• Discussion: Pony Presidential Elections!

    You have considered them candidates for best pony, but what about their role as political leaders!? Who would run the best country if thrust into a position of power?

    Would it be Twilight Sparkle with her brains before brawn ideals, sending her own fledgling nation into a future of science and progress?

    Or perhaps Applejack would be better suited, with her honest nature and impeccable work ethic?

    Maybe Pinkie Pie could keep everyone's morale way up there with constant balloon-filled town hall meetings (and free cake.)

    But who could forget the coolest El Presidente of all, Rainbow Dash, with a country founded on the idea that her presence alone makes everything better? 

    We also have Fluttershy.  You may find her hiding behind the desk in her oval office the majority of the time, but the girl will stand up for what she believes in if backed into a corner!

    And finally, Rarity, with borderline OCD and an eye for the extravagant, this pony would do everything in her power to make Equestria the perfect utopia.  The taxes may be high, but living on the street would be like living in a marble clad mansion!

    So which pony would make the best political candidate in your eyes?   I'll toss a poll on the side bar! Try to vote with more than just your best pony/recent episode star/waifu in mind!

    And thanks to Kieth for the images! 

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    1. Vote Fluttershy for peace!
      ...but, whoever you vote for is a good choice, too

    2. Vote Derpy - A muffin in every basket!

    3. if Fallout Equestria is any indication, i don't know if i would vote for any of these...

    4. Twilight Sparkle for PRESIDENT!

      Presidents need to be eggheads.

    5. Twilight or Applejack, I wouldn't trust any of the other ponies with a denarius!

    6. Oh heh - oops. Um, hi. I sent you those images, but uh, I didn't make them. I just found them. So please delete my credit line - I don't deserve it.

    7. Twilight but only if Applejack was Vice President to keep her from going crazy and nuking us all

    8. Forget the mane-stream, go third party!

      Roseluck for prez.

    9. Twilight Sparkle, of course. She's black and intelligent, just like the man we have in office right now.

    10. Applejack's experience in running a business would be valuable in discussing economic matters. Plus being an element in honest would convey an aura of integrity to the electorate

    11. Fluttershy, duh.

      this comment is incredibly biased due to Fluttershy being my waifu.

    12. My vote goes for Twilight. She's the mare for the job!

    13. Oh come on people. I don't want to spark a real political debate over this but for once, just once, don't you want a candidate who isn't lying out their ass the whole time? AJ is the best choice.

      Also, Rarity's poster is best poster.

    14. I voted Applejack. She's very helpful to everypony and even when her pride gets in the way of things, it might be able to help her in a political position. Pride in her country, or whatever they're campaigning to become. And honesty, that's always a good attribute of a leader.

      I'm perfectly fine with Twilight, I expect her to walk with this one.

      Pinkie Pie in third? Think very hard what you are doing guys...

    15. There is also the obvious choices:
      Celestia and Luna...

    16. Who would be the ministry of Defense? Not Rainbow Dash, she is too much of a loose cannon

    17. Twilight. She'd get stuff done.

      Though, RD would make for a pretty radical leader. Um, not like that!

    18. Twilight is the best candidate though one should worry about her going off the deep end with how tightly wound up she can be at times

    19. Twilight is the obvious choice, but come on, how could a pinkie pie nation fail? Well, unless it did fail, in which case it would fail really badly. Actually, I could see that happening pretty easily. That would get pretty bad... Uh oh, I'm starting to regret my vote...

    20. TS, no doubt about it, for science


    22. @SuperGiantRobotHA! A zebra for president? It will never happen.

    23. I'm reminded of a fanfic you guys posted here a few days ago. And based on the fact that Fluttershy was the only one capable of being Mayor of Ponyville for more than a day, I'd say my vote for President would go to her.

    24. i'd have to say that applejack is the most level headed of the bunch though. the only fault she would have is trying to hard

    25. Asking for emotionally stable president would be too much...

    26. Rainbow Dash for prez! shed make everything more awesome

    27. I'll be casting my vote for Twilight on this one. With such expansive knowledge on nearly everything there is out there, plus her vast knowledge of friendship, how can Equestria go wrong with her? Though I'll echo what @Justin said and suggest a capable pony as her VP, for those times when she goes "Lesson Zero."

    28. Bloomberg 2012. He's strongly rooted in his values, yet he's willing to branch out into unknown areas. Vote for Bloomberg: change you can be-leaf in!

    29. Twilight seems like the most able.

    30. Twilight Sparkle for President/Rainbow Dash for Vice-President (They would make the greatest team :D)

    31. In all honesty... *hack oligarcy hack*

      What'd be better than all six of them ruling?

    32. Is it even possible to have elections when the government is a MONARCHY?

    33. These Twilight voters obviously haven't learned a thing from Lesson Zero.
      Applejack all the way!

    34. ... Applejack I suppose. The whole honesty and such. Twilight as a backup.
      @ashfire oh god... You're right. Buuuut it's NOT Fallout: equestria... Right?

    35. Oh Celestia, anypony would be better than Harper! I'd put Twilight Sparkle in charge!

    36. i don't know about you guys but i'm voting for Discord

    37. Seth make this a pollit will be fun :)

      Im going with Twilight Sparkle i love Fluttershy but if i have to choose a "presidente" im going all in with Twi :3

    38. i feel like applejack will look out for the working class more, but equality would be more apparent in rarity's society due to compassion. had choice

    39. @LacionARG didnt saaw the poll before i commented sorry :P

    40. Its a tough choice between Applejack and Twilight, Where applejack is not the smartest pony, she makes up for it with her hard work and honesty, I feel she could probably sympathize with the average joe, her lack of book smarts may lead to bad decisions on her part.

      Meanwhile Twilight seems to be a strong intellectual leader, however if you look into it I believe that she would snap under the pressure of having to maintain a country, and keeping the populace happy, after all she seems to plan everything, so what happens when things don't go according to plan? (Swarm of the Century/Lesson Zero)

      As for the rest of the mane 6, Pinkie Pie would not be taken seriously by other nations. RD would declare war at the slightest hint of an insult, Fluttershy would be to timid and would be easily manipulated, and Rarity... Well I won't go into that for fear of cereal's wrath...

