So grab a muffin, cross your eyes, and tell somepony you love them. If you'd like to do a bit more, we'll have a couple of Derpyriffic events for you today. First up is the continuing challenge from superbrony Thanqol to deliver love and positivity to Canberra, Australia. Through the magic of
"No rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night shall keep these swift messengers from their appointed rounds."
No mere thunderstorm could stop this year's Derpy Day.
As a reminder, my challenge was to give out 50 free muffins and convince as many complete strangers as possible to sing Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram. The event ran for two and a half hours before we ran out of muffins, enormous success was had, and it was a day to remember.
Special thanks to Pathicus who helped me out and ran the camera!
The Setup:
The Video:
(Disclaimer: I had to drop a verse for practical reasons)
Letters To A Stranger:
Thank you everyone who wrote, there was some inspiring stuff here. These will all be posted into random mailboxes around Canberra - and several other cities as well! Our total is well over 100! 1FJdgMZkusDutNXFG9eVE84n4cNRqZ HCwN-BJZQ-BOu8/edit
Thank you everyone who sent a poster in! Source: techs181 Submission-286764865 Source: M. Riggio Source: Adorkablicous http://adorkablicous.postermuffins25a4extrab.png
The Rest:
Several other people have expressed plans to run their own Operations around the world. As of sending this email I haven't gotten all the final submissions, but as they come they'll be added to the playlist here! PL63DBFF1BFF384B78&feature=mh_ lolz
If Derpy could see all the positive, wonderful things that we, as a community, have done in her name, she'd be proud. Never forget your better nature, and never believe the lie "There is no such thing as a free lunch".
Yours truly,
- Thanqol
Muffins! Happy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteI for one celebrate our derp-eyed overlord's special day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day! Muffins for EVERYPONY!
ReplyDeleteTruly beautiful
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day <3!
ReplyDeleteIt's muffin time!!
ReplyDeleteStay derpy, everyone.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony, hope you're having an awesome day!! :D
ReplyDeleteHappy happy Derpy day everypony! Get munching on your muffins, and spread some smiles!
ReplyDeleteHow nice. Hooray for Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteBought about 50 muffins for school today, put them on the counter for all of sixth form to enjoy. When asked 'why', I replied: Derpy Appreciation Day. It left more than some confused about the whole ordeal. ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day! All hail the Muffin Queen!
ReplyDeleteMy sister didn't wear the "Have a Derpy Day!" t-shirt I got her for her birthday yesterday, today! (Her birthday was the 29th.)
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony!
ReplyDeleteI'm celebrating by giving all my friends at my school muffins.
Happy Derpy Day you lot.
ReplyDeleteHave some Derpy Day drawing on the back of my electrical bill, like a boss.
Happy Derpy Day! I have just baked muffins with my bro and had three; I am going to have more tonight (BTW here is 18:13).
ReplyDeleteNot to be a Pinkamena here, but I think that "free lunch" idiom originated in physics regarding the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. XD So it's still true.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony!
ReplyDeleteToday, I will be wearing my "I heart Derpy" shirt.
We might not have muffins back here, but I can still celebrate this great Derpy Day we're having! I did my part by sending my Letter to a Stranger. Praise our Muffin Empress!
ReplyDeleteYay for derpy day! Maybe in time she will even get her name back! =)
ReplyDeleteAh I love it. So much. I'm hoping everypony will get involved! I'm trying to get people involved at our site! :3
ReplyDeleteHappy best day of the year to everyone!
ReplyDeleteI'm too shy to do most of these, but ill eat at least one muffin for sure!
A very warm and happy Derpy Day to everyone! Love, tolerance, and muffins!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day Everyone!
ReplyDelete*Hugs and Muffins for all of you!*
Yeah, Derpy Day, woohoo!
ReplyDeleteThis is so ridiculous. I just don't get you people.
ReplyDeleteyay DERP derp DEEERP
ReplyDeleteHappy again :D
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter. Here, have a virtual muffin anyway.
Baked muffins today for the first time ever, happy derpy day everypony!
ReplyDelete@Rafasde Go roleplay with someone else. I grew out of that shit fifteen years ago.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day, everypony!
