I'll (attempt) to keep this updated as new panels show up on Youtube. Consider this the "megapost". EQD tends to move pretty quick with the whole hourly update thing, so I'll keep this headlined at the top so you don't lose all the ones we have posted!
Day 1
Bronycon Opening Ceremony
Musicians in the Morning
Animation Panel
Behind the Voice
Friendship is Witchcraft (The Panel was primarily the episode, so hit this until it pops up!)
Lauren Faust
Double Rainboom
Equestria Daily Panel (Hard to hear, we had really bad audio issues)
Day 2
Amy Keating Rogers: Smile Smile Smile
Costume Contest and Photoshoots
Closing Ceremony
John de Lancie Q&A
Psychology of Bronies
Bronycon 2012 Interview with John, Lauren, and TaraShare This!62 Comments
We have a whole pile of upcoming animation projects on the way, as well as several awesome ones already available. This one is dedicated to all those hard working artists out there, from those with dreams of releasing a full fledged fan made episode, to the ones the ones that are more interested in two to three minute shorts.
All parts are once again livestream quality for those that missed it earlier. Higher quality will be posted as it becomes available.
Animation Panel Part 1
Animation Panel Part 2
Animation Panel Part 3
Animation Panel Part 4 -
Double Rainboom had it's very own panel for the show. The beginning was cut off, but the final 21 minutes are still intact. You can find a link to it below!
Double Rainboom Panel -
You have seen their music uploaded to EQD countless times, and now you get to see a select group of them talk about it for the good people at Bronycon. The musicians panel also clocks in at four links for now in livestream quality, but we will update all of these posts as better stuff comes in!
Have some links:
Musicians in the Morning Part 1
Musicians in the Morning Part 2
Musicians in the Morning Part 3
Musicians in the Morning Part 4 -
We have a ton of stuff coming in from Bronycon, and will start filtering it out throughout the week. Someone sent us three parts of the Behind the Voice panel in glorious SD livestream quality but I'm sure a bunch of you missed it, or want to discuss it!
Have some links:
Behind the Voice Part 1
Behind the Voice Part 2
Behind the Voice Part 3
Behind the Voice Part 4
Behind the Voice (Full)
And a bonus Nicole Oliver interview. -
We have a different kind of album to start you all off with today. This one is a compilation of a huge group of lesser known musicians in the fandom all contributing to a single album. There are some pretty awesome tracks in here, you should probably go give it a shot! Their teaser is after the break.
We also have a few more albums as well, from rock to a full Beatles album remake. Click the covers for them!
ALL the important ponies.
Have some art! We only used the submissions this time, so if you drew something awesome then send it over or it will be missed!
It looks like a live interview is going to pop up on Celestia Radio with John De Lancie here at Bronycon. Have some copy paste information below!
Dashie of My Little Dashie, in cooperation with Purple Tinker of The Old Grey Mare, is delighted to bring you an interview with JOHN DE LANCIE, beloved voice of Discord (and Q) and spokesdraconequus for BronyCon: The Documentary. This interview will be brought to you live from the BronyCon con venue in beautiful Seaponycaucus, Moo Jersey!
And it's over! thanks for joining us!
The fun starts at 10 PM Eastern, Saturday, June 30, 2012. It will be hosted on Celestia Radio. Save the time! -
We had an Octavia shirt pop up on Welovefine, and Scratch/DJ Pon-3 has been canon forever, but now we have a card that actually combines the two! Octavia especially is a pretty huge one. I'm sure the cards will flood the internet in the next few days based on how many are floating around at Bronycon, and they definitely have more cool stuff like this planned. Hope you guys are ready to collect!
Thanks to Limechan for the image.
(Added some Time Turner!) -
Music Remix: Welcome To Ponyville (Finally There Remix) / Smile, Smile, Smile - Orchestrated / So Many Wonders Rock!
by Sethisto
We have a couple of remixes this time around, going with the classics instead of the season finale stuff for once. Check them out below!