      Anyway these are just my thoughts on the matter.

    41. Hmm....Well, Twilight could probable very quickly fix a lot of debt or paperwork or organization, but she'd be awful as an ambassador (probably not as bad as Dash or Pinkie)and would get stuck on little details. AJ is really good at business, but would be too stubborn to compromise on important things. Rarity would probably be a good negotiator, but she might focus on, again, little things (like the White Castle carpet not matching the drapes) instead of big stuff. Rainbow Dash is, like AJ, probably too stubborn to compromise, and would focus on HER stuff and stuff that would make her look good, rather than the hard decisions. Pinkie Pie is, well, Pinkie Pie. She'd do well until she got into a problem which COULDN'T be solved with friendship/understanding/whathaveyou and break down. Fluttershy could probably get politicians to agree on stuff, but might not be good at decision-making, although, who knows, new GoodAssertiveShy might be good at it. I'd say that the mane six could, as a team, probably do a good job all together, but each individual one would probably fail. With many explosions.

    42. No Vinyl Scratch option? :3 Guess I'll have to go with Twilight!

    43. Ok, no joke: I want Applejack as governor of California. I actually think she would be the exactly perfect candidate.

    44. just in time for Super Tuesday! I personally am voting Zecora, because we've never had a zebra president in all of Equestria's long history. CHANGE!

      (lol and before you ask no I don't like Obama much. but Zecora can use his campaign any day!)

    45. @ScootalooIsBestPony Good show!

      But honestly how can anyone vote for anypony other than Twilight Sparkle? Intelligence, Charisma and she's well organised! For Science, and for the future of all, you must vote Twilight Sparkle. The only pony for the job.

    46. Seeing as that's not Pinkie Pie but Chancellor Puddinghead...

    47. Where do I vote Trixie for Dictator?

    48. I vote Applejack for president and Twilight for vice-president.
      Economic development and funding will go hand in hand with scientific research.
      Rarity could also make an interesting speaker of the house, her charisma could come in handy.

    49. Technically only Twi is even close to being qualified, but everyone's gonna vote for RD and Rarity I bet...

      Or Trixie...Seth, I thought I knew you better than that...unless you're going to completely rig the vote in a more stealthy manner than if she were actually on the ballet?

    50. Okay, here's my thoughts (likely someone's already said this, but I'll give 'er a go anyway)

      Twi for pres, because of her smarts.
      AJ for VP to encourage Twi to be a doer as well as a thinker.
      Rarity for Secretary of the Treasury.
      Dash for Sec of Defense.
      Flutters for Sec of Interior.
      Pinkie can be in charge of the campaign and public relations. Also streamers.

    51. @ryan haft

      Figureheads with the power to move planets. See any contradictions there? Plus, I always thought that Equestria had a great big Council, with representatives of all races and towns.

    52. @Mattwo
      Check the poll results and you'll be surprised.

    53. trying not to pick Fluttershy because she is best pony and i dont think she would like to be Prime Minister

      ummm this is hard

      i vote Applejack
      (would have voted for Derpy)

    54. Twilight. My impressions of their leadership abilities have been somewhat tainted by various fics, but here's the basic list of problem I'd have with each of them:

      Rainbow Dash would likely not do to well in terms of actual longterm leadership. Her aura of confidence, or whatever you would call it, would make her a good leader for something more in-the-moment (like commanding an army, for instance), but in terms of actually running a state I doubt she would really run it well. At best she would try her best to run it but encounter a lot of problems thanks to her general lack of interest in more sophisticated matters, and at worst her narcissistic streak would come out and... it would just be bad.

      Fluttershy would have the very big problem that, thanks to her general submissiveness, she would likely end up just being a figurehead and not having much real effect on how things are run.

      Pinkie Pie is somewhat flip-floppy, but I'd say it's too much of a risk that she'll end up being a ruler like Chancellor Puddinghead, who seems to tend not to be great at actually doing ruling related to serious ideas, even if her nonserious ones normally are pretty good.

      Rarity... My opinion on the problems with her being in control can pretty much be summarized by the fic "The Night That Never Ended", in which [SPOILER UPCOMING, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] she essentially uses up all the town's resources to make the population happy and as a result loses any chances of sustainability.

      Applejack is probably my #2 choice, for the reasons others have pointed out. Despite that, I feel that Twilight would probably be better because of her generally practical approach to life, which would likely be very helpful in running a government.

    55. I dunno, Celestia seems to be doing pretty well for herself. 1000 years of peace is pretty good incentive to keep her around.

      That said, if I HAD to chose somepony else...

      ...Derpy Hooves for President.

    56. We need a Great and Powerful pony in for president. I demand Trixie bypass all this nonsensical election business and be put in as our new leader!

    57. How about all? It only makes sense to have the Elements of Harmony working together, and not apart.

    58. Twilight Sparkle, obviously.
      Just... Don't forget to turn in reports on time. Bad things happen if you do.

    59. Pinkie Pie all the way!

      She has my vote!

    60. Hm, Twilight Sparkle seems to be a popular choice, but she would be too much of a technocrat - I don't think she'd deal with the knowledge problem well. And, of course, she's not the most mentally stable of ponies, so I'm not sure how she'd handle the stress.

      Fluttershy might be a good choice - she'd certainly not want to boss anyone around, so she might follow a policy of benign neglect, and she certainly wouldn't start any wars. But I worry whether she'd be able to stand up to Congress - I can't see her vetoing even a very bad piece of legislation. Maybe she would if her lesson on assertiveness from this week sticks, but I'll need to see more of her putting her hoof down before I'd be ready to trust her with high office.

