Story updates coming in swarms as usual. Check them all out below!
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Story 2 Part 18!)

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: The Breaking Point
Labels: Adventure, Author: Visiden Visidane, Celestia, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: The Parliament of Dreams (Update Sequel Part 10+11)
Author: Wheller
Description: It's been a hundred years since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were overthrown, and the Equestrian Republic was founded, a hundred years since anypony has gotten a cutie mark. So what happens when a completely ordinary pony living in the Republican Capital City of Ponyville wakes up one morning and discovers that one has appeared on her flank?The Parliament of Dreams
Labels: Adventure, Author: Wheller, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story
Story: The Night That Never Ended (Update Chapter 20!)
Source |
[Grimdark][Adventure] More Adventure!
Author: BronyCray
Description: Twilight enlists the help of Rainbow Dash to aid her with a new spell, but new magic can be unpredictable.
Special thanks to unitoone for the new art!The Night that Never Ended
Labels: Author: BronyCray, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Nightmare Moon, Rainbow Dash, Star-6, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Perquisition (Update Part 11!)
[Adventure] OC ponies! Have an Oc pony.
Author: Diexna
Description: In an unknown new world filled with mysterious and unexplored dangerous ruins, the story follows Sketch and Kickbolt, two explorers, as they slowly but surely uncover the history explaining what happened in this world. And more importantly, why the pony folk suddenly was brought to it just a little over a century ago.Perquisitiom
Labels: Adventure, Author: Diexna, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story
Story: The Final Quest of Star Swirl the Bearded (Update Part 7)
Author: John Perry
Description: Today he is known as the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era, the inventor of many a useful spell and the mentor to one of the most important figures in history. But for all his magical and scholarly achievements, there is another side to Star Swirl the Bearded, a political ideology that many of his contemporaries sought to bury and forget. This is the tale of the last journey of one of ponykind’s most unusual figures and the role he played in the events that led to the founding of a nation.The Final Quest of Star Swirl the Bearded
Labels: Adventure, Author: John Perry, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story
Story: Head Full of Cotton Candy (Update Part 9!)
Author: TheManWithTwoNames
Description: It is the responsibility of a king to care for his people and maintain order in his kingdom. That shouldn’t be much trouble for a ruler as powerful as Discord, right? With his faithful and insecure advisor at his side, the draconequus sets out to explore his new world and personally see to it that peace reigns in Equestria.Head Full of Cotton Candy
However, the ponies want nothing to do with their frightening new ruler, and the unamused Spirits of Equestria aim to drag the Spirit of Chaos away before he can cause any more harm. Can the Spirit of Chaos be the ruler Equestria needs? Or is he truly doomed to become the monster he is seen to be?
Labels: Adventure, Author: TheManWithTwoNames, Discord, Incomplete, Screwball, Star-5, Story
Story: Diary of a Foalsitter (New Part 2!)
[Slice of Life]
Author: Hivemind
Description: Just before leaving for her honeymoon, the newly-married Princess Cadance finds her old diary in her clothing dresser, filled with memories long forgotten, where she then recounts on those happy days as Twilight Sparkle's foalsitter.Diary of a Foalsitter
Labels: Author: Hivemind, Cadance, Incomplete, Normal, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle