I hijacked the wallpaper post this time around to spare you guys from the inevitable Rarity. Have some Dash instead, because this scene is really freakin cute.
Pinkie Pie Wallpaper by ~FriendlyCreeper on deviantART
Daring Do Wallpaper by ~TheSharp0ne on deviantART
Lunacloud by =EphemeralBlue on deviantART
Twilight Sparkle Wallpaper by ~CripplerGFX on deviantART
Vinyl Scratch Wallpaper by ~CripplerGFX on deviantART
Rainbow Dash Wallpaper by ~CripplerGFX on deviantART
Pinkie Pie Wallpaper by ~CripplerGFX on deviantART
Fluttershy Wallpaper by ~CripplerGFX on deviantART
Duel by *zerofifi on deviantART
Future Shadowbolt by =EphemeralBlue on deviantART
Dared To Do It by =EphemeralBlue on deviantART
CMC Smiles Wallpaper by *InternationalTCK on deviantART
Rainbow Dash Wings Wallpaper by ~murknl on deviantART
Trixie's Void by ~Chief117x on deviantART
Fluttershy Wallpaper V1.1 by =J-Webb on deviantART
Pinkie Pie Wallpaper V1 by =J-Webb on deviantART
Fluttershy Wallpaper by ~Fiftyniner on deviantART
Rainbow Dash Wallpaper by ~Fiftyniner on deviantART
Big Mac Wallpaper by *TomA62975 on deviantART
Pinkie Pie Wallpaper by ~Fiftyniner on deviantART
Wonderbolts Wallpaper - Spitfire by ~l13000 on deviantART
Wonderbolts Wallpaper - Soarin' by ~l13000 on deviantART
Wonderbolts Wallpaper - Rainbow Dash by ~l13000 on deviantART
Wonderbolts Wallpaper - Scootaloo by ~l13000 on deviantART
Vinyl Scratch Wallpaper by ~Fiftyniner on deviantART
Roman Berry Punch background by ~monketron on deviantART
The Two Sides of Doctor Whooves by ~PCS4DDT on deviantART
Carrot Top Wallpaper by ~PinkamenaStraightCut on deviantART
Cloud Bed by =Gratlofatic on deviantART
Rarity Spotlight Wallpaper by ~WazerX on deviantART
50 kommentaari:
Book-loving Dash is best Dash.
VastaKustutaSquee, 4 of mine up! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaONLY 1 RARITY???
yay more Vinyl Scratch wallpapers, and what's this I see? a Discord Whooves wallpaper? a definite must! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaI really love Pinkie Pie's facial expression in FriendlyCreeper's wallpaper. I'll have to see if I can find that vector..
VastaKustutaAnd that picture of Rainbow reading on her bed really makes for an awesome wallpaper.
so many wallpapers and only one desktop...
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash Wings and Rarity Spotlight are the best pics here. :D
VastaKustutaWill be nabbing a few of these to use soon.
VastaKustutaBLASPHEMY! Vinyl Scratch with blue eyes!
VastaKustutaanyway, most of them are awesome.
I'm going to stick with my initial judgement. I like the header image best. My second favorite is the CMC smiling one, followed by the Rainbow Dash one from CripplerGFX.
VastaKustutaGood thing my wallpaper was getting old.
VastaKustutaNo opinion
VastaKustutaMy browser oh so hates me today, this killed it twice.
VastaKustutaNice wallpapers.
D'aww, the Fluttershy one.
VastaKustutaThese are seriously brilliantly made, btw. Props.
Scootaloo as a Wonderbolt was a nice touch. Makes you wonder...
VastaKustutaDidn't Dash have a stack of books next to her in that scene? Ah well, nevermind. That does make a good wallpaper.
VastaKustutaI just drop them into my backgrounds folder and have my settings set to change the background every 5 mins, plus I'm using mac osx 10.7 'lion', so I have 4 separate 'desktops', now if only I had a second display...
Wonderbolt Scootaloo? There's something I haven't seen before. I like it.
VastaKustutaI'm a little hurt by the lack of Rarity. That pony's like something off a poster, so why fight it, you know?
Also, I demand more Gummy! All these Pinkie papers and only one with her little toothless pal in it? Where's he been, anyway?
Can't decide on what Wallpaper to pick?
VastaKustutaIf on Windows 7 you can download all the wallpapers you want and have it change at random everyday or so. It solved my problem of indecisiveness
@The Wandering Magus
VastaKustutaGet that mess outta here!
I'm still using my jellyfish wallpaper derived from an exceedingly obscure ponibooru in-joke.
VastaKustutaHipsters ftw!
@Celestia you should send it to the moon
VastaKustutaCMC smiles was already my wallpaper, now it's EVEN MORE MY WALLPAPER.
VastaKustutaI don't know how to feel about being called "cute"... I wanna be known for, you know, being awesome
VastaKustuta@Rainbow DashYour not cute, your sexy! :3
VastaKustutaThese all look awesome! I love Scootaloo as a Wonderbolt!