      I suppose that leaves Applejack as the safest set of hooves. With the Element of Honesty in office, at least you'd never need to worry about any political scandals breaking out and she'd run a very transparent administration. Her hard-headed nature would serve her well when wrangling with Congress and trying to force policy through civil service obstructionism, as well as when dealing with truculent foreign leaders. And she gives me the impression of being the sort to believe in the dispersal of powers, although her tendency to want to do everything herself might make her prone to try to Federalize a lot of issues and concentrate power in the executive. Still, all in all I think she's the best choice.

      And while I don't want RD anywhere near the levers of power, I do think she would make an excellent Minister for Sport.

    61. @Selenelion um, we're talking about a representative democracy here. one with set term limits. I don't think electing a dual monarchy of two deities fits with the whole seperation of church and state scenario.

    62. In the following order, I would willingly vote for:
      #1 Twilight
      #2 Applejack

      It would be against my better judgment to vote for:
      #3 Rarity
      #4 Rainbow Dash
      #5 Fluttershy
      #6 Pinkie Pie

    63. Definitely Applejack, for her honesty and work ethic. Of course, it would be best to keep the others in other important government jobs to ensure that all areas are covered.

    64. I'm voting on Applejack. As Noteperson said, she rather wouldn't get too corrupted, and as she is rather simple, she wouldn't try complicated commies stuff. It'd be also nice to see assertive Fluttershy onto that chair.
      Next elections.

    65. #1 Fluttershy
      #2 Applejack
      #3 Twilight
      #4 Rarity
      #5 Pinkie Pie
      #6 Derpy
      #7 Dr. Whooves
      #8 ...
      #Last Rainbow Dash

      Let's be honest here. Rainbow Dash may be best pony, but she would be worst mayor.

    66. Hmm, applejack would be a hard working government, twilight would bring a dull stable government, fluttershy, hmm, well i dont know what she'd do... Rainbow dash would be a rather upbeat faster paced fun government, rarity would be a more regal form of rule, andpinkie pie would be a party filled all over goverment... I choose applejack.

    67. I based my answer 100% off the events of "Bureaucracy is Magic."
      If Fluttershy can be best mayor, she can be best president.

    68. Discord for Pres. His Presidential Term comes with chocolate rain. Chocolate rain!

    69. Got to go with Applejack on this one, an honest politician is far too rare to pass up. Plus she's a hard worker and more socially proficient than Twilight.

    70. @Pacce
      Quite literally the same difference, however.

    71. @Justin
      >Twilight but only if Applejack was Vice President to keep her from going crazy and nuking us all

      I think this is best answer, along with putting the other four in cabinet positions, or maybe heading up Congress.

      Though I must say that Rarity concept, where every one is poor but being poor is better than what currently passes for middle class, would certainly be tempting.

    72. The way I see it:

      Applejack best fits the role of president because a nation needs a leader who can actively run it and take change if need be

      Twilight is probably best as VP since she is more of an advise, able to think up plans and suggestions for the head boss

      Pinkie pie....well....so far I can't think of anything except for representative of the people (sorry I can't think of anything political worthy for pinkie)

      Rainbow Dash Commander in Chief...that is all.

      Fluttershy, maybe with Pinkie's help, she too can be a representative. That or she can be the Environmentalist Commander(made that up)

      And Rarity would best fit as Treasurer, being able to control the taxes and welfare of the nation.

    73. Do you want a Fallout Equestria thing to happen? It's extremely apparent that if you get any of the mane 6 alone in a position of power separated from her friends that one of her traits are going to be overly exaggerated to the point of catastrophe. I say we go all Winter Wrap Up on this and we have a Mane 6 council!

    74. twilight after all she is the princesses personal student

    75. Twilight... because what this country needs... is organization!

    76. @CaptainDash
      Me too. Hence why RD is last, despite my love for her. I don't need no ponyticians who are lazy, vain, easily baited, have short attention spans and value loyalty above all else.

    77. What? NO THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES! The Muffin Queen and her muffin related policies are the stuff of legend!

      Also what about Trixie! If she's good enough to be a slit throat lawyer, then she's good enough to be a polotician too!

      I'm voting Applejack on the principle of what would happen if the others win.

      Twilight would destroy us all.
      Pinkie Pie would bankrupt everything.
      Rainbow Dash doesn't seem fit for candidacy.
      Rarity would be a nightmare of her way or the highway.

      Fluttershy is the only other pony I would vote for as she cares about everything.

      I'm voting Applejack because she would never 'knowingly' tell a lie.

      If the Muffin Queen were here, she'd get my vote even if I knew she wasn't going to win.

    78. @62835fdc-3fb1-11e1-9fc6-000bcdcb2996
      Rarity-Chairman of the Fed
      Rainbow Dash-Secretary of Defense
      Pinkie Pie-Director of the CIA
      Fluttershy-Head of the EPA

      That's the best I could come up with for now

    79. Lets see what would happen in best and worst cases:
      Twilight (best) - Things would either incredibly smoothly and normally. Sure, there'd be problems in the world, but really not much would change from the current reign of Celestia. Overall it would be a good world.
      Twilight (worst) - She would try too hard and try to improve everything. Every tour she'd go and try to fix problems with magic, and then when she fails sometimes she'd go all out to try to fix the problem with more magic. Yeah, soon everything is broken down, our president is a mess, a griffon invasion happens, and Equestria descends into anarchy.

      Applejack(best) - she is an honest president and the farming industry is booming. Technology and innovation lags behind, but everypony is happy and healthy.
      (worst) - she gets controlled by her advisors who dont have the best intentions, and Equestria falls into chaos without her realizing it. Basically she becomes a figurehead and never figures it out. Also, she could get overworked and make bad decisions that way.
      All in all a not too risky choice.

