These Derpy submissions for the training grounds are awesome so far. I can't wait to see all the entries by the end.
Have a roundup. It's a pretty long one tonight!
BronyCon Staff Podcast/Livestream/TF2 Game Announcement:
Hey everypony! BronyCon is partnering with one of the community’s most popular podcasts to hold a question and answer session, and we’re looking for questions from bronies planning to attend in person as well as suggestions and comments from those planning to watch the BronyCon livestream. Send your questions to and tune in when it’s released!
Hotel Rates
Hey everypony, this is SuperSonik! I’ve been in contact with hotels in the Meadowlands area, all within walking distance of BronyCon. We have managed to get steeply discounted group rates for BronyCon, and we’ll be passing the savings on to attending bronies with no markup! There are a limited number of these hotel rooms, therefore they are on a first-come, first serve. All rooms have double beds and can comfortably fit 4 bronies, so find 3 friends and enjoy even greater savings! Send an email to with the subject “BronyCon Hotel” to reserve a spot on our interested-party list (this is not binding in any way), and we’ll contact you with final prices when we sign the contracts with the hotels in the coming weeks!
Call for Events
Hey guys! This is Punchline, programming coordinator for BronyCon June 2012. Here at HQ, we’re tossing around ideas on how to make your experience as wonderful as possible. We would love some suggestions from you about panels and events you’d like to see at BronyCon. What sort of content do you want to see more of at BronyCon? What do enjoy most about the fandom? Music? Art? Fanfics? We want to hear about your ideal con experience, so we can tailor the events and panels of the con to you guys. Our Livestream is expected to be even bigger than January’s, so we would like to get input from people who will not be able to attend in person as well. Feel free to contact me at with your suggestions, feedback, or any other questions and comments related to BronyCon events.
Dailymail Reports on Derpy
It seems like everyone wants to dip their hand into the Derpy scandal. The article is a short one! You can find it here.
Derpy Stuff!
Derpy Shake
Derpy Invades Rocky Mountain High School
Doctor Whooves Adventures Seeks Editor
Copy Paste:
The Doctor Whooves Adventures crew is in need of an editor! If you guys could toss up a roundup post that'd be awesome. Have some copy paste!
The makers of the Doctor Whoove Adventures radio play are in the market for a new audio editor to help out with episode production! You will be asked to help cut up and edit actor lines to give the plays a voice. If you're interested, you must be well versed in Audition sound editing software. Please contact the head sound director at Good luck, Onwards and Upwards!
My Little Dystopia: Opression is Magic
What do you get when you compare pony to dystopic society? Check it out below!
My Little Dashie Game Seeks Voice Actors
If you have a good acting voice, check out the DA page for information on it!
Through the Eyes of Another Pony MST
Copy Paste:
"Finally! After the amazing success that was the Past Sins Original Edit Community MST, we're back with another!
We just got CardsLafter's approval to run a community MST for "Through the Eyes of Another Pony", so the first three chapters are below, and the next three will be out on the 15th!
Have fun!"
Aviators Interviewed on Chim Cheery Chonga
Another musician has joined the interview horde over at the Chimcheerychonga blog. For fans of Aviator, this might be a fun one to check out! Find it here!
Ponies Invade Finland Newspaper
I have to admit, the fursuit thing is a little odd, but they did write an article. Check the translation out here, courtesy of Orcastar.
Podcasts/Vlogs/Ect Updates
Brony Talk Episode 8
Copy Paste:
Here there everypony, we have a great show for you guys tonight. Dustykat,better known as the 'Manliest Brony In The World' is going to our special guess.
We will have a one-on-one interview and after that we are going to our caller question segment. Where you can actually ask Dusty anything you want and have an opportunity to talk to him.
We will also have a discussion about the latest Derpy voice change on ITunes.
So please join us,its all happening this Thursday at 9:00pm EST in
Brohoof Podcast Episode 19
First off, we just released Episode 19 with special guest MetaJoker.
The second thing is that we've started a Kickstarter Fundraiser for the month of March. Our goal is $300 by March 31 so we can upgrade our recording equipment. We have rewards lined up for everyone who donates, the full list of which can be found on our Kickstarter Page ( ). MetaJoker even help by offering free copies of his next album to everyone who donates $10 or more. More details can be found on our video, our website, or on our Kickstarter page linked above.
