It's art time here on Equestrian Effect 3! I really need to find some time to go pick it up!
And for the non-space opera fans out there, have some normal pony!
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327 kommentaari:
VastaKustutawow, i can't believe i actually got away with that
VastaKustutaim pretty sure everyones minds are still boggling from that season finale synopsis. so is mine
VastaKustutaAH GAWD XD
WHOA, a little saucy #4, eh?
Cool story bro.
did i make first?
VastaKustutalol Twilight is best pony and Borderlands 2 > Mass Effect 3
VastaKustutaWhy are there so many saucy ones?
VastaKustutaAll of the Rarity Pics were just simply marvelous, darling!
VastaKustutaDrawfriend was fairly good today.
VastaKustutaAren't #2 & #3 kinda of saucy ???.....no ? ok just checking....
VastaKustutaI should really try the Mass Effect games. I played like 10 minutes of the first one and left, so I should atleast go back and give 'em more of a chance.
VastaKustuta#10 SOMEPONY SAVE RARITY.....again!
#24 Baby Luna is best baby
#21 and that's how you get me to like a character.
VastaKustuta@Sandvich Eating Pinkie Pie eyyyuup
VastaKustutaIs this sauce edition? I was looking forward to this thing.
VastaKustuta24 is scarily cute.
VastaKustutaIs that a strap-on in image number 5...
VastaKustuta#16 HNNNNNG
VastaKustutaME GUSTA
>people complaining about sauciness
VastaKustuta>clearly not looking at #5
I think some of these should have been hidden @.@
VastaKustutaWow, uh. Dat #5.
VastaKustuta4: Whoa.
VastaKustuta5: Whoa!
9: WHOA!
10: whoooooooooooooooa.
you know what seth? I'm seeing your MO now. whenever there is controversial news, you are sure to post it right before posting something like a draw-friend that way it gives your readers more than just oen thing to talk about and minimizes how much they freak out.
VastaKustuta#2 welcome to furry daily hahah....no
VastaKustuta#3 no not this one too
@Sandvich Eating Pinkie Pie
VastaKustutalol, yeah: just like applejack near the end of Apple.mov.
mass effect 3 sucks so do ponies
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOOMGCOMMANDERLUNAWAAAAANT!!!! And that seems like quite a bit of sauce in 3-5, no? Anywho:
VastaKustuta#9) Nice drawing but where are the wings?
#14) so cute!
#15) Oh dashie, you and your obsessions...
#17) They'd have my vote!
#21) Everything's better with ninjas.
number 2 made me awwww... and then happy face
VastaKustutaSeth u forgot the saucy titles faggt hat zebra has boobs
VastaKustuta@Blethisto Good lord, it's a troll. No matter, trolls can't get us down.
VastaKustuta@mandrac I'm not getting what you mean on #2. It's just Derpy on a cloud.
VastaKustutaWe love you too!!
#10 Flight of the Alicorn! I love that story!
VastaKustutaInb4 half the drawfriend is hidden because people STILL get flankhurt over suggestiveness.
VastaKustutaninja silver spoon is best spoon
VastaKustutajust look at the. zebra it has boobs. and it aked vagina and stuff aj one is saucy and the other aj so is spitfire one seth you faggot put u y titles on fag
VastaKustuta>>artistic nudity
VastaKustuta>>fuckin stick in the mud.
@TechnoTrot They only got rid of #5, and although I thought it was funny it did have a few things that are even saucy for saucy Drawfriend posts so I can see why.
VastaKustuta@Sethisto Seth, get rid of Blethisto, he's making me butthurt.
VastaKustutaExtra sauce edition!
VastaKustuta#1: Am I the only brony not interested in Mass Effect 3? Still, its a good drawing of Luna.
#2: That's just an absolutely adorable Derpy; I love how she's draped atop the cloud while sleeping.
#3: "This poison joke has changed my form; cries of 'saucy' now will swarm."
#9: Great Spitfire, but where's her wings?
#10: Terrific drawing of Rarity for the fanfic "The Flight of the Alicorn"; the clouds and lightning are extremely well done, and Rarity herself is drawn very well from a difficult, dramatic angle. CaineScrolls is definitely establishing himself as a top-tier pony artist.
#12: Love the detail on this moody drawing of Gilda.
#14: I'm always happy to see drawings of Spike and Twilight together, and this one perfectly combines cute and amusing. Those expressions are wonderful.
#17: I'd vote for 'em.
#18: Funny drawing, and Dash's expression is great.
