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Today's comics are brought to you by Brony Cola. Because it's the only thing I can ever think of when I make a post and it needs to be sponsored by something.
Those who don't like shipping should steer clear of the first one and just look at the second one! It may make you sad though. There's two parts so check the description.
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44 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaLOL, they're all lesbians XP
VastaKustutafuck being lesbians.
VastaKustutabisexuality is where it's at.
Hehe, "Appleack". But sweet Jesus, that first comic was great.
VastaKustuta#1 Lesbians, lesbians everywhere!
VastaKustutaSpike is also liking where this is going...
#2 Awww, these comics are cute and sweet. :3
VastaKustutaReally should have read the article before reading the comic. I feel your pain, Spike m' bro.
And "Comfort" was lovely. I feel all sniffly inside.
VastaKustutaI seriously can't think of the mane 6 as straight anymore, but I agree with them being with another one of the mane 6.
VastaKustutaOh yes. That first one was DEFINITELY sponsored by Brony Cola.
I think a better question pertaining to number 1 is "why is Granny Smith homophobic?"
VastaKustutaROFL! And then Spike became a man! XD I agree Spike I hate shipping to.
VastaKustuta#1 I...Um...I lol'd?
VastaKustutaIs stuff like that first one really fitting for this site? There are quite a few of us who're not into sexualizing MLP.
VastaKustuta#1 Uh...what the hay just happened over here?
VastaKustuta#2 Aww. That was so sweet. Stuff like this is always so touching.
@Kitsunekun VII
VastaKustutaI felt the exact same way when I clicked on it.
@Hound Crendraven
VastaKustutamight could have used a warning, but worse stuff has been posted.
there was a warning...O.o
VastaKustutaCereal, why don't you head on out to the Submit page and read the requirements again.
VastaKustutaMaybe something Twilight said reminded Celestia of a former student, from a time long gone...
And she felt a moment of pain and loss, remembering the long passed student...
And envisioned the fate of her beloved student, and the fate of her heart, once again.
A moment together, living in that single moment, was apparently the comfort she needed.
That's what I imagined happened.
#1... And then Spike worked on becoming a man... Again... And again...
VastaKustuta#1 Well, I... can't argue with that logic.
VastaKustuta@Kitsunekun VII Aw feathers! Ship's gonna hit the fan! LOL!!!
VastaKustuta1 is funny cause it's meta. Stop taking it seriously, you look silly.
VastaKustuta#1 We're all lesbians! Uuuuh, amen to that! And then Spike becomes a man. Hilarious.
VastaKustuta#2 Touching, how many points do I receive for the pun?
#1. That pretty much sums up how 99% of shipping fanfics happen...
VastaKustuta*insert Fluttershy-style cheer here*
VastaKustutaOne thing that bothered me the most was that Twilight and Applejack broke the fourth wall.
VastaKustuta#1: Damn, Granny Smith was so close to putting an end to AppleDash before it began. Hopefully the TwiJack will still be succesful in preventing it.
VastaKustuta#2: Filly Twilight is so ridiculously adorable.
But... But Appleshy and Rainbowsparkle, not Applesparkle! STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP!
VastaKustutaAnd #2 was so sweet. I d'awwwwwed
@Hound Crendraven
VastaKustutaOh look. Complaining about the content of something that you were explicitly warned about before you clicked it.
How novel.
I really liked that second one. The details on Celestia's mane were simply amazing.
VastaKustuta1. Seems legit.
VastaKustuta2. I wonder what Celestia was going to do.
@Hound Crendraven True dat, but this one is actually taking a piss at sexualizing MLP.
VastaKustutaMeta-levels, and all that.
VastaKustutaEven the men.
@Hound Crendraven cum on, it was actually pretty funny XP
VastaKustuta#1: Dude, that's your sister! Stop watching her make out!
VastaKustutaI'm fine with the Mane 6 not being straight, but I am concerned with out shipping withing the group would affect the group dynamic.
VastaKustutaRemember to put warnings, I almost clicked that, whatever it is.
#2 Not really to sad, very good
Tears of laughter at the first one. Seriously.
VastaKustutaWho is Appleack?
VastaKustutaLovely bunch of comics. How Celestia and Luna cope with their memories continue to be an interesting topic. Hound Crendraven et al.: Do lighten up, not everything has to operate according to your community standards. If you are offended by something, ignore it, and move on.
VastaKustutaOkay who keeps on making my Dashie a lesbian in the comics! I will Destroy you with frikin' friendship!!!!!
VastaKustutaNah' I love you guys... But seriously somepony is gonna pay
#1 is the reason I ignore fanfiction. If the characters aren't making it with each other, they are trying to murder each other.
VastaKustutaNo thanks.