The last item is about our March Art Contest. We're holding a contest for a visual art piece (logo, drawing, comic, etc) that's inspired by listening to our show. We're offering several prizes, including the Grand prize of:
-1 copy of The Friendship Express DVD
-1 copy of Celebration at Canterlot DVD
-1 MLP themed WeLoveFine tshirt
-1 Crystal Pony Keychain
-1 MLP Blindbag
The basic information for the contest is explained in our video, and the official rules can be found on our website.
--------------------------------------------------------------Brony Breakdown Episode 2
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Millersville University
Everypony's welcome, whether you're a die-hard brony or someone that's
just getting into the show. <3
Group Website:
Group E-Mail:
When: March 20 @ 5 PM
Where: Probably somewhere on campus (for now, we'll say The Anchor)
What: Order pizza, talk ponies, and all around have a good time!
Meet-Up Page:
Bostorn North Winter Wrap Up
The North (NH) Branch of Boston Bronies will be having a Winter Wrap-Up Celebration on Saturday, March 24th at 5PM. The site is the spacious Marion Gerrish Community Center in Derry, NH. We'll watch episodes and celebrate the coming of Spring. Details at:
Abbotsford UFV Meetup
When: March 19th
Zagreb Meetup
So, Zagreb meetup will be on 13th of March, in 4pm. Meeting point will be North entrance (Dalmacija) of Arena Centar (entrance that's nearest to Arena Zagreb).
Plan is to find our special tallents in mall's bowling alley. It's not important whether it's your first or 101st time bowling, as long as you have fun. After that there will be live stream of new episode from the HUB. Of course, allong side with much fun.
Premeetup meetup: in 3pm, at Josip Jelačić Square, premeeutp meetup for everypony that doesn't want to go alone to the mall, or want to buy some ponies, or just want to hang out more :D
links to group:
Equestria Friendship is Magic RP Site
Hope Mills Meetup
Location/time: Crosscreek Mall, 2:15 March 3rd, food court. Look for the Derpy Hooves mesenger bag. / Matthew Robison
My Skype: / Brandon Hildreth
Steam: Bukshah12
Steam group: Hope Mills Bronyhood
Event Page
Elgin IL Meetup
When: March 3rd, 5pm-8ish
Where: Colonial Cafe and Icecream; 600 S McLean Boulevard, Elgin IL 60123
Info: We will be in the front of the restaurant for this meetup!! There's already been a party reserved for the back room, so be prepared to be out in the open! :D I'm excited to see you all again!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Talking Dash Plushie / Video
Keychains and Necklaces
Derpy Plushie
iPod Sleeve
Hope you had wonderful Derpy Day to all, and to all a good night.
ReplyDeletePony fursuits.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I feel about this.
faust lol!
For anyone who doesn't know, the Daily Mail is a vile english paper, priding itself on terrible news and islamophobia. It's website is now mainly targeted at the US readership - a funny turn for a british news source - usually reporting on how one of the kardashians has "poured herself" into a cocktail dress.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like their latest tactic is to use the "pc-gone-mad" Derpy story to report on how 'bizarre' bronies are - and, sure enough, there's some pictures of two people in self made hats and in the comments american readers saying "im more worried there's male fans of mlp than this".
it's just a vile way of attracting readership from over the pond - especially given that episode hasn't even aired over here...ignore it.
Wow that was a long roundup. Derpy day fun all around! So what did you guys all do for Derpy day?
ReplyDeleteThat guy who did that dystopia presentation is sorely lacking in presentation skills. I'm also a bit annoyed that they used fursuits for their article, seeing how that really isn't representative of our fandom in any way.
ReplyDeleteTough audience with that speech. Where is the last image he showed from?
ReplyDeleteThe first paragraph says TF2 game announcement but nothing is said about it what's up?
ReplyDeleteI was going to comment properly but that Daily Mail article has put me in a less than stellar mood.
ReplyDeleteI should know better by now to stick to my site avoidances and not be so curious.
Just to clarify, the Finnish brony article was originally published on 17 February by Aamulehti, Finland's second-biggest daily newspaper. The 3-page article didn't actually appear in the newspaper itself, but rather in their weekly pop culture-centric supplement, Valo,
ReplyDeleteThe cover of the supplement pictured there reads:
Ride on, pony
Bronies: Grown men sucked into the world of My Little Pony. The result is a community with a big heart.
As an interesting aside, the writer of the article didn't actually want to put the fursuits on the cover, but the editor though it was the only picture they took at the Helsinki brony meetup that was good enough for the cover. Those two were the only fursuits at the Helsinki meetup, which had around 100 attendees.