ReplyDeleteLong live our Wall-eyed angel!
Aww man, I forgot it was Derpy Day today so I didn't get a chance to do anything awesome for it while I was at college. Ah well. Happy Derpy Day everypony!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy's Day Everybronie
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpyday everyone.
ReplyDeleteOur walleyed Angel may be gone but she lives on in our hearts. They can´t take her away from there!
We love you, Derpy, where ever you are.
Those letters made me feel better. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to make muffins later for my younger siblings so they can have a snack when they get home from school. And eat a few myself, of course. :)
Happy Derpy Day to everypony. 9_6
Happy Derpy Day~!
ReplyDeleteWow, watching that vid makes me wish I lived in Australia. If I tried doing something like that here in the states the response would be "Fuck you!". I love my country but I'm not too fond of most of the people in it. Examples of typical american response...........
ReplyDelete@spartakus You realize it's a cartoon character, right?
ReplyDeleteA pointless background character, no less?
ReplyDeleteYeah. I feel your pain.
I don't even like muffins unless they're corn....
Sadly, my Derpy sweatshirt didn't get here on time. I guess I'll just have to buy a muffin and celebrate the old fashioned way.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day Everypony!
ReplyDeleteDon´t be a hater. If you don´t like it go away, but quit trolling. People like you have allready done enough damage.
*hides under the floorboards*
That's so awesome! He should get his last year's philosophy teacher to sing again, haha!
It's just a bit of fun randomness to bring a smile to other people's lives, logic be darned.
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting on that free muffin you owe me.
Also, long live Derpy Day. The holiday in which we celebrate the embodiment of our fandom.
. . .aside from Trixie of course.
I only had mix for cupcakes, but it's about the message! Spreading the love. Also wrote a letter.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, I had a great derpy day :) Can't wait until next year, hopefully I can organise it better to get actual muffins.
Herpy Derpy Day !
ReplyDeleteAs much of a pointless douchebag that OJ is, I have to admit that he's halfway right. It feels inappropriate too, considering that Hasbro has thoroughly raped her on account of a small handful's bitching. I feel like I'm trying to celebrate someone's death here. You kids go and have your fun.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony! I'm gonna have to get some muffins from work today to celebrate. XD
ReplyDeleteour community is special because of the stuff like this
ReplyDeletedo not listen to haters, haters gonna hate anyway
Happy Derpy Day Everypony!!
ReplyDeleteRemember to eat lots of muffins!!
ReplyDeleteI've got a muffin in my lunchbox. :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony!
ReplyDeleteoh no! i need to buy a muffin!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same...
Awesome job guys. Sadly i forgot about muffins myself :(
ReplyDeleteAlthough love and tolerate is our motto, I feel that bashing someone with a frozen newspaper is just as effective. Luckily, I am not a hater and have my anger under control.
Also, if you feel like you're celebrating her death, look at the holiday as a memorial.
Everypony whining is a silly pony today. Derpy isn't gone or anything silly like that, she is, was and ever shall be, BEST PONY! (Sorry Trixie, it's true.)
Deroga data is best day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteMuffins for Everybody!
In Wales it's St David's Day and Derpy Hooves Day.
ReplyDeleteDo the Welsh get extra muffins?
Derpy day* i mean ♥
ReplyDelete(2nd Comment)
ReplyDeleteJust read some of the letters to strangers and they are all so wonderful :)
Got tears of joy and happiness in my eyes.
Thanks to all Bronies who make something like this possible!
Deroga data is best day!
ReplyDeleteDeroga data is best day!
ReplyDelete>People like you have allready done enough damage.
oh for Faust's sake...
Hasbro changes a voice (which didn't fit anyway BTW), changes ONE DAMN WORD of dialogue, and you fucking Derpy fundamentalists act like it was a Crime Against Humanity.
Really, if you honestly were IRL upset or stressed out over this ridiculous Derpy saga, you need to back away from the computer monitor and get a grip. The way some of you have been bitching, you'd think Hasbro ordered her deleted from all the fanfics and fanart or something.
