• Comic: My Little Pony: Internet is Magic / Flutterbitch is Back / Derpy's New Pet

    I'm pretty sure the above comic is 100% accurate... lets hope they never discover the internet.  Poor Rainbow Dash would be scarred for life.

    We also have some Flutterbitch, and Derpy pulling ridiculous references.  Click for full as always!


    1. Oh Celestia that last joke is so overdone it's ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

    2. LMAO! Celestia, you evil, evil woman. XD

    3. Guys......

      I just learned that we have our own COUNTRY...


    4. @AniRichie

      And also, That 2nd to last panel in Flutterbitch comic game me chills.

    5. @Beta-Carotene
      Wait, we didn't all live there already? Pride in your home country folks!

    6. Those last 3 panels of the Flutterbitch comic were Bruce Campbell badass.

      Also Iron Will is still best pony.

    7. All right! Comics!

      #1 Considering all the stuff out there, I'm surprised those ten minutes didn't kill them. LOL

      #2 Uh huh. She definitely went Flutterbitch this weekend. Push her too far, and this is the end result.

      #3 I think I'm missing something here. I got a chuckle out of it, but is it a reference to something?

    8. The first was well-done; I think we all saw that coming, though.

      The second was completely terrifying. Not even kidding. Not my Fluttershy! You can't have her!

      The third was interesting... we keep trying to find a pet for Derpy, but when will it be one that suits her just right?

    9. #1 I loled :D

      #2 Im scared D:

      #3 Im confuALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD @_@

    10. 1. I thought it would only take five or seven minutes at least.

      2. You're going to love her whether she's cranky or not.

      3. (Stares at hypnotoad for ten minutes) Nope still don't get why everyone likes it. Not a very good pet, all it does is sits there and stares at you all day.

    11. 1. Internet is for porn song must show up.


      3. Come on. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO TOAD!

    12. What an overused joke that last one. Wait what? No! No no no! Don't make me kill myself! NOOOOO!!! *gunshot*

    13. The internet is a dangerous place. I blame Celestia!

    14. @Beta-Carotene

      It's only got 80 people in it. We should all get together, pool a few hundred thousand dollars and ask them to put up some MLP stuff and make a pony their town mascot. Or better yet, move the Equestria Daily servers there! xD

    15. #1) Once more the internet has claimed the innocence of the unsuspecting. DAMN YOU TROLLESTIA!!!
      #2) *hides in underground bunker
      #3) >Insert obligatoALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!

    16. #1 Rarity is not traumatized by your porn. Take that internets!

      #2 Was kind of expecting her to change color in the actual episode.

      #3 Mwuahahaha! Been awhile since I've seen Hypnotoad.

    17. #1: I'm sure Rainbow would be thrilled to know how.. popular she is :P
      #3: ..The hell?

    18. #1 "The same font that Veggie55 coincidentally uses in all of his comments."
      What prompted you to say that? Honestly, does it matter? It was a good comic, but that little blurb really bothered me.

      #2 That was not Flutterbitch. Odd save us all if she goes crazy like that again.

      #3 This makes me wonder how 'Find A Pet' would sound as a Flutter/Derpy duo.

    19. @Masquerade313

      New voice or old one for the muffin queen?

    20. Geeze, why do you have to use that bad Fluttershy name? Can't you use something the nicerest part of the internet came up with?

    21. Three step Brony domination plan.

      1.Move all Bronies to the village of Brony in the country of Poland.
      2.Convert the local populace, expand village borders, and secede from Poland.
      3. Make Brony into a Utopia based on the ideals taught in Equestria.
      4. Bolster our numbers, raise an army, spread love and tolerance throughout Europe by force.

      Er, scratch step 4...

    22. #2: Super Saiyan Fluttershy is terrific. Pity, she is so transient, and would leave only destruction in her wake. It would at least be entertaining while it lasted... and we could roast marshmallows in the ashes.

    23. are you guys late this comic was seen before it came out.

    24. #3: Pfft. Old meme is ol-ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!

    25. 1#we were in on this prake..... What you didn't think celestia rewired the com relay to send a connection to the Internet to mess with twilight and her frends .....nope we supply the connection and her majesty send the message

    26. 2# gard marine: mayday this is fourth wall defences platune alpha does anyone copy
      REA forward unto dawn: Roger that alpha we have You.....what's your status
      Gard marine: yellow we are under attack
      REA forward unto dawn: understood alpha evac pelicans are inbound to your location with.....
      Gard marine:No! Send them back
      REA forward unto dawn : what! Why?
      Gard marine : STAY BACK !Mother of Celestia STAY AWAY!
      REA forward unto dawn: who's attacking alpha
      Gard marine:we knew she was kind and nice
      REA forward unto dawn: I repeat who is attacking
      Gard marine: but we never knew that she would turn against us
      REA forward unto dawn: WHO IS ATTACKING YOU
      Gard marine : she.... Back code red
      REA forward unto dawn : WHO
      Gard marine ...... fl..u ..tre....
      REA forward unto dawn :repeat who
      REA forward unto dawn : you still there apha ...apha 6 do you copy ........

      REA forward unto dawn : DEAR GOD she is back

    27. Time to channel some Elton John:

      ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
      She's a bitch, she's a bitch
      Flutterbitch is back
      Stone cold nasty as a matter of fact
      She can bitch, she can bitch
      'Cause her mind went askew
      And she don't give a hoof
      If it's okay with you
