Yep, Calpain here with some sleeping ponies. Have I gotten predictable yet? At the very least I can afford to stay up late and report the news to you guys as I have officially turned in everything for my Masters program and am free to pony with you all this summer.
So time for some news! Why is it when PK needs maintenance these things get longer? It's a conspiracy I tell you!
Watercolor Painting Giveaway
Looks like a water painting contest has popped up recently! If you're interested, check the copy paste below:
Hay, everypony!
Tall Tail here.
The team over here at My Little Pony: Roleplaying is Magic would like to announce that our first Watercolor Painting Giveaway is now open! Over the next month, to help us get together the bits to allow our globally-scattered team to come together at conventions (and to help us cover hosting costs and fund future development), we're holding a drawing! For every dollar donated during the drive, a donator gets one 'ticket,' and on July 20th we'll randomly determine two winners based on these tickets--the more someone feels like donating, the better the chance of winning, but it only takes one ticket to enter! The winners will be given their choice of one of the three watercolor paintings from the My Little Pony: Roleplaying is Magic, Season Two Edition game book!
To enter, head over to and use the "Donate" link on the right-hand side. Remember to include contact information with your donation, so we know how to get in touch with you if you win! The giveaway ends July 20th, and as a special 'thank you' to those awesome people who have donated already, if you've previously donated to us, you've already got tickets entered in the drawing! If you don't have the bits to donate, or simply would rather not, don't worry--we still want you to have a shot at winning one of these gorgeous paintings! For a 'no purchase necessary' entry, send an email to TallTailTellsTales@gmail.
Filly Synctube
Filly is having another Synctube Marathon event for the MLP episodes! Check out the links below to find where you need to go!
MLP Music is War Update
Finland Newspaper Reports Ponies
Two Finish newspaper have reported on the Brony phenomenon! You can find the articles here and here, but check out below for the respective translations.
Internet Craze Lands in Finland
Pastel-colored My Little Pony -plastic ponies galloped onto the shelves of toy shops in the 1980s. Little girls fell in love with the toy ponies, from which many movies and a cartoon show were made. The newest incarnation of the show Friendship is Magic aired in the United States of America in October 2010. Target group for the show were originally girls aged 3-6 and their mothers. Friendship is Magic started spreading into the Internet and reached out to an unexpected crowd, men aged 15-30. The men who watch the show call themselves ponittaja (ponyer) or brony, which comes from the words bro (veli) and ponies (ponit). There are also women in the brony community, but they are a clear minority. Nelonen (Channel four in Finland) will start airing Friendship is Magic in August on the commercial Family channel. Nelonen and Helsingin Sanomat are part of the Sanoma corporation.
Little Ponies are Charming Young Men
In a My Little Pony meeting young men discuss ponies, draw ponies and watch pony cartoons.
Helsinki News
Ossi Uusitalo, Tapio Tiiri, Robert Nevanen and Mikael Kiivanen have met each other through their pony hobby.
"190 euros offered! Are there any raises?" asks the auction house keeper.
Ossi Uusitalo, 20, who is clad in blue sunglasses, is clenching his fist and shaking.
Currently in auction is a Chrysalis pony plushie. The toy is unique, because it is crafted from another pony.
Uusitalo wants that specific toy in his collections. He ponders for a long time and then bids 200 euros.
Nobody answers the bid. When the hammer hits the desk, Uusitalo raises his hands and shouts: "Yeeaah!"
Uusitalo is still shaking. He finds it hard to believe that he's won the Chrysalis pony toy.
Uusitalo is practical training in the university hospital of Tampere and 200 euros means a weeks pay for him. Chrysalis is Uusitalos favorite pony, however, so he doesn't mind.
The auction is a part of the ponymeet organised in Helsinki Actioncenter Happi in June. Almost a hundred 20-something males came to the meeting, all connected by the love for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Pony-related t-shirts and pins are teeming among the crowd in the event. Men are discussing ponies, draw ponies and watch pony cartoons. They sate their thirst with coke and eat muffins to satisfy their stomachs. They have got to know Friendship is Magic in the internet, where the show has captivated young men all over the world.
