Applejack is a sneaky pony. You know she does this in the show when she's not in an episode doing anything interesting. Which would be most of the time.
Well all ponies need something to do in their spare time, just look at Twilight
that song at the beginning... It reminded me of that video with the spazzy mannequin. I wanted to go watch that again but can't remember the name - What was it called again?
Really? Can't you people be unbiased when posting articles instead of trashing many fans favorite pony. Rainbow Dash is my least favourite but if I was writing articles for the majority fanbase I would not litter it with my personal bias and spite.
Really? Can't you people be unbiased when posting articles instead of trashing many fans favorite pony. Rainbow Dash is my least favourite but if I was writing articles for the majority fanbase I would not litter it with my personal bias and spite.
84 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaSo True
VastaKustutanot big surprize
VastaKustutaSeems legit
VastaKustutaThis is me all the time, doesn't matter who or who isnt looking.
VastaKustutaSeems a little chopy of animation, needs more in-betweens, or if they did it in twos that would help =O otherwise a fun silly video^^
VastaKustutaGood for you, Applejack...
VastaKustutaWub wub wub wub
VastaKustutaWell, of course!
VastaKustutaI mean Catgroove!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSo she does this all the time basically?
VastaKustutaWell all ponies need something to do in their spare time, just look at Twilight
VastaKustutaCat's Grooveeeeeeee~
VastaKustutaYeah, that's pretty much me with dubstep and Pony music. Thank you Applejack for that bit of silliness.
VastaKustutaShe must have a strong neck .. she havent been in that many episodes :)
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutakinda choppy...
VastaKustutaI'm sorry to say that Cereal, but I really hate you now for writing that description.
VastaKustutaWell, that was random.
VastaKustutaThis video is certified True Facts.
VastaKustutaMay I join you?
VastaKustutaI had to bob my head along with her.
VastaKustutaHaha nice little video.
VastaKustutaCereal I r disappoint with that description :/
VastaKustutaNeeds moar mega eye derp.
VastaKustutaAsk Twilight for pointers on that AJ.
--Tries to hug AJ, but gets inadvertently headbutted--
Someone swap that music with Flesghod Apocalypse or some other insane extreme death detal...That's almost too perfect.
VastaKustutaThat was silly and choppy. NO RARITY CUTIE MARK FOR QUALITY ANIMATION.
Sorry, I was watching CR's reviews.
Ponies forelegs aren't supposed to bend in that direction.
VastaKustutaOtherwise fairly good, if a bit choppy.
wtf is this?
VastaKustutaTo be fair Eze hasn't been doing animation for very long so you can't expect Mr Poniator/nomorethan9 quality animation from him just yet.
VastaKustuta@Quite Quiet
VastaKustutaNeither are they supposed to do a lot of the things they do in the show, but I don't see you complaining about that? :L
Like Twilight is any more interesting. What's she doing that doesn't involve reading?
VastaKustutaDon't we all do that when we hear a good song on the radio? Come on, don't deny it. LOL
VastaKustutaGood to be back. My modem saw to it that I didn't get my ponies until late last night. :(
I knew it!
VastaKustutaToo catchy, just too catchy.
VastaKustuta"when she's not in an episode doing anything interesting. Which would be most of the time."
VastaKustutalol ok then
Oh... so most people don't do this when nobody else is around? : /
VastaKustutaDammit Cereal, you and Seth's constant need to hate on my waifu, you buttface XD
VastaKustutaThat was one of the most random videos I've ever seen.
VastaKustutaDERP LOL
VastaKustutamoving swiftly on now
Dang, I though it would turn into this.
VastaKustutaHer unblinking eyes creeped me out.
VastaKustutaShe must have brain damage by now...
VastaKustutaShe must have brain damage by now...
VastaKustutaYou'd think AJ would prefer country music, but you never know.
VastaKustutaglad to see Applejack isn't into country music
VastaKustutathat song at the beginning... It reminded me of that video with the spazzy mannequin. I wanted to go watch that again but can't remember the name - What was it called again?
VastaKustutaOh, AJ. :3
VastaKustutawhere spidey? lol
VastaKustutaI was LITERALLY JUST listening to this song on my iPod on my way home from school!
VastaKustutaOh look, this music again.
VastaKustutaAnd because I'm SUCH a nice guy-
First song: The Little Ships by Jean Facques Perrey (used in the 'Going to the Store' animation)
Second song: Catgroove by Parov Stelar (used in 'ReadingRainbowDash.mp4')
Needs moar Spider-Man.
VastaKustutaBut shes tied with Twilight for the most episodes
VastaKustutaCereal's hate for Applejack is seriously just irritating now.
VastaKustutaowait... YAY FANIMATION
VastaKustutaAppleglasses is best glasses
VastaKustutaGuess she's moved on from busting moves to " Cotton-eyed Joe" finally! About dang time! Yeesh!
VastaKustutaI declare we have a pony dance off!!!!!
VastaKustutaI also declare that Dashie has already won She also brought her own glasses
Catgroove fits well with anything.
VastaKustutaOh God. It starts with "A Day in the Life of Discord" music. This is gweat!
VastaKustutaNot the best animation, but Catgroove + Applejack! I was hoping she would break into full on dance there.
VastaKustutaWhat sorcery is this?!
VastaKustutaReally? Can't you people be unbiased when posting articles instead of trashing many fans favorite pony. Rainbow Dash is my least favourite but if I was writing articles for the majority fanbase I would not litter it with my personal bias and spite.
VastaKustutaReally? Can't you people be unbiased when posting articles instead of trashing many fans favorite pony. Rainbow Dash is my least favourite but if I was writing articles for the majority fanbase I would not litter it with my personal bias and spite.
VastaKustutaYou mean she gives herself neck problems?
VastaKustutaOh god, those credits. XD
VastaKustutaOh lord, from the music at the beginning i thought she was going to the store
VastaKustutaI take Applejack's Catgroove dance and raise one better Catgroove dance.
"You know she does this in the show when she's not in an episode doing anything interesting. Which would be most of the time."
VastaKustutaNot funny, Cereal!
*mumbles something about AJ being cool *
this is me whenever ponies are not on tv or no new stuff is up on EqD.
VastaKustutaWhy isn't she blinking?
VastaKustutaMeh. I like it.
VastaKustutaIt's country people that made sunglasses cool AND fitting.
VastaKustutaSeems Legit
VastaKustutaWho's a sneaky pony applejack!
VastaKustutaepic pie time was a better video.
VastaKustutaapplejack, why you no do mp4?
VastaKustutaAh Ha! I know it wasn't all work at sweet apple acres!
VastaKustutaSry I hav yo reply but wars the damn music in this
Wats the music my auto correct hates me