• Pony Trailers: // Ponified Iron Sky Trailer // Spikeules Trailer (Hercules Ponyfied)

    Trailers and intros time!  That first one really makes me want to play that game... 

    1)  Metal Gear Pony: Friendship Walker - intro
    2) Ponified Iron Sky Trailer
    3) Spikeules Trailer (Hercules Ponyfied)

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Oh that second one, I'll admit, I laughed. I laughed at the original trailer too.

      Twilight as the Palin equivelant and Discord subtitled were great.

      So much concentraded "oh dear."

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. That Iron Sky trailer was BRILLIANT. :D

    4. Nice vids


      Can I ask you to banish somepony?

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. What?! I was playing HD version of MGS:PW about an hour ago, and now I open EqD and see this... Nice one actually, and I was completely expecting that Twilight will be Paz, since Tara Strong voiced her in the game.
      And I wasn't expecting to see ponyfied Iron Sky. But it's a great one.
      And Hercules trailer reminded me about the similarity of the RD cutiemark and "the symbol of the gods". Nice trailer too.

    7. Wow, never heard of Iron Sky til now. Now another movie to put on my list of ones I want to see in theaters but will probably end up waiting until they're out on DVD.
      Also, James Woods seems to fit as Discord better than John DeLancie. Who knew?

    8. Haha, all three of these were great. Iron Sky one might have been the best edited of the bunch, though the other ones weren't bad by any means.

    9. Rule #68:

      If Exist, Exist a poney version

    10. I normally don't like the trailers, but I liked one and two.

    11. Metal Gear Solid and ponies What is this I don't even...
      .... my brain was not ready for the epicness!

    12. Wow I have no words for the Iron Sky trailer

    13. @Celestia

      OJ, but now that you mention it, I think everypony could gon without Blueblood around to 'brighten' their lives.

      Besides that my investigation in the case of my memory alteration led me to Appleossa, wheree the magic trail went cold. I was told though, of a strange unicorn who left town not long ago, and was headed towards the Griffon Kingdoms. I even got a picture to follow.

      Dark blue unicorn stallion, black mane, and stangely no cutie mark.

      If I find any further information, I will report to you. Ciao

    14. Discord as Hades, Brilliant!
