Story update time! We have 6 this time around. Check them out below.
Story: Banishment Decree (Update Part 9!)
Author: Chuckfinley
Description: My name is Gilda. I used to be a griffon warrior, until I got banished. When you're banished, you've got nothing. No clan, no funding, no gold watch and no friendly job reference. You're stuck wherever the Griffon clans aren't.Banishment Decree
You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone still talking to you. A speed-freak ex-marefriend. A megalomaniac illusionist who's middlemare for the Equestian Intelligence Service. Family too, if you're desperate.
Bottom line is, as long as you're banished, you're not going anywhere.
Labels: Adventure, Author: Chuckfinley, comedy, Crossover, Gilda, Grimdark, Rainbow Dash, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Windfall (Update Story 2 Part 13!)
Author: Warren Hutch
Description: This story involves a time skip of about 5-7 years after Season One. Twilight and her friends have remained close despite life taking them in different directions, and they come running when it comes time for Fluttershy and Big Macintosh to have their first foal.Windfall
Labels: Author: Warren Hutch, Big Mac, Caramel, comedy, Complete, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Everypony, Normal, Shipping, Spike, Spitfire, Star-5, Story, Zecora
Story: Order-naries (Update Story 4, Part 15!)
Author: C. Theron Vulpin
Description: A normal day in Ponyville is shattered by the arrival of four strangers on a mission to stop an ancient evil from making Equestria the latest in a series of ruined worlds. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are caught up in the search for seven magic gemstones that hold the key to Equestria's survival, or its destruction.Order-naries
Labels: Adventure, Author: C. Theron Vulpin, Celestia, Complete, Everypony, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Spike, Star-5, Story
Story: A Friend of the Night (Update Part 8)
Author: Shotoman
Description:A Friend of the Night
It's been a few weeks since Luna's returned from the moon, and all is not well. She's become more introverted than ever, rarely leaving her room and obsessing over work. Celestia hopes that studying Twilight Sparkle's Friendship Reports will at least help her get out of her shell, though an unusually talkative servant may just help in that regard...and is anypony else getting strange feelings from that statue out in the gardens?
Labels: Author: Shotoman, Celestia, comedy, Discord, Incomplete, Normal, Other, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story
Story: Much Ahoof About Nothing (Update Part 5!)

Author: Butterscotch Sundae
Description: It's springtime in Equestria and Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia find themselves out of sorts despite the gorgeous weather. Luna and Rarity both think they know the reason behind their moodiness and set out to make sure that true love blossoms - but will an unfortunate misunderstanding keep the two star-crossed lovers apart forever?Much Ahoof About Nothing
Labels: Applejack, Author: ButterScotchSundae, Celestia, comedy, Everypony, Incomplete, Rarity, Shipping, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Tales of the Winter Magic Academy (Update Part 39!)
Author: Storytayler
Description: Twilight and eight fellow unicorns from Ponyville enroll at Princess Luna's revived school for advanced magic studies. Best known as the Winter Magic Academy, the establishment is located on an ancient island of mysterious history since Luna's banishment over 1000 years ago. While the ponies think they're in for simply a semester of intensive magic studies, they will encounter much more than they initially expect through personal struggles and mysterious misadventures.Tales of the Winter Magic Academy
Labels: Adventure, Author: S. tayler, Colgate, Incomplete, Luna, Lyra, OC Ponies, Pokey, Slice of Life, Star-6, Story, Twilight Sparkle