We have some... odd stuff in tonight's roundup to say the least. So, go check it out!
Ponies made out of Cereal, and bacon!
Apparently these things are 100% edible. I'll take 7 for my next Vegas highrise EQD party.
And that is bacon!
Such swag
Lets Blind Episode 19
Micheal Brockhoff and Laurent Malaquais Interview
Hello everypony! Qcom here and tomorrow Sunday the 3rd at 7 eastern 6 central we will be having a chat with Michael Brockhoff and Laurent Malaquais the producer and director of the bronycon documentary here on Celestia Radio! (ponify.me) Along with questions from myself and you all, we might be having call-ins from people that have a unique talent in the brony community or are from outside of the US to help get them feedback for their huge project!
Please be sure to tune in and give us questions! See you then!
UK of Equestria #11
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This week UkofEquestria went over 1000 members, our hosts and three of our staff celebrated this
and went off topic in a spectacular fashion, we also announced our art contest, and the prizes that can be won
Chess Pieces: Changeling Applejack, Changeling Commander
Applejack Video
Commander Video
Successful Meetups
Minnesota Meetup
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DC Meetup
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The DC Bronies met at another library, making Twilight proud. As has become the usual, around 50 were in attendance. They went over Bronycon logistics (look for us there, and @DCbronies), had a sing along that headlined a Flim Flam brothers act and enjoyed the awesome weather at a nearby park. And to top it off, there was chocolate rain on our cake!
Tulsa Meetup
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Merch/Ebay Stuff
Chrysalis Plush
Kazka Press Bronies Anthology
Twilight Plush
Fluttershy Plush
Doctor Whooves Sketchbook