Once more, with feeling: Twilight Sparkle Framed picture, helps the CMC Adventure game :)
ReplyDeleteWould be great if you could feature it in a Roundup finally, only about 1 1/2 days left:
I hope Derpy spreads far enough to end up on a late night talk show. I could totally see Jimmy Kimmel playing the original Derpy clip and everyone laughing.
ReplyDeleteI think we're lucky that only Gawker and Daily News seem to have reported the brony reaction. I'd be more worried if an actually reputable news source (or even just a relatively large news source like Fox News) had reports as negative as theirs.
Seems fitting for a place called something like the "Daily Mail" to do a little story on Derpy. Not really sure what to say about it though. Just tired of the whole fiasco.
ReplyDeleteWow, more Singing Telegram videos, huh? Fun stuff. I love these. I like how the guy at the end even kissed the camera, aww. lol
The Derpy smoothie looks a little... ew. lol But it's really just the color.
The My Little Dystopia: Opression is Magic presentation... eh. Not really my cup of tea. It's the kind of over-analyzing of the show I find really silly. I don't mind when people are joking about such things. But it's just silly when people honestly take the show so seriously. :P
That translated Finland newspaper article seems pretty long. So I'm going to opt to skip on it. Though judging from that image used... I dunno. Makes you wonder why that image out of the millions that could have been used. lol
lol, that newspaper article probably had some sort of auto-correct feature. bronies =/= brownies.
ReplyDeleteBrownies are delicious though... and now I'm hungry.
Ah, the Daily Fail. "Racist in public so you don't have to be!"
ReplyDeleteNot so much a newspaper as a potent guff out of the very bowels of hell.
Given the Daily Mail's reputation as the English equivalent of Fox News (So right wing and rather inaccurate, to say the least), I think Bronies dodged a bullet with that article, they could have gone "Ban These Evil Games" on us all. Though, the innacuracy is still there, the sub heads do call us "Brownies." Which is par for the course, really.
ReplyDeleteI just think it's incredible the Daily Mail did a story on the whole thing, for better or worse.
ReplyDeleteThe article on the meetup on Helsinki was pretty accurate (I was there as well), and I think most of the fans in there were pretty awed with the self-made fursuits, judging from people's expressions. Sure, not everyone likes them and it's hardly a picture of the whole fandom, but then again *what would be?*
ReplyDeleteNice work on the translation :)
@Flutterfan aye same here, so surprised that i even sent the article to EQD ;) think that will be the only time I ever read their website/paper. It's filled to the brim with so much crap.
ReplyDeleteWell the DM was announced recently as the world's biggest news website, primarily because it attracts US hits by the bucket load. So it will have plenty of negative coverage.
@JitteryJoe - give it a couple of weeks ;)
ReplyDeletePersonally I didn't find My Little Dystopia: Oppression is Magic to be taking things too seriously, rather, much like some of the pony physics presentations I've seen floating around, I see it as students trying to get through the oft arduous task of oral presentation by tying it to something they can be passionate about. I think the speaker was trying to be at least a little funny, just lacked the presentation skills to pull it off. I'd go on to further critique the actual content of the presentation, but that might very well fall under the context of 'taking-the-show-too-seriously' :)
Anyway, I guess the appearance of the roundup brings Derpy-Day-2 to a close. Honestly, I find myself kinda disappointed that everything seemed so business as usual, though I guess with the 48 hour art event well just be waiting a little longer for a full on does of wall-eyed muffiny madness.
bluh bluh, still looking for them California meetups.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of the Daily Mail before, and I think I can see why. That article was short, uninformative, and they called us "brownies." Huh, maybe it's their way of saying they think we're sweet?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh, I like to roleplay! Might join the forums.
ReplyDeletesorry about the typo in message, but Zagreb meetup is on 10th or March (not 13th). When I was sending mail to EqD, I didn' notice typo. on facebook and group pages are corrected info. thanks for understanding, and sorry again for typo.
#256 Roundup? or more like #100.
ReplyDeleteI'm such a nerd
damn it! i never read extra magazines like aamulehti, but it seems i'm missing something very important.
ReplyDelete>Daily Mail
dual grounds to disregard instantly
I don't think those are "fursuits". They look like Snuggies with matching pony masks.
ReplyDeleteOdd that someone as open minded as yourself would call Fursuits "odd"...
ReplyDeleteThank you Orcastar for translating that article.
ReplyDeleteThe reporter who wrote it also directed a short documentary film about bronies, showing me doing "pony things", but that's not going to be shown on TV or other mainstream media.
I like the article because it describes bronies as a nice community, and the fursuits don't bother me.