The organiser of this ponymeeting is Juho Karila, 21, who encountered the phenomenon a year ago on an internet forum. He watched a couple of episodes out of curiosity. Soon he noted that he had watched the entire first season of ponies. Almost all the bronies share the same tale: a couple of episodes and you're hooked. The men are enticed by the quality and positivity of the show. The script, the animation, voice acting and songs are all high quality. "The show differs from other modern television programs, that are full of madness, suffering and violence. I like the positivity in ponies", says Karila. The ponyfigurine collecting Karila owns over seventy different pony toys. He wants to buy a rare Princess Luna plushie at this evening's auction that another brony is selling due to money issues.
There is a small pony in a t-shirt with the text "You don't like ponies? Seriously?" The shirst is worn by the youngest participant in the event, Aleksanteri Kupi, 13. "I wear the shirt in my basketball training. My pony hobby doesn't bother my friends", tells Kupi. All bronies are not so open about their hobby, because they are afraid the reactions. A pony shirt during the day wearing Mikael Kiivanen, 22, understands their fears. "A man is supposed to sit in a sauna and drink beer. If you're different, you'll get your ass kicked." Kiivanen thinks bronies are an opposite culture to modern media. Their motto is love and tolerance. "For a brony it's important to accept different people and their views."
Charity is also a major part of the fan base. In the United Sates, bronies made an album that tells about ponies. The record was downloadable from the Internet at a price you decided and the profits were given to charity. Kiivanen himself paid 50 euros for the album. One of the more anticipated events of the meet is the quiz. "What are the parts required to make a love poison?", asks the quiz host SilverTongue. His real name is Heikki Eerola, 22, but they don't use their real names in meets. Bronies engage in fast conversation on the Internet forums and know each other better by their nick names. The participants of the quiz write fown their answers: "A piece of cloud, a feather of a pegasus and the shine of a rainbow." Ponymeets are organised four times a year and between them bronies make fan art, remix songs and craft pony toys. This meet ends with a big auction, with the most anticipated toy: Princess Luna plushie. Karila fights for Luna with another man, but eventually wins with a bid of 450 euros. "I could've spent the money worse, I could have gone to a bar. At least now, I won't be hungover", laughs the happy winner.
Ossi Uusitalo, 20, who is clad in blue sunglasses, is clenching his fist and shaking.
Currently in auction is a Chrysalis pony plushie. The toy is unique, because it is crafted from another pony.
Uusitalo wants that specific toy in his collections. He ponders for a long time and then bids 200 euros.
Nobody answers the bid. When the hammer hits the desk, Uusitalo raises his hands and shouts: "Yeeaah!"
Uusitalo is still shaking. He finds it hard to believe that he's won the Chrysalis pony toy.
Uusitalo is practical training in the university hospital of Tampere and 200 euros means a weeks pay for him. Chrysalis is Uusitalos favorite pony, however, so he doesn't mind.
The auction is a part of the ponymeet organised in Helsinki Actioncenter Happi in June. Almost a hundred 20-something males came to the meeting, all connected by the love for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Pony-related t-shirts and pins are teeming among the crowd in the event. Men are discussing ponies, draw ponies and watch pony cartoons. They sate their thirst with coke and eat muffins to satisfy their stomachs. They have got to know Friendship is Magic in the internet, where the show has captivated young men all over the world.
The organiser of this ponymeeting is Juho Karila, 21, who encountered the phenomenon a year ago on an internet forum. He watched a couple of episodes out of curiosity. Soon he noted that he had watched the entire first season of ponies. Almost all the bronies share the same tale: a couple of episodes and you're hooked. The men are enticed by the quality and positivity of the show. The script, the animation, voice acting and songs are all high quality. "The show differs from other modern television programs, that are full of madness, suffering and violence. I like the positivity in ponies", says Karila. The ponyfigurine collecting Karila owns over seventy different pony toys. He wants to buy a rare Princess Luna plushie at this evening's auction that another brony is selling due to money issues.
There is a small pony in a t-shirt with the text "You don't like ponies? Seriously?" The shirst is worn by the youngest participant in the event, Aleksanteri Kupi, 13. "I wear the shirt in my basketball training. My pony hobby doesn't bother my friends", tells Kupi. All bronies are not so open about their hobby, because they are afraid the reactions. A pony shirt during the day wearing Mikael Kiivanen, 22, understands their fears. "A man is supposed to sit in a sauna and drink beer. If you're different, you'll get your ass kicked." Kiivanen thinks bronies are an opposite culture to modern media. Their motto is love and tolerance. "For a brony it's important to accept different people and their views."
