• Drawfriend Stuff #351

    Fluttershy finally had an episode! So lets double it and give her a drawfriend too!

    I was going to make a banner dedicated to her, but this took forever.

    Have some art!

    As always with post-episode drawfriend, expect some spoilers.

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    Source 15 Joey_Darkmeat

    More from the pathetic Trixie line... Poor pony.

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    Raritytwi Kissing

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    81 kommentaari:

    1. He wasn't lying about today being a big one

    2. Claymore Fluttershy? But everyone dies in Claymore!

    3. grunge cherilee is best cherilee

    4. cool drawfriends today needs more spike

    5. This was one of the best DrawFriends in a while.

    6. I'm calling BS on #7. 3 Care Bears against the Equestrian Royal Guard? Yeah, I don't think so.

      Besides, Twilight could take them all herself. :P

    7. Fluttershy is best doormat

    8. #7 So much LOL
      #23 yay!

      Assertive Fluttershy Is Very Best Fluttershy!

    9. Oh no, the evil moon is crashing into the Earth again! What a totally unfrustrating way to play a video game!

    10. Ponies with swords. I have a feeling I had something to do with bringing them into popularity. I gotta agree with Austin W. This is one of the best in a while.

    11. #12 - Majora's Mask, always a nice choice for crossover art, in my opinion.

      #31 - Hilarious once you take it out of the episode's context. (Hope I worded that correctly)

      #40 - Somewhat reminds me of Jenna from the Golden Sun series on the GBA. Those were good days. (Though that pic is probably referencing something completely different, silly me.)

    12. #30 Flutterdoormatt - it had to be done, I guess.

    13. Good Drawfriend today, really liking the styles on the art these days.

      How do approve?
      "Negative Ghost Rider"
      I'm Shadowbolt! Control

    14. #30: I see what you did there.

    15. #2: The Muffin Queen is canon!

      #3: Duplicate, but for those who missed it last time: view the image full size, and look above the chocolate bar in the bottom center of the drawing.

      #4: DJ P0n-3 does get a lot of epic, creative fan art, and this is no exception.

      #6: OK, that's just silly. Love it!

      #8: I like the art style and the feeling of the desert's heat in this drawing.

      #9: A fun drawing of everyone's favorite wall-eyed mare.

      #10: ...Nice drawing, but I'm not sure I care for the implications of the text.

      #11: Love the colors and the storybook style of this drawing. Someday Sweetie Belle will discover her true talent.

      #12: Great crossover, though Nightmare Moon does look a bit goofy in that mask...

      #13: Terrific drawing of Trixie; I love her expression, and the way her cape flows.

      #16: Intriguing, and very well drawn, Rainbow Dash portrait.

      #17: I think my favorite part of this drawing is her semi-sprawled sitting posture; somehow it seems to fit her.

      #19: Cute scene from a sleepover. Looks like Fluttershy's about done for the night.

      #21: I like the dynamic composition on this drawing. Looks like they were able to copy and adapt that helicopter harness that Tank uses...

      #23: Funniest image of the drawfriend.

      #30: ...I really should have expected this, shouldn't I?

      #32: Terrific use of detail in this drawing, and great job showing Luna's confusion.

      #33: If Dash hadn't been carrying that sword, my first thought would have been of "The Third Man", to be honest. Good drawing, particularly the setting.

      #35: Normally I don't care for really shiny pics, but it works for this scene, and the idea of showing Dash pulling off some insane aquatic stunt is golden.

      #36: This has got to be one of my favorite Derpy drawings ever; love how her nose is smooshed against the jar.

      #38: "Derpyculties", heh. I'd love for the Hub to use this sometime...

      So, does the later episode start time mean fewer fan drawings on its debut day?

    16. I knew that we will see assertive Fluttershy in these Drawfriends tonight! Can't wait for the next Drawfriend, maybe we'll see Fluttershy wrestling somepony! Can't wait!

    17. #24 - 90's Cheerilee?
      #36 - Anyone else just hear a dinger go off in their head?

    18. @jodyjm13
      OH SBPHPBHPBHPB!!! I didn't even notice the muffin on that bag!

      Oh, and #23 is so dang cute! Priceless!

    19. Derp!

      Nothin' left for me to do but derp!

      All these bad times I'm going through, just derp!

      Got canned heat in my hooves tonight, bay-beh!

    20. I can't chose any standouts today, all excellent.

      Then again Spitfire always stands out with me :D

      & Care Bears are the next big thing lol

    21. I can see it now, lots of Fluttershy is best doormat memes :D

    22. School girl outfits? I approve.
      22: *tilts head sideways* *thumbs up*
      7: Beat their stupid bear butts.

    23. It's great to have another post-episode Drawfriend! Those weekends without new episodes can be rough. Considering the 4 hour delay in the new schedule, it's even more impressive that people manage to get episode-specific artwork done.