BTW, have you ever met anyone named RETARDED HANDS? No? Never met anyone named Retarded Hands? Didn't think so. DITZY DOO WAS ALWAYS THE MORE CREATIVE AND THUS BETTER NAME.
I'm baking muffins now! Oatmeal butter pecan, with M&M's! And I'm watching the Social Justice wankers make fools of themselves on EquestriaMLP. Life is good. ^_^
ReplyDeleteBronies: Confusing complete strangers since October 2010.
ReplyDeleteLeaving to clean out the local bakery of muffins. Wearing my Mane 6 jacket, of course. Then going to wander downtown handing out muffins and letters.
ReplyDeleteI hope I can fit all this in my cart...
Get over it. Today's about cheering somebody up with a simple gift, which is EXACTLY what you whiners need. So grab a muffin and enjoy your day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day!
Now i feel terrible for constantly forgetting to write. I, for one, say Derpy Day should be Derpy WEEK. But anyway, I must redeem myself! TO THE LETTER-WRITNG AND THE OVEN!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who thinks we should change it to the 21 in January(IE The Last Roundup airdate)? Just seems like a more fitting date in my mind.
Happy Derpy day everpony!
ReplyDeleteWasn't this /already/ a day?
ReplyDelete@mycutiemarkisagunIt drives me absolutely up the wall to think that a split-second animation error and a line of background dialogue that was not actually supposed to be attributed to ANYBODY has been snatched and run with like this to begin with.
ReplyDeleteThe "Save Derpy" crowd just makes it more and more unbelievable.
Yeah this holiday thing sounds a lil stupid to me.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day! *eats toffee muffin*
ReplyDeleteOMG U GUYZ!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you, of our community!
Happy Derpy Hooves Day, the derpiest day of the year!
@ImpiousI didn't want Derpy's voice or name changed.
ReplyDeleteI just thought she shouldn't have been created in the first place. It's just a cartoon pony, used as background filler, that you people created a cult around.
Priorities, people. There are bigger things in life than the editing of old footage in a cartoon show about ponies.
@Jiggywitit And the people whining about whiners need to stop whining too. Their whining tends to be the worst.
ReplyDeleteHerpy derpy day folks!
ReplyDeleteHaters gonna hate, but that's just fandom. Let the bad roll off your back and keep the good close to your heart
And, you know, for a supposedly 'dead' pony she sure gets around, appearing in two episodes since the Last Roundup and visibly cross-eyed in one of them.
Happy Derpy Day! Gotta go get me a muffin later, banana nut? or blueberry? or chocolate chip? bite size? or huge? so many choices!
ReplyDeleteExactly. Stop trying to drag it out, it's over. That goes for OJ too, who's whining about something even more miniscule.
ReplyDeleteAlso: Hasbro "raped" Derpy?
No, Hasbro "changed" her.
Nothing got raped. No horrible crimes took place.
Cartoon pony. Kid's show. It's not important. For fuck's sake, man.
ReplyDeleteAbout how I'm embarrassed to be a fan of the show because the vast majority of the fandom is fuckin' crazy?
That's not whining, that's just the truth!
Ha! I get Derpy Day off! ^.^ *dances*
ReplyDeleteSounds like sour apples to me
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everyone!
ReplyDeleteMay smiles and muffins be had for all!
lol i want a adress now O.o
ReplyDeleteI can tolerate but let me just remind you and everyone else whhat we're here for.
Derpy Day.
So smile, eat a muffin, be happy, and shut up already. If others want to be fools, let them. It's not your problem or mine.
ReplyDeleteWhile you're on your imaginary pedestal, have a muffin. You might feel better.
It's a good idea. Thanqol, you rock!
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, this was the second annual Derpy Day. The timing is more coincidental than anything.
ReplyDeleteSo have a muffin, spread a little cheer, and Happy Derpy Day, all!
@_OJ_ you seriously need a hug
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just can't feel it, sorry.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day, everypony!
ReplyDeleteToday my best friend became a Brony! So it's special now.
ReplyDeleteMore fans incoming.
Awww, totally forgot it was the first of march today, and missed out on all the derpy related fun! oh well Happy Derpy day everypony!
