EVERYONE got sent back to magic kindergarten! These ponies could use some basic lessons in the art of judgement calls and morals anyway!
Spoiler Note: Lots of future Twilight came in after the episode clip. Avoid this until tomorrow if you want to avoid seeing her.
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Saucy Tag Pinkamena Diane Pie
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72 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta#29 I just can't stop staring.
VastaKustuta#29 Oh no you didn't!!
VastaKustutaAwesome Pony effect 3!
VastaKustutaalso first. (i hope)
Future Twi looks badass with an energy rifle :D
VastaKustuta29 is damn awesome
VastaKustutaI know I might sound a little slow by only saying this now, but Future Twilight is badass.
VastaKustuta@Sara M. Carter
VastaKustutaah pony feathers. oh well, better luck next time!
Oh oh oh i know im not first or anything but the comments say 0 so might as well.
VastaKustutaLove the Twililicious
Amazing drawfriend today. I want to mention pictures 1-30 for being excellent.
VastaKustutaNot faust, er, foist, er, first... ahem... hehe...
VastaKustutaArt, it's what's for dinner.
VastaKustuta@Yellow 13 A delicious one at that!
VastaKustutaTwililicious? not again!
VastaKustutanice arts today
VastaKustutaAzekahh did read a fanfic sorta like the #1.....
VastaKustutaI say sorta in the vaguest way possible, metally scarring would be more accurate...
#29 Why am I doing the same thing?
VastaKustutaseth, you do know... that you don't have to post the future Twilight.
VastaKustutafuture twilight in #19 looks like commander sherperd holding a assault rifle while taking cover and killing reapers
VastaKustutaTwilight licious
VastaKustuta#29 needs to have Fukkireta put to it.
VastaKustutaThey've actually already shown future Twilight, and you're already showing her in the Drawfriend? Welp, I'll be back tomorrow, then, but I'll go ahead and note that I love #1, a great blend of cute and silly with lots of fun details.
VastaKustutaWhats up with #4, so crazy XD
VastaKustutaHoly Friendship, are you serious? Tomorrow's episode is going to have energy rifle freedom fighter Twilight fighting (for or against) the solar empire?
VastaKustutaThat is the least girly and most amazing thing ever. Is this serious?
#14: Having a Day Of The Triffids flashback...Watch meteor shower today, be permanently blind by tomorrow.
VastaKustuta#8- If Shining Armor ended up with Rarity that would certainly make things interesting considering the recent developments
VastaKustutaFilly LUNA is best filly!
VastaKustuta#29 and #30 are awesome!
VastaKustutaI can see a LOT of fan fics coming from just Future Twilight/Twilight Snake. COME MGS CROSSOVERS
VastaKustutaIf you want to protect us from spoil, you could start by not writing some in the front page.. I didn't read the synopsis for nothing :< !
VastaKustutaYou have to understand.. The expectation will prevent me from sleeping...
19# is Awesome, Brohoof to Destikim for awesome art.
VastaKustuta#29 I found this extremely hard to stop staring at.
VastaKustuta#1 Nice, Trixie and Dash made me smile.
VastaKustuta#3 Have to say, not a big fan of Cheerilee's mane here. Otherwise great piece.
#4 Derpy Do? Yes, Derpy Do.
#5 Future Twilight is straight up bad-ass looking.
#11 General Derpy!
#14 This comic looks promising, loving the art style used.
#19 A rather grim look at the future. Awesome concept.
#26 Don't know if you want to be firing that thing indoors Pinkie.
#29 I can't stop watching this...
#30 Hahaha oh man, this has to be my favorite of the night. Never thought Twilight would be able to pull this off. We need Pimpin' Spike to accompany our OG.
11: Gotta love Epic Adventurer Eye-patch Derpy!
VastaKustuta29: My neck's gonna hurt by tomorrow morning...
#29 and #30 Twilightlicious is best meme.
VastaKustuta#12 Delicious Pinkamena sauce is delicious. Let the others be scared. I welcome my flat maned overlord.