1.) Welcome To Ponyville (Finally There Remix)
2.) Smile, Smile, Smile - Orchestrated
3.) So Many Wonders Rock!
It's been awhile since we spotlit the above comic, When we first did some months back it was barely a chapter long, but since then it has grown to encompass four chapters and is still growing! Click above to be sent to the comic's main page.
I also have a couple of other comics for you guys as well! Check then out below.
Some really cool news is coming out the pipeline from our friends at Bronies for Good. They've written an impressively eloquent press release, so rather than doing my usual thing and talking them up for you, I'm going to let them do it in their own words:
What’s Canni doing at that lectern? She’s auctioning wonderful artwork, plushies, customs, collector’s items, and much more—all for charity!
However, this photo is from the future, from August 12th this year. For her charity auction to become a grand success, we—Galacon and Bronies for Good—depend on your artistic skill and generosity!
If you have it in your heart to donate anything that you think might get some bids (and thus bits), please contact auction@grand-galloping-gala.eu . Thank you!
The money raised (apart from a minor security margin of 1%) will benefit our Seeds of Kindness fundraiser and thus an orphanage in Kampala, Uganda. The orphanage is already taking good care of many children whose parents have died of HIV/AIDS, offering them a new home and a new family. Currently, they have to pay a high rent, though, so they have everything planned out to build their own house, where they would not only save the rent but could even expand to accommodate at least fifty children. To ensure that this new safe haven, the Safe Project, will be self-sufficient in the long term, they want to start a small chicken farming business, the returns of which will be invested into food for the children, their general well-being, and of course their education, to ultimately open the doors for them to a new, brighter future.
If you, dear reader, should happen to be one of the esteemed creators of our beloved show, then this shout-out is also and especially going out to you! Thank you again!
A Few Reminders
- The end of this month, midnight of June 30th, marks the deadline after which we will determine the top donors for Seeds of Kindness, and thus the lucky winners of these prizes.
- My Little Remix is already working on the next charity album, Faithful and Strong. If you are a musician and would like to contribute a track to the new album, please see this thread.
- For Faithful and Strong, we are also looking for material and digital gifts for our donors, so digital art and wallpaper packs are just as welcome as customs, paintings, scarfs, and plushies. You can reach us at broniesforgood@gmail.com.
I had a few people request that I toss a post up strictly for Bronycon discussion, so here you go! Talk about what you are seeing in the livestreams, or if you are here, share your experiences when you find some downtime! -
Author: iisaw
Description: Twilight devises a way to end a certain threat against Equestria, once and for all. She attempts a powerful, dangerous spell and, unfortunately, everything goes exactly as she plans. Her actions aren't driven by the purest of motives, and her disillusionment leads her down the road to dire consequences. . . a road somepony has walked before her.
Hooves of Clay
Additional Tags: Twilight deals poorly with disillusionment.op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: iisaw, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Luna, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I was going to make Cereal do this one, but he fell asleep. It looks like the promo card for Bronycon attendees will be none other than Rarity! Look at those eyes, Rarity is clearly best pony in that respect (though Pinkie Pie's come close!)
And that concludes the card releases! These things look like they are going to be a ton of fun once they officially drop. With all of our meetups it probably wont be too difficult to trade into a full set either.
Also inb4 30 dollar holocharizardSpike.
And of course, check out the pre-orders on Toywiz here! -
It looks like all you people that bought the Friendship Express now have an upcoming extra train set to continue your track! And alicorn fans have a another set with Cadence, Luna, and Celestia all in one. Have some Copy Paste information from Whatshisgame:
- Crystal Princess Ponies Collection: “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna believe that Princess Cadance will bring happiness to the Crystal Empire!” Put up by hahashuan on Taobao; discovered by MrPony on MLP Arena. This set is where the Cadance-sized Luna that’s been floating around on Taobao and eBay comes from, and it also tells us more about the Crystal Empire than just “Welcome to the Crystal Empire, a magical place full of hidden secrets! The ponies shine and sparkle here!”
