Story updates for a day of no posts, and we still only have four. It seems like you guys save these and do them all at once or something.
Story: Human (Update Part 11!)
Author: DannyJ
Description: A thousand years ago, when the royal sisters were at the height of their power and the Elements of Harmony were still alive, two legendary beings emerged to take their place among them, and though through trial and hardship the ponies eventually defeated these two so called 'Humans' that they had named the First and the Second, to this day nopony knows who they were, where they came from, and what their motivation was.Human
Flash forward to the present day. The First is long dead and the Second is now a decoration in Celestia's sculpture garden. The land has been at peace for years, but now things are stirring again. A break in at the royal archives results in the theft of the ancient Reaper's Horn, an entity is released which seeks out the surviving human, a young colt learns of the legends of humanity and becomes enraptured with them, and a brotherhood of thirteen ponies of varying ages and backgrounds all come together with the sole intention of releasing the human of legend from his stone prison. And all throughout, one of the few surviving ponies who was there when this first began is left to ask herself, "Just what were they anyway?"
Labels: Adventure, Author: DannyJ, Celestia, comedy, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Star-4, Story
Story: What Separates (Update Part 13!)
Author: Zurock
Description: An effort to analyze, explore, reflect on, and understand several real world concepts and themes by echoing them off the more harmonious ideals and reality of Equestria. In story, this is driven by a human soldier's arrival there, and the struggle of both sides to understand not only the physical nature of the others' reality, but the heart behind it as well.What Separates
Labels: Author: Zurock, Celestia, Everypony, Incomplete, Normal, OC Ponies, Spike, Star-5, Story
Story: Long Distance (Update Chapter 13!)
Author: Ezn
Description: White Noise is the founder of Dragonfire Deliveries, a start-up enterprise that's sure to take Equestria by storm and revolutionize the way ponies talk to each other. But the problem is, he doesn't really know what he's doing. How does the fire dragons use to send messages actually work?Long Distance
Labels: Adventure, Author: Ezn, Celestia, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story
Story: Icarus (Update Part 3)
[Adventure][Light Shipping]
Author: Tamar
Description: It's the beginning of summer, and it seems as if nothing can possibly ruin Twilight's day with her friends.Icarus
Then, without warning, Equestria is enveloped in a thick, mysterious fog. Rainbow Dash races to Cloudsdale to find the source of the problem, leaving her friends to worry for her safety and struggling to cope in Ponyville.
Nothing can prepare Rainbow for what she finds in Cloudsdale, and things go from bad to worse when Twilight receives urgent news from Canterlot about Princess Celestia...
Labels: Adventure, Author: Tamar, Everypony, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story