#19: That would be a rather disturbing crossover, actually, but that's a terrific movie poster for it.
#21: I have no idea where that came from, and I don't know whether I find it awesome or ridiculous.
#22: I don't really know what's going on here either, but dang it's cute.
#24: I haven't seen the commercial that inspired this drawing, but that's a wonderfully cute Woona, prancing in her jammies and smiling giddily.
It's that sort of person that would go to an art gallery and say 'ew that lady's got boobs, take that picture down because it's porn'
VastaKustutaBut ohwell, they'll learn the difference when there... i dunno. 40 or something.
@Blethisto *hugs Blethisto* It's okay...we're here for you. Shhhhh.... don't worry.
VastaKustutaI'm guessing number 5 got removed, and from the strap-on comment I think I know why...
VastaKustutadumbass its saucy it shod be under saucy fagg. noo one wants to see that shit
VastaKustutafuck you faggt
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Critic I meant #3 & # 4 =P
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWow people, nudity does not equal saucy/pr0nz. If that were the case, then half the stuff in any art museum would be considered obscene.
VastaKustutaa happy birthday image, on my birthday? =D thanks pinkie.
VastaKustuta#9 WHERE ARE HER WINGS !!!!????
VastaKustuta@Your Friend the Taxman
VastaKustutaCalm yo tits, and slam yo ass a Faygo. Steady the nerves, hit the trolling at its source. Before the empty internet threats start.
@Your Friend the Taxman I agree with you entirely, but what nudity are people talking about. They don't normally wear clothes.....?
VastaKustuta#15: Wouldn't make any sense, but would be perfect if Daring was painting her hair purple.
VastaKustutaMai Waifu!
But yeah Seth, he has a point, you should probably sauce tag that #4
I hope nobody thinks #20 is 'saucy'. I am the original artist, and I'm 14 years old. I'll be damned if I'm drawing saucy stuff at this age, much more so if it's ponies.
VastaKustutaI didn't intend for it to look saucy in any way. But according to some comments, it might well look that way.
My apologies, if anyone thinks it does. I suppose I'll have to change it a bit.
VastaKustuta@Lunaeria Don't you dare apologize good sir or miss for your art is wonderful and not saucy nor something to be sorry for. Huzzah for you!
VastaKustutaNah, I don't think that's... WAIT YOU'RE 14? Props for talent at a young age man.
VastaKustutaim not ur waifu muffdiver.
Some great art here. I want to thank CaineScrolls again for his terrific job on #10 for me. It's a beautiful piece of work.
VastaKustutawhat was #5 again, I saw it but forgot what it was
VastaKustutaGreat drawing, don't see how Spike sleeping on Twilight's lap could be considered saucy
#13 its nice to see rarity with spikes gift agian. despite that it does look like she is leading him on. still a sparity fan
VastaKustutaWhen I saw the the drawfriend image I chuckled. The first place I saw that picture was on a certain tumbler...
VastaKustutanumber 2o sucks its suay faggot
VastaKustutaI was referring to picture #3 with the anthro Zecora. That Blethisto guy was throwing a fit over it.
@Bomber Ted No hedidn't make 14 he is 14 as in years old he made #20
VastaKustutalotta sauciness this update o.o
VastaKustuta@Bomber Ted ah, no. I drew #20, you must've got mixed up. Sorry. :p I'm 14 years old, but my drawing is Source 20
VastaKustuta#10 I admit, I skimmed through a lot of the earlier chapters at least at first because I wanted to see what was planned for that story (Flight of the Alicorn), but it has shown to be a good read and I'd definitely recommend it.
VastaKustutayou misspelled swag
VastaKustutaIf you can't play nice, or troll well, get off the internet.
Time to call Terminix.
VastaKustutaI like the art style on #12, it speaks to me.
VastaKustutaAlso Griffins are awesome, we need another Griffin character on the show.
VastaKustutaEeya, reckon I derped on that one. 20 also good, more impressive actually, and still doesn't strike me as saucy. Keep up the good work.
VastaKustutau killed it it dead i meant saucy my writing hand is broken caus e i get out in the world unlike u and sometimes the world hurts and i hurt from world and i don give a shit bout my writin tell i fixed motherfuckr u made me write that long dickface
Came down here to give my "What?" on 3 and 4 (mostly 3) and then realized that it sounds like 5 was even worse before it got removed.
VastaKustuta@Bomber Ted
VastaKustutaNobody tells my waifu to get off the internet!
