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Ponies on German Radio
the German radiostation "Fritz" (http://www.fritz.de/)
broadcasted a radio talkshow about My Little Pony and the fandom. Some
Bronies from the Bronies Germany community were queued in live via
telephone (E.g. Daniel, the administrator of the "Bronies Germany"
They talked about internet fandoms, MLP and they played Pony- and Bronymusik in this show.
show is organized by the CCC (Chaos Computer Club) and was aired on
2012-04-26. Now the recording of the show is online (Downloadable at http://chaosradio.ccc.de/ cr178.html). Also EQD was mentioned :) )
A short article about this show is published on our blog: http://bronies-germany. de/my-little-pony-chaosradio/
Pony Easter Egg Appears on Site
If you go to http://railslove.com/ and type the Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, ENTER), A bunch of Pinkie Pies start marching and playing the Parasprite Polka song.
I could do this all day.
Cake is the only thing that can quiet the constant screaming in my head.
Brony Documentary Needs Help
Check out this here copypasta.
You know Paleo? He makes episode reviews and did that 40-minute video about why the show is so good. He also does Pony Discussion. He is working with SaberSpark (the guy who makes the best pony videos each month, voted by the community) to make a Brony documentary. But he needs help:
They're going to need a little funding for the documentary:
Wouldn't YOU like to see this get off the ground?
My Little Poker Night Needs Help
My Little Poker Night is a fan-made
game project inspired by Poker Night at the Inventory. Our intention
is to make a game where one may play no-limit Texas hold 'em with the
Mane Six, including voice acting for all the characters. The finished
game will have numerous lines of dialogue for the Mane Six to say in
different situations, as well as short conversations for them to have
during play.
The project is still in its infancy at
the moment, and we are currently in need of a few more writers! You
can apply by sending an e-mail to the Chief Writer, James
Fitzmaurice, at [email protected]
– you don't need any experience, but if you have any please be sure
to note it in your e-mail, especially if you've written for a game
before or have written fiction involving the Mane Six.
Voting for April's Top Pony Videos
Fanfiction Poll
A new poll has popped up regarding your favorite fanfictions! Would it be bad if I voted for myself? Check it out here.
Australian Bronycast MMORPG Livestream Event
The Australian Bronycast is taking questions for the wonderful people that are making this game and we'll be having some news on some beta play of Episode 1 from the game so there will confirmation on that too.
Also we'll be show casing some of the artwork that was made for the game and hopefully have some of the artist on from the game design's of the builds and such along with some Sprites being shown that have been made.
Email Questions in at Australian_Bronycast@hotmail.
Also we take LIVE questions in the Livestream chat too http://www.livestream.com/
The time is 1:30omm on Sunday, (19 hours behind if you in the states and I don't know where else what time it'll be for all you brony's when you get in to watch and listen to the many jokes and such)
Also that 3 day mareathon really did a number on me seeing as I could only show 24 episodes of season 2 along with Hasbro Australia trying to stop me from showing the Season 2 episodes, *knocks on Hasbro Australia's Office doors* WAKE UP in there everyone has seen season 1 and season 2 of MLP FiM so go and jump for all I care.
They really did try to stop me but i sent them an email back saying that everyone in Australia has seen the Season 1 episodes before they even came to Australian TV, (pay-tv like Foxtel and such). Not to mention the whole Season 2 episodes too also we are looking for anyone to send Hasbro Media and DHX Studio a email so that we can get permission to for another mareathon before Season 3 starts.
Elements of Charity
There is an event thats going to be hosted at out stream tomorrow. Here is all the info.
Babble with Bronies
Greetings everypony!
On this episode of Babble with Bronies, we are finally going to get our interview with Brony State! Stop on by and get your questions answered.
It starts at 3:00 pm CST USA (1500 hrs) (UTC -5 with DST) on April 28th
Find the interview here on our website: http://babblewithbronies.
And of course, if you have questions, feel free to email me at: [email protected]
Hope to see you there!
Successful Meetups
Palm Desert
Hey guys, thought I'd share some pictures and a video from a Palm Desert meetup that myself and other bronies attended in California. It wasn't too big, but still a lot of fun.
Gallery here, youtube video here.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
North Texas
The bronies of N. Texas are hanging out at a LAN gaming center all day Saturday. We'll be playing Minecraft, TF2, GMod, or whatever suits the collective fancy. I'll also be bring my laptop stuffed with all kinds of pony media for display and play on their equipment. Should make for a fun day!

Alaskan Bronies
Facebook group here.
Guild Wars 2 Guild Update
Game: Guild Wars 2
Guild: Equestyria Daily [EQD]
Home World: Jade Quarry (membership is open to characters on all servers and it pretty much only matters for WvW, but most of us are on this one for BWE1)
Website: eqd.guildlaunch.com (pardon the dust - this site is brand new)
Contacts: Sarda The Sage, Nehalem, Ebon Snow, Elyana, Greuel, Pdcf Xagql, Lunasoul, Joj
Note: Same guild that was in Roundup #302, now updated with officers and website. We've got around 11 members as I'm writing this, and we're looking for more! If you miss out and you want to join us for future BWEs/release, sign up on guildlaunch and post in the "Joining the Guild" thread.
Game: Tera
Guild Name: My Little Bronies
Server: Serpentis Isle
Contact: Derpy in game or on guild website: http://mylittlebronies.enjin. com/
Description: Aside from being a place where fans of My Little
Pony: FiM can get together, our guild is about helping others and in
turn, ourselves, find a fun, family type atmosphere in Tera.
We will being doing end game content, but we are not elitists. Our guild isn't about being the best at PVP or raids, it's about enjoying the game.
If you are tired of drama and being more stressed out in a guild than having fun in one, My Little Bronies is for you.
--------------------------------------------------------------We will being doing end game content, but we are not elitists. Our guild isn't about being the best at PVP or raids, it's about enjoying the game.
If you are tired of drama and being more stressed out in a guild than having fun in one, My Little Bronies is for you.
"SpeedyPonies" in Boston
CMU Bronies
CMUbronies is a Pittsburgh area group for college students in the Pittsburgh area. We meet every Saturday evening from 6 PM to 7 PM to hang out and watch ponies in one form or another. We also do large-scale pony art, such as chalk drawings and painting the CMU fence. We are currently looking for college-aged bronies in the Pittsburgh area who want to meet and hang out with other bronies. If you are interested, please contact Edward at [email protected] .