Charity is also a major part of the fan base. In the United Sates, bronies made an album that tells about ponies. The record was downloadable from the Internet at a price you decided and the profits were given to charity. Kiivanen himself paid 50 euros for the album. One of the more anticipated events of the meet is the quiz. "What are the parts required to make a love poison?", asks the quiz host SilverTongue. His real name is Heikki Eerola, 22, but they don't use their real names in meets. Bronies engage in fast conversation on the Internet forums and know each other better by their nick names. The participants of the quiz write fown their answers: "A piece of cloud, a feather of a pegasus and the shine of a rainbow." Ponymeets are organised four times a year and between them bronies make fan art, remix songs and craft pony toys. This meet ends with a big auction, with the most anticipated toy: Princess Luna plushie. Karila fights for Luna with another man, but eventually wins with a bid of 450 euros. "I could've spent the money worse, I could have gone to a bar. At least now, I won't be hungover", laughs the happy winner.
In Defense of Bronies
The good people over at Tor have written up an article in defense of bronies. It's worth a look so check it out here!
Pony Treats
Once again we have pony related treats coming at you! Why must I be made so hungry so late at night!
Dead Island Facebook Posts Ponies
It looks like the pony has spread into Dead Island as their Facebook page has recently posted some ponified versions of characters from the game. Check out the screen and links below!
Link to the Picture Referenced
Ryder White Pony
Ponies Show up in Entertainment Weekly
Ponies have recently showed up in Entertainment Weekly thanks to Andrew W.K. as the magazine gives a quick blurb on his recent agreement to show up on a panel for MLP.
New Chess Piece!
Our chess set brony continues his quest to finish off his chess pieces. Check out his latest progress below:
Hydra Chess Piece
The Ponibooru Gang Invite you to a Movie!
Long before EqD I was a very active on Ponibooru and made friends with a lot of the people that hang out there. One tradition Ponibooru had before the shutdown was a movie night where regulars would rip on movies in a Rifftrax style fashion. Basically it was an excuse to sit back, relax, and make fun of movies in general. Now that Derpibooru is the new home for many of Ponuibooru's old residents they have decided to help up their doors and ask people to join in on the fun! Check out their press release below on the movie they are showing tomorrow night.
Copy Paste:
The spirit of Ponibooru lives on! On Friday night (22nd of June, 7PM EST or Saturday midnight BST, 23rd of June) we'll be holding our next Livestream film! Follow the link to below to watch this week's special feature "Existenz", starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jude Law, Ian Holm, Willem Dafoe, Don McKellar, Callum Keith Rennie and Christopher Eccleston. Your hosts for the evening are Ponibooru stalwarts:-
Harlequin Jester
We're not prompt, so you have a bit of time to grab some popcorn. All you need to do is go to:
We hope to see you there!"
BroNEcast X Episode 10
Hey Everypony,
Well it's been a fun ride, and it's been leading up to this. The official tenth episode of BroNEcast! BroNEcast X - Rainbow Dash teaches Sweetie Belle to fly!
Join all your favorite members of the BroNEcast as we discuss the fate of the CMC in Season 3!
-Laugh Track
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Zagreb Meetup
Copy Paste:
Reminder for Saturday's meetup at Technical museum, near Cibona Tower, 2pm, Entrance is 15kn (10 kn, if there are 10 or more of us)
picture for event:
thank you
Kentucky Anime Convetion
Copy Paste:
Anime convention July 6-8 in Shepherdsville (near Louisville), Kentucky. While MLP isn't a primary focus of this convention, there will be a Brony panel from 6pm-7pm on Friday, and the supply of bronies will not be scarce. For further information, check out .
Knoxville Bronies Rent out a Theater
Copy Paste: The Knoxville bronies group has decided we might rent out a theater for a pony marathon. We are inviting anyone who can make it but stress that there might only be a 150 seat Max. If we choose the cheapest theater. We are on facebook and I am the admin Sam Parsons and I will be glad to answer any questions!
Thank you
Sam Parsons
Anthrocon Draws 300 Bronies
One of the bigger conventions out there has drawn quite a few pony fans!
Check out their writeup here: Writeup
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Queen Chrysalis Plush
Shining Armor Plush
Loki Plush
CMC Badge
Fluttershy Plush