Fight for your honor Blethisto! You still got that Fail Whale I gave you yesterday?
Is it just me, or the number of shipping and plot-related works here has increased?
VastaKustuta@Bomber Ted
VastaKustutamake me faggot
@Your Friend the Taxman Oh that. No that's not bad maybe I'm desensitized but it doesn't seem all that risque to me. Pfft trolls are SO silly.
VastaKustutaNot saying you're a troll I mean Blethisto, but I'm guessing you know that.
I personally don't mind sauce/nudity as long as it isn't outright porno. I just know that there are some people who don't like it and i prefer to see it at my own discretion, hence i point it out. And how cute is it that Blethisto is still trying to troll us.
VastaKustuta@Tylendal Nah, it wasn't that bad...
VastaKustutaI mean... #3 guys? you know what a blooming flower there MEANS, right?
VastaKustutaAs for the thing about #20 being saucy... it's the bedroom eyes. Just the eyes.
VastaKustutamcfagit unclefucking cock chocking cunt!
@Blethisto You just gave up on coherence didn't you?
VastaKustutaNeeds more saucyness.
VastaKustutaHonestly, #3 doesn't strike me as "saucy" at all, as there's nothing showing and no hint of any sexual intentions; I've seen naughtier stuff on the Disney Channel. #4 is a borderline case, as the expressions do seem to hint at something more than playfulness or friendship.
#5 definitely needed that link, though, just for implications.
Don't apologize; it's a fine drawing and not in any way saucy. The only one complaining about it is a troll so hypocritical that he has no problem using sexually-explicit language while complaining that Sethisto needs to hide drawings tamer than what I saw as a kid growing up in a conservative Christian household.
Feh, what I wouldn't give for a sign saying ATTENTION: PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLL.
#5 showed two characters in bed, nothing naughty, but on the floor was stuff that could have only been used for the old hanky-panky.
Two points for style.
VastaKustutacoherence is too main stream
VastaKustutaI can't silly, its the internet. And think of something better than just calling people faggots(if your meager intellect allows for it) it gets old and non offensive rather quickly.
VastaKustutaNo, he just needs to retake Trolling 101.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutasend me a link to image #5 i didn't really get a good look at it
VastaKustuta@Your Friend the Taxman
VastaKustuta*pssst* Taxman, come here...
(he's not a real troll)
You all heard nothing
trolling 101! fuck i really should of payed attention in trolling class!
VastaKustuta@jodyjm13 Bright pink blooming flower, with petals that create a sunken hollow, right between those wide open and spread legs.
VastaKustutasure, nothing explicit. Only very, very strongly implied. That pic is sexually charged.
VastaKustutano i wanted it to be a m night shyamalan!
Somepony needs to draw a mix of the Avengers and MLP.
VastaKustutaFluttershy = Hulk
Rainbow Dash = Iron man
Twilight = Thor
Applejack = Captain America
Rarity = Black Widow
Pinkie Pie = Hawkeye
Celestia = Director Fury
Discord or Trixie = Loki
@The Grey Potter Meh. I've seen worse....much much much worse....horrible terrible SICK things *shudder* I don't wanna talk about it.
VastaKustuta@Blethisto Why is there a crude 12 year old on this site? No offence, bu you really should learn some manners ._.
VastaKustuta@Dinozar415 Eh. Yeah. Yeah, I'll give you that, I've seen worse too.
VastaKustutaJust surprised me to see it right there in the drawfriend o.o
VastaKustutabeta i never loved u u waste of shit
A short but good drawfriend.
VastaKustutaWhen will this shitty ME3 craze go away?
Someone save spitfire! She's lost her wings!!
VastaKustutaI don't see why some people are complaining about #2. #3 is somewhat reasonable, but #2? It's just Derpy sleeping on a cloud, people. Unless that cloud is plowing her off-screen, there's nothing saucy about it.
VastaKustutaWow, this has the most comments of any drawfriend in a while!
VastaKustutaControversy, you rock. woo hoo.
Not really controversy, but you get my point
VastaKustutamanners are for rich gay cock in the butt faggots
I personally like every drawfriend. If Seth thought it was saucy, he'd put a warning.
VastaKustutaAs far as I can tell, nobody's complaining about anything
VastaKustutano one asked bitch shut the fuck up
@Kriddick The Kidd Agreed I usually trust Seth's judgement. That's why I have a shrine to him in my basement.