ReplyDeleteDerpy Day? Seriously? We have all these amazing characters in the show and we name a day after Derpy? I must say that her "overratedness" is starting to turn my complete lack of interest into a mild dislike.
ReplyDeleteIt's because Derpy basically got formed by the fandom and that Hasbro actually listened to us and made her canon. If nobody noticed her standing in the background in the first episode, we would've have never seen her talking in "The Last Roundup"
Happy Derpy Day, everypony! :D
ReplyDeleteI needed this day after what happened. :)
I accept what occured now, it's over, we can move on and remember the good times. Derpy is ours forever, nothing can change that and this day is dedicated to her glory. All hail Derpy Hooves, our resisdent muffin expert and mailmare overlord. :3
Just had me a muffin full of peanut butter and jelly.
ReplyDeleteKind of weird, but it was the only muffins they had today at the pastry shop at my college. And it wasn't bad.
I have done my Derpy duty.
ReplyDeleteThis was already an event from last year, it just coincides rather nicely.
And not liking things because people like things? Pffft.
I celebrated in a way that I heard about a while ago. I baked a dozen muffins and brought them to school, offering them free in exchange for the recipient singing " Evil Enchantress" and allowing me to record them. I'm down to my last muffin.
ReplyDeleteI just got done eating a muffin
ReplyDeleteCelebration complete
Actually, i should have worn grey today, with a yellow hat...
ReplyDeleteBrony history 101
Derpy is a completley fanmade creation that was incorperated into the show. Shes a symbol of the link between us and the staff.
no muffins for me the was no store in a radius of 15km (±9miles) are selling them
ReplyDeletedid go to like 10 bakery's, 15 supermarket and 5 gas stations
now i am sad
@Capn Brony
I really should learn to keep my mouth shut. Now I'm going to have people replying to that comment for the rest of the night..
Yes, I know where Derpy came from. Yes, it's nice to have her as a little shout-out or easter egg for the fans. No, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with Derpy as a character. No, I do not dislike her because other people like her; that's always been the case. It's just the amount of drama she's spawned lately combined with the fact that I never really thought she was interesting enough to warrant so much attention that's started to get me to >mildly< dislike her.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteI'm not here for your dumbass "holiday". It's just one more thing to add to the long list of why everybody thinks the Brony community is fucked up.
from now on these will no longer be the day i dead as Justin Bieber's b-day it will be derpy day!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteTime for a muffin!
ReplyDeleteDude, calm down
You're just perpetuating the problem even more. You're defeating your own goal right now.
That is, unless youre just trying to troll, which given your tone i find very likley. In that case, carry on.
ReplyDeleteIt's the price one pays for stating their opinions. I don't judge people or ponies (Or any equine for that matter) like that though.
We are entitled to a free opinion and so I just say "If that's how you feel, okay" and go on about my business.
Love and tolerance my little ponies. . .
Love and tolerance. . .
ReplyDeleteOk, i understand now. I misunderstood your comment.
I do agree with you, but ive managed to mostly ignore the drama. Ive dealt with enough real life drama that had actual consequences to know not to get worked up about this.
I for myself sended tons of people on the internet,I didnt know,a friendly cheer up message.
ReplyDeleteI would have never done that if it wasnt for Derpy and MLP. This show makes a good human out of me...
ReplyDeleteThen why are you here? -_-
Seem like a waste of your time to go and b**ch at others just because they like something you don't.
I feel genuinely sorry for you. You must be so miserable. Let play a song on the world's smallest violen.
In short: hit the road troll. Discord dislikes haters.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteYou can't judge ponies because ponies aren't sentient beings.
There are no ponies here.
Stop being weird.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't a very loving or tolerant message. You should be ashamed.
Shame shame shame.
ReplyDeleteI figured a former military personnel would have more self respect than to make an ass of himself. If this what I'm paying taxes for then I'm feel ashamed of the people training all of you.
Further more, if you're not a brony, why are you here?
Because he's trolling, duh.
ReplyDeleteYou've officially devolved into a troll now. I feel absolutley comfortable disregarding everything you say.
