Putting Your Hoof Down - Discussion
by XyroTR1Don't forget, today's episode starts a new schedule that has the episodes airing three (3) hours later than normal (that's 11AM blogtime)! Also, have some context-appropriate Fluttershy being assertive.
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Can't wait
ReplyDeleteIf you DO wake up earlier, don't forget to watch The Aquabats Super Show! :D
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for that AND the new episode today! :D :D
Early evening entertainment for us Euro folk.
ReplyDeleteIron Will looks pretty cool.
Can be the best episode ever. Cant wait
ReplyDeletegota be Awesome
ReplyDeleteIt is 2:00 in the morning here in California, 2:00am!! Why do I have to wait so long for PONIES!!!???
ReplyDeleteim still up ._.
ReplyDeletei cant wait to watch it >.<
I thought it was three (23) hours later than normal – moved from 10am EST/7am PST to 1pm EST/10am PST. No?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it only THREE hours later than before? It used to be on at 10am and now it's 1pm. 11am, 12pm, 1pm. Three hours later, not four.
ReplyDeleteYea, might want to fix the time to say THREE hours, or you'll confuse alot of ponies. :/
ReplyDeleteIt's been too long. I am ready.
ReplyDeleteAh I didn't realise this time change would mean that 1080p pony wouldn't be waiting for me when I got home from work. Looks like I'll have to wait on tenterhooks with everypony else.
ReplyDeletethis is the new air date right?
ReplyDeleteNeed to figure out the time for GMT+1 :D
isn't there a difference between being assertive and being aggressive?
ReplyDeleteJust use http://ponycountdown.com/ - here in Switzerland for example (gmt+1) it seems to be on at 19.00.
ReplyDeleteYes, I look forward to the new episode, but after the whole "derpbacle" it doesn´t feel the same. My anticipation feels tainted. Am I the only one who has this problem?
Uh... GMT+11?
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I can make 5am. Actually, if I sleep now I could probably wake up that early, then go for a flight with a friend.
ReplyDeleteDon't let that get to you, fellow brony: a solution could yet be found and implemented. That was our issue when it first happened: lots of effort spent complaining instead of on a far-reaching common goal. I don't know what that common goal/solution should be, but I'll keep brainstorming.
Aw... with the new schedule I'll be at work when the new episode airs...
ReplyDeleteand don't worry just because bronies were whining about stuff: we've been a community of worry-warts from the very start.
ReplyDeleteI know I shouldn´t let that get to me that much, but I can´t help but feel betrayed. I know its silly, maybe I need some time to digest the whole affair. Maybe we all need.
Aww nuu D:
ReplyDeleteThat's like 6am for Melbournians and other Australians living in the GMT +10 timezone.
Guess I'll have to watch it tommorow instead of the live stream. :C
4 hours later, that mean instead of 16 pm it will be 20 pm. Yay, i can watch it without losing sleep. :D
ReplyDeleteNoooo, that means I wont be able to watch the livestream ):
ReplyDeleteNow I can't watch the episodes live anymore. Oh well, that's what Xyro's for! Thanks again in advance for the upload, Xyro!
ReplyDeleteInb4 SOON
ReplyDeleteCome on, time... we all want our Fluttershy! Make it quick, make it quick!
iTunes: We're still waiting for Hearts and Hooves, and it's been weeks. Will that be another Last Roundup?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how long it will take for this episode to hit the iTunes store. I won't hold mr breath.
ReplyDelete1900 CET? Ponies in prime time? Arriving home at 1730, means I can actually watch one of the live streams? Best day ever!!!!
ReplyDeleteActually, it only airs 3 hours later then normal..
ReplyDeleteMOAR SETH.
This means it airs 6:00pm GMT time.
ReplyDeleteSo is Iron Will the villain in this one?
ReplyDeleteYes, probably.
But I'm not sure whether he will be the evil-type villain or just the jerk-type one.
@palaminopegasus It's a Minotaur aiming pull a get rich quick scam by selling motivational advice to ponies.
ReplyDeleteEyup. Greed. and he's using Fluttershy, the meekest of the meek, to convince other ponies it's worth every bit! =D
ReplyDeleteYeah, GMT+1 is 19.00. So, uploads will be kinda late...
cant wait to learn how to be so assertive! ya know if this damn wind dies down.
ReplyDeleteMan, as soon as I start working baker's hours, they go and start airing the episodes later! I could have been coming home at ten to a new episode! What gives, Hub? /whine
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to some lethal Futtershy cuteness!
When I read "Iron Will" I immediatley imagined this.
Damn it! Aussie bronies can't hang out in the stream now.
ReplyDeleteiron will is chuck Norris
ReplyDeleteHey Seth. I will go to Hax's stream to 12:30pm. Minecraft first then PONIES!
they may as well air it at 8pm. the time is a bit late. makes mornings little more boring =x
ReplyDeletegood thing I have Wakfu season 2 to keep me going!
what I wouldn't give to have them bring back http://www.crunchyroll.com/mitsudomoe Mitsudemoe season 2 (which was forced to end early... least there is still the manga's =/ but after seeing those wubbly bubbly force of chaos those girls create when animated... manga's just aren't the same anymore =(
Can't wait until new episode, but something tells me that it airing at 6PM where I live will clash with something I need to do =(
ReplyDelete(I live in the GMT (London) timezone)
FLuttershy more Assertive and tough? Make it so for the soft Pegasus!!!! ^_^
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing that I will begin to watch these new episodes LIVE from now on, instead of watching it on YouTube a few hours after it airs on TV or on the computer. I like seeing new episodes of My Little Pony earlier!!!! ^_^
ReplyDeleteSo the livestreams start at 7 pm local time... Well at least it's easier to justify wasting the rest of the day on reddit/ED/ponibooru.
ReplyDeleteYes, it a Fluttershy day
ReplyDeleteGosh....I can't wait.... =D
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Is anyone going to be streaming new episodes of The Aquabats Super Show, or uploading them to Youtube?
ReplyDeleteOnly 4 more hours!
ReplyDeleteI'm up too early now!
ReplyDeleteAt least I have Aquabats and DC nation to keep me busy for a bit.
The Batman episodes on BronyState are terrible, but fun.
ReplyDeleteMah body is ready for the Flutters.
ReplyDeleteI think that Hasbro should face the issue directly. There should be an episode focusing on Derpy in which her "disability" and the treatment she receives from other ponies are both addressed. I don't read or write fanfiction, but I have a story in my head about how that could happen. I guess it occurred to me because, like Spartakus, the Derpbacle still smarts. I'm still a bit ticked on behalf of the artists and writers who gave the fandom such a wonderful moment. Ah well, must move on, must move on...
i tried to sleep after i woke up so i wouldn't have to wait longer, but school and Ponies have trained my body to wake up at 7-8 in the morning. =|
ReplyDeleteCould be worse, 6:35am.
I don't really mind the change, I'm useally busy when it comes on and hopefully I'll be able to catch a lives dream or YouTube.
Until then I bid you all adu
Lets see... my predictions are coming at almost the same time they usually do, but the episode is much later for people who like to sleep in.
ReplyDeleteIn other news I suck at fan fiction, what else is new? Swing by our MLP Writers Training Ground group. I should probably stick to making 'Motivationals'. It won't stop me, I'll write however I feel even if I feel like I'm getting worse at it or I'm not thinking things through! Anyway, the groups not dead despite needing the shock pads of life twice.
Chances are this will be 100% Spongebob like in every way, down to the jerk teaching Fluttershy to be a jerk. This is followed by a heel, then they do a turn around in the end where the real meaning of assertive comes into play.
40% chance of evil Fluttershy popping up. (I still thinks she's an evil enchantress)
Muffin Queen appearance... 'it better be sweet to cancel our sour over the recent debacle' chance percentage.
Wasn't there something about a brony shoutout in the Aquabats thing today? Or was that later?
Twilight looks up something in the episode 75% chance.
Fluttershy is a jerk to Rainbow Dash or Pinkie 30% chance.
I've sold out and happen to be advertising hoof cream! The only way Rarity can keep her hooves soft and squishy! Buy some today and rub Rainbow's wings and shoulders with it, it doubles as a multi-purpose ointment.
War were declared in Ponyville at a probability of 50% when things get out of control.
China shop 95%.
Rarity not appearing in this episode or getting a spotlight as she's a polite pony at a good 68%.
Random guess factor of the unexpected happening, Ctrl+Alt+Delete percent chances of happening. (In other words Fluttershy does something so cute the entire world will collapse in on itself.)
Rage or dislike at something in this episode by a specific group of hard to sell brony critics, concensus 'most likely'.
Utter daw'some'ness happening and groups hugs everywhere 70% chance.
While you wait for the new episode, PinkKittyRose on youtube has been hosting a bunch of LPer's in worms armageddon matches. The results are hilarious.
Something to watch while you're waiting.
Bronies figure out how to destroy the world, but in return for doing so they are invited into Equestria. They get to become a type pony of their choice, along with choice of coloration and gender. If involved in the project that destroying the human race in a cult like manner then you get the extra option to become a alicorn and one pony enslaved to you as a loyal student that will never question your teaching methods no matter how bizzarre. This all will happen at a percent chance of 0.0000000000000001% until dimensional tunnlers(gateways) are made, then it's 79% more likely to get started and has only a 30% chance of failure.
This has been an obsessively long post brought to you by NEIGH. Necessary Evil Incorporated for Gallantry and Heroes, we're giving you the lesser evil at a bargain!
Also to whoever owns the Bananamobile in the parking lot, your car is parked in front of a fire hydrant. Liscence plate '2damune'. It will be towed unless you move it in the next thirty minutes.
This has been Darkon Shadows, with your carefully though out predictions and random news.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteyou write?
can i have a sample?
ReplyDeleteWell your predictions are useally pretty spot on.
Which means you must be.....A WARLOCK
NEIGH. Assemble the bordroom meeting.
The Legion must know of it Exsistance.
Writing Cambridge very hard, I scraped the first five versions of the first chapter to my war fic.
Too many people want an explanation to how technology was made first. No one likes learning as it goes!
It feels weird realizing I still have about 3 hours left until the new episode
ReplyDeletewitch link should i go to?
ReplyDeleteThis is now a Steven Magnet post
ReplyDeleteNoo I have to wait for way tooooooo long someone bash me in the head and wake me in time for the episode!
ReplyDeleteright its 3 o clock in the uk HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy writing is horrible in every sense of the word. Grammatically, punctually and otherwise. I have a tendency to randomly generate plots as I go along, my editting also leaves something to be desired.
But if you want one.
That's my first story in that group, does a lot better then half the stuff I wrote after it.
I'm the worst writer in the group and I feel I should be proud of it for some odd reason.
/checking what 11blogtime means/
ReplyDeleteUnrelated, but who's getting their Comic Con ticket today? They go on sale 8 PST. :D
ReplyDeleteI think you meant to say three (3) hours
ReplyDeleteFlutterday will only temporarily interrupt my in home stream of Friendship Express which has been on repeat in the guest room nonstop since Tuesday, 24/7. I just plop down and watch a few mins whenever I can.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of miffed at iTunes...it seems like they're not giving out anything except HD versions of the episodes, where they used to give HD and SD both.
ReplyDeleteI can't play anything past Last Roundup on my iPod =(
Aw shit, forgot about schedule change. Dang, now I'll have to stay late to watch. Fucking ass.
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith the Shadowbolt
ReplyDeleteWarlock nothing, I'm a supposedly evil creature with science and muffins on my side. Also I'm so horrible at math(and writing) that I can predict some things by miscalculation alone and fifth dimensional physics. It's better to not ask all the stuff that goes into calculating an episode, it'd be like Chuck Norris roundhousing a zero made out of cardboard in half.
In fact if X equals to Y then A being a pony involved will have T amounts of chance predicted by variables B times how many muffins Derpy can eat in a given day which is of course thirty seven, twenty three if she's six and on a good day exactly forty two. Derpy being in the episodes or not and the episode synopsis being the main variables as to whether it's a good, bad or neutral day. Then you move a two decimal places.
I'm a mathmaticians worst nightmare.
@D. Shadows previous message
ReplyDelete'A' two decimal places.
Also six should be 'sick', sorry.
rocking back and forth waiting for mlp
ReplyDeleteAre any channels streaming The Aquabats Super Show or CD Nation?
ReplyDeleteNow that the show airs at noon my time, it's like waiting for football games during the NFL season.
ReplyDeleteUgh, almost got called into work early. NOT THIS TIME BOSS, I GOTTA WATCH SOME MARSHMALLOW PONIES.
ReplyDeleteTrue stories.
ReplyDeleteYhea, that my body is used to waking up at 8:30 for pony is ANNOYING! I can't be patient.
darn. im gonna miss it. 'cos i have to go without WiFi for an entire night! D:
ReplyDeletewell at least by then it'll be on youtube...
That image is really good o.O I heard "YOU GOT THAT" echoing in my head, and I was desperately looking around everywhere where I saw that word, but my best guess is the picture. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteThat image is really good o.O I heard "YOU GOT THAT" echoing in my head, and I was desperately looking around everywhere where I saw that word, but my best guess is the picture. Amazing.
ReplyDeletewow 6pm uk time XD better go play skyrim and fap for 3 hours
ReplyDeleteI saw the preview that was on eqd a couple day back ...and im thinking this going to be a good episode
ReplyDeleteHaha IM GOING TO START GOING hahaha CRAZY IF I HA.. (start twitching ) HAVE TO WAIT ha LONNNGER ..HehaHaHaHa.HA
ReplyDeleteJust one more hour! My body is ready.
ReplyDeleteFor Strawberry Shortcake?
(Starts talking randomly and crazily ) if ..I was bitten by one will that mean I will turn into one.......BLARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG
ReplyDeleteMad respect gotta remember the priorities of life Ponies>Work
fortunately I don't have to go into work until later
(more random talk) I FEEL DISZY
ReplyDelete@R.E.A. Forward Unto Dawn
ReplyDeleteThat's not crazy, that's just spacing out at the keyboard.
YES!!!!!THEYRE PLAYING AT LATER TIMES!!!!! I dont have to get u a 5am any more!!!!! Waiting for the link eagerly.
ReplyDelete@R.E.A Foreword Unto Dawn
ReplyDeleteI approve of your name
Just gonna sit here waiting patiently for Fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, The Aquabats Super Show is pretty much the best thing ever.
ReplyDeleteMy prediction for the new episode is as follows:
ReplyDeleteIron Will is going to teach Fluttershy how to be assertive, but there will be some ulterior motive probably involving money. He probably plans to sell his services to the rest of the town by proving he can change the gentlest pony in town into a hardass.
During the teaching, Fluttershy is going to prove slow to change but will eventually start to act more like she did at the end of Dragonshy. Eventually, Fluttershy might reach a stage in her training where she is forced into a situation where she acts so assertive that she does something mean. She will feel truly awful about this afterwards.
Iron Will, on the other hand, will feel his work is complete and may aim for bigger things. In doing so, he is going to act like a total asshole to one or several of Fluttershy’s friends. Upon seeing this, Fluttershy is going to turn all her training on her tutor, stand up for her friends, and give Iron Will a massive bollocking. He will then run from Ponyville, his tail between his legs similar to the way Trixie was made to leave.
The lesson will be that it’s okay to act assertive to stand up for yourself and for your friends, but it’s also important to temper moderation and not turn into an aggressive asshole like Iron Will.
I hope there's a song
ReplyDeleteHopefully she doesn't become fluttermean
Crap.I just woke up but ponies start at 11
ReplyDeleteApparently there was a My Little Pony DVD commercial during the Aquabats show. Apparently available at Wal-Mart? Anyone else see that or is watching that show?
ReplyDeleteThe Aquabats remind me of the 'banana splits show' for some reason and it's just plain goofy.
There's also a bit of 'Super Mario Bro.s Super Show' to it I guess.
(I've seen a lot of things.)
AHha it still says four hours.
ReplyDeleteAaaaaaaaa burger rain
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what the hell I just watched.
ReplyDeleteCurrent time wasting activities.
ReplyDeleteWaterflame-Race Around The World.
Nakataleeli's Minecraft Survival [20] Ender Pearls.
Sititng in the comment box as it's another hour twenty or so minutes.
And all at the same time.
Stream host needs to broadcast Aquabats before ponies.
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows I've been awake for awhile, my hours are all fucked up. Exactly one hour and twenty-five minutes 'til pony! ..I think.
ReplyDelete@DE Fluttershy
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn't become Fluttermean (or something like that) during the episode, I doubt there would be a decent lesson to it. You know, there would be no actual conflict, only Fluttershy being Fluttershy but with less Shy than usual.
...and then people would start calling her a Mary Sue, followed by some totally unecessary hate. Oh, and butthurt. Don't forget the butthurt.
Unless you're talking about her becoming Fluttermean permanentely, that is. In that case, I think she would be back to normal at the end of the episode, right before the end of the conflict.
aqua bats was a good show if not a little cheesy but i thought there was a pony reference in it
ReplyDeleteThis needs to air quicker :D
ReplyDeleteJust got back from watching Aqua Bats, it's several tons of WAT, but it's funny and doesn't try to be serious.
ReplyDeleteWhile there was no pony reference (they did say 'upcoming episode' not 'the next episode', after all), it was still fun to watch
darn.. it'll 2 in the morning where I'm at... i'll grab it from YT when i wake up then...
ReplyDeletedid anypony else wake up early to turn on transformers half asleep and confused? xD
ReplyDeleteGoddammit, I can't watch the show live at the hour.
ReplyDeleteEver spent five straight days awake? Happened to me a long time ago. It's how I figured out I was allergic to caffeine and that it was poisonous to my health. One can of Coca-cola that week and the only way I could fall asleep was when I finally fainted at the end of it all. I archive trawled Sluggy Freelance to tire myself out and finished that into day two. Then I moved on to Shlock Mercenary and it was my first time reading it, got through most of in almost the same amount of time plus the added comic on the fourth day. I forgot what happened on the fifth day, but I crashed and hard.
That's guaranteed to ruin any/body's/pony's/creature's hours.
I hope my life stories are interesting and time consuming as they are to write.
Just got back from Manhattan not too long ago. Totally forgot about Aquabats, but from what I'm seeing, doesn't look like the pony reference was here.
ReplyDeleteStill have time to burn, so...hmm.... I'll find something to do. If anything, I'll just try to guess every possible outcome of the show. And even then, I'll be surprised by what happens.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteEntertaining life stories from strangers across the internet are my favourite kind of stories.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteWish I could see the new Aquabats show and the commercial, but I don't have Hub and no one has it on youtube or anything.
Did not see no Pony reference in Aquabats. But Burger Rain was crazy.
ReplyDeleteNow to wait for FS epsode.
so it will be in one hour right?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure someone, somewhere, in a rotting, dark and creepy basement will gather all of which your life meant, write a book on it and become rich
That person is not me
@D Shadows
ReplyDeleteNo I'm watch red vs blue on my iPod while I wait
@Travis smith the shadowbolt
Thanks for the approval travis the dawn approves your name
It's time.
ReplyDeleteThe strawberry shortcake hour starting now.
ReplyDelete@ D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update
I'm expecting this to be like that one Spongebob episode.
ReplyDeletePlankton:Not insertive ASERTIVE!!
The wait... it's killing me...
ReplyDeleteHang in there
I'm getting in all the comments while I can. I'm going to pass out after the episode is over with and I'm done scrutinizing it.(IUs busy trying to push two hundred comments before the episode, I don't see it as happening though.)
ReplyDeleteTechnically Rarity has no reason to get back at Rainbow Dash for her slight in the episode 'that shall not be named'. It was kind of laser guided karma that Rarity get stuck with Pinkie given her lying to all the ponies and getting away with it scot free in 'Sweet and Elite'.
The waiting... the insufferable waiting...
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that
Please update the link for BronyTV, they have moved to bronytv.net.
ReplyDelete@ Rafasde
ReplyDeleteStay strong were almost there
Worst feeling in the world: Waiting for a new episode.
ReplyDeleteYeah... I think that the Derpy debacle kind of fatigued me of ponies this week. I'm still looking forward to this episode, though...
ReplyDeleteLetter to Celestia will be something like "Never try to be someone you are not".
What do you guys think?
With the muffin queen as my witness, I will at least push a hundred and forty comments. Possibly one fifty.
ReplyDeleteBut still another episode that will actually try to keep a spotlight 'mostly' on Fluttershy other then "A Bird in the Hoof".
Who would miss this one, I'm aiming to get a screenshot of Fluttershy with angry eyes on this one. (Fluttershy, Flutteranger, Flutterrage and Flutterstaredown, now Fluttersertive.)
Quick question. Why does Fluttershy need a lesson in being assertive? She can stare down a dragon by asserting her will over a fire breathing deadly clawed creature, one that is potentially a cubic exponential her size in mass.
I think the letter will be something like "Never trust strangers, who think, that they know you better, than you"
ReplyDeleteFillies and gentlcolts! We are now less than 30 minutes away from the Fluttershy-centric season 2 premiere. I welcome the return of Fluttermean, only to have her become Fluttershy one again.
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie response, to Twilight.
ReplyDeleteWell its very simple it's .......uhhh..umm I give up I don't know
Equestria girls... we're kind of magical...