Ugh...I've never been sure why, but Fursuits have always creeped me out, and that image from that paper just sent a chill down my spine...
ReplyDeleteOh my god you people, dressing up in costume when going to an entertainment convention is not a furry thing. It's called cosplay and you see it at almost every con for any form of visual entertainment media. It's only a fursuit when it's *specifically* done for reasons related to furries.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm gonna need a minute.
This actually presents a pretty serious dilemma for the DM readership.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand, it's an internet fandom based around a girl's cartoon. On the other, it's political correctness gone mad (tm) as liberals censor a harmless character. Both of these are some of their favourite hate figures. Which side to pick?
That article from the Finnish newspaper supplement: Wow. I honestly never thought I'd see an article so positive about this fandom, and it also looks to be pretty darn accurate too.
ReplyDeleteI love how society continues to tell us what we are and aren't allowed to like. I've always felt that this show's writing is on par with Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures.
ReplyDeleteI know this is completely off-topic, but a couple of nights ago there was an announcement for a meetup in Abilene, Tx, but I've been unable to find the group's Facebook page. Can somepony help please?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Lauren Faust's work; a new MLP AND Super Best Friends Forever premier tommorrow.
That Smoothie looks good!
ReplyDeleteI tried to make blueberry muffins, but my sis used the last of it. I had to settle for apple cinnamon instead but still good none the less.
Dusty is now a "special guess".
ReplyDeleteThat dailymail article was terrible. "Brownies"? Really? It was also one-sided, repetitive, and of course, they picked one of the weirdest-looking cosplayer's pictures to feature. How typical.
ReplyDeleteSo nobody knows anything about the Abilene meetup then?
ReplyDeletedoes anypony else notice that he has to CHEW that shake? every time he took a chug he was chewing it.
ReplyDeleteRemember people: trolls feed off of comments, especially ones that actually make sense. Ignore it and it'll eventually find something else to do.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I concur with others; where is the bit about TF2?
@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteNaw, it's totally cool, I just thought I should let you guys know. Trolling's hard work, but it's easier when people reply.
He likes my OC! Ain't that sweet? He's actually the first person to comment on it.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, it is magnificent, and would almost certainly be dating Twilight Sparkle.
ReplyDeleteIf you care that much.
ReplyDeleteThe American Immigration Act of 1882 denied entry to convicts (save for political crimes), lunatics, and idiots.
Personally, I think Oppression is Magic, being serious or not, does make a good case that Equestria if not dystopian, is kinda... sheltered, considering that Celestia does play extremely close to the vest, and the only bit of fanon that raises a red flag is that the Windego were a lie to keep Harmony in check. Taking the play at face value, maybe, but it's probably up there with Pilgrims and Indians for sheer bowdlerization on how it happened in and out of universe. The traveling entertainer bias is kinda true, since Fiendship is Nomadic is an established fact, and I can buy that the Windegos were embellished or up there with Black Death in that they were a nasty thing back in the day, but advances in living conditions took care of it, and they stuck around better than Nightmare Moon's turn and Discords first go around because it was the ponies themselves solving their problems, not the Sisters or the Elements.
ReplyDeleteSo while it talks the talk of Plato's Republic, it really doesn't walk the walk, in that people are free to apply cutie marks however they see fit as opposed to being forced into a vocation, people can live outside the belt (in Aaaaa-palooza) if they find a decent bit of dirt to stick roots in, and Celestia is the Face of Equestria while Luna is just getting back on her feet, and both are implied to check one another since they could wield the Elements in Tandem.
Tech levels and ingenuity makes the class thing disappear awfully fast, and echos of times past are just that.
Especially critical is that his main two settings were a massive cultural hub around royalness, and a specialized city-outpost in agricultural production, that's constantly in disrepair because it contains the Living Elements, a baby Dragon, the wild-ass magic of Everfree, and Derpy Hooves, all in the same ecosystem. (Zap Apple Harvest week is worth an entire year in Ponyville?) So it may be a dictatorship, but it's benevolent and it's opt-in, and a lot more agreeable than a lot of the stuff we have that are comparable. (You could make a case for privacy, but you give up any right to that when you move into town with Pinkie Pie.)
@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks! It took a few hours to make.
And on a random note, Happy Post-Derpy-Day! I ate far too many muffins yesterday.
ReplyDeleteEdmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mt. Everest, did so accidentally, while chasing a bird.
ReplyDeleteAnd in reference to my much earlier post, Where's the Facebook page for the brony meetup in Abilene!