The only way to deal with trolls is a dismissive attitude.
Here, have a muffin.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteI am a Brony. I love the show. I hate the fans.
Happy Derpy Day - let us raise our muffins in joy, not sorrow.
ReplyDeleteWell shit howdy, I agree with OJ there. Fans don't deserve Derpy, if this colossal planet-ravaging shitstorm is any indication.
ReplyDeleteI say we should adopt a new mantra: We never complain about a fucking thing about the show ever again. If the writers are kind enough to throw us a few more bones, we will take it and like it. If Hasbro decides to fuck us up the ass some more, we will take it and like it.
It'll probably be more effective than this "love and tolerate" shit that every last brony ignores.
ReplyDeleteExplain to me how Hasbro fucked you up the ass.
I really don't see it.
Do you want to? Lolololololol
ReplyDeleteOr avoid the question completely, that's another option. No problem.
The "some more" implies that in the past, they did something horrible and inappropriate to their fans. I asked for clarification on what that was.
But whatever. If you're too embarrassed to, that's okay.
ReplyDeleteYou are free to have that opinion. Have a good day sir. Just don't take out your stress on them. They don't deserve it (except for a select few) and honestly I think that most of this is just stupid. The whole arguement iis pointless. I won't shove my opinions down your throat like some other will try, so don't get mad at me.
Just have a good day.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDelete"They don't deserve it (except for a select few)"
Again you lack the love and tolerance you were preaching earlier. How terrible of you.
ReplyDeletehey if being crazy is a requirement for being a brony then could you please guide me to the closest asylum?
Hint, OJ, I'm also a fan of Transformers. Hasbro rapes that fandom constantly. I could give a list of examples, but I'd get carried away and this post would reach the tl;dr event horizon.
ReplyDeleteGranted, most Transformers fans are also the most self-entitled asshole douchebags on the internet, even more so than bronies, so how much of that is just overreaction is up for debate.
ReplyDeletewell sir these comments are for people want to share love so please go find something to enjoy and hate bronies as much as you want but don't ruin our derpy day
yes this fandom got the craziest ways to entertain like creating a holiday but those are bronies and will stay on internet no matter how hard you try
(Fan Fic authors, MAKE IT HAPPEN.)
ReplyDeleteSome of them do deserve it. And besides, everyone has a limit as to how much they CAN tolerate. They are very few that annoy me. What's it matter to you?
ReplyDeletechallenge accepted XD
ReplyDeleteSo explain the ass-fuckage. That's a pretty extreme term. It takes something major to warrant such a harsh phrase.
Did they somewhere in one of the movies have a line that said, "Hey, our fans are idiots! Thanks for throwing money at us!" and then ended the movie after 25 minutes with an INTERMISSION screen that lasted until the end?
Because that would be an ass fucking. Anything less than that, no.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteSo "love and tolerate" has some caveats and supplements tacked on to the end. I see.
Funny thing to be reminding people of.
Well movie-wise, turning the entire Decepticon cast into five-second cannon fodder in the third film counts as raping the fans. The bad guys are just as compelling as the good guys, so explain to me how a weak little man killing one of the most popular characters in the franchise with what equates to a hand grenade isn't total fan disservice.
ReplyDeletePerhaps ass-fucking is a bit too extreme, though. Recommend something better?
ReplyDeleteI just want them to try their best.
ReplyDeleteEh, I don't care about it anyway. Glad you see my point of view and agree with me, though.
note: Derpy died on her way back to her home planet
ReplyDeleteMay i make an observation?
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the largest cause of drama, fracture and defacing of public image comes from bronies yelling at eachother that they are going to ruin our public image.
See this information as you will.
It only reinforces my belief that the biggest cause of problems is people who complain about people who complain.
@Shadow Heart
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can start reminding them to not be fucking morons, too.
ReplyDeleteThat's your job troll
ReplyDeleteIndeed, indeed.
I miss the early days when this fandom was sane, and something special. Almost makes me want to cry; Look at what we've lost.
But, I leave you in good health. I need a coffee.
ReplyDeleteMay I recommend the caramel machiatto
I day for Derpy? *insert epic derp here*
ReplyDeleteYour point being what?
