Story update time! I still have that fanfic song stuck in my head from the other day. That and the Trixie one are both ridiculously catchy.
Anyway, invade some stories after the break.
Story: The Emotional Illness (Update Story 2 Part 7!)

[Normal] Spoiler: I've never watched Dr. Who.
Author: Tarkana
Description: A strange sickness has infected nearly everyone in Ponyville. It seems there is no hope for a cure - until Twilight stumbles across a strange blue box...The Emotional Illness
Labels: Author: Tarkana, Complete, Doctor Whoof, Everypony, Normal, Star-4, Story
Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Sequel Part 14!)
[Adventure] [Tragedy] Fanart after the break!
Author: Mindblower
Editor: Nine
Illustrator: Denial
Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.Envy and Arrogance
Labels: Adventure, Author: Mindblower, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Scootaloo, Star-5, Story
Story: First Week of Winter (Update Part 5!)
[Crossover] [Grimdark]
Author: Relaxing Dragon
Description: Twilight and company are sent by Princess Celestia to check up on an old student of hers who hasn’t been heard from in a while. Heading out to a remote part of Equestria, the girls arrive to find an ancient and unknown horror, one that’s just about ready to be unleashed…First Week of Winter
Labels: Author: Relaxing Dragon, Crossover, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Spike, Star-5, Story
Story: Octavia Takes The Bus (Update Chapter 8!)
[Slice of Life]
Author: TheDorkside99
Description: Her car's a mess, and so is her life. What better way to start making sense of the cruel world than to take the city bus? Octavia is in for a bumpy ride as she journals her observations and feelings about using the Equestrian Transit System. What will she discover? Only one way to find out!Octavia Takes The Bus
Labels: Author: TheDorkside99, Incomplete, Octavia, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story
Story: My Choices: Twisted Tales Through Time (Update Part 6!)
[Normal] [Adventure] [Friendshipping]
Author: Koolerkid
Description: On secret assignment from Princess Celestia herself, Twilight investigates a powerful magical artifact for clues to the mystery of Luna's transformation in the evil Nightmare Moon. Incautious use of the artifact sends Twilight hurtling back in time. Can Twilight discover what caused Luna's transformation? And will she ever make it home again?My Choices: Twisted Tales Through Time
Labels: Adventure, Author: Koolerkid, Celestia, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, Shipping, Star-6, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle