• Story Updates April 6th (Morning)

    Story updates, you know the drill!

    Story: Guardians of Magic (New Part 3!)

    [Romance] [Comedy] [Crossover] [Adventure] [Human]
    (Ignore the star rating-Use the archive/Label rating instead) 

    Author: Shire Folk
    Description: When dark creatures begin appearing in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna summon the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot. Before the six ponies can arrive, though, four strange ponies are expelled from a portal that appears in the throne room, and they explain that Equestria is not the only place at risk from these creatures. Thus begins an adventure that will reveal a greater destiny for Ponyville's librarian than she could have ever dreamed of. Kingdom Hearts/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover. Pairings undisclosed.
    Guardians of Magic

    Story: What Separates (Update Part 15!)


    Author: Zurock
    Description: An effort to analyze, explore, reflect on, and understand several real world concepts and themes by echoing them off the more harmonious ideals and reality of Equestria. In story, this is driven by a human soldier's arrival there, and the struggle of both sides to understand not only the physical nature of the others' reality, but the heart behind it as well.
    What Separates


    Story: Pony Gear Solid (Update Part 6!)

    [Crossover][Dark][Normal] Yep, I think we have officially crossed over everything at this point. 

    Author: Posh
    Description: (Metal Gear Solid crossover) "Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Now, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent this monster from unleashing a nuclear catastrophe."
    Pony Gear Solid

    Story: Night Guards (Update Part 6!)


    Author: Raugos
    Description: At first glance, Princess Luna's charioteers might appear to be little more than Royal Guards dressed in festive apparel for Nightmare Night. However, there is far more to the story than that - the Night Guards once played a pivotal role in the history of Equestria, and have sacrificed more for their beloved princess than most ponies are even aware of.
    Night Guards