Or do you not have one?
Sweet! Its Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everypony! *mmmm Muffins :D*
Happy Derpy Day.
ReplyDeleteI baked Blueberry, chocolate and lemon muffins.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this place, filled with so many muffins?
I'm munching muffins, and nopony can stop me.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Hooves Day Everypony.
It's amazing how a bunch of socially awkward idiots can take a split-second soundbite of a single word and turn it into HEY GUYS THIS CHARACTER REALLY REALLY LOVES MUFFINS!
ReplyDeleteFor the sake of fuck.
ReplyDeleteHe is saying we are stuck in a paradox. I'm leaving the post to end it.
Have good day.
ReplyDeleteI brought muffins to everypony at work! (Yay working for a small company, they're cool with the whole pony thing) is open for business by the way.
ReplyDeleteThey're cool with the whole pony thing because they don't want to hurt your feelings by telling you to your face that you're an idiot, most likely.
ReplyDeleteThats awesome dude. I think next year i should bring them in for one of my CS classes. Now to determine which has the most bronies....
Nevermind oj, hes been confirmed as troll. His words are meaningless air. Give him time to cool off.
AWWWWW YEAHHHhH!!!! I found my letter. I hope whoever got it had a better day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day all.
ReplyDeleteI completed my London copy of Thanqol successfully.
To my surprise Sainsbury's had the muffins on buy one get one free today, which makes me think a brony decided to put them on offer.
Got 72 muffins for only 12 quid. Then I left them in my lecture theatre (at King's College London) before the lecture with a note from Derpy. The lecturer was very confused, thinking Derpy was a bird from the picture. If any bronies were in the room they didn't wanna come out the stable and correct her. The lecturer then distributed to all the students, which was awesome. Took ages before we actually got down to the lecture topic.
Sadly I couldn't record it as my phone's battery died before the lecture, and also the way the muffins were handed out would have made it hard to record it while keeping the gift anonymous. But I did manage to take a couple pictures of the shopping trolley loaded with 18 packs of muffins with one of the few MLP toys Sainsbury's has on sale.
I probably looked like a shoplifter standing in the aisle testing how many packs of muffins could fit in my bags.
I'll post the note I used and the images of the muffin haul in a few days when I have sufficient internet bandwidth to do so, currently I'm stuck on mobile internet.
I want to thank Thanqol for inspiring with this event, so Thank you Thanqol.
@Sgt Byrd
ReplyDeleteA good, a lecture class, so instead of just embarrassing yourself in front of a few people, you embarrassed yourself in front of a ton of people.
Happy Derpy Day!! :D
ReplyDeleteDerpy we will always love you, no matter what.
You make me proud!
ReplyDeleteWish I had some irl bronies here. Haven't met or even heard about any other bronies in Poland. Internet bronies do not count. They are far away nevertheless.
@_OJ_ Why do you hang out on Equestria Daily and converse with us if you despise us so much?
ReplyDelete@Sgt Byrd
Seriously, that is amazing. Ill watch for those pictures. You are my hero of the day.
ReplyDeleteGTFO NOW!!!
rly you should have a sign says :warning a troll
oh and about the whole love and tolerance thing
ReplyDeleteJust trying to help everybody understand how absolutely moronic they look. Just trying to do my part to improve the fandom. Chipping away at the stupidity boulder.
I'm just a nice guy trying to help the socially awkward and badly-dressed fanbase realize what the rest of the world thinks of them.
ReplyDeletePlease dont address him. Thats what trolls feed on. Theres no use in trying to respond. That only makes things worse. I wish more people would recognize this. Theres no point in trying to insult him back either.
Take a lesson from moby dick, you can't take revenge on an animal.
Have YOU derped today?
ReplyDelete@_OJ_ Whats sillier and sadder: a person who obsesses over cartoon characters, or a person who obsesses over other people who obsesses over cartoon characters?
ReplyDeleteEveryone who knows the correct answer get a muffin!
ReplyDeleteWhy would you want to hang out with Bronies in real life?
I've met some. I've attended events that other Bronies have.
They're just as bad in person as they are online.
