• Final Call for Video Submissions for Thank You Ad

    Over at the Brony Thank You Project site, the reminder/last call for video submissions has been released.  If you wanted a chance at being included, check out the information below and follow the relevant links for assistance with it!

    Copy Paste:
    This is just a reminder that the deadline for submitting videos for possible use on the Thank You Ad is June 1st.  At this point, if you are planning to submit a video but haven't, we'd love a heads up so we know how many videos to expect in the next week, so please drop a note to submissions@bronythankyoufund.org.

    Also, if you would like to submit a video, but don't have the technical know-how or equipment, drop a line to the same address and we'll try to hook you up with someone in your area that can help.  If you live in New England, I can probably drop by myself.

    People we're especially looking for:

    Military bronies
    A parent and 6-13 year old brony pair

    You can get all the details on the submission process and a copy of the final script at: http://www.bronythankyoufund.org/?q=node/2