• Story: Apple Moneybags


    Author: IThoughtYouWantedWhining
    Description: Applejack has a chance encounter with a dapper businesspony who wants to make a few changes to Sweet Apple Acres. In the ensuing changes, friendships are challenged, a family is transformed overnight, and the once-quiet orchard is now an apex of employ. Will Applejack weather this storm, or be swept up in the rush of wealth?

    Apple Moneybags

    Additional Tags: Dishonesty, change, economics

    10 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. It does have potential, but that 'dishonesty' tag makes me wonder whether AJ will be in character or not.

    3. I dunno just seems like your rags to riches to rags again romp. Applejack reverted into Orangejack for a little bit, but she wasn't particularly dishonest, unless it's being honest with herself, and that's kinda hazy at best. Hopefully they don't have any more problems getting food on the table after the fire.

    4. That facial expression. It's unreadable.

    5. Capitalist Applejack is best Applejack. I'll definitely read this.

    6. This may be showing up here soon... Just a tip.
      Just a heads up.

    7. *sings* Life is like a hurricane, here in, Ponyburg. Racecars lazers aeroplanes, it's a, pony blur.
