Author: Swashbucklist
Description: On Nightmare Night, Spike the dragon masquerades as his favorite superhero. Good thing, too, because this year, dark mischief will take place and an unknown presence will threaten Ponyville's safety. Some super-heroic effort may be needed.Nightmare Spike
Additional Tags: Superhero, Nightmare Night, Supernatural, Hurt/Comfort, Inspired by Movie
14 kommentaari:
creepy spike is scary spike
VastaKustutaNow this is the kind of random fic that I read at the end of a day :)
VastaKustutaThe tags, and the description, I'm confused.
VastaKustutaBut... How? Who? What?
Is this one of those stories where the characters become their costumes?
VastaKustutaI normally avoid stories with the shipping tag unless there's a qualifier in front of it, but the author's notes have me intrigued enough that I'll give this one a shot.
VastaKustuta@AK Brony
VastaKustutaYou know, this is the second place that I've seen him mentioned. First was on NationStates.
Hey, maybe we (as in the Brony community as a while) could start a pony charity or something, to benefit Invisible Children Inc.
Or, do things to spread the word out more.
In any case, this probably isn't the best post to discuss it on.
Dem tags! :l
VastaKustutaBallz to invisible children, donate to real charities! Also cool story.
VastaKustutaHope there will be another Nightmare Night episode.
Yay! Good? od clean fun! Wonderfully Spikey!
VastaKustutaWhups! Keyboard freakout. My bad!
VastaKustutaVery amusing, though I think it's ended way too abruptly.