• Story: Her Sweetest Thing


    Author: Tinwhistle
    Description: The story is an attempt to feature an oft-sidelined character, and to give her a new interpretation. The story is about Bon-Bon, some years after she has married Lyra. Times are not as happy as they used to be, and Bon-Bon's pleasant world begins to show wear. Read how she reacts to the sadness she feels. See what grand and terrible things love can do to the average mare. The story departs from canon appearances of Bon-Bon, and also to attempts to use the "Feeder Bon-Bon" fanon in a way that is slightly uncomfortable, but not explicit or outright horrifying.
    Her Sweetest Thing

    Additional Tags: Unsettling, Emotional, Sweet, Abstract, Conflicting


    1. Light-Horror?
      Does that even exist?

    2. OMG 2nd comment! what to write?? Uhh... ummm... TOASTER!!!

    3. What the hell is "Feeder Bon-Bon"?

    4. @har9193

      I want to know that myself. I've never heard of it.

      Anyways, this is worth a lookover.

    5. @har9193

      From Wikipedia's article on fat fetishism:
      "Feeder: A person who derives pleasure from feeding another person."

      I'm... not sure I want to read this.

    6. @HieronymusP


      And just like that I'm not interested -_-

    7. Ok...this is an interesting story o_o erm...I'll keep tabs on it.

    8. @har9193

      Basically it's the concept that Bon Bon is a bit of a "chubby chaser" and thinks Lyra would be more attractive if she were heavier, so she tries to fatten her up a bit.

    9. "The story is an attempt to feature an oft-sidelined character, and to give her a new interpretation. The story is about Bon-Bon, some years after she has married Lyra."

      ....yeah, that's a real new interpretation, Bon-Bona and Lyra being married.

      I'll pass on this one.

    10. Decent beginning, interested in seeing where it goes from here, but not really much to go on yet.

    11. ...


      ok. uhm, wow. it was pretty well written, the imagry was nice and the emotions were, well, weird but not unheard of. it's obvious Bon-Bon here has some deepseated emotional trauma she needs to get out. uhm, we also need more Lyra. right now, she's a bit of a blank slate in this fic. i know it's focused on Bon-Bon but the interplay between the two is really what is going to throw relief on Bon-Bon and show us who and what she is.

      but, uh, yeah this is getting really close to fetish country for me. i think i'm getting off at this next stop. sorry.

    12. O_o I... don't exactly get where everyone is getting the "fetish" stuff from. Seems more like relationship drama that could possibly become disturbing, in a emotional not bloody way.

      Like the descrip says, " use the "Feeder Bon-Bon" fanon in a way that is slightly uncomfortable, but not explicit or outright horrifying." Not enough to really judge yet, I say give it a chance.

      In any case I'm certainly curious, so I'm following! ^_^.

    13. It has a bit of a rocky start; there are a few errors, and it takes longer than it should to come together. There's not a lot of concrete exposition. Several parts of this wouldn't make sense to someone who's not already familiar with the pair's fanon personalities.

      But once it gets going... It's like watching an avalanche begin. I can already see the first few stones falling, see how everything fits into place, and even thought I already know the direction it will inevitably take the sublime horror of the thing will draw me in and keep me watching right until the very end. Even if the worldbuilding is lackluster, the atmosphere has a wonderfully creeping chill to it. I'll keep reading this for that alone.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. I didn't even know that Feeder Bon-Bon was a thing. New head-canon: Fatkid in Cheerilee's class is Bon-Bon's son.

    16. "Feeder Bon-Bon"

      How come my wife's stomach can't hold all these X-Boxes?!

    17. I don't like to read shipping fics, but when I saw this was doing something different, I reluctantly agreed, despite the poor first impression I got by the author telling me what they intended to do with the piece. If I may, the effect in the end won't be up to you, but the reader. I digress.

      This whole story has huge potential, but here's my gripe: it's a series. In my personal, uneducated opinion, this isn't compelling. You give very vague character details in order to create interest, but it only makes me lose it. I believe that this could be incredibly powerful, but as a one-shot and not a multi-parter.

      However, I commend you for trying to do something different, and the comments people are giving about it being "creepy" or "fetish-y" (and that's a word now) are completely uncalled for, simply because they aren't true.

      A swing and a miss, but just so close that it's painful to think about that centimeter that could have been a home run. I'll be looking out for your work in the future!

    18. I really do wish the fan community would put an end to this lesbian pony fetish once and for all. The show is entirely about FRIENDSHIP, in the sense of being FRIENDS. But trust people to get really perverted over it. It'd be bad enough to even talk about STRAIGHT relationships, but lesbian ponies? That's beyond perverted, it's just sick and runs TOTALLY against the value standards of the show. I consider all "shipping" tales to be non-cannon and worthy of ignoring.

    19. @cmjohnson

      Sooo... Did you read it?

    20. Honestly... from the tags and description, it really doesn't seem like a very appealing setting, for a story of any kind ?

    21. Yeah, I read it. My comments still stand. I view the mare-mare lesbian story lines (expressed or implied) as an insult to the show and what it teaches, which is not sex (any kind) but simply friendship. Authors, get your minds out of the gutter...please. Celestia would moon every author who writes those, and I don't mean moon in the "plottish" fashion, but as in, bang, zoom, to the moon, Alice!

    22. @cmjohnson

      There's a valid argument (not one I agree with, but one I acknowledge the validity of) that the show is about friendship, not romance. Nevertheless, I feel I must point out the obvious here. Straight and lesbian relationships are very much identical on the perversion scale.

    23. @cmjohnson
      You know...

      Sexism, Racism, whatever-ism... Those things have -NO- place around here, at all.

      You don't like some precise elements of the story, for whatever reasons ? Enjoy the rest of the story.
      Didn't like the rest of the story ? Well then... just forget that you read the story ?

      Add a comment precisely describing the different points, in details, of why you hated/disliked 'this' or 'that'... will be a better use of energy than a random ''blarg-I hate because same-sex is bad, IF with ponies!-blarg!'' comment...

      >I view the mare-mare lesbian story lines as an insult to the show and what it teaches
      -Oh, values like... I don't know... being able to accept people's DIFFERENCES and CHOICES about their life and relations ?

      And, please... Don't just throw a ''it's a children show!!11'' excuse ?
      This, here, is not televison... it's a website, on the Internet.

    24. Found this really interesting. I hope it continues.
