[Shipping] [Comedy] [Slice of Life] [Kinda Sad] This story is a bit more mature than what we usually upload. Think American Pie style humor. The general fanfic readerbase tends to take these too seriously, so ignore the star rating.
Author: ElMikkino
Description: Sly Clop is a laid back slacker who runs one of Ponyville's only porn shops on Soresaddle Street. He is a regular customer of a "gentlecolt's club", the Knife and Apple, where he regularly shoots the breeze with Rainbow Dash, who's seen better days.Triple X (New Part 11!)
One day, his only employee quits, and he hires Lyra as a new one. Almost immediately, his life becomes more interesting, and in the long run, better, as he begins this new awkward relationship with her.
Additional Tags: Cute, Awkward, Ponycussing, Not a clopfic
oh gawd moar texts
ReplyDeleteI find myself... cautiously intrigued. Will read.
ReplyDelete>On here for one minute.
ReplyDelete>2-star rating.
Can we just disable star ratings for the first hour a fic is up please?
I have a bad feeling about this...
ReplyDeleteProbably will read anyway.
I will read this one first.
ReplyDeleteAnd then rate.
I'll take cupcake level grimdark over anything with american pie type humor
ReplyDeleteThis setup sounds... hilarious.
ReplyDeletei gave up the anti-clop stance forever ago.
ReplyDeletei'll give this a shot.
@Logan Warner
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent idea. Might help reduce star bombing.
ReplyDeleteIt has two things I don't like together, Rainbow Dash and Shipping.
ReplyDeleteYet...I've watched American pie stuff before
Na, I won't leave any ratings
A porn shop? And a "gentlecolts club"? lol Oh boy. well, this certainly sounds... interesting...
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to usually read fanfics, but maybe...
ReplyDeletesome on seth, use your head. you are trusted to keep the site up to certain standards so as to not freak out newcomers and people from hasbro and the media. I know it is not a clopfic and all, but there comes a line where erring on the side of caution is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna raise a fit about this really though. I'm just saying, be careful with this sort of thing.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I mean, the actual quality of this story, is unlike most fics, fairly high. But it doesn't help the image of most bronies as women deprived neckbeards living in a basement with their pony dolls. Obviously that is the minority, but to the average viewer it sure don't appear that way. This viewer might even be one who likes the show, so we've got to make sure he or she doesn't follow a link from a youtube episode to EQD and end up with shipping or clopfics everywhere. It just makes for a poor impression.
@Logan Warner
ReplyDeleteThis is a good idea. But I wonder if they have the coding knowledge for that.
ReplyDeleteShipping on here is fine as far as I'm concerned. most people who have never encountered a fandom before really don't think much of it, surprisingly. not nearly as much as they respond to OTPism which really isn't much a problem in this fanbase.
but things that border on R rated tend to start raising the wrong kinds of impressions.
ReplyDeleteDisable a single element of a post until + 1 hour? If they can't do this, they must hav very very little control over the site.
It does seem that the legitimate ratings caught up pretty fast for this one tho, so it might not be worth it (stars do appear to be decreasing a bit tho..).
@people talking about clopfics.
All we need is a warning on fics like that (preferably one requiring the user to clikk to continue, and maybe one of those "confirm you're 18+" things in it). That's all we need; this entirely anti-clop stance is ridiculous.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteYour name, i c wat u did thar
I think having this kind of fan-fiction once in a while is a nice treat; it kind of shows all of the brony's colors while not trenching into R34.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, guys; Hasbro won't read this and newcomers have probably seen worse offsite.
Not my type of humor and not my type of fic, just wanted to add I think the idea about locking ratings if possible would be a good one.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty good. But I'll be honest, I'm not sure why this was approved. I like it, I 5 starred it, but I have a feeling this might not end well.