@Impious @_OJ_
ReplyDeleteHaving been part of multiple fandoms I can say that most them have been far worse than this one in terms of behavior.
I have some very bad experiences with the Doctor who fan base and the Star Trek fan base online. Just the very mention of any aspect of the series new or old can start a huge argument complete with insults directed at people working on the show.
People tend to comment on Bronies as annoying or in some cases a reason not to watch the show while forgetting that most other fandoms are just as bad if not worse(in my experience much worse).
In fandoms people tend to get really upset about things, its the nature of the beast.
PS. I will be gone for a few hours and wont be able to reply. I just did not want to come off as rude as I dont post very often.
:O I don't see my letter in that doc :/
ReplyDeleteWas that all of them, or just a few?
ReplyDeleteHurr hurr muffins hurr hurr.
You are a clever one. I haven't heard the muffin line yet today!
Man, I try to spread some Derpy Day cheer via Twitter and this fucking tool of a pseudo-friend dares to call it semi offensive?!?! Uppity fucks everywhere these days it seems...
ReplyDelete@Beta-Carotene The act of conversing with trolls is not harmful in and of itself, in my opinion. I was interested in how he would justify his presence here and so I asked. It's only when you allow yourself to get riled up by them that they become a problem.
ReplyDeleteI understand your position, but i disagree. Any response you get will be just as meaningless as anything else they say. You may as well have not asked it at all.
Trolls either are mallicious or upset about something.
If they are angry, its like talking to a child having a temper tantrum. Its like talking to a brick wall with a tape recording of someone yelling.
If they are meaning to be difficult, well... using logic on a man who has abandon reason is like giving medicine to the dead.
Either way, the only way to get rid of them is ignore them. If they dont go away after a while, you can be sure that they are in a boiling pot of their own rage trying to get someone to pay attention to them.
Sorry if i made typos, im on my phone.
@_OJ_ Really? What are you gaining from doing this. You saying "Don't do silly internet things!" on the internet... that's like saying "Don't do silly jumping things!" to a basketball player.
ReplyDeleteYou understand that this day is dedicated to being friendlier to people, something no fandom born from the internet has ever done. Derpy Hooves is just a vessel in which to enact it.
If your against making a little peace in the crazy, angry, messed up world, then that's sad bro.
Gah. Food poisoning. I will be celebrating a late derpy day. Oh well. I'll still cross my eyes
ReplyDelete@Brookwood Bronco
ReplyDeleteThe basketball player doesn't play basketball when he goes out in public. There's the difference.
By using a memetic holiday gleaned from the corner of the internet, populated by a bunch of demographic-challenging mouth breathers, and using it to be friendly to strangers . . . it just makes the strangers think you're crazy.
That's not really making a difference.
I did this today, but I only had about 20. Will have a video up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAt least you only made 20 people think you're a freak, although that is still 20 more than you should have.
Hm... No wonder I've been in such a good mood today and not knowing why. Happy Derpy Day indeed.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy day!! :D I salute to you with muffins!
ReplyDelete@Brookwood Bronco
ReplyDeleteBummer, no response.
Guess I won that debate.
Why's the Derpy Day thread so quiet?
ReplyDeleteIsn't everybody having fun in the Derpy Day thread?
O wow, this is such an amazing thing everyone's been putting together. Seeing all of this has really brightened up the rest of the day for me.
ReplyDeleteHappy Derpy Day everyone! ^^
ReplyDeleteHow the fuck is this amazing?
This is embarrassing and pathetic.
These people out there in the normal, sane world who get sucked into your fucked up holiday will just develop a negative attitude towards you and your hobby.
Happy Derpy Day :D
ReplyDeletelike it i can't draw ponies :(
@Beta-Carotene You're right, of course. Speaking to a troll will never gain you anything productive and is a waste of the time in that regard. It can, however, be interesting or amusing to see how trolls back up their positions. This particular explanation wasn't all that amusing, but as the Insane Troll Logic page of TV Tropes will attest, trolls can sometimes be rather creative in their explanations of their actions.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little late to the party but hooray! I'm gonna go eat muffins! See you ponies later