I had a fit when I realised that video was taken at Teesside University. I'll be studying and staying in accommodation there in just a few months, heck, I'm so jealous I couldn't be there already to join in on the fun Derpy Day! Eeee!
ReplyDeleteThat was utterly fascinating to read. (Sorry for the pun there.) For some reason I enjoy the overthinking-stuff element. It's fun and educational.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bro. I figured I might as well give it a fair shake, since I'm a sucker for the Willy Wonka sense of justice of dotting the roads with gumdrops and kicking anyone out who eats them, and I guess if you are in camp Tyrantlestia, you have some more canon fodder. Decent listen, anyway.
Not to mention I posted in the thread under this one first. 6w9
ReplyDelete" All rooms have double beds and can comfortably fit 4 bronies, so find 3 friends and enjoy even greater savings!"
ReplyDeleteThanks but no thanks.
Why is the news always so negative towards us Bronies? All we did was voice our opinion about Derpy and now we have very uneducated people reporting in about us, and commentators getting very disturbing images about us. We like a show with interesting plot points that have good hooks that include more then just mindless explosions and violence. We as a community have longed for more then just the bare minimum of what Hollywood has to offer us as their audience. And now because of this, the media is now persecuting us as a whole. If people can't pick on someone they will pick on just about anyone but themselves.
ReplyDeleteNevermind we raised tens of thousands in charity, but the media never sees that.
ReplyDeleteCan I go a whole day without seeing some kind of pissing match?
ReplyDeleteMy bad.
ReplyDeleteDude, one of us could save President Obama's life and the media would still laugh at us.
ReplyDeleteBut watching the pissing matches is half the fun of coming here.
the DailyMail article called us... brownies?
ReplyDelete@joeminustalent I thought they were one of those tabloid-type newspapers. Regardless of their intent and choice of photographs, I feel that did more to promote Derpy Hooves than they did to mock FiM fans. What stood out for me: 40,000 signatures, Derpy is not a slur on the disabled, crying Derpy video. In short, a win article for FiM fans.
ReplyDeleteSo much Derpy!
ReplyDeleteDerpy day was a lot of fun.
I just got the Friendship Express DVD from the local Target, with Derpy in all of her unedited glory.
Now I am a happy pony.
>no mention of things said to be "to the roundup"
ReplyDelete>mfw I have no face
ReplyDeleteSorry, just saw this. Happy day-after Derpy Day to you too! Now that you've reminded me, I'm going to buy my friends some pre-cinema muffins tomorrow.
That's two days after Derpy Day, but I'm sure Derpy's pretty relaxed about schedules.
I do not think that man knows what Dystopia entails.
ReplyDeleteFor a DailyMail piece it was really rather neutral. There's nothing wrong with the images they chose...that's what BroNYCon looked like.
ReplyDeleteGrrr...someone please explain to me why cosplay is all right, but fursuits are not? Are you that freaked out that you can't see their faces?
ReplyDeleteWhat about all these perfectly normal-looking folks? They could have used a picture of any of them, but they chose the weirdest ones. But, like I said, that's typical. ;)
I don't have a problem with cosplayers, but many an arrogant elitest out there does.
And, to you other guys...
@Tears of the Valedictorian
@Everyone reading this
Brohoof! /)*(\
Holy Pickle Barrel! I had no idea the Derpy petition had reached THAT many signatures! I signed when it was just 2000. Well played Bronies! Brohoof!
ReplyDeleteSompepony! Help me find the Abilene group's Facebook page.
ReplyDeletePlease if you are going to state you are against CHILDREN in high school posting pictures of Derpy in this forum, post in a manner appropriate for CHILDREN. Those KIDS voluntarily subbed that picture, it wasn't taken by Seth's secret high school spycam. They KNOW its on here and will be on here to share it with their CHILD friends. I am not trying to say children in high school are babies, but MINORS should be and are legally protected from abusive adults who don't know how to deal with kids constructively.
ReplyDeleteGOOD WAY TO DISAGREE WITH KIDS: "You know, some people who see you posing with Derpy Hooves might make fun of you for liking a character from a show that those people think is for little girls. Are you ready to deal with that, guys?"
BAD WAY TO DISAGREE WITH KIDS: "You kids are a bunch (expletive) fre_ks who are destined to have a (expletive) up social life and should be ashamed to be fans of MLP."
@autobotgodzilla I don't mind pissing matches per se, but if all you can do is post "F this" and "Shut the F up" every 30 seconds, you fail even as a troll.