Instrumental Music: Countdown to Darkness / Chasing the Spectrum / Chrysalis' Battle Theme / RiffTastic
by Sethisto
Looks like Chrysalis is coming back. We have two of hers in here!
Have some instrumentals. Genres can be found next to their specific tracks.
1.) Radiarc - Countdown to Darkness (Orchestral/Battle)
2.) ProfoundTwi - Chasing the Spectrum (Drums and Bass)
3.) Chrysalis' Battle Theme (Flute/Orchestral)
4.) Dipi11 - RiffTastic (Trance)
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We have been running with Pre-reader Q&Neighs for a while now, and some of you have requested that we get the old admin ones going again. Bronyville has agreed to help us with that! Using their years of podcasting experience, they hope to reshape them into something much more entertaining for all of you. From now on, they will be both monthly, and broadcasted over a livestream channel for everyone to bug us on.
And what do we need from you? Questions! Drop some in the comments below. I know you guys have some, I have to clear our 50+ a day at my personal email after all! Ask anything, be it pony/episode related or EQD/Blog related. You can target any of the blogponies, be it Cereal, Phoe, Calpain, or whoever else you can think of!
Bronyville also has episode 56 out for you all to chew on. Information on that, as well as the Q&Neigh, can be found after the break!
I swear that first one sounds like minecraft. I've been told it's not though. It did however make me want to play minecraft, so I think I'm going to go do that.
Have some instrumental stuff!
1.) Nameless Warning - Dashie [VIP] (Piano/Trance/House)
2.) DJ Tailshaker - Derpy all around (Electronic/Dance)
3.) Luna's Blessing (Night Theme) (Piano/Video Game)
4.) JoltMc - Rising (Electronic)
Comic: The Forgotten Element / Lack of Imagination / Trixie vs Nightmare Moon / Recording in Progress
by Sethisto
We have the first 5 pages of a multiparter above (check the description on the DA page for all of them), two Pinkie Pie + Twilight Sparkle being ridiculous comics, and Trixie vs Nightmare Moon. Click for full!
Plushie Compilation #63
by Calpain
Trixie using Twilight as a bench edition because you know Trixie would totally do this if she could sit like Lyra.
Plush pony abound in another plush compilation! Check them out after the break.
Source 1
EQD really needs a beach banner, and I really need to find some time to go to the beach.
Have some art !
Source 1
It looks like Toywiz has a few more of our August focus ponies up for pre-order. Lyra and Trixie can both be found with a release date of July. Each comes with a copy of Lesson Zero (Aka the best episode), as well as your normal pony accessories.
There are still no signs of Zecora or the planned Nightmare Moon bundle, but at least you can pick these two up soon!
Check out the store pages below:
(Note: The links were giving me some trouble, hopefully it's just my router being ridiculous. They can both be found using the toywiz search as well.) -
It looks like a brand new Humble Indie Bundle was released today, and this time around they are going all out on the titles. All of them are critically acclaimed, amazing games, that you guys probably should go buy and play right now. Hell, Amnesia even has a pony mod.
As is the norm for these, the Humble Indie Bundle project is once again in full swing. We need to top the charts, and the only way to do it is to donate!
Have some information on it after the break from Cupcakes Nom on how you can help out this time around!
[Comedy] [Slice of Life]
Author: Zay-el
Description: When a clash of planetary proportions drives the Royal Sisters apart, Twilight Sparkle must find a way to make them reconcile with each other.
Additional Tags: Royal trolls are best trollsop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Zay-el, Celestia, comedy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
That first one definitely brings back some nostalgia from those good old ending credit rolls. What ever happened to having more than just boring words scrolling past the screen? Video game companies used to care!
Have some YTPMV's
1.) Pony Land II - Credits
2.) Scorching Cadence
3.) A Canterlot Fanfic
Music Remix: Winter Screw Up / BBBFF - Remix (JoindTheHerd) / Friendship is Magic (Brex's Remix)
by Sethisto
Winter Wrap Up? Been a while since we saw anything relating to that one. I don't know if that one can be specifically called a remix considering most of the vocals are custom, but it's still following the Winter Wrap Up beat.
We also have another BBBFF and a general Friendship is Magic track. Find them below!
