In finland they celebrate friendship day instead of valintines. It's custom to gife an anonymous present to one of your friends.
I think that would make a wonderful brony holliday!
Boring? You've obviously never seen my school. Most of my friends were attacked by lipstick wielding seniors, and a dude licked me. To be fair that last part is an unrelated incident.
Well, it's a day as boring or exciting as any other day, but I wouldn't mind it becoming more amazing next year. Just make sure it involves ponies, games or alcohol. Or any combination thereof, really.
Boring? Operetta + romantic supper in a restaurant with amazing view on mountains covered with snow + the rest of the evening at her place. What more could anypony possibly want? ^^ A little planning and everything works out perfectly (even if it involves almost 2h in car total). Ask Twilight Sparkle ^^
How about Trixie Pinecone eating day? Everyone would dress like Trixie and get around on the table at lunch for eating some delicious pinecones and worship a Twilight Sparkle totem. Yep, I need some sleep.
Something fun that various people could contribute to.. Via music, art, videos, photos, baked bads... whatever. Just something that gives everyone a chance to feel involved and share in something fun would be pretty great. Just not sure on what. :\
An Artist Training Ground challenge, Hearts and Hooves edition, would have made the whole thing a lot more fun, and saved you the chore of looking for pony-themed cards (they were fine, but your heart obviously wasn't in it).
So next year: Artist Training Ground, Hearts and Hooves edition.
Mecha fighting love day, like valentines day except you get to duke it out with competition in giant mech over who should be said persons valentine. Of course all of the fighting will take place in the abyssal plane, as to stop property damage
@Octavia I'm guessing it would have something to do with writers trying to come up with interesting new plots that they haven't seen before, or working with different types of stories from what they usually write.
Plot day, is that where we check on our arable land to see if we can plant in it yet?
Also, my own holiday idea: If ninjas and pirates get their own silly days, why not us? 'International Talk Like a Pony Day'! Not much too it, really; use anypony and somepony, etc when appropriate, say quotes from the show where appropriate, and we all end the day by dictating a letter to Princess Ceestia about what we learned (most likely, 'I learned that others look at me funny when I talk like a pony'.)
You know, what we do pretty much already, except that we can try to drag others into doing it too.
We need a hooded-hooves day a day where everyone (bronies anyway) where socks on their hands. suddenly and subtly; incredibly easy to spot fellow bronies ^^.
I propose a holiday named after a relatively unknown historical figure, where everyone buys overpriced goods from giant corporations shaped like internal organs that represent basic feelings.
April 1st should be declared international Pinkie Pie Day, March 14 Twilight Day, June 21st Sol Day, December 21 Luna Day, March 20th Winter Wrap-up, May 30 Fluttershy day, and the others I'm still working on.
Fluttershy Fridays, that or Trixie Tuesdays or Celestia Saturdays. On Fluttershy's we celebrate others by doing favors for them using animal labor, on Trixie's we celebrate ourselves by boasting of our well-earned and totally legitimate accomplishments, and on Celestia's day we have to pull at least one trolltastic prank on someone
I say we celebrate Muffin Day! It's the day we bake and eat muffins in honor of the Muffin Queen herself and even sacrifice a few to appease her hunger. It's a very simple holiday but I think it has potential. Plus, MUFFINS!!!
Feast of St. Wiseau. Family and friends would gather and voice one concern, be it personal or something bigger. Then one person, probably the eldest or anyone who doesn't talk quite right, would stand up and say "Don' wuhrry abouddit. Le'ss go eat, ha-a-a-ah?" Then everyone would go have the titular feast, greeting everything they're passed, for example "Oh, hi, cornbread. Oh, hi, cheese dip. Oh, hi, mysterious casserole".
C'mon guys, think of something BIG, and something even non-bronies will find entertaining... and don't name it after a pony, you gotta find a catchy name like "Love and Tolerance Day".
