We here at Equestrian Innovations like to make sure that your Roundups are optimized for maximum enjoyment. Through work conducted in our underground research laboratories we can now safely say that this Roundup tonight has been infused with at least 17.28% more science! Don't worry, the tingling you may be feeling is perfectly normal and is certainly not the result of a deadly radiation meant to stimulate you into liking the Roundup.
Time for some news while I gather data on this scientific endeavor!
City of Heroes Pony Reference
Apparently in the keynote online presentation for City of Heroes a possible reference to ponies has popped up on an ingame movie poster. Ponies really do seem to be taking over everything. Is it even a surprise at this point?
To check it out for yourself, you can find the picture under New Annual Event at the website here.
Derpy Needs to Get a Driver's License
Poor Derpy, driving a car just isn't for you.
Philippine BronyCon 2012
In the Philippines it appears that their version of our BronyCon was a huge success with much fun had by all. Check out the copy paste below for the whole scoop plus links to pictures and video of the event!
Copy Paste:
On March 31, 2012 The first ever Philippine Bronycon was held and it was, in many of the attendee's opinions, The Best Night Ever! There were many bonding activities as well as several games including a Pinata of Trixie wherein she was smacked by a Baseball Bat of Murder Death. There were also many merchandising booths, including an almost Applejack-like stall which sold Apple Pies, Cakes, Cupcakes and more. The artists were active as well, doing on-the-spot commissions and teaching us some tips on how to draw Ponies. The Pony Chorus also did their rendition of songs from the show, including Smile Smile Smile, Winter Wrap Up, Art of the Dress, Friendship is Magic intro remix, Giggle at the Ghosties, So many wonders and more. At the end of the night, everypony just partied like Pinkie and we ended up breaking 3 Wine Glasses of the Hotel where we held the con. HERP DERP. All in all, the con was a Great and Powerful success for us and we all had the time of our Brony Lives.
If ever you see Princess Celestia, please thank her for us.
peteian's Photo Gallery of Photos from the recently successful Brony Con here in the Filly-pines:
Philippine Bronies on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/phbronies/335565709826096
Video coverage of the Con by Equestria Rave Radio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTagwVK288w&list=UUNHNzaBGv0Yl6jHrkzVAQoA&index=1&feature=plcp
Robot Rainbow Dash Tattoo
Crush, Kill, Destroy, Swag!
Familiar Faces Review Swarm of the Century
Looks like another pony episode has been reviewed by Familiar Faces! If you're interested in checking it out you can find the video here.
Pony Chess Set - Changeling
This guy is crazy fast making these things! For the finished photos check them out on his tumblr here.
Another Pony Reference in Runescape
Yet another pony reference seems to have made it into Runescape with the mention of 'Elements of Harmony'! We reported before in the Roundup some months ago of their use of '10 seconds flat' and combined with this little tidbit it makes you wonder if there really are a few pony fans on the staff running Runescape. Check out the use of the 'Elements of Harmony' below.
Can't Have a Roundup Without Some Cake!
My-Little-Plushie Contest
As the person in charge of plushie compilations on EqD, I'm pleased to bring this little tidbit of news to you all! The My-Little-Plushie group on DeviantArt is currently holding a plushie contest and is asking for people to participate. Check out the copy paste below for details:
My deviantart group, My-Little-Plushie, is running a contest for pony plushie-makers. The theme is "Your Ponysona". The entries will be judged on creativity as well as skill, and we have some nice prizes. Could you mention on one of the news round ups? I'd like as many people to get a chance to enter as possible. The rules are here:
Successful Meetups
Jakarta, Indonesia
Their Facebook
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Cal Poly Pomona Looking for More
Copy Paste:
Hi there, over at Cal Poly Pomona we've started up a small unofficial brony club. Our group is appropriately named Bronies of Cal Pony Pomona. We had a successful season 2 finale screening and have more events planned for the future. Here is a link to our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/
We are currently seeking out more members and would appreciate it if you could help us get the word out.
Charlotte, NC Group
A new group from NC has sprung up and plans to launch their website for fellow NC bronies to check out in a day or so. You can check out the website here.
Hoosier Hooves Brony Society
An Indiana meetup, eh? At least these meetups are getting closer to where I live.
Check out their Facebook page here.
Runescape Brony Group Looking for Players
I actually played Runescape a very long time ago for awhile with some friends of mine. If you're interested in joining up with a brony centric clan check out these guys who are looking for more dedicated players.
Bronies of Runescape
Cookeville, TN Meetup
Copy Paste:
Location: Cookeville, TN
Cici's Pizza, 541 S. Willow Ave.
We're definitely looking for more members, so even if you've already left Cookeville since the semester ended please at least join the group so we can see how many of us there are.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Mousepads