VastaKustutaExcept Steve. Don't mind him, Steve's just doin' his job
VastaKustutaRepeating my warning, it showed two characters in bed, nothing naughty, but on the floor was stuff that could have only been used for the old hanky-panky. Here's the url: http://fav.me/d4iys9d
@The Grey Potter
That flower looks more pale purple than bright pink to me. Even taking into account that symbolism, though, because of her pose and expression I just can't see this as "saucy". Still, if you want to email Sethisto to ask him to put it behind a link, it won't hurt my feelings any.
Typoes, I suspect.
VastaKustutaI see what you did there
steve is a shitbag he's nothing but a gay buttfcuker
VastaKustuta@Blethisto Man, this kid has issues. How many times did your father beat you?
VastaKustuta@Blethisto I thought you were Steve.
VastaKustutawhat a cool guy whens the last time you even seen a girl. wait dont awnser that i already know.
10. Oh no, Rarity is in trouble, somepony save her.
VastaKustuta11. A wonderful image from blog full beret wearing Pinkie Pie pics. So awesome.
18. Derpy looks so cute here.
21. Forget spoony bards, we got a spoony ninja.
24. Dawww. Luna is being adorable, nopony stop her.
Can, uh... I know this is probably not a popular position, but can we at least get some better trolls in here?
VastaKustuta@Blethisto ._. You could try to at least be a little less obvious with your trolling you know :P
VastaKustuta@Beta-Carotene Not complaining, just observing.
VastaKustutabeta you bitch where are you? tell this cocksucker whats up
@jodyjm13 thanks for the url, now I remember that one and realise why it was removed
VastaKustutaActually, its probably just that he's uncomfortable with his own sexuality, unfortunately that's common for homosexuals that feel they need to stay 'in the closet' for some reason. Its okay Bleth, we accept you for who you are. *offers hug*
VastaKustutalol, not you. Steve Jobs
@Bomber Ted Ah, that makes sense :P I can lash out sometimes, I know what it's like :D
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
Well played.
@Bomber Ted
VastaKustutaoh youre cool
VastaKustutaWhat's up.
*giggle* so I see a parasprite lurking? I am not one to do this on a regular basis but...*ahem* Blethisto, your argument is weak, 70% of the fandom is straighter than you, I'm sure you have some better places to be if you are actually serious about trolling, oh and one last thing, troll right or get off the internet, that simple. Also, by the way, tis not all men here, as I am present. Go back to being a /b/eeyetch troll who loves bananas or go have some fun in your /co/lossal fail boat, which incidentally has no life preservers.
VastaKustutaHey, at least we don't have Risvi here anymore
VastaKustutaNot much. Making dinner, having a drink, watching some third rate trolling up in here. What's up with you?
@Dinozar415 no...just no
VastaKustuta*still offering hug* bring it in boy, you don't have to hide anymore.
@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaI c wut u did there
VastaKustutaBecause I'm nice, I'll save you that already inflated $60 price.
@Shoofly *Fluttershy voice* What did I do...oh,um I'm sorry if I offended. I'll just go...
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaBut then you realize that I am actually taking part as a troll but not really one! What a twist!
Fucking fuck my damn hand just fucking went into a raging hurt mode when I type correctly. I'm going to go to fix this guys brb.
@Beta-Carotene ^_^ now anyways, where did that #24 come from...I swear, these ponies are just following me around now...
VastaKustuta@Blethisto I'm sorry, did I ask for your vulgar reply or opinion? I think not, so heed my advice or waste your invaluable life.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaAnd what you go to ponychan?
@Dinozar415 No i seriously don't know what I did could you tell me?
VastaKustutaIs it just me or are the comments on this site %20 more epic lately?
VastaKustuta@Derpestia No, I know of it.
VastaKustuta#4 - You know, it's kind of surprised me that we haven't seen more of this pairing after The Last Roundup.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaNeeds more sauce~
VastaKustuta@Dinozar415 Come on guys someone tell em what I did? I'm starting to get worried.
VastaKustuta*still offering hug* okay, somepony fucking hug me cause I can't stop until I get one.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaNo one gives a slight shit about your opinions, neither will they take them as any type of moral or valued memory, simply because no on loves you, and you will die that way. Because no matter what you do in your wasteful, shithead, garbage life, no one, and I mean absolutely no one, not even the dog you attempted to rape, will love you.
Lol don't take this seriously.
@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaYou should go to ponychan you would probably love it there.
While you there stay there.
@garturo62 *gives tobasco* and your wish has been granted huzzah~
VastaKustutaNow tis time to go and jump on Tia's bed until she orders me to my quarters...