#29's even better when taken in combination with gifsound.
VastaKustutaSo many amazing pics today. Future Twilight is badass and would totally fit in that ME3 pic with her energy rifle. Adorable fillies everywhere and that anime Octy at #24 is beautiful. No words can even describe how awe-inspiring #22 is. And of course Twililicious is hilarious.
VastaKustutaWins beyond belief today. Love it.
VastaKustutaAgree. ^^
Whats with the Solid Sparkel stuff? I dont get it
VastaKustutaI could watch 29 all day.
VastaKustutaShes just so Twilicious!
Since not nearly enough people have pointed it out: Future Twi is ten kinds of badass.
VastaKustuta#25 My heart exploded in a very cliched manner. ;D
VastaKustutaI am LOVING future Twi!
VastaKustutaSo, am I the only one on here that gets who those ponies in #28 are?
VastaKustutaKid Scratch playing hooky eh? Yeah, seems about right.
VastaKustutaA whole lot of future Twilight images is right. But that isn't a big surprise. lol
VastaKustuta#24 Awww, that's so darn adorable. And that anime style. :P "Octavia is best pony :3" Yes, yes she is. :)
#25 Awww, cute little Trixie. <3
#29 Twilight, you and your head rocking back and forth is rather addicting to watch. But I don't have the heart to ask you to stop. You're way too cute. :3
#30 She's so Twililicious. She's got her bling on and she's ready to party down! Also, "Bring out the Bacardi! Twilight Sparkle up in this party!"
#2 Flutters!
VastaKustuta#5 Infinite ammo!
#29 Bopping it good!
#30 Swagger!
Holy cow guys... you are making my deviant site go crazy!!!!
VastaKustutaThanks for the features (5, 6), smiles, and I'm glad I've been able to inspire.
Makes my day and life worth fighting for. Keep rocking it!
Finally that dick sucking gross shit bag put the fucking gay saucy titles back. Motherfucking Seth.
VastaKustutaYay art.... Wow my head hurts from too many video games I'm calling it a night
VastaKustutaLuna would be the best teacher. Just be sure not to mouth off, or you could get the Royal Canterlot Voice. and nopony wants that directed at them.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Dr_Vulpine There's a way to use *.wmv clips as wallpaper by using Dreamscenes. Dreamscenes was one of the toys from Vista Ultimate that nopony remembers.
VastaKustutait's not as simple as wallpapering a GIF, but if you absolutely have to have animated wallpaper, there ya go.
VastaKustutaI don't know why Twilight doesn't want to go back to magic kindergarten. I mean all the best ponies in Equestria are there. And even better Luna is the teacher! I want to go to magic kindergarten it looks way better than my school! XD
VastaKustutaI just stared at head shaking Twilight and 6 minutes had gone by.
VastaKustutaComing in late (past midnight here) so I'm going to have to keep these short...
VastaKustuta1) Is there any way I can get into this course? Luna makes a good teacher, but I'm not sure she's a match for Cheerilee. Great, fun drawing!
2) Fluttershy! Really, what more do you need?
3) I'm firmly on record as being pro-ponies-under-trees. Looks like they had a romance in their younger days.
4) Daring Derp! I'd watch that spin off even more than the regular version.
5) I already love Future Twilight. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, even though my expectations aren't too high for the time-travel stuff... I just want more Twilight!
6) Gilda is so lucky she didn't run into "New" Fluttershy. Nicely done.
7) I love the fact that the tree here can be inferred from the lighting. REally nice job!
8) I do kind of expect this reaction to come from the episode, especially if it's known to be a royal wedding from the start. I still suspect that Cadence will secretly be a princess for the plot, though.
9) I really like the style here... just a great job on the coloring and shading.
10) Dash knows she looks awesome.
11) What a great patch-eyed Derpy! Very epic for being so simple.
12) Saucy Pinkie? Well, she does like the hot stuff.