- Friendship Express Train Around Town Playset: “All aboard the Friendship Express Train! Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom have tickets to ride the train. It rolls along—around bends and over bridges—and takes them wherever they want to go!” This one actually popped up legitimately, from the Australian store Big W. It’s listed on their website, and Oak23 and an Anonymous (the two of whom posted a few of the attached pics) on Ponychan have both found it in Big W stores IRL.
I used to have a group of friends that would bug me constantly about Berserk. I never did get into it though. I've heard its pretty popular regardless! It also has giant swords, which is always fun. This is actually a multi-parter with 7 pages currently. Start here and continue in the description!
And if you love seeing Applejack cry, have some sad Applejack below.
It looks like Tara Strong has claimed yet another brony idol for the Twitter herd! Lauren Faust has officially signed up for an account. She needs some followers though! You know what to do.
Comic Con just got even better! It looks like The Hub will have motivation posters up for grabs, each depicting a different pony and their specific awesomeness with a quote at the bottom to finish it off. Head on over to Geekscape to check out the full set of them! -
Catching up on today's news, so expect a few to pop up. As most of you know, Tomorrow is the official start date for Bronycon. We have two services up and running to stream it for all of you that can't be here in person.
We also have one happening tonight, going by the name of the pre-Bronycon Concert. You can find that one here!
Anyway, continue on after the break for tomorrow's livestream information!
Welovefine recently ran a Facebook poll asking who your favorite pony was. The top three at the end turned out to be Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy. In typical Welovefine fashion, it's time for a contest!
Each pony has a separate one initially, with awards running everywhere from 500$ for first prize and 100$ for three runner ups, but on top of that, the 5 winners in each category will be forwarded up to a finale contest for a prize of a whopping $3000 bucks! It sounds like you vector artists and designers have your work cut out for you!
Each pony's page and their specific sections can be found below!
Twilight Sparkle (Guest judge Tara Strong Herself!)
Twilight Sparkle is the unicorn pony with the mighty power of magic, and a brilliant head on her shoulders too - who doesn't love her?! Ponyville's cleverest magical apprentice and the leader of the Mane Six has many fans, and we just know all of you will come up with cool designs featuring her! Oh, and how about a totally Twilightlicious guest judge to boot? - that's right, we've got the one and only Tara Strong joining us to choose our judge's pick! So fans get your creative minds ready and get your designs started!
Fluttershy (Guest judge Andrea Libman!)
Rainbow Dash (Guest TBA!)
So you're a Fluttershy fan, huh? It's hard not to fall in love with the gentlest, kindest pegasus pony in Equestria - she might have a tiny, soft voice but she's got an enormous heart, and her sweetness is totally endearing. Plus, kind to animals - how can you not love that?! She's just delightful, and we are sure that all of her fans will come up with some awesome designs for her own contest. Meanwhile, who else could we get to be our super-special guest judge for a Fluttershy extravaganza than the actress who provides her voice, the wonderful Andrea Libman! So fans get your creative minds ready and get your designs started!
Okay, loyal Rainbow Dash fans - it's time to take to the skies and submit some awesome designs that are at least 20% Cooler, if not MORE! If you just can't get enough aerial acrobatics from the brash, high-flying tomboy pegasus with the rockin' rainbow mane, now is your chance to soar and create some truly terrific designs. Guest judge TBA.
Good luck guys! -
A long time ago in a blog post far far away, we posted about an in-progress rough map of ponyville that actually did a pretty good job of interpreting the episodes and placing buildings accordingly. Season two completely changed it all though. The creator of the first one has redone it to reflect the Equestria we know now.
It's not the prettiest thing to look at, but it does do a good job of staying accurate to the show. Someone get this guy a 3D artist and convert it into a Google Earth mod! (Does Google Earth have mods?).