      Pinkie Pie (best) - Discord gets released but immediately forms a relationship with Pinkie and becomes vice president. Chocolate rain falls from the sky once a week, and the cakes become the main food supply. Everypony laughs and a balance between chaos and harmony is reached that makes the world a perfect impossible paradise of laughter and joy. Pinkie Pie ignores the health problems of society and suddenly they dont exist.
      Pinkie Pie (bad) - Discord gets released and corrupts Pinkie Pie. Then, Discord rules Equestria forever.
      Pinkie Pie (worst) - Discord gets released and Pinkie Pie has fun in the chocolate rain, but eventually the elements of harmony chain him up again. Then, without Discord's magic sustaining Pinkie Pie's public policies, there's a sugar shortage, and Pinkie Pie collapses. Her plans dont maintain happiness and she suffers a mental breakdown. To fix things she orders up more parties but Equestria simply doesn't have the supplies necessary to create the parties. All the ponies in Canterlot hate her. Not loved by her citizens, she collapses and becomes Pinkamina Diane Pie, and has a complete 180 shift in policies, ordering everypony to become a rock farmer. Yeah, this ends badly with the cupcake massacre of canterlot.

      Rainbow Dash(best): She's the most awesome president ever.
      Rainbow Dash(worst): She's the most awesome president ever, but not a great policymaker. Everything falls into ruin, but she's still considered awesome by the general populace.

      Rarity (best): Her attention to detail creates not only the best cultural period ever, but creates general policies that are beneficial to the populace as well. A golden age dawns.

      Rarity (worst): See The Night that Never Ended.

      Fluttershy (best): Ok, I'm not seeing this, but hey, she could surprise us. If something ever gets serious, she's the one who I want protecting everypony.

      Fluttershy (worst): She cant articulate any ideas and cant speak in crowds, thereby losing support among the populace and not being a leader. Unable to get control on things, anarchy breaks out.

      So Applejack is the safest bet, Twilight is the obvious choice, and with Pinkie Pie Discord is going to get released by official order. Pinkie Pie is a gamble but could pay off either way, and Rarity could work too. Twilight would probably end up being a pretty good leader.

    80. I haven't finished Fallout Equestria yet, but I agree that it's evidence enough that none of them should be given that much power, and hell just based on the show none of them are really mentally stable enough to handle Presidency

    81. Honestly? None of them.
      The last thing I want is to be ordered around by a pastel coloured pony.

    82. Twilight is the obvious choice. Though she is not perfect she is the best for the job.

      Cons of each one

      Twilight: Due to her focus issues, she could overlook many problems while working on a different one. She is also is susceptible to stress and could become mentally unstable (ex. Lesson Zero)

      Fluttershy: Even after learning to be assertive, her shy demeanor could lead to her being influenced and/or ordered by malevolent individuals, which laterr lead to corrupt government.

      Rainbow Dash: Due to her rash attitude, hot head, and enflated ego, her rule could lead to many mock wars and could even cause a real war.

      Applejack: Because of her stubborn attitude and short-sightedness, she could do very badly in foreign negotiations and seen as a racist.

      Pinkie Pie: Her scatter-brain behavior would simply lead to a country in chaos and disarray.

      Rarity: Her generousity would lead to many economic problems as she would try to help everypony in need instead of looking after the kingdom as a whole.

      In my opinion, only Ccelestia is fit to rule. 1000 years of experience is testament to that.

    83. Thinking logically, Twilight Sparkle. She's the only one that could hold the country together.

      Applejack, as we've seen, cracks very easily under pressure and would not be able to withstand the responsibilities of presidency correctly. Plus, her overbearing strength could potentially turn her into a warmonger and the last thing we want is Equestria declaring war on every country this side of the Hub. However, having an actually honest candidate is nice. And a first.

      Pinkie Pie. Her short attention span wouldn't allow her to make any decisions. At all. She'd turn every diplomatic meeting into a crazy Pinkie party, which is frowned upon in some countries. And let's say that she passed a law and then Congress and Senate didn't let it go through. Do you know what would happen? She would turn into Pinkamena. Because people don't like her laws. And I believe I speak for everypony here when I say that Pinkie Pie in office wouldn't be NEARLY as bad as Pinkamena ruling over us all. Celestia save us is that ever happens.

      Rainbow's large ego and arrogance could turn her into a power-mad dictator in no time at all. Which is no different than Celestia. Do you want another Celestia, Equestrians? No. Of course you don't. Nopony wants that.

      Two things could happen with Fluttershy. She could stay Old Fluttershy, and in that case, unless she sets up a permanent neutrality border, Equestria would be the world's doormat. Countries would invade us and take all the land they wanted. On the other hand, have New Fluttershy take over and oh my gosh we would be so hated in such a short time. Other countries would invade ruthlessly in an attempt to take her down for being such a jerk, gaining land in the process and we'd be in horrific war for who knows how long. Either way, if Fluttershy is president, Equestria would literally dwindle into oblivion in bloody conflicts.

      Rarity would also not be able to handle the stress that presidency demands. If she cracks at having to make a few dresses, she'd never survive the demands of millions of ponies everywhere. Plus, she'd also enact some sort of mandatory fashion law and Ponyville couldn't be naked anymore. Which is kinda weird both ways, if you think about it. Just like Rainbow, though, her sense of superiority that would inevitably follow upon inauguration could potentially also transform her into a dictator. But she'd at least be a fabulous one.

      Twilight is the best choice. She's only succumbed to pressure when it comes to being tardy and losing all of her friends. But as we all know so well, both of those rarely happen.

      And who doesn't want a super smart super magical unicorn to rule over us all?

    84. I say either Twilight, Applejack, or Rarity. Then Fluttershy, and then Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie is a wild card. I honestly don't know where she'd place. I can imagine her being equally successful or dooming them all. If I were trying to be funny, I'd elect Mayor Mare. I have to wonder about her sometimes.

    85. Twilight Sparkle for President!

    86. I don't know about you guys but we gotta ROCK THE VOTE in 2012!!! I'm voting for Tom!!!

    87. @Mister Tulip

      My trouble with Twilight as President is that - in addition to her occasional tendency to crack under pressure - I think she would become far too wrapped up in details. I suspect her tenure would be marked by constant analysis paralysis, and she would very likely take an academic or technocratic approach to governance that would ignore real-world limitations and the limited observability of the "system state" of society and the economy. She seems like exactly the sort who would try to manage a planned economy, and that she would fail for the same reason all such efforts fail - the limits of knowledge.

      I think that, given her talent for organization and resource management, she'd do much better as White House chief of staff or a Permanent Secretary of some department. She would probably be even happier running a think tank.

    88. Twilight Sparkle for my vote, she would get things done well, not just fast like Applejack. Who may be a bit over-traditional, plus she's not too bright in the economy area. (selling apples at a party with free food? At least Pinkie Pie thinks within the chimney.) Rainbow Dash would... well... Yeah, not gonna go there. Rarity would probably ruin the economy fast. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy? Pinkie wouldn't be very serious about the job, and while Fluttershy would make good choices, the stress would be too much. Plus, it hasn't been one episode since she improved her "shyness" so not gonna base her attitude on that.
      Twilight for Major Mare 2012.
      (Plus, she's in with the Princess!)

    89. @redwings1340 actually, I'm voting for you, because thats the longest comment Ive ever seen

    90. Twilight: 'So, I read in my books that I should cater to my electors, that means the budget doesn't matter... or does it? Which book is right? EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT!

      Fluttershy: 'Uhhhh.... how about a law for animal rights? Please don't be mad at me! Eeeeep!'

      Rainbow Dash: 'Simple: If it's not cool, change it! What do you mean, 'not enough budget'? Who cares?'

      Rarity: 'Oh, I'll give you everything you want... next election, now, how about voting for me again? I'm really starting to like these free spa visits.'

      Pinkie Pie: 'CHOCOLATE RAIN! NOW!'

      Applejack is the only half-decent choice in my mind. She's the most down to earth pony of the mane 6, and with honesty comes transparency, a trait that's severely lacking in politics nowadays.

    91. Twilight Sparkle for President
      Applejack for Vice President
      Pinkie Pie for Diplomacy
      Rainbow Dash for Defense
      Fluttershy for Health Care
      Rarity for Public Relations

    92. Thinking seriously on this issue, I'd immediately toss out Fluttershy, Pinkie, Dash, and Rarity. Fluttershy is too indecisive, too much of a pushover, and too shy of the spotlight to be put into a position like the presidency. Yes, obviously we've seen that she can stand up for herself, but how much will it take before it gets to that point? What things are other countries going to be able to get away with before she finally decides to put her hoof down?

      Pinkie doesn't have the drive, the smarts, or the sense of responsibility it takes to run a country. The full extent of her responsibility is barely being able to take care of two baby ponies and if having "too many Fluttershys to keep track of" pushes her to her mental limits, then I would NOT feel comfortable having her in office.

      Dash is just far too jocky for the job. There is way too much involved with being president that would require her to not only stay grounded and in one spot, but grounded and staying in one spot while reading and writing. Sure she's found a new love of reading, but those are adventure stories. There's excitement in them. Nothing that would be put in front of her to read would be able to hold her attention.

      Rarity, out of all the ponies I immediately wrote off, would probably be the best candidate except that her sometimes admittedly petty attitude and tendency to focus too intensely on every last little detail would greatly impede any kind of progress. On top of that, her habit of looking down on others wouldn't do well with foreign policy.

      So it came down to Applejack and Twilight. I immediately thought Twilight should be the ideal candidate, but we've seen that she has a tendency to jump to the worst possible conclusion and always assumes the worst will happen. That is the last kind of person I want having the nuclear codes. If she did, Iran would be a smoldering crater right now. However, there's no denying that her intelligence would be essential to the job.

      AJ is the most down to earth(no pun inteded) of the bunch. She's hard working and dependable, so she'd always do her best to serve her country and she's also very charming and likable which would be good for relations with foreign nations. She's nice and cordial, but if you begin to push her she won't hesitate to push back, letting you know that she (and whatever country she's running) isn't a pushover. However, once she IS pushed, she has a tendency to not let up. She'll keep pushing until the other party relents, and in politics, about 90% of the time, that's just not gonna happen. Her pride and her stubbornness would definitely work against her.

      Ultimately, if I had to choose one, I'd have to go with AJ, simply because she's a much more practical, get-it-done type of pony. However, I think the ideal would be AJ as president and Twilight as VP, acting as AJs adviser; giving her advice and instructing her on the more nuanced aspects of being a president. While AJ can be stubborn, if something appears reasonable and well thought out, she'll usually relent.

      So there you have it: Applejack/Twilight 2012!!!

    93. My vote goes to SCIENCE!!

    94. @epicdarkwizard12 lol, are you sure? I voted for Pinkie Pie before thinking about it. I'm not sure that makes me the best at making decisions.

    95. @LilBlkPony
      Just a heads up, in case you weren't aware, but the title "Commander in Chief" is just what the military calls the President.

      I think what you might have been wanting to say is "Secretary of Defense" for Dash.

    96. vote for pinkie pie
      cipcakes for everyone especially rainbow dash

    97. Twilight Sparkle. Smart, naturally charismatic, and being in Canterlot has to have given her some experience when it comes to politics. She could mediate issues as well as lead aggressively when she had to.

      Fluttershy lacks the presence to lead properly, Pinkie is Ross Perot crazy, Rainbow Dash has neither the savvy nor the motivation to be a good president, Applejack...well she just comes across as being less than intelligent and I can't see her delegated even when she should.

      Rarity's vain, but also charismatic. I also believe she'd be willing to delegated to someone else if she didn't understand an issue. She's basically a more charismatic but less intelligent and experienced Twilight.

      I'd prefer Twilight, but i'd be fine with Rarity as well.

    98. @Sothalic

      Honesty is EXACTLY the reason why Applejack won't survive in the world of politics. She'd rather quit the office altogether if it meant she had to compromise on her ethical principles.

    99. I first voted Twilight, but she would make a lot of assumptions, and would make a mess more often than she would make things better. She may make it her pursuit to acquire wisdom, but she is not exactly the most intelligent. She'd clean up the problems she made, but they would still exist.