ReplyDeleteOh, before I forget; calling the humor in this fic 'American Pie' style is an insult to the fic. Sure, it can be a little immature, but it's smartly handled.
will read tomorrow
ReplyDeletei see what you're doing; slowly driving out the undesirables by posting remotely controversial content. smooth.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Anyone who thinks a creator company combs through fan fiction of its product is delusional.
ReplyDeleteWords cannot express how accurate this is.
I don't understand what the problem is, we've had similar stories posted here before. What's wrong with this one?
ReplyDeleteI've lost count of how many times I've let out an exasperated "what" from the summary and the first half of chapter one alone. But it's an interesting concept, I'll give it that. And the writing is decent as well, compared to some of the more overrated stuff I've seen posted here.
ReplyDeleteIf you're this far down the comment page and are still wondering if you should give this a shot, go for it and judge it for yourself. I went in thinking I wouldn't like it, but I'm pleasantly surprised so far.
ReplyDeletesee, I agree and the thing I am worried about is someone from the press researching, see a fic about a pornshop titled "triple x", but specifically NOT actually reading the fic and finding out it isn't what it looks like.
it's like trying to go "this isn't what it looks like!" after the person is walking away briskly.
all I'm saying is first impressions mean everything, and this is most peoples first impression of the fandom.
hmmm, dont know how to feel
ReplyDeleteThis story is hilarious!!!!
ReplyDeleteWHAT!? I seem to recall you being the most anti-clop person I ever exchanged words with. (Well, who's words I read.) When did that happen?
I'll have to read this story later, too busy right now. Willing to give it a chance... I mean, I gave ponies a chance, didn't I?
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ReplyDelete>goes from 4.0 to 2.8 in about 10 minutes
ReplyDeletepro starbomb.
A 4-star fic, for the record. Lul.
Please, don't taint MLP with pornography. Seriously. It's ruined enough lives here in the "real world".
ReplyDeleteMLP is a wonderful "escapist" TV show. Most of us Bronies (and little girls, too) watch it because it's so much better and uplifting than real life.
So please, PLEASE do not ruin MLP with this garbage too. :(
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteYou must also admit, by this time tomorrow, it will be off of the front page, and will be out of sight unless if they go through story update posts by next week.
And once again, offsite, it's a whole lot worse; heck, there's worse stuff ONSITE!! Have you ever read "Coming Clean"? It's the only clopfic that I've seen get on Equestria Daily!
Wait, that's not counting "Pinkie Pie Oversized". The point is, this happens, but as long as it doesn't happen a lot, we should be fine, right? Once again, this is just showing a bit more color than what we usually brandish.
Yeah, its vulgar, but I really liked it. It's not even that vulgar either.
ReplyDeleteIt is not pornography because equestria daily does not post pornography. We had several pre-readers go through this, and even one of the blog ponies. It's fine.
Deal w/ it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a fic about a porn shop, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to exist in Ponyville even if it'll never be confirmed on the show.
Porn ruins lives?
Just for the record. I find it inappropriate for this site and I'm all for it to be taken down.
ReplyDelete@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeletePardon me if this sounds rude (it probably will), but I have to call bullshit on the whole "What will the masses think?" perspective for multiple reasons.
One: we're all here because we read, draw, write, and in general fangasm the hell out about a show involving brightly colored ponies that's aimed at little girls. Whoever comes here with the intent to judge us would do so even if all the blogponies ever posted was news about the show.
Two: This is the Internet, where someone claiming that they're offended under any circumstances warranted a link to the other ED's page bearing the same name. If you don't like it, nothing is stopping you from closing the window or just pretending you never saw it.
And three: You go on and on about "R-rated fan fiction" being a major no-no for posting, but if you'll pardon my Fancy: what the fuck kind of MPAA rating do you think "Fallout: Equestria" (a.k.a. the most massively popular fic on this site) would get? If you want to get rid of stories that people would purportedly find disturbing, you'd best get rid of the ones that include incredibly graphic violence and references to brutal rape and murder in a post-apocalyptic hellhole too.