You can find all of the maps on his deviant art page, or at the specific links below:
Plain map
Labeled map
Photo Guide
He also created a guide to all of the buildings we have seen in Friendship is Magic so far. Check that out here! -
[Dark] [Slice of Life]
Author: DawnFade
Description: Applejack recounts the events surrounding her cousin's death to an interested stranger over a bottle of hard cider.
A short tale of unspoken retribution, wild-west style.
The Assassination of Braeburn by the Coward Dirty Rich
Additional Tags: Apple Flavoured Justice Served Cold -
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
drawn beyond the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
I hope you're still not ready for words in your music, cause there's a lack of them here! Today we have a Rainbow Dash, a Discord, and something about Appleoosa. Enjoy! I'm probably on a plane pretending to be Rainbow Dash anyway.
1) Gravey - Dreamin' in the Skies
2) Legion - Discord's Game
3) Muffinz - The Battle For Appleoosa
Pipe Cleaner Ponies Return!
by Calpain
Our neighborhood pipe cleaner pony crafter returns to us with more awesome creations! I still can't believe you can actually make such elaborate pieces from nothing but a really fuzzy wire. Check out Ponycrafter's goodies after the break!
Music: Your Princess Enjoys This! // Harmony // Twist & Clank, Watch your flank! //
by Cereal Velocity
All you will know-
give me your heart-
give me your soul!
I'll tear it apart,
so long as you'll never let me go!
Instrumental time for the musics that don't have of those word things! We have a Luna, a drum and bass, and the fourth part of the MLP:RPG soundtrack! Enjoy!
1) Your Princess Enjoys This! - Peacock
2) DerpyCrash - Harmony - Liquid DnB
3) Twist & Clank, Watch your flank! (MLP:FIM RPG Soundtrack)
[Sci-fi] [Dark]
"This story is a prime example of adaptation done correctly. It respects the source material, but adds enough flair of its own to be an enjoyable work in its own right."
- Pre-Reader who likes sky pirates
Author: Zero Zivan
Description: A recounting of the story of Sunny Town inspired by Story of the Blanks, with permission from the author.
Origins of Sunny Town
Origins of Sunny Town Part 2 (New!)
Origins of Sunny Town Part 3 (New!)
Additional Tags: Adventurous, dark, mysterious, scary, creativeop 2:00 PM
Labels: Applebloom, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Luna, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Time to buck some apples! This DDR style game designed by Egophiliac, White Tail, and Texel will have you mastering those arrow keys better than you ever thought you could!
Head on over to this page and play it. -
That was me before eqd and its loads of sitting lolol
They also asked me a bunch of questions to sort of provide a balance between the old and new. As most of you probably know by now, I was never in to the old ponies.
Anyway, I'll quit blabbering. Check the article out here! -
This is an awesome PMV. It is also an awesome pony song! Clearly the two are going to create some kind of space-time continuum warp that causes season three to come out a few months early! Prince Whatever, ISMOFepicly, and PMV artist ThrashChrist need to collab more.
Anyway go listen to it. Or watch it above, it's your choice. I'm not going to stop you. -
by Calpain -
What? No, I didn't choose this because there's an Antipodes comic in it. What would make you say tha- Hey! Look down there! Roundups!
Yarr, that be a Derpy Matey, arggg.
Equestria Inquirer has released another episode! Infos after the break with video, and PDF here!
"We're playing the blame game in this week's issue of the Equestria Inquirer. LttMoose says that Spike is to blame for Shining Armor's new facial tattoo. Truthy says he's to blame for capturing a Changeling spy. TechRat says Pipsqueak and Featherweight are to blame for Mr Cake's horrible injuries (indirectly, anyway). And Joe says Derpy is to blame for....well, pretty much everything else. It's an entire issue of hilarious blaming, and if you miss it you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Oh, and be sure to check us out at Bronycon! We're hosting the EFR Livestream with live coverage from the convention floor. Tune in on Everfree Radio!" - TechRat
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