      Applejack would be an honest politician, but would be very slow. She would not be a good elected candidate as she would be very stubborn and slow to act. Though she'd be informed in her actions, which will lead to a higher success rate, she will not act quickly in most situations.

      Rarity? Oh lord, Rarity would just take all the money she could get and leave if she had the chance.

      Dash? She'd be a very good showman of the bureaucracy, and would be a safe mix between Representative and independent executor of the government. On the face value, any mistakes she might make would be obvious to the public and she'd probably be blocked from making them in the first place. She'd pretty much be Teddy Roosevelt or JFK; after she realizes the importance of her office, she would probably slow down and listen, if she cares about it at that point.

      Pinkie Pie? That'd be like, oatmeal, dawg. As far as Pinkie's real character goes, she would be able to handle the job without any hitches, except.. well you know, she's Pinkie Pie. Not exactly the most stable candidate.

      Fluttershy, my vote, would be a true presidential executor representing her constituents. She would listen to everypony, and try her best to do what's right by them. However, if she gets caught in a knot, and knows that they are wrong, she will defend her point of view and execute it. Her administration would probably have her keeping secrets so she could do her job more comfortably, but she wouldn't hide anything unless she was asked to. It is also clear that though Fluttershy may be a fairly oblivious pony, she picks up quickly on failures and slowly on perceived successes-she is definitely NOT a dumb pony herself. All my votes to FS!

    100. Applejack, but with Twilight as VP. I would say either one of them would work as president or VP, but Applejack seems to be a better speaker, though Twilight is more intelligent.

      Rainbow and Pinkie are loose cannons, Rarity's too focused on details (she might be a good Secretary of state though), and Fluttershy... even if she can stand up for herself now, she's not really suited to politics.

    101. We can go with Duties type of solution and make all Mane 6 princesses.

    102. If you ask me, Applejack is best suited for this kind of position. I mean, she's more level-headed than anypony else, and you know she'll get work done. inb4 "Twilight's more level-headed than AJ" I'm pretty sure that Lesson Zero disproves that.

    103. Ok everypony tell them what they want to hear. Trixie for president.

    104. Are you fucking serious? Maximum gay has been reached!

    105. i dont truest rarity she might end up painting the whole of ponyville pink

      pinkie is better she would give cupcakes everyday to everyone :D

    106. I think Twi has already won, which is sad, because I think that Fluttershy is most likely to push us in the direction of a kind and cooperative future. She may not be suited to politics, but it is said that those best fit to lead are those who don't want to.

      Of course, that does not apply for all who don't want to, and I am sure that Twilight's analytical mind will make a fine overlord.

    107. Not even an hour and a half after it's posted, and this poll is already "How many votes can Twilight Sparkle crush all opposition by?"

      It's pretty safe to assume that our pseudo-poilitical pundits favor Sparks. We'll have the following business week to see if she maintains her early lead.

    108. Definitely not Fluttershy! Imagine if New Fluttershy was in power. It would be a short and swift ride straight into nuclear armageddon.

    109. I feel that Twilight would crack under pressure or just get kinda overwhelmed.
      Rarity would go for the superfluous stuff.
      Flutters would be kinda...weak on decision making.
      Pinkie would probably... Oh dear god. O_O
      RD... just... NO. Not exactly presidential.
      AJ would kinda be good, she's well rounded for candidacy, and has overall the stuff you'd look for in a reliable leader.

    110. Though, thinking outside the box (but not inside the chimney, I can't do that), it really IS going to be all of them, isn't it? It is wielding the elements of harmony that enabled Celestia (and Luna) to wrest the position from Discord to begin with, so aren't the mane six, as the current holders of the elements, just being trained to replace her when she abdicates?

    111. Twilight Sparkle, BUT have the other 5 on committee to assist and advise on particular matters.

    112. if i had to pick a pony for president, it'd be Discord, as he actually does stuff. if i had to pick one of the mane six, it'd be Fluttershy, as she would at least try to make the best decisions.

    113. Rarity a socialist? I don't really think so. After all she was for the seperatiation of the classes in hoof society.

      I'm really not sure how a pony economy would work, being that gemstone are just lying on the ground.

    114. Well I think Dashie would be an awesome president... First one I actually like but then again Twilight and Applejack seem the most coordinated
      My final decision is Twilight for president and Apllejack for vice president!

    115. I'd also have to see who the VP was. I'd have to throw out Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy right off the bat for the same reasons they wouldn't work as President.

      Applejack's honesty and ability to connect to the people/labor would make her an excellent Vice President. She also seems to be Twilight's second in command when the group is all together. Sadly I can't see her and Rarity working together terribly well as a team.

      A couple dark horse (pun not intended) candidates that I could see working out as president/vice president would be Cheerilee(smart, easy to connect with) and Big Macintosh(basically a smarter, less stubborn Applejack).

      Twilight/Big Mac would probably be my ideal ticket.

    116. Seriously? Twilight Sparkle for president? We don't want the element of honesty in the oval office? Applejack possesses all of the qualities we need in a good president. Theodore Roosevelt anyone? How can we vote for anyone but her?

    117. @SirLadette
      Actually looking at your analysis I do think Rarity would be a good choice, although I would have to change her VP since Rarity and Applejack probably wouldn't work out so well, Flutteryshy might be a good match for her (well when she's not calling her passion frivolous, but she was having a bad doay so I'll let it slide)

    118. Rarity, Applejack, or Twilight are the only three I would trust with this
      Twilight gets my vote for organization, Rarity is quite a face for the country but to much of a fashionista, Applejack is a good honest hard working pony...Washington would eat her alive

    119. It's presidency, not fucking dictatorship, they still gotthrough the democratic processes, dumbfucks. That means they cannot decide everything that happens within equestrian, they only create the ideas. Remember that, even though this is the gayest thing to happen.

