• Equestria Daily Logo Contest

    Would you like to be the artist that creates the logo that becomes Equestria Daily's official logo?! All you need to do, is design a neat looking EQD logo, and send it on over to this page.

    There are a few rules though:
    • The logo must not have any actual show assets, Silouhettes of ponies are OK so long as they are generic, and not recognizable as the characters featured in the show.
    •  You cannot use licensed font (usually the requirements for these are listed in the locations you download them from).  Most built-in fonts are fine, and of course creating your own letters works as well.
    • These will most likely be used for actual shirts that are for sale, so you will need to sign creative agreements if you win the contest.
    • No Gore/Saucy images as always. 
    Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, lets move on to the winners and prizes!
    • First place: $75 from us, and a free shirt of your design 
    • Second and third place: $25 from us, and a free shirt of your design 
    • All three will be used for shirts, with links to your art sites on the actual store pages.   
    That's right, we have prizes for once!

    The deadlines and dates for everything can be found below:

    Submission Period - 4/20 - 5/3
    Rating Period - 5/7 - 5/20
    Winner Announcement - 5/25 - (Geek Pride day, because we are all geeks at heart)

    As is the norm for EQD, creativity is always a plus. So there you have it! Have fun with it!   I can't wait to see what you all think of!

    Head on over to the Contest Page to enter!

    • Note: Make sure you check out the submissions rules, as the typical 1000x300 EQD bannner will not work for this
    • Note 2: This is for a logo, not a banner.  We always accept banners, so send em over to the submit box, it is pretty strict on quality though!

    They also released a Trixie Nouveau shirt for all you people uninterested in logos and contests. Find that below cause it's awesome.

    Who's the best pony? You're the best pony Trixie!