1.) Winter Screw Up
2.) BBBFF - Remix (JoindTheHerd)
3.) Friendship is Magic (Brex's Remix)
It looks like the wave 4 blingbags that went up for pre-order a while back in Europe are starting to pop up in actual brick and mortar. The one pictured above was found specifically in Belgium at a store called Bart Smit. This is the set that first introduced Trixie as Lulamoon, Caramel as "Chance a Lot" and Colgate as Minuette.
And as a reminder, you can find a full identification chart for all of them here!
Now go grab some blindbags! Thanks to Nyerguds for the heads up.
[Adventure] I love badass Twilight so much...
Author: Cyanide
Description: Twilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest magicians in the world for the Moonstone Cup, a prestigious award for the most powerful and skillful magicians, unicorn and otherwise. Can she win? What sort of competition will she face?
The Moonstone Cup (New Part 16+Side Story+Epilogue!)
Additional Tags: Magic, Tournament, Dragons, Rumors, I'm a hero?op 5:39 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Cyanide, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Star-6, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle -
40 of these? That's crazy. I would have burned out after just 10! They just keep getting better too!
Check out the actual issue here, and the video after the break.
Copy Paste:
The 4th All-Freelance Issue of the Equestria Inquirer! All content is reader-submitted material! Thanks to all the freelancers who submitted to make this issue possible. Join us next week when the regular crew returns for Season 2 of the Equestria Inquirer!"
Story: Pinkie Prefers her Pasta Plain ... and Phluttershy her Ponies a Pretty Pink
by Cereal Velocity
[Random] [Shipping]
Author: Adcoon
Description: The mere thought of Pinkie Pie having a day where nothing happens threw wide the Pancelestial Passages to Pinksanity and produced this tall tale of culinary adventures and true love instead! -- In other words, Pinkie Pie invites Fluttershy over for pasta and wheatballs. Grab a fork and join in, the sauce is about to get real!
Pinkie Prefers her Pasta Plain ... and Phluttershy her Ponies a Pretty Pink
Additional Tags: Food Fight, Pinkie Pie Style!op 10:00 PM
Labels: Author: Adcoon, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Random, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
Welcome to The Pre-Readers Q&Neigh Round Stable Episode 2, Revenge of the Questioners edition.
We had a packed stable this weekend, with 5 ponies giving their answers and 2 more egging them on.
Join Siraj, Kits, Nines Tempest, The Mechanic and Vimbert (with special guest Knighty) as we seek answers to life's persistent questions, after the break.
It looks like the deadline for the ad campaign is coming to a close pretty soon! The guys running it are planning a charity raffle project to celebrate it's success. Check out the press release below, and find their website here!
With a day and a half left in the Brony Thank You Ad campaign, we've raised over $16,000! But rather than go out with a whimper, we want to go out with a bang, and send a really nice check over to the folks at Toys for Tots! So, we have a special last-minute offer. Donate at least $10, or donate at least an additional $10 if you've given, and you'll be entered into a drawing for an custom plushie (your choice), created by the awesome plushie makers over at Brony Express (http://sillybulldog.
deviantart.com/ ). We'll start counting donations made after starting at 5PM Eastern on May 30th, and will announce the winner after the campaign closes. -
Author: Lucky Dreams
Description: Luna thinks of a novel way to cheer up a distraught Sweetie Belle...
Paint the Sky with Stars
Additional Tags: It's O.K. to make mistakesop 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Lucky Dreams, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Rarity, Star-5, Story, Sweetie Belle -
Woah, Wooden Toaster AND H8_Seed? I'm still recovering from the tsunami of remixes of their last tracks, this is going to be scary!
Have some awesome new vocal electronic stuff after the break. From the description, it looks like it's supposed to be sort of a sequel to Rainbow Factory. The quote:
He wrote the lyrics as sort of a spiritual successor to Rainbow Factory; as the story goes, a worker has an epiphany and tries to redeem himself in the eyes of the normal world.
You don't feel like reading though do you? This isn't a fanfic post! Go listen to it after the break!
We have a bunch of random stuff popping up lately on the merch side of things. Pony really is becoming the next Sponegebob! (Don't kill me!)
