• Story Updates February 18th (Morning)

    Story update time! Hopefully they keep you awake until the episode airs!

    Story: By the Unfaltering Light of the Sky (Update Chapter 12!)


    Author: CandleEyes
    Description: As night falls over Equestria, our gloomy cast reflects on their troubled lives and find happiness may not be so unreachable an outcome as they had previously thought.
    By the Unfaltering Light of the Sky


    Story: Harpflank and Sweets (Update Part 6!)

    [Random] [Comedy] [Sci-fi]

    Author: Arcainum
    Description: Lyra and Bon Bon defend the bustling metropolis of Metropony City from Luna and her villainous henchpony Trixie's army of robots using only their wits, friendship and arsenal of heavy weaponry. Can they keep Metropony safe for yet another week? Find out in this exciting episode of...HARPFLANK AND SWEETS.
    Harpflank and Sweets

    Story: Human (Update Part 10!)

    [Adventure][Comedy][Light Grimdark][Sad]

    Author: DannyJ
    Description: A thousand years ago, when the royal sisters were at the height of their power and the Elements of Harmony were still alive, two legendary beings emerged to take their place among them, and though through trial and hardship the ponies eventually defeated these two so called 'Humans' that they had named the First and the Second, to this day nopony knows who they were, where they came from, and what their motivation was.

    Flash forward to the present day. The First is long dead and the Second is now a decoration in Celestia's sculpture garden. The land has been at peace for years, but now things are stirring again. A break in at the royal archives results in the theft of the ancient Reaper's Horn, an entity is released which seeks out the surviving human, a young colt learns of the legends of humanity and becomes enraptured with them, and a brotherhood of thirteen ponies of varying ages and backgrounds all come together with the sole intention of releasing the human of legend from his stone prison. And all throughout, one of the few surviving ponies who was there when this first began is left to ask herself, "Just what were they anyway?"

    Story: Storms On the Horizon (Update Part 8!)


    Author: Eeveexpert
    Description: Reports of strange, almost sentient storms have been trickling into Canterlot from all over Equestria during the past month, and Princess Celestia has noticed an uncanny similarity between each of these reports. Every time one of these storms appears, it is clear that these storms are hunting for something.

    Despite the obvious connections between each of these occurrences, it is unclear as to what it is that the storms in question are searching for. Unclear, that is, until tragedy befalls one of the Elements of Harmony. The remaining five ponies must hurry to uncover the answers to some very fundamental questions, all the while fighting to protect the remaining Elements.

    However, in order to do so, they will have to dig down to the age-old fundamentals of good and evil, learning things about themselves that might have been better off left unlearned...

    ~Not every cloud has a silver lining, but everything good has something evil to go along with it.~
    Storms On the Horizon

    Story: Beyond Judgment (Update Part 12!)


    Author: Solar Phoenix
    Description: While studying advanced magic techniques, Twilight stumbles upon a powerful spell that nopony has ever conceived. What will it cost her to possess this power, and what will it cost her friends?
    Beyond Judgement

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Guess nobody noticed this... So I'll just leave this flag here...

    2. hmm guess not. anyway, nothing i'm reading at the moment

    3. short and not anything I'm reading THIS IS THE WORST... POSSIBLE.. THING!

    4. Sure wish Transcendence would update soon. =/

    5. New BJ? Nice. Kinda strange fic. Good and bad at the same time. The idea behind it is kinda interesting but the way the plot develops is unsatisfactory. I have a strong feeling that a lot of potential is being wasted here - it's a compliment for the author and an encouragement to make it better ;)
      Definitely deserves "grimdark" tag. Butchering ponies, stabbing them, crippling, killing, cutting, partially disabling...

    6. That Storm one sure has a nice image...

    7. Didnt... Harpflank and Sweets complete?
      Huh, well, no problem with more of a six star story =D

    8. @The Grey Potter

      It's, uh, it's less that it finished and more that I'm a doof and submitted Part 5 as the last chapter after not sleeping for two days and finishing it off at 6am.

    9. @arcanium doesnt matter your still my hero for such an epic story im not joking its taken my number 3 spot right below allegrezza and the vs tapes

    10. This seems like the perfect picture where I can announce to Equestria Daily that I am officially a brony. ^_^

    11. Man, all these epic fics have some detail or another in common with the one I'M writing! Not cool, man.

    12. That is the most power metal nightmare moon I've ever seen.

    13. sounds interesting i read it . i going to be first sooner or later

    14. The image for this thread made me laugh... loud. I love it! Just look at Nightmare! She looks ridiculous! And awesome! Ridiculously awesome! All i gotta say is... Wow. And hey, Steven Magnet? Looking fierce buddy. Yeah, i think ill read that story... I loves me some action shenanigans.

    15. *Gasp* Harpflank and Sweets! Ohh Gawd yesss!!