    120. @Silk_Sk
      Cause she seems like the type that would have no interest in it, I mean maybe you could convince her to be VP which she would be good at since she's a voice of reason (especially for Twilight)

    121. All ponies Pros and Cons
      Twilight - Pro: Money going to science and tech.
      Con: wonder what happens if she became tardy on some of the important things.
      Applejack - Pro: Being honest
      Con: possible war
      Pinkie pie - Pro: Free cakes
      Con: diabetes...
      Rainbow - Pro: more rainbows in a dark sky
      Con: listening to her, say that shes better then everypony on TV possibly everyday
      Fluttershy - Pro: WORLD PEACE
      Con: she couldn't make quick choices
      Rarity - Pro: help women and women rights
      Con: have to be tidy all the time and she'll spend the tax money on dresses...

    122. I think Applejack would be the best suited for the job, Twilight is a close second.

    123. let see, RD is obviously a fascist, just like rarity, with the diference that rarity's government probably going to be more oriented to the "free market" economy; AJ.... mm... i don't know, she sells cider to her friends, but she give free apples to two strangers that wants to steal her business?, it doesn't sound very "honest" to me, maybe she made a deal with the flim flam brothers, or maybe she just don't have many knowledge of economy; as for Twilight i do not think she is psychologically prepared for something like that; fluttershy?, That would be like the government of angel, no thanks; OMG free cakes?, Pinkie Pie you have my vote!.

    124. Applejack without a doubt! We need to get somepony who believes in carrying your own weight. ;D

    125. I would have to vote for Celestia. Equestria is doing pretty well. The mayor as second choice though,

    126. I think Twilight would probably stress out from a position of this much leadership, and frankly she would not be the greatest politician ever with her lacking social skills.
      However, she would certainly make an excellent VP for Applejack.

      Of course, that is within this poll. Personally I would prefer we elect Celestia and Luna as our God-Princesses and throw our current democratic system out the window. Sure it is great for mortals, but I think a (mostly)benevolent goddess would be even better.

    127. Pinkie Pie would simply move our problems to another dimension.

      The choice is obvious.

    128. @Blethisto
      Hey man
      But yea about your comment I agree that as president it's not like every SINGLE decision is made by them so for that Rarity/Twilight would be preferable for President and Applejack looks like she'd be best for VP (maybe Fluttershy under the right circumstances)

    129. I think Twilight would be could... after she read about being in political office for a few weeks like she would be bound to do. After that though I think she would be pretty good, unlike some of the others she would probably actually think about decisions.

      AJ I feel would probably not want to be in political office so she would probably just turn it down some how if she was forced to take it like when she "lost" the rodeo.

      RD would probably just start going to war with everypony just for the fun of it.

      Rarity would probably just focus on beautifying her empire rather then focus on... you know, running it.

      Fluttershy would probably do decent as long as she had someone like Twilight or AJ as an advisor.

      Pinkie... just... no.

      Again Twilight would be good but probably with her friends as advisors. RD would probably be decent at planning wars and entertainment for the kingdom and festivities. AJ would be good at organizing the food system and farms and stuff and making sure that's all in order. Fluttershy would be good to make sure the empire doesn't grow to much and devour the forests and make sure that the place stays peaceful. Rarity would be... good at maybe building design? Pinkie could... organize celebrations and holidays? Maybe I feel like she would make every day a holiday if she could though.

      Twilight just seems like somepony who can listens to all the pony's ideas and take them into account where as the others would focus on only on one thing, or in Fluttershy's case would probably crack under the pressure.

      Twilight would just be good to lead I feel.

    130. *Blech* The idea of Applejack's hardcore right-wing business oriented administration just sounds terrible and Randian. Give me Rarity's administration that is entirely bent on doing away with all things that clash with Madam President's sense of decorum. Sure both end up with governments that favor the wealthy while the lower citizenry are kept out of site and out of mind like some classic dystopia but at least Rarity would be up front about it and have better culture.

      Now I imagine the Sparkle administration would involve a lot of progressive legislation that wouldn't be passed due to Twilight's inability to properly convince the majority legislature or people to endorse her ideas. Also her public approval would probably be crazy: her intellectual status would lower her approval with the right wing, yet her relationship with the Equestrian monarchy would raise approval on both sides with a slightly higher rise in the right wing sue to aged conservatives looking well upon the monarchy.

      The Pie administration would be nonsensical in a manner that only her most hardcore constituency could stay in support of her but surprisingly enough the results in the end will regard her as a good president.

      The Fluttershy administration would be inactive contrary to a high amount of support in most areas. So its probably a safe way to go to keep things from blowing up for four years.

      And the Dash administration, oh sweet Luna balancing Equestrian expenditures on a Sunday night would Rainbow Dash inflate military spending. Think Bush administration on top of Cold War presidencies. Not because their is a war mind you, but because President Dash thinks big missiles, jets, and tanks are cool but need to be "20% cooler". And that would actually be her campaign slogan. Oh the economic doom that would befall that situation.

      Of course like Ashfire said this would probably just end in the megaspells dropping so unless there's a pony equivalent of Jed Bartlett then just sign me up for a spot in Stable 2 and I'll put in a vote for Rarity/Sparkle.

    131. Out of the mane six I'd say Twilight would be the best. She'd probably get the most done with her organization skills....that is until she snaps and goes all crazy Twilight like in Lesson Zero... O_o

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    133. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack are the only qualified candidates. Rarity might have the style and poise but has no platform and reeks of Marie Antoinette. Fluttershy is too shy to be a good leader, Rainbow Dash is far to brash and impatient and Pinkie Pie may be clinically insane.

      So that leaves us with two Twilight Sparkle likely running on the left and Applejack on the Right.

    134. Between all the ponies i would have to say either Applejack, Twilight, or Rarity.
      Rainbow Dash can be pretty lazy and un productive not to mention has the tendency to label people so i wouldn't want her, at least not as president.
      Pinkie pie things would be to crazy. Fun but the economy would tank
      and Fluttershy would be to nervous to make some people upset and wouldn't make many decisions

      in reference to the three i am stuck between Twilight is likely the smartest of the bunch and very organized so that's a point
      Applejack is the element of honesty so we would have a politician who never lies (gasp)
      Finally Rarity who would always be well dressed for the occasion plus as the element of generosity i would suspect that she could help do something about the job crisis

      All in all though Rarity is my waifu, and an honest politician would be quite a nice change i think It would have to be Twilight sparkle, though for help she probably keep the others as aids or cabinet members

    135. Once again, I vote Pinkie Pie through voting frau--- magic.

      If she can take care of those two hellspawn Cake children, she can handle just about anything.