13) Here's another spin-off I'd watch the hell out of. They'd make great roomies.
14) I'm going to have to check out whatever this is an illustration for, because I really like it!
15) I've never considered the benefits of flying when it comes to washing one's hair. Great colors here.
16) You don't see the two of them in action together all that often, and that's a shame because it's pretty damn cool!
17) A very unique style and feel to this Celestia... The heavier, darker colors really make it stand out.
18) I'm not sure who the cat-tailed lady is, but she seems to have annoyed a rather dangerous pony. Nicely shaded.
19) Seriously, though... Future Twilight's design is so fun. I'm sure it's not what it looks like, but I love it, and the epic pony war that has broken out before Tuesday.
20) She wears that uniform well, doesn't she?
21) I wonder if time travel hurts now. It didn't look fun.
22) This would look wonderful painted on a ceiling.
23) Filly Luna is pretty adorable.
24) Neat style for this Octavia... very anime.
25) Aw... that's adorable. I did enjoy that pairing in a couple of stories.
26) Nice to see Pinkie going all out for Derpy's party!
27) She's not going anywhere, but it never hurts to show how much we love her!
28) Still haven't played it, but it's nice of those that have to check in now and then.
29) Heh... She's suddenly found rhythm!
30) While it's not the best look for her, it trolls quite well!
Some really fun offerings today! Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting them together for us!
Another great Drawfriend, too tired to do a long post.
VastaKustutaDat #29
@Harwick Regarding your comment for #16, you are not kidding! I miss seeing those two interact. That's one of the things that have bothered me about the recent episodes. I hope to see a bit of them together on this week's episode.
VastaKustutaLots of great Drawfriend images for Friday!
*stares with a giddy smile on her face at #29 and dances with it* :D
VastaKustuta#8: Rarity just has the worst luck when it comes to Princes. The first one is an ass and the second one is engaged.
VastaKustuta#19: The grim darkness of next tuesday morning..
#20: I think this might be my next wallpaper.
So much wonderful artwork this time!
VastaKustuta#20 is also now my new desktop wallpaper. Wonderbolt Rainbow is best Rainbow. ♥
Coincidentally I am a filly at the moment, failed spells, enchantments, and all else...go figure...*sigh*
VastaKustuta#19 is pure awesome. :3
VastaKustuta#2: A really charming drawing of Fluttershy with a friend; the soft, almost washed-out colors work well with this gentle scene.
VastaKustuta#3: Cheerilee does look cute in pigtails, doesn't she? And how often do we see Big Macintosh without his collar? Cute portrait of a pair of good friends when they were younger.
#4: Derpy gets the job done! An amusing scene, and well drawn.
#7: Great portrait of Applejack after a job well done; the colors are great, with the dappled sunlight, and her pose is perfect.
#11: Nice tribute to Equestria Prevails' interpretation of General Derpy; I especially like her mane and tail blowing in the wind.
#13: That's quite an odd couple, but they're cute together.
#14: An excellent nighttime scene from a fan comic, apparently; the character's poses are just right.
#15: Love the bold, bright colors on this Rainbow Dash portrait.
#16: Twilight and Spike shedding light on the subject! Nice style in this drawing.
#17: Great, unconventional portrait of Celestia; I love the unusual, overlapping colors, and the painterly feel of the style.
#19: What present Twilight thought future Twilight came from... Great composition.
#20: A very striking, stripped-down portrait of Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt; this would work well as a t-shirt or a print.
#23: Terrific portrayal of a very angry Woona; the expression and the body language are spot-on.
#25: A Big Macintosh plush can make anyone happy! Cute Trixie pic.
#27: I don't think she needs "saving" as much as a scene that shows she's neither incompetent nor an outcast, but this is a nicely-done portrait regardless.
#29: Why is this so mesmerizing?
#30: Adorkable swag; Twilight's starting a hot new trend...
DAT #12!
VastaKustutaSevere nosebleeds were sustained.
#8 Rarity and Shining Armor would make the cutest little fillies tho