Canterlot Gardens seems to have snagged another VA from the show, this time securing Nicole Oliver! Check out their press release on this and other developments after the break.
Canterlot Gardens Announces Nicole Oliver, Grey Delisle, and more! The Epic Tale Of Canterlot Gardens, Part 4.
First of all, check out this awesome video that Camaraderie is Supernatural did for their appearance at Canterlot Gardens!
Also – If anyone missed it, founder of Canterlot Gardens Klisk Midori attended the Evo2k tournament this weekend in Vegas on behalf of Mane6 to present Fighting is Magic at their very own booth. In case you missed the livestream, it has all been archived on the Fighting Game Bronies channel. It includes one match of Dacidbro(Twilight) vs. Klisk(Rarity) at the 6:17:00 mark – That's right, the stream went for over 6 hours! Thanks to Dacidbro for trying the game out. The entire event was a blast, and we can't believe how many people made it out to play the game. Thank you all – Klisk said that he couldn't stop smiling the entire time just seeing how happy the game made everyone there to play it.
We would also like to remind everyone that we have a discount rate for our hotel. Use group code EQU while registering on their website for a nice discount. $79 USD/night! Here's a link to make things easy: Holiday Inn Strongsville Reservation Page
Oh, right – The big one!
That's right – We are formally announcing The Princess herself Nicole Oliver for appearance at Canterlot Gardens! We soft released her live at Bronycon on the Everfree Radio livestream, but now that Evo is over we are ready to give her a proper release to the community. Nicole has been so enthusiastic about our event, so we owe her many thanks. Much like the other VA's, she will be available for panels, autographs, and more fun and interaction that we promise to provide at Canterlot Gardens.
Furthermore Grey Delisle, perhaps best known as Betty and Linda on the Powerpuff Girls, Wonderwoman on the upcoming Faust project Super Best Friends Forever, Oyuki in Afro Samurai, Vicky in the Fairly Oddparents, the Female Wizard in Diablo III, Mandy in The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Azula in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Frances, Duchess, and Goo in Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Catwoman in Arkham City, and many voices in the Misadventures of Flapjack, Chowder, Harvey Birdman, and even the Mass Effect series. Not to forget that she did the voice of the Ice Queen in the rule 63 episode of Adventure Time, Fionna and Cake.
Psst, by the way... Did you see Andrew W.K.'s new limited parody t-shirt? Oh, that guy... He's one brony that knows how to party hard. We were as surprised to see this one as anyone else.
Canterlot Gardens would also like to shout out their thanks to EQLA - We had a great time hanging out with them the other weekend.
Canterlot Gardens, the premiere My Little Pony community convention in Ohio takes place on September 28th through the 30th – Pre-registration is open now on our website, Canterlot! Canterlot Gardens hopes to provide the best experience for the MLP community, not only within the My Little Pony fandom itself, but also outside the community by providing entertainment that cross-overs with our fandom's common interests. Make sure to check out our forums, twitter, and facebook!