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And I forgot to mention the air date! Looks like part one of the season finale will be on April 21st, according to this little snippet.
Have the actual synopsis after the break in text form!
Thanks to Alex for the image!
"Not everything is rainbows and gumdrops in this two-part special that finds unicorn Twilight Sparkle digging up a wedding shocker as her brother Shining Armor prepares to get hitched. -MWB"
Twilight Sparkle has a brother?! Madness!
Someone pointed this out in the comments, his mark is pretty much the same as Twilight's, with a shield.
684 kommentaari:
O_O Am I reading this correctly?
VastaKustutawoah, wan't expecting that...
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle's brother is Shining Armor?!
VastaKustutaSince when does she have a brother who shares absolutely no similarities to her or her family other than being a unicorn?
VastaKustutaLet's keep an eye on this before it gets blown out of proportion...
WOAH! WUT? She has a bro!?!
VastaKustutawait... Twilight has a brother? ?.? That's new. Looking forward to it :D
what. wait what? yes! i like
VastaKustutaShining Armor = Twilight's brother - IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA, WHAT DID I JUST READ?!
VastaKustutaIt would be cool if this actually correct. Even if it is false, I hope the finale would be as awesome as last season.
VastaKustutaUnless the way this was worded came out wrong, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!! Totally unexpected!
VastaKustutaShining Armor is Twilight Sparkle's brother.
Not sure what to make of that. :x
VastaKustutaWELP, they jumped the shark
VastaKustutaAll right. It's official. They put a fanfiction-esque twist into an actual episode.
VastaKustutaGentlemen, it's time to do what we do best: scream like ninnies and grab the torches and pitchforks.
Her brother?
VastaKustutaThe Brohoof Bash is now canon forever.
10 bucks says its fake
VastaKustuta20 bucks says its real
Let the bets begin!
Twilight has a brother?
brain.exe has stopped working.
Woah. I don't like this...
VastaKustutaWho? How? What? When? Where? Why?
VastaKustutaI'm absolutley stunned.
VastaKustutaSomeone owns a copy of the physical TV Guide?
.... My god another one, I've guessed the plot of 3 episodes correctly before we even knew what they were about.... Humm mabey.... I PREDICT DISCORD WILL COME BACK AND BECOME A PERMANATW CHARACTER!!!! Now make it happen Hasbro
VastaKustutaTwilight has a brother.
VastaKustutaIn other news, I can't seem to keep my jaw from dropping. If this is legit...whoa...
VastaKustutaTo be fair, the cake twins not only don't look like their parents, they aren't even earth ponies. I get the feeling that family resemblance isn't necessarily common. I mean, look at rarity and her parents. Besides the white coat that she shares with her father, they don't really look a like
Mind: blown.
VastaKustutaBear in mind the characters have been called 'he' in these synopses several times. This looks like a typo to me.
VastaKustutaI will withhold my opinion on this matter.
VastaKustuta"Wedding shocker" however, does sound interesting and not like the frou-frou wedding some were dreading.
Woah. She has a brother?!?!
VastaKustutaI hope they stray into new territory, and don't even THINK of this as being false, I won't stand for it.
VastaKustutaSrsly tho, please be true.
VastaKustutaNobody panic/rejoice just yet until we find out if it's legit for realz or not.
VastaKustutaAnd that's how tv guide sales went through the roof, effectively saving the company, and ensuring the future of all printed television news.
VastaKustutaUntil we see it on Zap2It or any other source, we'll just say it's nothing more than a rumor right now. I've seen stuff get Photoshopped to make something look real, only to discover that it's bogus info.
VastaKustutaWHOA....did not see that one coming!
VastaKustutaWell I was wondering what the point of the two new characters and wedding set where all about, guess we have to find out.
VastaKustutaBut isnt this printed too soon? The season still has a 3 eps to go befor the season end. Will this be Ep 26 for Season 2 and then part 2 will be Ep 1 for Season 3?
The plot thickens
*smokes a pipe*
Hasbro demands Shining Armour and Cadence in an episode revolving around wedding playset.
VastaKustutaStudio B need a reason for Twilight to be a part of it all.
A sibling would, of course, be there at the wedding, as well as mane 6 as guests.
Not sure how feel.
There goes my idea for a fanfic
VastaKustutaWedding shocker? What could that possible be-
> "Twilight might have a brother."
VastaKustuta> flips out
I'd be okay with this. It's exciting! But I couldn't really care either way.
VastaKustutaYep, they've done that in every episode.
Now that explains why Twilight is from Canterlot, she is either hidden royalty or is Candence really related to royalty?
VastaKustutaI guess it go with, your poor she's rich, that hate us we hate them
Then it goes Romeo & Juliet and we all know how that went
Inb4 Princess Cadence has a fake horn! You heard it here first!
VastaKustutaI know right? 30 comments in and you were the first to notice.
Seems legit...
VastaKustutahttp://img.ponibooru.org/_images/f3c69e4eaaa6179d79f9af172f8ca9d0/98624%20-%20artist:equestria-prevails%20shining_armor%20spoiler%20spoilers%20spoiler_alert.png No similarities after all.
VastaKustutaWe're all either getting all anime in the house
Or someone's been eating one too many Zap Apples. You decide.
VastaKustutaIf this is Twilight's Brother, and if Cadence is at all related to Celestia, then this would make Twilight and Celestia possible sister-in-laws.
mother of god......im not going to panic...but if this is true, it may leave me empty for quite some time.
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle has siblings!?
Did anyone even write a fanfic with that premise yet? ...OMG I don't think they did! That idea certainly popped out of nowhere. 0_0
Twilight's BROTHER!? What the buck!?
VastaKustutaNext we'll be told Pinkie has an ancestor called Kuchen... (cookie for anyone who gets the reference =3)
This could be a very interesting episode indeed!
Brother.... Waitwut?
VastaKustutaWHAT? WHAT, I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW EXCITED I AM NOW. and i was afraid this episode was gonna get half-assed, Not anymore.
VastaKustutaDoes the newspaper have connections over at DHX? how do they know the 2-parter season finale? 2 months in advance? I'll believe it when the episode shows up on my DirecTV programming guide next month.
VastaKustutaAgreed. They could have just put them in as the Elements or Twi in as her courtly position. No need for stretching the plot into fanfic levels.
BROTHER??? whaaaaaaaaaaaaa...?
VastaKustutadid NOT see that one coming.
VastaKustutaNow that's not entirely true. Try to remember that her mom is white, and her dad is blue. Makes sense to me.
Whatever happens I hope it ends up with them not getting married.
VastaKustutaWhat a hilarious way to subvert the whole wedding playset.
VastaKustutaThis is AWESOME.
I won't be too broken up about this if it does turn out to be fake. I guess we won't know until something official does come out. Now, someone lend me wire or something so I can put my jaw back into place?
VastaKustutaWhat's wrong with Twilight having a sibling that we were not aware of?
We weren't exactly aware of or expecting Rarity and Scootaloo's parents...
We know that Applejack and Big Mac's parents are probably dead.
I'm not sure what you guys are flipping your lids over.
Cmon guys.
VastaKustutaI won't believe it until it shows up on the zap or better sources. For now, it can be considered fake (for me at least).
I can respond to this with only one word:
Soooo... if Princess Cadence gets married to Shining Armor, and Shining Armor is Twilight's brother... when Shining Armor becomes royalty, what would that make Twilight? Anything?
VastaKustutaStill, didn't see that coming. Maybe this means we'll see Twilight's parents again? I mean, it is their son's wedding.
What I'M still wondering is what Cadence is a princess of. Neighboring land? A small piece of Equestrian land?
VastaKustutaI was gonna say it, but you said it first
*reads for a third time*
VastaKustutaBROTHER?! WUT?
I'm ok with this...
So...this brother has been mysteriously absent for two series, and now he is randomly marrying an alicorn princess, who has also been oddly absent. Also, he and Twilight look nothing alike.
VastaKustutaThis sounds like the start to a terrible Marty Stu/Mary Sue fanfic...
Shining Armor is Twilight's brother!?!?!?!
VastaKustuta...epic plot twist is satisfactory.
This is going to be effing AWESOME.
I can't decide between Whoa and Wat...
VastaKustuta"Avoid clicking to avoid spoilers"
well this still a rumor so lets ust wait and see
VastaKustutabut when i first read it i was like OMFG WHAT!
I'm sorry but I'm calling BS on this until proven other wise. TV guides and such mess up show synopsis so much, my buddy has DirectTV and it gives some weird episode descriptions some times.
VastaKustutaHoly heck. I thought that shinning armor would be royalty. Does that mean that twilight is royalty?
And will we see a return of gen one twilight(mom)?
It makes me wonder more about other siblings that the six might have. We know about some siblings for the others and now we get a glimps of twilights family to. So now that leaves flutershy and rainbow dash. lol I cant wait to see what happens.
VastaKustutaWell now that I got that out of my system, I'm okay with this, if true. Actually I'm more than okay with it, since this character would have an actual relation to the cast.
VastaKustutaWell, that actually sounds kind of cool. At least one half of the wedding couple is looking interesting.
VastaKustutaThis Video.
That is ALL!
VastaKustutaExactly what I was thinking! Yeah: this plot/premise shows much promise relative to what I was afraid might happen.
I did a head-shake "WHAT!?" When I saw the part about Shining Armor being her brother. I'm calling horseapples on this one.
VastaKustutamind = blown.
VastaKustutaI can't find the words to describe what I trough while reading this.
VastaKustutaOh my god... I hope it is fake.
VastaKustuta(ノ゚Д゚)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
Cadence and Shining Armor feel more like a forced product placement scheme than an actual story that the Studio B group would have come up with...
VastaKustutaWell, no strong feelings here. Heck, knowing the talent of the writers and animators, this could turn out well.
VastaKustutaFake for now, benefit of the doubt if not, and if it does turn out to be rubbish, just disregard it. Don't turn this into another sodding shitstorm, the Derpy fiasco's already screwed us over enough.
If she has a brother, that only means Twilight's parents will show up.
VastaKustutaStill, this is mind-blowing.
Lets see, Shining armor shares the same hair color as vinyl scratch
VastaKustutaShining armor is Twilights Brother...
So that means...
Twilight and vinyl scratch are sisters??!??!?!? :DDDDDD
Woah.......weird! I feel like i'm stoned or something! :P
VastaKustutaGet that genderswapped Vinyl AWAY from my Twilight Sparkle. GET IT AWAY.
VastaKustutaWoah.......weird! I feel like i'm stoned or something! :P
VastaKustutaSomething tells me that cadence is a fake alicorn and that is the wedding shocker. but then again that would invalidate the toys, so :/
VastaKustutaThis would be AWESOME if it were true :D
VastaKustuta@joetraincool: Shining Armor does fit in the family color palette. Twilight's mother has a white coat, and her father has a blue mane.
Plus, this would give the Mane 6 a good reason to be at the wedding.
that would win the internet.
VastaKustutaTwilight having a brother kinda shatters my universe! not only that but its Shining Armor?! dont really know how to react
The "getting hitched" part is what's keeling me most skeptical. The use of that phrase doesn't seem like something they would use. That's just my opinion though
VastaKustutaIf this is true, it would invalidate the "time travel into the past to witness the wedding" theory.
VastaKustutaNice try, FimFiction!
VastaKustutaI guess his cutie mark is like Twilight's but in a shield, so I'm shocked I haven't heard this guess yet. Very strange.
VastaKustutaI just thought, since the mane six are bride's maids will their parents make an apperance?
VastaKustutaI wonder what Dash's parents look like, her dad is probeblly blue and her mom has a rainbow mane
Or AJ, nah I don't think her fans would approve
What a twist!
VastaKustutaInb4 she isn't a pony at all!
Could have sexy results
VastaKustutaThe "getting hitched" part is what's keeling me most skeptical. The use of that phrase doesn't seem like something they would use. That's just my opinion though
VastaKustutaI hope this is real.
WHAT?! Shining Armor is Twilght's BROTHER??! And the season finale IS the wedding!? I KNEW IT!! I KNEW Princess Cadence was evil!! She's just Discord in disguise!
VastaKustutaShining Armor is Twilight's brother ???!!! Why THE F$#k hasn't she mentioned him AT ALL until now ? And he is marring a PRINCESS for Celstia's sake ! I want to see more of him now....
VastaKustutaInb4 it's Sethisto's OC
Fake until proven true
VastaKustutaI'm siding with Fake on this one. If Twilight had a brother, it probably would have been in the shows bible. Not to mention if she had a brother, he would have shown up in Cutie Mark Chronicles (You know, with the rest of Twilight's Family?)
VastaKustutaI'm not sure how no one has put this together yet, but if Twilight's brother is getting married to Princess Cadence, who is sisters with Celestia and Luna, that would make Twilight....
you guys know Twilights parents are Blue and white respectivly... He probably got his blue mane from Nightlight and his white coat from Starlight, So he's not purple... he could have easily gotten traits from his parents that twilight did not
VastaKustutaShining Armor looks nothing like Twilight or her parents.
VastaKustutaPrincess Cadence is a shoehorned in extra pink priness, who, from what I can gather, is in charge of making the sunset and sunrise look pretty.
I think I may quit the fandom now, before they ruin it and my love for it is forever twisted.
This has the potential to be incredibly awesome if it's true. DO WANT
VastaKustutaI'm just going to go ahead and pretend I didn't read this. Okay? Okay.
VastaKustutaLook at Twilight's parents. A blue and white-ish color scheme isn't unreasonable.
And this does make Twilight and Celestia sisters-in-law, doesn't it? Didn't see that one coming.
Woah...holy shhh***tt! I was NOT expecting that! This might take a little to get use too. Now I'm excited to see how this is all gonna play out ^_^
VastaKustutaWell, based on what I've seen of season two so far:
VastaKustutaCutie Mark Crusader Wedding Crashers are go!
...though in all honesty all of Equestria's probably invited. Ah well. Amusing idea.
Hopefully I don't get spoiled on the plot before my next chance to watch...but then again, I HIGHLY doubt I'm gonna' run into anybody that gives a flying f...eather on mah boat. HIGHLY.
VastaKustuta...who decides to marry Trixie instead?
...I think I should have aborted the joke while I still had the chance...
Very interesting.
VastaKustutaawww shot! i was going to make a sotry about twilight and her having a brother...but now this ruins it! :(
VastaKustutaThis seems VERY unlikely.
VastaKustutaI'm actually OK with this. We haven't seen Twilight keep contact with her family on the series, so it's more than likely she has an older brother somewhere, doing whatever.
VastaKustutaAnd apparently, he's getting laid with a Princess. Damn~! I guess that being awesome and having connections with royalty runs on the family or something!
VastaKustutaAnd yet, her mother is an off white with purple tones and her father has a BLUE mane?
A son can't take the colors from them with OUT them mixing like it did in Twilight? Genetics can work in funky ways, dude. :/
Major plot device. Brother!? Good gawd y'all WUT
VastaKustutaTwilight's BROTHER?!
I aint sure if this is legit... "wedding shocker as her brother Shining Armor prepares to get hitched." seems like a tagline from OK magazine rather than a synopsis for ponies. If this is real though... I dunno how to feel
VastaKustutaJust throw that guy with Rarity's family. It would make a LOT more sense. Get that away from my precious Twilight.
VastaKustutaWill you just fuck off already, then? I'm sick of people like you. You're ruining the fandom with your idiotic commentary about something that you know absolutely nothing about. Please, take your own advice and leave you cunt.
At the end of the finale, Shining Armor bids his farewells and goes back to exploring the universe in a giant robot, never to be seen/heard from/canon ever again.
VastaKustuta¯\(o_°)/¯ what to think anymore...
VastaKustutaWhy are ya'll so up in arms? I'm kind of befuddled and excited. Twilight obviously doesn't stay very close to her brother!
VastaKustutaWow, you're right, I never noticed. Gosh.
Lauren was involved in this ep, and they could have done the big royal wedding thing without any connection with the mane 6 apart from their closeness to Celestia. So there must have been a reason for doing it this way. I'm intrigued.
Anyone notice that Cadence is the opposite of Discord ? Hmmmmmm..... I have a suspicious feeling that we'll be seeing our old friend again...
VastaKustutaNow that would be one awesome plot twist. XD
VastaKustutaWhy do people complain that they don't look alike? The whole cake family looks like they are hardly related.
Also, why would this have been in the show bible and why do people think they know the full show bible?
I hope this is true.
Seth, replace the image.
VastaKustutaIt can EASILY give spoilers, whether you click it or not.
Now this I never would have expected. Then again, the same could be said about Rarity's parents. If this becomes confirmed though, I will have only one thing to say.
Well, he does have a mix of his parents colors, so yeah.
VastaKustutaIt could work.
I've a decent grasp of the basics of genetics and inheritance. Trust me when I say it could work.
Meh, I'll treat it like the rumour it is. False until proven true. If proven true, then there goes about 100% of fanon.
VastaKustuta@WGIJI claim 1 cookie in the name of My Little Alicorn.
VastaKustutaAlso on topic: :HEADASSPLODE:
Guys, You're missing the big point here!
VastaKustutaIf this is set in canterlot castle, Theres a chance for luna to be in a few scenes :D
My mind is full of Buck!
VastaKustutafuck I regret reading
VastaKustutamaybe if I drink enough I won't remember
VastaKustutaNot to mention we're talkning magical pony genetics here.
Also, if anybody bitches about this, then true or not, you should pull your headcanon out of your ass. It's not that big of a stretch.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThirty bucks says he's the family favorite.
VastaKustutaOh and whaaa?
Please don't be real...
VastaKustutaA Brother...Sh*t just got intresting HELL yeah
VastaKustutaBased on the airdate of 4/21, looks like there won't be any more gaps.
VastaKustutaIt's very possible this is a typo or oversight.
Uuuuuuhwhaaaaaaat? She has a brother? That nobody bothered to mention until that point? Or do they just not like to talk about him. Episode isn't even here yet and mind = blown.
VastaKustutaLet me guess. In the end... YOU WERE THE SHINING ARMOR!
VastaKustutaThe MLP Facebook page advertised shining armor's wedding a while ago. I never expected THIS though..
VastaKustutaThat is too gay. Such a shit composed story.
VastaKustuta@Shamus Aran That's one thing that I mentioned in my comment. Unless this was worded the wrong way...
VastaKustutaAccording to my head-cannon concerning the reason for all of Canterlot's prissy attitude everyone in the capital is some sort of mid-rung royalty like a baron or something. They either live close to Celestia for the prestige, or to be controlled more easily by Celestia herself. So... If Shining Armor is marrying into royalty, that would imply he's royalty of some level, making Twilight royalty herself...
VastaKustutaThis has been your complete bull-shit moment. Have a good day my little bronies.
Twilight is related to an alicorn? So she's part of the royal family?
VastaKustutaThis has so many meanings... like Blueblood could be her distant cousin.