Groundhog Day -> Diamond Dog Day May Day -> Hay day April Fool's Day -> April Foal's Day Mother's Day -> Mare's Day St. Patrick's Day -> (Stil working on that one...) Easter -> New Life Day (If Christmas is Harth's Warming, and Halloween is Nightmare Night...) Earth Day -> Equstria Day
112 kommentaari:
Or maaaaybe Mr. Sethisto needs a Mrs. in his life ;)
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutathe Rainbow Dash day sounds like an epic holiday!
VastaKustutaMake Derpy Day an official national holiday and I'll be good.
VastaKustutaso, are we going to ponify St. Patrick's Day?
VastaKustuta@Bolan The one that was started last year, on March 1st, or the one that a few people made out of January 21st this year?
VastaKustutaPony reaction face day next year? everyone could post links to reaction faces instead of commenting, for a full day, like this:
It COULD work: there are pony reaction faces for darn near everything!
...perhaps I could devise a program that searches for the image files and puts them with the corresponding comment.
VastaKustutaIn finland they celebrate friendship day instead of valintines. It's custom to gife an anonymous present to one of your friends.
I think that would make a wonderful brony holliday!
VastaKustuta@derpy dash typhlosion
VastaKustutaThe only worthy holiday!
@derpy dash typhlosion
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash is best holiday.
@LeafswordGive him all the hugs?
VastaKustuta@derpy dash typhlosion
Valentine's Day is only boring if you have nopony to share it with!
Yeah, it was a rather boring day, wasn't it?
Le Sigh.
Oh, look! Awesome Trixie and Twilight picture! I'm feeling better already, thanks Seth!
What's wrong Seth? Still sad Cynder WHUPS I MEAN Trixie is imaginary, and can never fufill your fantasies?
VastaKustutaBoring? You've obviously never seen my school. Most of my friends were attacked by lipstick wielding seniors, and a dude licked me. To be fair that last part is an unrelated incident.
VastaKustuta@Derpy Hands
VastaKustutaMarch 1st of course but they should BOTH be holidays!!!!
There's always Weasel-Stomping Day
VastaKustuta15th = Saint Skeletor's Day
I propose a holiday where the primary tradition involves everyone sending me 10 dollars, and participation is mandatory.
VastaKustutaI have no idea what to call it, but it sounds AWESOME!!
Well, it's a day as boring or exciting as any other day, but I wouldn't mind it becoming more amazing next year. Just make sure it involves ponies, games or alcohol. Or any combination thereof, really.
VastaKustutaBoring? Operetta + romantic supper in a restaurant with amazing view on mountains covered with snow + the rest of the evening at her place. What more could anypony possibly want? ^^ A little planning and everything works out perfectly (even if it involves almost 2h in car total). Ask Twilight Sparkle ^^
VastaKustutaTry April fool's day..celebrating the fool princess before Celestia and Luna that got tricked in a hilarious joke !
VastaKustutaTry April fool's day..celebrating the fool princess before Celestia and Luna that got tricked in a hilarious joke !
VastaKustutaPony Day, where everyone has to sit down and watch the first two episodes. We'd convert the whole world!
VastaKustutaHow about Trixie Pinecone eating day? Everyone would dress like Trixie and get around on the table at lunch for eating some delicious pinecones and worship a Twilight Sparkle totem. Yep, I need some sleep.
VastaKustuta"We need a cooler holiday next year."
VastaKustuta>cooler holiday
If you need to be a little... cooler, come to Europe xP
Something fun that various people could contribute to.. Via music, art, videos, photos, baked bads... whatever. Just something that gives everyone a chance to feel involved and share in something fun would be pretty great. Just not sure on what. :\
VastaKustutaThis time next year can be Lamppost Appreciation Day. Happy early Lamppost Appreciation Day, everyone.
VastaKustutaBut... I like Hearts and Hooves Day. :(
VastaKustutaOkay then. I propose Plot Day...
But I'm not going to start naming off the traditional activities this particular Holiday entails. That's left up to your imagination.
An Artist Training Ground challenge, Hearts and Hooves edition, would have made the whole thing a lot more fun, and saved you the chore of looking for pony-themed cards (they were fine, but your heart obviously wasn't in it).
VastaKustutaSo next year: Artist Training Ground, Hearts and Hooves edition.