      1) Assertive Fluttershy is dangerous enough without giving her as sword. I like the flowing motion to her here.
      2) Princess Derpy is pretty adorable. And if she can make it rain muffins, I'll swear allegiance right now.
      3) Still like this one. Remembered to look for that tiny Twilight this time.
      4) Cool style for a cool pony.
      5) I would love to see a carousel done up in Friendship Is Magic characters. C'mon Hasbro...sign a deal with some themepark already! Nice Twilight design.
      6) Dash is in trouble now. Proper motivation is key.
      7) It does make you wonder what Lauren Faust could do for Care Bears. Funny image!
      8) Intriguing and nifty image of a nomadic Twilight Sparkle. Celestia's sun might not be forgiving out there.
      9) I love this little sketch of Derpy shaking her thing. Great job!
      10) It's been a while since we've seen Fleur. Is she pretty much Cadence's art assets recolored, do you think? Never really expected a pony contraceptive ad.
      11) This is a great painting of a Sweetie Belle duet! Very cute.
      12) Majora's Mask was a cool, creepy game and it mixes well with ponies. I missed Navi though.
      13) Yay, Trixie! White Diamonds has done an excellent job on her here, with a dramatic flair of the cape and the little smirk. Love her.
      14) That wasn't one of the Spice Girls, right? Fun OC.
      15) These are still cute, if increasingly more pathetic. I hope that Twilight is machine washable.
      16) Very cool Rainbow Dash design.
      17) this is a sweet, happy Derpy portrait. I like the grain that the colors have been given.
      18) Heh... School Girl Pinkie is a surprisingly effective design.
      19) You don't see a lot of TwiShy. I like the nighttime scene here as they share a book together. Well done.
      20) Twilight rocks the MP3 player well.
      21) Every pony should have one! Tank could make a fortune selling them! Funny and clever idea, and so joyously done!
      22) I thought, how saucy could a kiss be? Twilight seems to be a very sloppy kisser.
      23) Love the Hans and Frans posing with these two!

    24. 24) Cheerilee always had her hoof on the pulse of the times, didn't she? Love 90's Grunge version!
      25) This is an attractive, vulnerable looking Scratch.
      26) She should always yell this before a kick or punch. Hell, everyone should yell this.
      27) Aw, what an adorable Friendshipping pic!
      28) Are there enough guys on the squad for the volleyball scene? And which poor bastard is Goose?
      29) It's been such a mild winter here, this is practically the most snow I've seen.
      30) I would buy a Fluttershy Doormat in a heartbeat. But could I ever wipe my feet on it?
      31) Heh... love the impending fallout from Flutterrage! I hate people who stop to chat and block the road with their cars, so I could get behind her here.
      32) I think maybe Luna shouldn't have made that left turn at Albuquerque.
      33) Dash has gotten much more serious about the ninja thing! Cool image.
      34) Very colorful and sunlit vacation photo! I don't know why they look really naked here. Must be the lack of bow ties.
      35) Another cool summer image... Are folks in Australia sharing these, or are those in the northern hemisphere just really ready for winter to wrap up?
      36) I think maybe I made her grin a little too manic... but it's hard to contain the excitement of fireflies.
      37) Another nifty beach image. I like this Spitfire a lot... Attractive but not saucy.
      38) I would happily watch that technical difficulties screen for a long while. Especially if the muffins spun.
      39) Trixie looks nice and unassuming without her trademark apparel.
      40) I don't know the crossover, but Fluttershy seems to have some inner peace going here.
      41) I hate to see pony fighting against pony in a national tragedy.

      Lots of fun, and I was unexpectedly included in this Drawfriend, so bonus! Thanks to the many talented artists for sharing their work, and to Seth and the gang for assembling it all for our amusement!

    25. @Harwick Not really. I think it looked fine.

    26. About time! I've been dying for some ponies in teh art form because I wub them!!

    27. Soraka Fluttershy...


    28. @Harwick
      Fleur was apparently based on Luna's model; of course, I expect Cadence is too, so they could almost be considered recolors of each other.

    29. This was an exceptional Drawfriend!

    30. @jodyjm13

      That's interesting... You know, after Drawing Luna for the first time recently I looked at a lot of frames of her, and she seemed more substantial in the chest, neck and head than Fleur. I wonder how much of that is all in my imagination.

