Another week means another Blast from the Past heading your way! Today we've got some more pony history for you all to enjoy, so sit back, relax and have some fun.
As always, I am in constant need of suggestions for this feature whether it be fanfics, artwork, videos, articles, ect! So be sure to send me your ideas to my email at or just send me a tweet to my new Twitter account: @CalpainEqD
Check out all the nostalgia after the break!
Race Like Rainbow Dash
Released in July 2011, Race Like Rainbow Dash was the first in a line of videos highlighting each member of the main six. They proved to be very popular for being short, yet exciting videos that gave everyone's favorite ponies a chance to shine!
300 Ponies
Continuing the trend that ponies truly mesh with anything comes this pony trailer created back in March 2011. Mashing together the movie 300 with ponies may seem sort of odd, but it worked and served as a shining example to others of what a pony trailer done right could look like.
Brony Hitler Saga
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Click to see the first part |
In the last Blast from the Past post, I mentioned how Youtube links to episodes were reported by some nefarious people last year causing the videos to become unavailable. In classic fashion, the fandom reacted quickly and was not afraid to mash ponies up with memes in order to poke fun at the situation.
One such video series born from this era was the Brony Hitler series, spoofing the movie Downfall by changing the subtitles to create a pony based plot line. Following the dismay of Brony Hitler as he reacts to the take down of pony videos, the series gets progressively more interesting as it goes on. The first video was posted in March 2011 and is worth checking out!
NPR's Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me! - Bill Clinton and Seth
During the start of last summer, various media outlets began to finally take notice of the fact that pony was spreading all over the internet. One such outlet, NPR (National Public Radio in the US), had one of their programs, 'Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me!', contact Seth for an interview, looking for soundbites they could use in a game the show has called 'Bluff the Listener'. Even though the show is meant to be funny and not too serious, it's amusing to see back then how careful we had to be when giving quotes for interviews!
You can find the link to the original article from June 2011 here.
Not more than a week later, the show was at it again with ponies! This time asking Bill Clinton a few quick questions about them in order to test his pony knowledge. To see the silliness for yourself, check out the original post here.
Equestria Girls
Last, but certainly not least, of our videos today is the video that showed us how much the Hub really cared for the fans out there. Yep, I'm talking about Equestria Girls! Can you all believe it has been over a year since this awesome ad hit the airwaves? Released in May 2011, the Hub exclusively gave the video to EqD before it aired on TV!
With a single video, the Hub was able to prove that they did know about us and cared about how much we loved MLP. Not only that, but it provided a perfect pick-me-up after learning about Lauren Faust's departure from the show as executive producer earlier that same month. While I'm sure many of you have seen this one, it's worth checking out again! Go watch it now for old times sake!
Blast from the Past Drawfriend
This Day in Pony History - July 14, 2011
A post highlighting what would happen on the first ever Brony Day goes up on EqD, showing off what the fandom had planned to celebrate the occasion! Just look at all that stuff!