Animal Day!
VastaKustutaMecha fighting love day, like valentines day except you get to duke it out with competition in giant mech over who should be said persons valentine. Of course all of the fighting will take place in the abyssal plane, as to stop property damage
VastaKustutaAnimal Day!
VastaKustutaAnimal Day!
VastaKustutaThe number of calls for Animal Day is too damn high.
VastaKustutaAnd there is an Animal Day anyways. It's called Barbecue Night.
@Octavia I'm guessing it would have something to do with writers trying to come up with interesting new plots that they haven't seen before, or working with different types of stories from what they usually write.
VastaKustutaWhat would animal day entail?
VastaKustutaAlso, I suggest drawing day.
National Steal an F-16 Day
Forever Asethisto
VastaKustutaParkour Day
VastaKustutaEveryone must parkour all the way to work and back, and white tiles are lava so you have to avoid them.
VastaKustutaPlot day, is that where we check on our arable land to see if we can plant in it yet?
Also, my own holiday idea: If ninjas and pirates get their own silly days, why not us? 'International Talk Like a Pony Day'! Not much too it, really; use anypony and somepony, etc when appropriate, say quotes from the show where appropriate, and we all end the day by dictating a letter to Princess Ceestia about what we learned (most likely, 'I learned that others look at me funny when I talk like a pony'.)
You know, what we do pretty much already, except that we can try to drag others into doing it too.
National Use Your Butt to Destroy Town Hall Day.
VastaKustutaYou know, 'cause Derpy.
It was the 100th year anniversary of Arizona yesterday so I mean ya got that right? lets get some cake.
VastaKustutaI'm down with that.
It's shipping day!
VastaKustutaExplodificating Sophisticrat Day
VastaKustutaHow about "sleep late and don't go to work day?" I'd be down with that.
VastaKustutaGreat idea! Friendship Day for this fandom? Perfect, just perfect! Deserves a hearty woohoo if you ask me!
Shiptease Day. All on the blog is to be double entendres. Any post header image not on a story will be shipping. Use your imagination on the banner.
VastaKustutaHow bout we Skype and discuss tech to change bronyknid
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaJust Say No to Poisonous Daffodil Sandwiches Day.
VastaKustutaI worry about pony diet sometimes.
Chainsaw Shark Hunting Day
VastaKustuta@Laurence Brown I support this idea. It's genius. :D
VastaKustutaWe need a hooded-hooves day
VastaKustutaa day where everyone (bronies anyway) where socks on their hands.
suddenly and subtly; incredibly easy to spot fellow bronies ^^.
how bout trixie's Tango Thursday seth? :3
VastaKustutaI propose a holiday named after a relatively unknown historical figure, where everyone buys overpriced goods from giant corporations shaped like internal organs that represent basic feelings.
VastaKustutaIt's Canadian Flag Day today. That's a pretty cool holiday. All the red and white minus the pink.
VastaKustutaLittle do you realize, that Trixie is not left handed.
VastaKustutaErr, left hoofed. Whatever.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaShe's not in the picture either, but Twilight is.
Chocolate Day. Happens February 15th. Go to stores and buy discount chocolate. Then enjoy it.
VastaKustutaAnyone else hungry?
VastaKustutaBut that trixie is holding the lance in her right hoof.
Twilight is holding the lance in her left hand.
No one got my joke. I am now sad.
VastaKustutaWatch The Princess Bride people! I promise you'll like it.
@LiuXaun Good idea!
VastaKustutaI propose Emperor Norton Day, upon which we will buy overpriced representations of pineal glands, representative of bewilderment and amusement!
I like the idea of Rainbow Dash day... A day spent where you go around being adventurous, fierce, and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable
VastaKustuta@mattwhite924 Don't worry, I understood it!
VastaKustuta@lulztopus And you sir, are hilarious.
Whatever is going on in that picture seems like a great holiday to me.
VastaKustutaSETH is forever alone... No wonder he doesn't like Valentine's.
VastaKustutaPie Day, a day for pie.
