also some snazzy little prizes for this one :P
The video must be up to 4 minutes- no longer!
Nothing rated over PG, BUCK is a family friendly event.
It doesn't have to be made specifically for the confention. If it's a video you've made before you can still send it into the competition!
We've recieved some really hilarious submissions allready so do keep them coming!
To submit your video stick a link on the facebook page, twitter, UKofE thread or email it to
Bronycon Feedback Form Now 35% More Existent
Did you love BronyCon? Did you not like something about BronyCon? Couldn't go, but think you have an idea just from the livestream? Any comments, concerns, suggestions, give them to us! We've gotten a ton of responses through meetup, via e-mail, and we want to hear everyone's feedback, so we've made this handy dandy form for you to fill out to make sure the staff members see your input. We can't guarantee that you'll get a direct response, but if you want to make sure we see what you have to say, this is the place to do it. We've got a link for you below.
Galacon July Press Release
Dear pony folk,
first of all we want to sincerely thank the staff of Burnycon for returning our volunteer coordinator safe and sound. She’s still processing all those unforgettable impressions from the convention and we can say that we’re deep in your debt. Thank you very much for everything!
Special thanks also go out to all supporters over at StartNext. With your efforts, we managed to collect a whopping 5.625,85 € that will bring a couple of pleasant surprises to Galacon. We’d like to especially mention Another Pony, who got his very own moon cannon to get to Stuttgart. Thank you all for your tremendous help!
To adress the #1 complaint we’re getting our mailboxes flooded with:
No, we sadly can’t sell more tickets this year. We promise to expand for Galacon 2013 and are currently looking at doubling the venue size and amount of tickets. Stay tuned after Galacon for more!
Very well, onto the reminders for Galacon attendees:
We got an auction planned that we would love to invite you to! Lots of great art and crafts wait for you.
If you got something to donate, please shoot us an email at auction@grand-galloping-gala.
All proceeds will be donated to Bronies For Good.
As it is tradition for conventions we will have a cosplay contest. It is going to be held on Sunday
and we hope that many of you will attend and maybe even sign up as a contestant!
The contest will be held both in group and single category.
For more information, rules and to sign up, refer to cosplay@grand-galloping-gala.
If you have inquiries regarding getting a ride to Stuttgart and/or a place to stay the night at, you should have a look at our forums - Guests are already organizing plans there. Of course the staff is also avaible for all your questions there, though asking over Twitter might be better if it has to be quick.
Now, regarding your help with the panels:
As you all know, a ponysona can be a very important part of the brony community. Our convention artist Rautakoura has taken on the honorable duty of ponyfying our dear guests Julia Meynen and Anneli Heed. Now we would love to put up a slideshow with all kinds of awesome art of their ponysonas during the VA panel - Can you help out? Send your work featuring the ponysonas and maybe also our ubercute mascot Canni in either via Twitter or! You can also upload to Deviantart, but make sure we get to see it too!
And since this press note can’t close off without the famous ONE MORE THING:
EDEL Records have pushed the release dates of the third and fourth My Little Pony: Freundschaft ist Magie DVDs to the Galacon weekend. This might only sound interesting to German bronies, but fret not, they said they would have a big surprise that would please everyone. We have no idea what it’s going to be, but we are certain it will be 20% cooler.
Until next time and may the weather pegasi bring you lots of sunshine!
Yours truly,
the Galacon staff
PON-E3 Promo Video Released
Over at Equestria Gaming we recently released a video on our upcoming Pon-E3 event. It lists most of the projects that we will be showcasing at the event (excluding the ones in the compilation sections) and gives the dates and times for the event, which starts at 6:00am PST on July 13 and ends at 6:00pm PST on the 14.
The video itself can be found at , and a fairly detailed schedule at . We also made a very brief post on our website, which can be found at .