@Bomber Ted *hug* I will never let go.....never. :D
VastaKustutaNah, you're trying too hard this time around. Out of curiosity, do you try hiding your trollness or do you try to work with the fact that you get exposed early on?
VastaKustuta*hugs back* I can dig it bro.
@Derpestia I am not a parasprite, if that is what you imply, I was only counter-trolling if that is acceptable. If I offended you, I am deeply sorry.
VastaKustutaask beta or anyone on here who knows me good enough they will tell you im not a real troll
VastaKustutaSo...now I'm imagining you in a troll costume.
@Blethisto Well I feel a tad mean, excuse my conduct.
VastaKustuta@Blethisto Please guys let's not argue or troll or whatever. Let's just love, tolerate, and listen to the Jeffersons theme song! We're movin on up!
VastaKustuta@Blethisto Well, you sure as hell do a great impression.
VastaKustutaI don't know if that comment was in response to you saying you trust Sethisto's judgment or saying you had a shrine to him; in neither case would I take it seriously.
Why would we? There was nothing in the episode to indicate they had more than a standard friendly employer-employee relationship, and they just had a couple of scenes togeth-- oh, right. Yeah, it is surprising.
VastaKustuta*in the background*Movin on up!
@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaNah someone like you always starts on whoever get's pissy about the sauce images when they get posted and man that zebra anit even saucy it's all anthro and crap it's straight up furr.
beta? what the hell happened to beta?
VastaKustutaSo he's like a fake troll disguised as a real troll in a troll costume...
@Derpestia Um...I didn't do that because of the saucy images, which to me are absolutely overreacted to, and I don't mind ponies opinions on. He just looked like a troll for a bit, and I did not enjoy his company in a site like this. Tis all, no hatred towards any one group...except trolls, but who likes those?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutabeta you sack of shit i thought you died finally.
Hey guys, I think there's a troll here.
Now I leave to go jump on Tia's bed, grab her attention, and force her to return me to normal~
VastaKustutaSo much Luna and even an aDAWWable Fiwwy Woona in PJs! My night, it's been made!
VastaKustuta1 Welp... War over. Aliens pwned. Luna stepped up. Ponies win. Game over.
2 Awww! Dreaming of bubbles!
3 Lyra drew Zecora
4 I think Applejack has eyes on a cherry.
5 RD... Wow, you musta had one hay of a party there!
8 Oh Luna, I see that sweet little smile. So many songs out there have been made for YOU!!! You are a loved pony!
9 Dat Spitfire plot is always amazing!
10 Flight of the Alicorn art. I want to buck the face of the moron that tagged this over at Ponibooru...
12 This is amazing! I want to see a Gilda redemption episode!
14 Twi is best night light!
15 was awesome too! Cosplayception!
17 I would totally vote for the Princesses
18 Total lulz at Derpy derpin the cake.
22 Dat filly Octy is also adorable!
24 I say! --monocle pops out-- Fiwwy Woona in PJs is now one of my mostest favoritest things evar!
There we go!
VastaKustutahtml tags? Did it work?
@richfiles Glad to...please a subject...
VastaKustutaWoo! It did!
Sure was nice when the comment section didn't resemble a 4chan discussion.
VastaKustutaOh bronies, how much you continue to disappoint me.
That's it...I'm bringing out the marshmallows again
@Navy Brony
VastaKustutaThe bare fucking sight of 4chan makes me sick.
@Navy Brony
VastaKustutaActually, what I'm seeing is a bunch of people commenting here who are getting to know eachother better as friends.
So, it turns into less of a comments section and more of a discussion.
VastaKustuta*offers hug* friendship!
VastaKustutaYou were there? Then why'd you mistake me for a troll you dick. this damn correct typing hurts and probably not good, gonna have to stop.
@Navy Brony
VastaKustutaBronies started on 4chan seth himself is from there although he spends all his time on ponychan now along with....well to be honest the people who get overboard on this brony thing.
@Navy Brony Waht? Are we looking at different comment section good sir?
VastaKustutawhat's the proper tag for embedding links in text? I feel like a complete noob asking that.
@Navy Brony
VastaKustutado you suffer from some kind of emtional war scar? you seem really down and depressed.
VastaKustutaWell... I can't literally post it since... you know, it's code. But here's the basic template:
#5 Warning: May induce butthurt
VastaKustuta<a href="fakeurlhere.yep">link text here</a>