VastaKustutaApril 1st should be declared international Pinkie Pie Day, March 14 Twilight Day, June 21st Sol Day, December 21 Luna Day, March 20th Winter Wrap-up, May 30 Fluttershy day, and the others I'm still working on.
VastaKustutaFluttershy Fridays, that or Trixie Tuesdays or Celestia Saturdays. On Fluttershy's we celebrate others by doing favors for them using animal labor, on Trixie's we celebrate ourselves by boasting of our well-earned and totally legitimate accomplishments, and on Celestia's day we have to pull at least one trolltastic prank on someone
VastaKustutaChimicherrychanga day?
VastaKustutaAll I can think of is the obvious Pony Day.
VastaKustutaI don't celebrate Valentine's on the 14, I celebrate Singles Awareness Day, so it's essentially just another day.
VastaKustutawhy dont ponies have their own holidays?
VastaKustutaBrony day. A day when everybody is friendly to each other.
VastaKustutaI say we celebrate Muffin Day! It's the day we bake and eat muffins in honor of the Muffin Queen herself and even sacrifice a few to appease her hunger. It's a very simple holiday but I think it has potential. Plus, MUFFINS!!!
VastaKustutaPony Day.
VastaKustutaEveryday is a ponyday
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI derped lol
VastaKustutaCooler... You mean like...
VastaKustuta*puts on sunglasses*
20 percent cooler?
Hey, I'm down for Musketeering Day.
VastaKustutaI don't celebrate Valentine's day either, mostly because I had to put my dog down around this time 2 years ago. Stupid cancer...
VastaKustutaInternational Brony day.
VastaKustutaJanuary 21st - the day that Derpy spoke.
Feast of St. Wiseau. Family and friends would gather and voice one concern, be it personal or something bigger. Then one person, probably the eldest or anyone who doesn't talk quite right, would stand up and say "Don' wuhrry abouddit. Le'ss go eat, ha-a-a-ah?" Then everyone would go have the titular feast, greeting everything they're passed, for example "Oh, hi, cornbread. Oh, hi, cheese dip. Oh, hi, mysterious casserole".
VastaKustutaWhat about Desperation day on the 13th of February?
VastaKustutaI'm reminded of Puss in Boots.
VastaKustutaI don't know why.
Lauren faust day
VastaKustutacome all her work that includes the PPG and foster
come on...
VastaKustutaOh dear Luna... Plot day???
I guess that's the day everypony trots around gingered to show off their fabulous plots...
That or maybe it's about reading quality books.
Maybe both?
Call of the Bronies Day?
VastaKustutacomment numba 100, hopefully
VastaKustutai agree on rbd day
VastaKustutaC'mon guys! Pony reaction face day!
It'd be awesome!
January 21 is now Derpy Appreciation Day
VastaKustutaUltimate Zombie War Day?
VastaKustutaC'mon guys, think of something BIG, and something even non-bronies will find entertaining... and don't name it after a pony, you gotta find a catchy name like "Love and Tolerance Day".
VastaKustutaYeah, that's a suggestion
Based on the image, I'm guessing you want Talk Like A Pirate Day.
VastaKustutaThe Flying Spaghetti Monster approves.
VastaKustutaI vote for Ponies Day
VastaKustutaRutting Day?
I vote for tequila day. (Maybe the 5th of May?) Everybody has to get drunk and write fics and draw art about drunk ponies.
@Derpy Hands
VastaKustuta@Laurence Brown
Yes, yes and yes.
Why not just make winter wrap up? Make it about March 20 and everyone is supposed to go outside and play in the now not freezing air.
VastaKustutaBut pony day would be pretty cool, I can see it now. Walking everywhere and seeing ponies. Now i see things getting out of hand because of haters...
Unicorn day!
VastaKustutaAll right... How about a general reaction face day then:
Take your pick
VastaKustutaGroundhog Day -> Diamond Dog Day
May Day -> Hay day
April Fool's Day -> April Foal's Day
Mother's Day -> Mare's Day
St. Patrick's Day -> (Stil working on that one...)
Easter -> New Life Day (If Christmas is Harth's Warming, and Halloween is Nightmare Night...)
Earth Day -> Equstria Day