It's roundup time! Fluttershy in Armor is here to guide you to all sorts of neat stuff. Check it all out below!
Pinkie Pie Travels the WORLD!
Pony Tattoos
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Seems like its becoming a trend! I'm totally not doing it though, so don't turn it into a right of passage. Those needles are scary.
Short Pony Blurb in Hey Ocean Interview
Another one! These guys get a ton of interviews. There is a bit about MLP in this one near the middle. Check it out here!
Pony Room
So much pony...
Harrowed Crown Dramatic Reading
BronyComms Update
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Another week, another commentary from Shadrow and Fertro!
Today, Shadrow wants to become leaner and meaner, and Fertro extorts this for money.
Somewhere along the line, they sit down and make a commentary.
Chess Pieces Continued!
Rainbow Dash
Friendship is Madness
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Friendship is MADNESS celebrated it's (approximate) anniversary with a special transrape of the first fanfiction we ever read. :)
Successful Meetups
Perth Meetup
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Illinois Meetup
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
We are hosting a My Little Pony Party at Dark Matter Anime in Sioux Falls, South Dakota! There will be food, fun, prizes games, a raffle and LIVE DJ and RAVE!!! The party starts at 11:00 a.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m. The party is July 3rd .
German Brony Group
Singapore Group
Hello! Welcome to the Bronies Again - Singapore group. We have three goals: post pony, uphold the values of MLP and build a close-knitted community centred in Singapore. We have a max cap of 250 members and we accept mainly Singaporean bronies, but others could apply as well. Two things you must note: you mustn't be idle and you must not reveal the existence of our group to those who don't know yet. If you want to join, just contact me by adding me as a friend on Facebook under "Alex NeƩ Bon Mot". Have a great day!
Tera Online Brony Guild
Server: EU PVP server "EN - Samael"
Name: My Little Pwny
Contact: Fluttershy
Rockstar New Lunar Republic Group
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Solar Empire Patches
Roseluck Plushie
Knitted plushie Sales
Pony Trading Cards