VastaKustuta#1, #7, #14, #15, #16, #29, #30,
VastaKustutaWow, I like quite a lot of these.
That first Vinyl...it's interesting.
VastaKustutaAww, thanks Seth, you know how to save best for last ;3
VastaKustutararity is always in the spot light :)
VastaKustutaI find this compilation's lack of Derpy...disturbing.
VastaKustutaNo, THIS IS EQD!!!!!
*Sends you to the moon*
Oh Rainbow, you ARE awesome. It's just that, certain characteristics of yours make all of us use the word "cute" more than we ever would otherwise.
VastaKustutame thinks Sethisto is getting revenge for the Firepony Trixie stunt Cereal pulled.
VastaKustutaMy pony wallpaper folder is so close to breaking 100
VastaKustutaCMC Smiles is very motivational. They'd always be so excited to see what I'm working on!
VastaKustutaKudos to CripplerGFX I really liked those ones.
VastaKustutaNeeds WAY more rarity
VastaKustutaNeeds more Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustutaOne Rarity? Thats it? I am disappoint...
VastaKustutaThat Rainbow Wings one is now my new background (after about a month of my last).
VastaKustutaI'm not crazy about Dash, but man does she make for some great backgrounds.
Rainbow give me your home address 1313
VastaKustutaYes! Only one Rarity this time around! I seriously don't understand why so many people like her so muchXP Though I wish I did. And I've seen all of her episodes.
VastaKustuta"to spare you guys from the inevitable Rarity."
VastaKustutaYep, all ONE of them :(
There's plenty of reasons. Just rattling off a few off the top of my head:
1) She's NOT the stereotypical fashion obsessed character we see plastered all over TV (selfish and/or conceited), quite the contrary, she's the way most wish all those self-absorbed idiots... excuse me, "stars" would be. She has the redeeming qualities that give the character a generally likable personality (generosity, patience, etc).
2) Like Fluttershy, the general character design is very appealing (not in THAT kind of way).
3) Tabitha's voice work. No further clarification needed.
4) She has an interesting character dynamic and flaws that make for great story telling where she is involved.
This coming from a person who is almost essentially the complete polar opposite of this character and absolutely loathes any kind of fashion shows IRL. It really depends on how much weight you place on the things that define her as a character, and also whether or not you blow certain moments of hers in the show out of proportion, which so many tend to do... without actually thinking about if they'd do the same thing if they were a bit more like her.
That's at least some of my reasons anyway.
VastaKustutaWhile I get the patience bit, I really don't see the generosity part. And I look for it whenever I see her, too. I know that it's her element, but I'm only able to think of three instances where she's been generous: When she cuts off her tail to give to the serpent, the ONE scene in "Sonic Rainboom", and the episode where she makes everyone dresses. (btw, I do like her in that episode)
But I just feel like for every time she's generous, there's another time when she's whiny or ...not generous. For example, in "Sonic Rainboom", she eggs Twilight into casting a spell that will let them be there for Rainbow during the show. She even bites the bullet and volunteers for an experimental spell. And that's a really good moment for her character! But then she spends the rest of the episode almost playing the antagonist to Rainbow because she likes the attention she's getting.
Or in "Sweet and Elite", she's promised to make Twilight a dress for her birthday. But then she gets caught up in high society and practically breaks the promise, lying to Twilight and giving her a lackluster dress, hoping for the best. I'm not saying that she was wrong to take the opportunity to boost her career, but she could have sent Twilight a letter explaining the situation. The fact that she didn't completely changes her motives for the entire episode.
After all that, I feel I should be clear on one thing: I'm not a Rarity-hater. I'm a Rarity-disliker. She has some great moments, but I just feel like the other ponies have more great moments.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWell to each his/her own, it does sound like you are at least giving the character a somewhat fair chance.
Just very briefly touching on those two examples you brought up though...
At the end of Sonic Rainboom, she felt like complete and utter crap for how she let her vanity get the better of her, it wasn't something she simply shrugged off. This was a great use of this character flaw to progress the story as I'm sure you'd likely agree.
And the Sweet & Elite ep, you can't really fault her for trying to take advantage of that opportunity. She didn't want to lie or appear selfish, nor was she expecting the visit afterward. Twilight was very understanding either way, but that is still not something you want to freely test IRL or in a fictional world. It's one of those cases where ignorance is bliss.
That's my take on it though, as I said, it does sound like you are least giving the character a somewhat fair chance.
VastaKustutaThank you for being mature about this. (I've asked the question before, and gotten... less mature responsesXP Eh... the internet is a funny place!)
You've answered my question, and I now at least understand why other people like her. Though I still disagree. I do think you misunderstood what problem I had with her in "Sweet and Elite". But since my question's been answered, and since I don't want to carry on an argument for longer than I must, I'll leave it here. Catcha later!