The Everfree staff has sent us a bushel of announcements! Rather than stick them in a roundup, I have placed them after the break for your reading pleasure. So check that break. It's sponsored by something other than Brony Cola this time.
Seriously, help me think of another product while you read this stuff.
Everfree NorthWest is proud to announce we've partnered with We Love Fine to bring you some AWESOME Officially Licensed Hasbro shirts and a messenger bag!
'Mane Six' Everfree Shirt
Rainbow Dash Solo Everfree Shirt
Everfree Logo Shirt
Everfree Logo Messenger Bag
Go check them out today for some awesome gear to show proudly your plans to attend the convention, and help out the convention at the same time! A portion of every shirt sold helps to putting on this awesome convention for fans of all ages!
Upcoming Public meeting For Everfree NorthWest
Everfree Northwest is pleased to announce our next public planning meeting for the convention March 24th, 2012 at 1 PM in Seattle, WA. We'll be looking for suggestions and feedback for the convention and the schedule, as well as hoping to meet and greet those who want to directly get involved in making this weekend a reality. While we always have a good time together, keep in mind this meeting is more on the convention planning and business side of things, rather than a purely social meetup.
We'll be meeting at the Jigsaw Renaissance (, who has generously donated their space and have pledged their support for Everfree and Bronies in general. We'll be meeting from 1PM-6PM at the address below:
Jigsaw Renaissance
INSCAPE bldg, Rm 140
815 Seattle Blvd S.
Seattle, WA 98134
The Jigsaw Renaissance is located in the International District near Uwajimaya. Free parking is limited, so please show up early! However, they are located only a block from a major Transit Center. We are encouraging everypony who can to bring some sort of snack item for a potluck-style meal. This includes cupcakes, muffins, chips, dip, pretzels, soda, salad, cheese & crackers etc. Whatever you'd like to bring, we'd be happy to have.
Please RSVP via the meetup page ( ), & we hope to see you all there with your thinking caps on!
The Everfree NorthWest PMV Contest!
If there's something we've noticed, it's that PMVs rarely get big, awesome events. There's compilations sure, but by and large, it's a big part of the fandom that doesn't get as much credit as it deserves, considering the work that often gets put in.
To clear that up, Everfree NorthWest is announcing a contest for all of the hard working PMV makers out there.
The contest itself is fairly basic: Make a new PMV (don't recycle an old one, please!) and submit it to us. After we round up all the submissions, our judges with take a look and bring it down to a select few that will be screened at a special panel during the convention. The audience will vote for their favorites, and the winner(s) will get prizes!
Not much more to say, really. We don't want to impose many limits on creativity. Check out the full rules below!
Official Rules:
1) The work must be created by the submitter (or submitters, in the case of collaborators), must be original work, and should be a new work (We're relying on the honor system here, folks).
2) The Creator(s), upon submission, are giving the convention Everfree NorthWeat permission to use the work for the purposes of the contest, including but not limited to: public viewing and web-posting.
3) All entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time (PST) July 14th, 2012. Any submissions after this date are invalid and ineligible to take part in this contest.
4) Winners will be determined and announced during the convention (August 17th - 19th, 2012). Public announcement will follow.
5) Submissions are to be emailed to , in appropriate video format, with PMV, your name, and the name of the PMV in the email Subject Line. In addition, for the sake of our judges, a link should be provided to an internet hosted version of the PMV (ie. Youtube).
6) The guideline for length of the PMV is around 4 to 6 minutes. This is not a hard rule, so we do encourage longer submissions, if you wish.
7)As a family friendly convention, we will not be accepting any submissions using elements that would be above a PG-13 rating.
43 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaWow, nice!
VastaKustutaI just saw those shirts 10 minutes ago, still cool, though.
VastaKustutaI MUST WIN!
Try "sponsered by WeLoveFine" or something
VastaKustutaI saw those shirts the day they came out *puts on hipster glasses*
VastaKustutaI have always wondered what "after the break" meant what does it mean?
VastaKustutaThese look great!
VastaKustutaMakes sense.
You want another product?
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie Endorsed Cupcakes.
@MyBoyJ Eyup, it's true
VastaKustutaCelestia Solar Panels?
VastaKustutaDerpy Delivery Express?
Ooh! Ooh! How about Everfree Radio?
I'm just passing around sponsoring company ideas.
Sethisto soda?
Sounds very interesting. Unfortunately, I live on the opposite coast and do not have the means to travel that far. Also, I can't make PMVs, but I'm eagerly waiting for the results of that contest.
VastaKustutaIn a way, you're lucky, you get the BRONYCON!
Pegasister Pepsi.
VastaKustutaFlim and Flam's Philosophic Wax, for all your philosophizing needs!
Do you remember who came up with that?
VastaKustutai did not think of that.
I'm definitely going to submit something for that PMV contest. I mean, I make PMVs anyway, so I might as well. There's no way I'm going to win though. This fanbase is so talented!
VastaKustutaWhy would you want just the EVERFREE logo without the ponies?
VastaKustutaIsn't it obvious? Your next product should be "20% Coolers, the coolers that are 20% cooler"
VastaKustuta@MyBoyJ came up with what?
VastaKustutaFlimFlam's Philosophic Wax. I remember, it was ClosetBrony.
@MyBoyJ it got overshadowed in my memory by the Flim Flam parody lyrics of middle eastern terrorist ponies selling uranium/nuclear weapons (on the mock song parody post)
I still think it's very cool when I made my first purchase, I got a free blind bag, giant bag, chain, Derpy poster, and stickers :D
VastaKustutaSuch an awesome place!
@Feather Gem
VastaKustutaI got a free blindbag, giant bag, Pinkie sticker, and Vinyl Scratch and the Mane 6 poster.
Man, I want to go to this so bad. It's a 5 hour drive from where I live, so it's no problem for me. I'm kinda glad that more stuff is being announced for it.
VastaKustutaYou should be sponsored,by...... Red manticore, It'll give you a scorpion tail
VastaKustutaI got some products that could sponsor you, hell I gotta come up with a metric buck ton of adds for my comics lemme see here's a couple I got:
VastaKustutaPony time mintals,
Old neigh (old spice)
Moon socks (moon boots parody)
The Whinny (the shining parody)
My little sea monkeys
and then my surprisingly popular: adds(ESRB parody)
I got more but they arn't the greatest or not totally pony related (without a pic)
VastaKustutaI didn't know we got cool stuff like this! My blind bag had a sparkly Pinkie Pie :3
Friendship Spice Deodorant
VastaKustutaPinkie's Soft-As-Cotton-Candy Facial Tissues
Brony Fuel Energy Drink
The Equestrian Chariot Company
Celestia Wireless
@Feather Gem
VastaKustutaMy blindbag was Bumblesweet, whoever that is...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutahow about real services:
Fillydelphia Radio
either one of these will do (both .net)
Wait.. PMV contest....
@MyBoyJ mine was Rose Luck
VastaKustutaRoseluck is the one I wanted to get! At least she's an actual character on the show.
VastaKustutaThere's a page break after the initial announcement. Only the first page is shown as preview on the main page, and then everything after that first pages is after a page break
Does anypony live in Albany, Organ.
VastaKustutaDoes any other pony live in Albany, Organ.
VastaKustutaStill waiting for single-day entry tickets! I'm working at the tattoo convention the weekend before so I can't go the whole weekend, only Saturday.