ReplyDeleteFluttershy's portrayal in this episode will be more Fluttershy then usual.(And remember folks... Fluttershy is prone to violent outbursts and Discord was only around for one of those occasions.)
Twenty minutes.
@darkconsoles Aargh, too...many...comas... grammar...senses...screaming...
ReplyDeleteT-twenty minutes and counting
ReplyDeleteThere were streams on synchtube, does anyone have the URLs for those?
ReplyDeleteOh my, less than 15 mins, just came home in time. <3
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteTrying to answer your question: It seems, at least in my point of view, that Fluttershy's assertiveness/"courage" is a case of the classical "has the potential to, but doesn't use it for some reason". Her capability of being assertive might work just like her Stare: "I don't even know how it works, it just... happens!", she said.
Using a non-pony example, it can be similar to Aang's Avatar State (from The Last Airbender). At first, he doesn't control it. After some lessons from a certain master, however, he learns how to use the State a little more at his own wish.
T-ten minutes and counting it's coming
ReplyDeleteWow, over 150 comments in here already. I remember when these had like 50 comments or less before the episodes actually aired. lol
ReplyDeleteGreat, BronyState's down. FUCK!
ReplyDeleteT- five minutes and counting it's getting closer
ReplyDeleteyay first time watching it actually whn it airs :D
ReplyDelete3 MIN
ReplyDeleteI love how they keep playing that "PUNCH HOLES IN THE SKY" commercial.
So bored, only 3 more minuets now.
Opener is about to start soon people.
ReplyDeleteCritics get ready to scrutinize every action to its finest detail. You guys keep us grounded in reality.
Hyper commenters, get ready to type! We are to enjoy this episode to the fullest you can before giving your idea of how well it went when the rose colored glasses fall off.
Derpy spotter, I know you are hurting from recent events. But please, be on the look out for the Muffin Queen. She wants to be seen.
Last call for toilet, snacks, drinks and prepare a commenters box. (I think my computer is about to explode, I'm so glad I always have a spare computer collecting dust on hand.)
ReplyDeleteAnd now, Macho Man Randy Savage invades My Little Pony. Never thought I'd say that.
ReplyDeleteT-10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Lift off we have lift off
ReplyDeleteIT IS HERE
Opener starting now and we're at 165 comments. Darn we're good.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe fun begins
Finally airing at a decent time! Here we go!
ReplyDeleteAngel wants dessert, NOW!
ReplyDeleteOh Angel, you so silly.
ReplyDeleteAngel is being a bad bunny as always. And dayum! She slapped Flutterhsy right across the face!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit Angel! What a boss!
ReplyDeleteDid he just slap her across the face? Wow.
ReplyDeleteWow! Abusive bunny!
ReplyDeleteFlutterAbuse is hilarious
ReplyDeleteDamn, Angel. The pimp hand is strong with you today
ReplyDelete"Ey, did Angel Bunny just have'ta slappa'bitch?!"
ReplyDeleteDam he smacked the crap outta her T_T
ReplyDeleteHas the Previous generation of MLP ever had Pony abuse?
ReplyDeleteThat rabbit deserves a good smack!
ReplyDeleteThat bunny! I can't believe it!
ReplyDeleteWhat an asshole...
ReplyDeleteI have never wanted to beat the crap out of a rabbit before...
ReplyDeletethis is a new feeling...
"Let us pray the pimp's prayer"
ReplyDeletewow didnt know angel was such a dick
ReplyDeleteWow, that Angel bunny is such a Prick.
ReplyDeleteTime to send Angel, TO THE MOOOOOOON!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI finally figured out Angel's identity!
ReplyDeleteIt's Cotton Hill reincarnated.
Damn bunny needs to be tossed to the timber wolves.
ReplyDeleteSuch a mean little bunny
ReplyDeleteAngel Bunny is now best pony.
ReplyDeletebrace yourselves.
ReplyDeleteDomestic abuse/pimp bunny memes incoming.
Kill the Wabbit!
ReplyDelete@Yellow 13 ahahahahahahahahahahahaha best quote ever posted to a show disscussion
ReplyDeleteAngel bunny's being terrible; all like "Make me a sammich" and stuff. Just terrible!
Angel is meany face, do not like...D:
ReplyDeleteAngel Bunny has always been horribly abusive.
ReplyDeleteI don't like angle...
ReplyDeletef you angle pimp slapping fluttershy