    31. @Harwick Nah, it's not in you imagination. From the post: "The 'lovely unicorn' seen with Fancypants did use a modified version of Luna's build." Just needed to read further.

    32. #7 Carebears vs. ponies? I've thought about this before. Of course most here would obviously put their bits on the ponies. This really feels like something that I'd see on Robot Chicken. If they haven't done this already...

      #12 Goodness, that moon has always creeped me out.

      #14 D'awwww, she's so cute! Screw the candy. I want her for Halloween. <3

      #15 This new Trixie is just too darn adorable, my goodness. She's killing me here with her cute blushing ways. The Twilight plushie is just a funny adorable little addition. <3

      #22 You just know Rarity levitated that couch in super fast for this too.

      #24 Ah, the 90's. I remember those. Maybe not quite as interesting as the 80's were in some respects. But still a fun time. Cheerliee is getting ALL the decades.

      #28 This parody just works great for them of course. If only these pony parodies were actual movies... hey, I can dream.

      #30 Of course there just HAD to be one of these in the Drawfriend. lol Fluttershy might be a doormat. But she's the best and cutest darn doormat you've ever seen. I could also make a bad sex joke here, but I'll refrain. For now.

      #32 Simply love the style in this one. Poor Luna. Back after so long in a familiar yet foreign land. Sounds kinda like an idea for a book.

      #34 Oh, you silly shippers. Oddly enough, I'm more a fan of Lyra and Bonbon. Though I'm also a fan of how she drew Octavia in this. That mane, those eyes and flowers. Don't you think I'm pretty here? :3 lol Also, the song Kokomo comes to mind looking at this.

      #36 :D <3

      #38 I like this. I think this should replace any other technical difficulty screens. At least we could take in all the cuteness while we're waiting, right? :)

      #41 Oh, this was parodied on an actual movie judging by some of the comments. I thought it seemed really familiar. Though I don't believe I've seen that movie, this poster looked like one I'd seen before. Should check it out now. I would actually watch this if it were a movie. *shrugs* I like war movies and one with ponies and the Solar Empire pitted against the New Lunar Republic would be entertaining to me.

    33. Trixie, FlutterMat, FlutterRage, Schoolfilly Pinkie Pie, and Cheerilee rockin' the Grunge?

      All my yay!

      AWESOME Drawfriend!

      P.S. Did anypony else become a ghost after watching today's new episode, or was it just me? Seriously, the 'beetus was even farther off the charts than I thought possible, even by Fluttershy standards!

    34. @A Bard Well, the main cast seem to change proportions now and again... Vector assets can be scaled up and down as needed, so there's still the chance that Fleur used all the same pieces as Luna but not all at the same size. Luna wears regalia as well, which may ad a little visual mass to her head, neck and chest.

      But again, it's also possible that I simply don't remember what Fleur's proportions were exactly.

    35. #32 Is that the ministry of Truth in the background?

    36. 1. I like this pic a lot. Fluttershy makes an awesome looking swordsmare.
      11. Beautiful scene, and Sweetie Belle is so cute.
      13. A Great and Powerful image.
      15. Um Trixie, please don't make out with your toys, no mater how adorkable they may look.
      18. Dawww, that uniform looks good on Pinkie.
      24. Cool outfit, Cheerilee is doing it right.
      27. Such a sweet image, get well soon Fluttershy.
      38. Muwhawhaw, technical Derpaculties indeed.

    37. 1# Amazingly awesome!
      23# rawr!
      27#i would soooo help Fluttershy indeed to!

    38. I neeeeed a comic series based off of #12. I'm not even kidding! Zelda PLUS PONIES? HOW COULD YOU GO WRONG?

      (No Derpy joke intended)

    39. 4) Epic Vinyl!

      12) Good ol' Majora's Mask references. This looks great!

    40. 2# derpy? Yeah she could become queen some day that day will be when she grows a horn and muffins fall from the sky and......(looks outside).....Ohh

      7#The war is about to begin. who's side are you on?

      28#DANGER ZONE

      41#There was a time when the REA and the NLR were enemy's but that was a long time

      The dawns coms are drained of power so this decripsion is short

    41. I am very tired tonight so I'm afraid I won't write any overly-long comments, but I did want to express my surprise at seeing my Trixie-doodle showing up here (not an unpleasant surprise, mind you) as well as thank everyone who enjoyed and mentioned her. It was really nice in a way to be able to draw a quick, silly fun doodle after all the big commissioned pieces I've done recently...

      Also, kudos to you Harwick-dear on your latest piece! I had no idea you were working on anything new but it is a lovely surprise, and I think she turned out very well. Contagiously-happy Derpy is always welcome. Love the sky and clouds in the background as well.