@Travis Smith the Last Shadowbolt: Despite how shocking it is, I'm still betting this is real. I see your $20 and bet $30 it's real. (Obviously, no money exchanges will actually happen.)
VastaKustutaShitstorm before we even know it's true.
VastaKustutaI welcome Twilight's potential, handsome brother as our new overlord.
Suddenly. Fanfics.
VastaKustutaMy guess at the shocker: Candace is a fraud with a fake horn.
VastaKustutaI am cool with Twilight having a brother, it'll make great fodder for the fanfic authors.
Heres what I think went on. Hasbro wanted a "fairy tale" wedding. Studio B thought it might turn out too girly. So.....using their brilliant minds they transformed shining armor into twi's bro and gave it an adventurous plot of awesomeness!
VastaKustutaAlso its entirely possible to have a long lost sibling, maybe they were separated at youth or twilight just never mentions him to her friends. Some things are personal you know.
VastaKustutado not want pinkie's family lineage from a mad unicorn and having voices in her mind
It's like Maury, pony-style...for some reason I can't wrap my head around Twilight having a brother! Shining Armor does sort of look like them...mom's white, dad's got the blue. Hm.
VastaKustutaCould this be true? =O
VastaKustutaIf this is real, 97% of all fanfics just got torpedoed harder than when Luna Eclipsed aired.
VastaKustutaPrepare yourself, Shining Armor memes are coming!
VastaKustutaMeet the parents!
VastaKustutaThat story is really gay though.
Brother... Twilight has a brother...
VastaKustuta... Okay. Never mentioned him before, but hey her parents haven't even gotten a line yet. Build up more of her past, as is good.
However this does raise the question... being away from canterlot for so long, you'd think she'd have photos of her family or something... Though if they set him up as being her brother before they reach the finale, then it shall make sense.
@D. McCarthy
VastaKustutaOver the living avatar of magic, and personal student of the immortal Princess, and he's the favorite? Did they never get over being turned into fauna?
Anyway, Cadence is evil. Calling it now.
Well to be fair, Shining Armor does share some trait's with Twilight's parent's. Mother's white coat and blue eyes, and Father's blue mane that's striped like the mother's.
VastaKustutaWhat's with the hate? I mean... it is a little surprising, but her family hasn't been mentioned much either. It just hasn't come up during the middle of dealing with parasprites and friendship issues.
VastaKustutaI think it'll be sort of cool. If nothing else, a two part finale sounds promising.
@WGIJ my little alicorn :)
VastaKustutaWhoa she has a brother? Thats crazy awesome!
VastaKustuta@Julius Scipio
VastaKustutaSecond. Everypony just chill!
VastaKustutaThe comedy writes itself don't you see.
Also it would explain a hell of a lot about Lesson Zero.
VastaKustutaSHINING armor
VastaKustutatwilight SPARKLE ...hmmm
wonder if all her sibling will be named after lighting effects. glimmering gary, fiona flare, rachel glow, etc
Incoming nothing-near-a-shitstorm.
VastaKustutaI think we'll take this pretty well.
Perhaps a bit of annoyance, but we'll get over it.
Oh my bloody god! Is this true!? I'm stumped!
VastaKustutaSomething is coming....my troll senses are tingling right now, I best be on my guard.
Otherwise if this is legit:
Was hoping to see more of Twilight's family tree and who knows it's plausible.
@Raven This in itself sounds like fanfiction.
VastaKustuta@Raven This in itself sounds like fanfiction.
VastaKustutaHasbro is revealing us shocking secrets of My Little Pony by showing, not telling!!!! :O
VastaKustutaIn all the rage over Cadence being an alicorn, we seem to have forgotten that Shining Armor existed.
I think they mean Colgate's brother.
VastaKustuta@Sethisto Twilight: NO BRO DON'T MARRY HER!! SHE'S NOT A REAL ALICORN!!! D:
VastaKustutaBwuh?? Brother? And marrying an alicorn? Wha?!