    136. I vote for the Mysterious 7th Candidate.

    137. The best choice would have to be AJ, with Twilight coming a close second.

      My problem is that Twilight get's tripped up by the tedium (precedent being Lesson Zero) compared to AJ who has a problem dealing with failure. Considering Presidency is mostly tedium, I'd have to give it to AJ. Unless she messes up and pulls a Nixon, everything should go smoothly.

      As for Twilight, I don't know if she should be the VP. I would definitely put her in the cabinet, but not as VP.

      When it comes to elections, VP is generally more of a token position used to provide the ticket with more diversity (in hopes of tapping into more voting demographics.) For this, I believe Rarity would be the best choice, rationale being she taps into every group alienated by AJ's shortfalls (git 'r done with finesse.)

    138. This comment has been removed by the author.

    139. I'd say its a tough choice between Twilight and AJ - but seriously how often do you find an honest politician? Applejack all the way!

    140. @ThunderShh. There are no concepts of fascism and communism in Ponyville. Actually I'm convinced there's an invisible roulette being spun every episode. Sometimes it lands on "everything is free" and sometimes it lands on "stuff costs shit".


      I WANT IT

      Can anybody tell me the name of it?

    142. As much as I love Pinkie Pie I wouldn't put her in charge of anything larger than a cardboard box.

    143. It's a tough choice, but I'll go AJ, because her campaign adds would probably resemble J.K. Simmon's character in Red Alert 3.

      "Vote for me if you want to live."

    144. Maybe Twilight but I can't argue with Pinkie's logic.

    145. I vote AJ. she ain't a pussy like Obama

    146. Oh my god! They're all just... such... bad choices!

      Twilight can NOT handle stress at all, and in case you've never seen a before and after picture of any president: it's stressful.

      Applejack would be a safe choice, but say goodbye to any real political, social, or scientific progress.

      Pinkie is just... well she's insane.

      Rainbow Dash knows nearly nothing about how the world works, she'd probably drive us into a nuclear war.

      Fluttershy would probably roll over at the first sign of confrontation. Can you say 'foreign policy'?

      Rarity... well Seth beat me to the punch on that one. She'd run our treasury dry on the most ridiculous things.

      Celestia for supreme monarch/goddess. Maybe AJ as prime minister or something considering she's arguably the least unstable.

    147. Come November I'm gonna vote Twilight Sparkle with Vermin Supreme as VP. I live in Texas so the Republicans are virtually guaranteed to win so I can get away with it.

    148. I like the mane 6, but none of them really make good leaders. My choice would still be Celestia.


    149. Its obvious. They're all terrible choices.

    150. I like Twi and AJ's posters best! I hate choosing sides. DX

    151. I pity the foo' who doesn't vote for Iron Will as Equestria's new President!

    152. I voted Rainbow Dash because "Don't you just want to see what would happen?"

      It's like the mystery bag of policy. Maybe she'll add herself to Mt. Rushmore. Maybe she'll invade Canada. Maybe she'll declare herself Princess. Anything could happen and, if we're going to go down anyway, shouldn't we go down with a bang?

    153. @Ashfire
      here's something that casts them in an even worse light then Fallout Equestria: Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, I've had to stop reading several times, just because of the fact it's so grimdark, it's depressing
      my vote goes to Goldenblood (the semi-unwilling mastermind)

    154. Even though Twilight woul be the best President, Pinkie Pie's best pony status overrules Rwilight, thus leading me to vote for Pinkie

    155. Pinkie Pie, becausd her random songs out of nowhere would make all the leaders instant best friends. Check √

    156. Twi Spark 2012, all the way. I would literally vote for her over any current candidate, pony or not.

      And I say that as a very biased Flutter-fan.

    157. We need mud-slinging ads for each of them now, oh and a scandal! Say like Pinkie Pie stealing forty pies.

    158. Ima disapoint, the mane six should rule together with their harmony!

    159. i vote the obvious choice which is rainbow dash

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    161. Oh my god, the Applejack poster made me laugh so hard. XD

    162. Voted for Applejack. While Twilight may be the smartest and highly talented she's just a horrendous trouble maker. Not AJ though. She always has her shit together.

    163. AJ for sure.
      How could you lose a campaign with the slogan 'Buck You!'

    164. Rainbow Dash!
      Just because she'd make everything 20% cooler
      And I'd like to see what would happen

    165. I don't want any of those as a president. But I think Fluttershy would be best if I had to choose. The obvious choice for many would be Twilight, but I think she would get a bit out of hand if things get a little unorganized...

    166. Pinkie Pie, we deserve a leader who can think inside a chimney

    167. Twilight Sparkle because she has a level head... at most times. She's up front, can be blunt, and gets the job done. She just has an all-around great demeanor and personality about her. After all, she is studying under the Princess of the Sun herself, haha.

    168. Dash for president 2012!

      Nopony can do it better.

    169. A cult of personality is exactly what this country needs right now. Vote Rainbow Dash for president for life.

    170. @pmcollectorboy (how do i reply with this thing xD) political ideologies are everywhere, you just have to see the similarities, fascism inspired the modernism because its an ideology that always seeks the progress and power of the human at all costs, RD is always looking to be superior to others. the concepts may not exist for ponies, but you can see the expresion of the ideologies in the show, in fact any expresion of art is based on a certain ideology, even not liking politics its a politic ideology.the invisible roulette is caused by the poor development of the policies equestria (only because it is a program designed for children),the developers try to keep the show in a "neutral" position with respect to any ideology.

    171. A cult of personality is exactly what this country needs right now. Vote Rainbow Dash for president for life.