      I'd also feel pretty awful if I didn't at least mention #33... that piece in my opinion was beautifully done and immediately caught my eye. I absolutely adore the lighting and grungy textures, kudos artist.

    42. @jodyjm13
      @A Bard

      Thanks all for the kind words on my entry... I actually wasn't expecting anything to be in the Drawfriend, as the Derpy pic was done for the Derpy Day art thing that was posted a bit farther up the board. It was a nice surprise to find it here.

    43. 7# LOL! I think we can all agree that the carebears wouldn't stand a chance.

      23# Iron Will and Fluttershy look great in that pic! XD

    44. #12 brought back childhood nightmares...

    45. I love 90s Cheerilee! She must have been one of the trendiest ponies in high school.

    46. Sweet batch all around, although #12's gonna give me nightmares..

      At least, that's what I thought at first, but Technical Derpiculties and White Mage Fluttershy offset that quite nicely, so I'm good! :D

    47. Twilight strikes me as someone who would be an ELO fan. They've got the orchestra AND rock and roll. She's probably listening to "Twilight" right now.

    48. Claymore Fluttershy? Oh god......what youma did she kill now!......on second thought....HOW did.....no........oh screw it. Nice drawfriend.

    49. Number 9, epic Derpy dance,
      number 25, aww, why does she look so sad?
      Number 37. I suddenly want to go to the beach, and reapply for the REA, what a weird combination

    50. #2 Best. Day. Ever.
      #15 I find pathetic Trixie very amusing.
      #23 Fluttershy's gonna beat you up! That is, if it's alright with you.
      #26 PINKIE PIE!
      #31 Shit bout to get real up in here :D
      #38 Classic.

    51. epic as usual:) Everything that is;)

    52. #11: I've seen enough Shrek to know where this is going..
      #15: Okay, now I feel really bad for Trixie.
      #18: Nothing ever going to top that top hat, Pinkie.
      #27: This could've been a really cute picture of Pinkie caring for a sick friend, but it seems like the author intended it to be PinkieShy. I am now forced to oppose it.
      #35: I know they don't normally wear clothes, but giving her shorts but no shirt just makes it seem like she's topless.

    53. Hey there everypony, so how about that episode yesterday. Flutterbitch is my favorite alt personality pony. But did Iron Will remind anyone of a kick ass amalgamation of Hulk Hogan, the Macho Man, and Mr. T.

      I'm working off a killer hangover, so its gonna be short this morning. Let's attack some art

      #1 I love action ponies. Must be an interesting style wielding a blade with your mouth

      #9 Shake that hoof thang.

      #12 Best zelda evah. Creepy style makes it that much more awesome.

      #15 Twi, why do you have to take advantage poor Twixie like that.

      #16 I love the unique angle of this piece, really conveys RDs athletic form.

      #18 Catholic school girl Pinkie. Why must you tempt my sensibilities like that. So cute.

      #23 goodness I love Iron Will as an antagonist. The poses lord the poses.

      #24 Grunge Cheerilee, I guess the valley girl look was just a phase.

      #28 "Highway to the danger zone"

      #30 Fluttershy is not a doorm... Oh I guess she is.

      #31 When somepony gives you the block, SHOW THEM THAT YOU ROCK!!

      #34 Even in paradise, Octy looks so dour. Smile girl or ill turn Pinkie Pie on you.

      #35 Wireless microphones are canon so I guess waverunners aren't out of the question, either way this is buckin' awesome.

      #36 She sure is. Almost too happy.

      #38 This needs to be used anytime someone messes up.

      Wow that went on longer then anticipated. I think this head calls for some hair of the dog. Or world it be hair of the pony...diamond dog...??? More booze. Good night everypony.


    54. #23 = MANLY GROCERY SHOPPING!!! RARGABLARGA!!! Iron Will is so awesome and hilarious.

    55. #12 is hands down THE creepiest rendition of the Majora's Mask moon I have *EVER. SEEN.*

    56. I love Cheerilee's shirt in number 24. nirvana. YES.

    57. #7 lol CareBears vs My LittlePony

    58. #36, Harwick's Derpy with fireflies is so silly! I love it.

    59. 7) care bears count down, tender heart: 5, champ bear: 4, grumpy bear: 3 brightheart racoon: 2, braveheart lion: 1, stare

      who would put them up to it, professor coldheart or that wizard, no heart

    60. Gotta love Claymore... I wish there was a second season though.

    61. Hmmm... A Fluttershy Claymore.
      wait! Claymores are trained to impersonate several different personality's! GASP! The Fluttershy we know and love is a LIE!