First off, we have a new series of books based around various episodes popping up in Luxemburg for 5€. The two above are Call of the Cutie and Ticketmaster, and clock in at 25 pages each. They look pretty high quality compared to what we usually see in pony books! I wouldn't mind a set in English. Thanks to Beck for the images.
And in second place is a Derpy Belt. Remember back when you guys all freaked out and thought she was dead? Turns out Hasbro has been working on Derpy Merch for months. That Taobao Comic Con Derpy popped up almost half a year ago. I still get save Derpy emails and hate messages for not pushing the hell out of the website for it.
Hot Topic also has Crystal Ponies in stock. These have been relatively difficult to find for a while now. I have a review up if you guys are curious about them. Hopefully they finally complete the set. I remember Applejack and Rarity had some planned, but still haven't seen them hit shelves anywhere. Thanks to Ginger Snap for the heads up on both the belt and chrystal ponies!
And in the last slot, we have a simple 20 piece pony puzzle. This particular one was found at a convenience store in Saskatoon, Canada for a measly 2 bucks. Thanks to sen555 for that one!
More images of the books can be found after the break.
If you guys find obscure pony merch in your various countries of residence, remember to send it off to submit@equestriadaily.com! It's hard to keep track of what we have and have not posted, so toss it anyway!
(More after the break)
It looks like Toywiz is jumping ahead of everyone with the full set of Series 3 Blind bags available for pre-order. This is the set that includes colts+shiny metal looking ponies.
Oddly enough, their release date says January 2012, but I'm pretty sure they don't have time machines in stock, so you can probably expect to pick them up later in the year!
Check out the full pack here, or small sets here.
They also have wave 2 for those that didn't grab them on Big Bad Toys a few weeks ago. Find those here and here!
Thanks to Travis for the heads up! -
Blast from the Past #4
by Calpain
Hey everyone, it's that time once again for another dose of nostalgia. That's right, it's another Blast from the Past heading your way! Ready for a little pony history?
There have been some questions about whether or not I will do fanfics at some point and the answer is yes! I've talked with the prereaders and they are coming up with a list of old classics for you to chew over in future editions.
As always, send any suggestions be it music, videos, games, fics, ect to: calpaina@gmail.com
First Video: The Elder Scrolls VI: Equestria
Released in February 2011, this video became one of the first, if not the very first, pony video game trailers to go viral and spread pony to all corners of the internet. Hitting the front page of the video game blog Kotaku (and many others) and even Bethesda's own blog, this video was one of the first to show that pony vids could appeal to those outside of our cozy little fandom at the time.
There is no doubt about it, people just love to ship these ponies. I don't know if it stems from the old 4chan days, or the lack of male characters (though with season two, you guys have no excuse), but the majority of the couplings are still mare/mare.
A lesbian focused blog going by the name of Autostraddle attempted to delve into it and figure why exactly this is the case. It's actually a pretty entertaining read, especially if you share my complete confusion on Twilight and Rainbow Dash are apparently soul mates in half the shipping fics out there.
Anyway, check the article out here!
And in the comments below: What are your views on all the girls on the show having romantic interests in each other? Are you a fan of shipping in general? -
Confound these tall images. The thumbnails just never do them justice.
Time for some art! Check it all out below.
Source 1
For what it's worth, the Derpy toy that we previously had rumor-tagged (but was still available for purchase anyway) has been confirmed totally factual by USA Today's sideblog Pop Candy. You can find the article here.
We just totally made a toy, didn't we?
Looks like she won't only be at Comic Con either. East Coast bronies should be able to pick one up at the My Little Pony Fair. Prices at both venues are $19.99. -
New banner featuring a pony that's not the best pony made by Cereal.
We also added 50 more lost banners to the compilation, for those looking to complete their collections.
I sometimes wonder why Trixie still has so much of a place in the fandom even after such a huge gap between episodes. Then I remember she is awesome. Have the second installment of the Turnabout Storm side story; The Other Side, starring Professor Layton and Miles Edgeworth with The Greatest and Most Powerful Equine who has ever lived!
Comic: No Fate But What We Bake / The Greatest Drug / Friendship is Magic / Watching you, Watching me
by Sethisto
A tsunami of comics here for you all tonight! First off, we have ridiculousness, coffee, friendship, and Trixie being sneaky. Click them all for full!
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