Four story updates tonight! Find them below.
Story: Deus Ex: Equine Revolution (Update Part 3!)
[Grimdark] [Crossover] [Sci-fi]
Author: Melon Hunter
Description: Truth is the first casualty of war.Deus Ex: Equine Revolution
The world is in flux; new ideals, groups and technologies permeate every level of society in this age of discovery. The field of augmentation has allowed ponies to improve themselves in ways that were unthinkable a generation ago. Yet, for every benefit, there is an inverse. A griffon civil war rages on the borders, feeding the profits of mercenary companies. Rising populations have forced the rich and poor ever further apart. Harmony is dying.
Mortally wounded after a fatal attack on her laboratory, an earth pony researcher is augmented against her will and sent out into a chaotic world in search of answers. But as her quest unravels this chain of events, she discovers an ancient conspiracy that will shake Equestria to its very core.
Labels: Author: Melon Hunter, Bonbon, Colgate, Crossover, Grimdark, Incomplete, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Sequel Part 12!)
[Adventure] [Tragedy] Fanart after the break!
Author: Mindblower
Editor: Nine
Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.Envy and Arrogance
Labels: Adventure, Author: Mindblower, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Scootaloo, Star-5, Story
Story: The Immortal Game (Update Part 18 / Title Change!)
Author: AestheticB
Description: Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a powerful King and his dark Queen. Immortal and ignorant, their end came at the hooves of their daughters, Celestia and Luna, who sought to build a better future for ponykind.Ponies make War
Now ponykind’s old gods have returned.
Twilight Sparkle is trapped inside her own mind, slave to a cruel and impulsive consciousness built from everything she is not. Powerless and voiceless, she must find a way to stop the being that calls itself Nihilus from destroying everything she holds dear.
Luna is tasked with assembling the remaining Elements of Harmony in hopes of freeing their leader. For if ponykind is to have any hope, it is in Twilight Sparkle. And if Twilight Sparkle is to have any hope, it is in her five friends.
Facing her father in mortal combat, Celestia must do everything she can to ensure that ponykind has the tools to survive before she falls. With inevitable defeat bearing down upon her, she makes the first move in the oldest and deadliest game known to creation.
Labels: Adventure, Author: AestheticB, Celestia, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Star-5, Story
Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (Update Part 45!)
Source |
Author: Somber
Description: Forced into the life of a security mare, Blackjack is far moreFallout Equestria: Project Horizons
interested in eking out what fun she can in the dim halls of Stable
99. All that changes as she becomes enveloped in a plot that not only
endangers her stable but the remaining world as well.
Labels: Adventure, Author: Somber, Crossover, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-6, Story, Update