This roundup... It's lacking something! I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyway, have a bunch of podcasts, meetups, and ebay links!
And Lyra to make up for it.
Stuff of The Week Episode 16
Youtube Page
UK of Equestria Episode 12
Copy Paste:
So this week we had The Publicty Manager of B.U.C.K on to talk about recent developments in that convention with us. we also named the winners of our art contest and asked a video game inspired question of the week
iTunes Page
Forum Thread
Flim Flam Chess Piece
It's About time
Dragon Quest
Hurricane Fluttershy
Ponyville Confidential
Successful Meetups
Illinios Meetup
No copy paste here!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Leeds Meetup
Copy Paste:
Leeds (UK) meetup, 16th June! All information can be found in the poster, and you may follow us with the links below!
Ponies of War Moving to New Forum
Hello I am Shadow the founder & leader of the Ponies of War gaming community. We've been around a while now ever since the Battlefield 3 BETA started & have grown to be a semi large Brony gaming community. About a month ago we moved to a new host & web address for our forums
Our new Forum adress is here.
Bronies of the Desert Meetup
Bronies of The Desert are having a meet up this coming Saturday! We'll be meeting up at Victor Bowl in Victorville around 4:00 PM. We'll do a few rounds of bowling then possibly go to the Toys R Us and the Hot Topic nearby. More info is on the flier and our Facebook page. This is also our first official meet up.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Giesha Fluttershy Painting
Rainbow Dash Bed
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