/rant over
/prepares for people to start throwing punches
/regrets nothing
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ReplyDeleteThis is a solid 4 star fic, but I'm giving it 5 to spite the 1 star bombers.
ReplyDeleteRelated topic, who would go to see pony pole dancers? They're covered in hair, have no obvious secondary sexual characteristics, and don't wear clothes most of the time anyway. That's neither here nor there, I suppose.
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ReplyDeleteThey would also have to get rid off ALL OF GRIMDARK and any of the borderline clopfics. And the old posts that had tasteful clopfics! AND ALSO ALL OF THE SHIPPING. AND NOW NORMAL STORIES BECAUSE I WILL NOW FIND THEM OFFENSIVE, HUR HUR
Aquaman52 seems to know where it's at.
ReplyDeleteI'll give that, and I'm not really concerned about individual fics as I am about trends.
Seth has a history of questionable judgment, even before the pony fandom was a thing. I wont' get into it too much, the past is the past and I respect that, but I'm just saying I am more concerned about seth himself than the occasional questionable fic.
don't get me wrong though I think he's a great guy who has done a lot for the fandom and hope he continues to so long as it doesn't ruin his personal life.
@NinesTempest @Logan Warner
ReplyDeletePorn doesn't belong in the MLP universe. Simple as that.
My feelings exactly. It's simply not appropriate for this show.
After the storm of comments here, I agree with the fic being here. If worse has made it on here, and this one doesn't cross the line, AND it's well written like this? I support it wholeheartedly now.
ReplyDeleteWhy should this one be taken down?
We've had "cloppier" fics in the past, like Party of Two, or that one (can't remember the name of it) where Trixie becomes a stripper.
In the words of NinesTempest; deal w/ it.
Aww, I'm sad to see this getting star-bombed, but at least there was a disclaimer for prospective readers.
ReplyDeleteI mean, it doesn't warrant a 5-star in its current state. It has formatting issues, a few "human" terms (hand, man, a couple others I can't remember off the top of my head), some tense issues.
But really, it's WYSIWYG. It's funny, it's not nearly as graphic as some of the other stuff that's on EQD (have you *read* chapter 33 of Project Horizons?) and it's generally well-written.
It could stand to be examined by an actual reviewer or two to catch errors, but I'm hoping that the author doesn't get too dejected by the rating here and some of the more extreme reactions in the comments. I'd like to read more!
ReplyDelete"The general fanfic readerbase tends to take these too seriously" is right.
@keneticpest "My Little Hangover" perhaps? Oh, and wasn't the Brokeback Mountain parody starring Applejack and Rarity also on here?
ReplyDeleteYou can feel whatever you want to feel. You shouldn't be justifying a perfectly good (and well written) story because of something you feel. The pre-readers and seth believe this is fine for posting.
Note that this isn't posted because it's just some sort of borderline thing that just passed. It's VERY GOOD, and handles the subject matter very well. Seriously, if you are offended, get the fuck off the post and quit eqd if you want. No one will cry.
Aw come on, go to a fucking church if you want a place free of "suggestive" content. Even there the children aren't safe (lol, pedo priest joke).
ReplyDeleteBe a fucking adult for once, this is not a place for children (13 or under, come'on, be reasonable).
Fuck all those goddamned people who can't even tolerate sex in writing, bunch of pussies.
ReplyDeleteBasically everything that BSS has written up until her flutterfire story has been posted on this blog.
Well, as for the story itself, ya know, the one this page is about, I like it. Mostly. I think it could use a 'rollercoaster' or some such tag. I also agree that it doesnt quite belong here. But it did have me laughing, ಠ_ಠing, and NOPEing. I'd say 5 for content itself, but... IDK, I'm still a little iffy on the whole 'real life horrors' in a little girls show. Sure, Cupcakes was funny, but this is actually... serious, I guess.
ReplyDeletecontinue with the arguments.
ReplyDeleteAnd why not? Good fanfiction is believable. Sure, it might not happen in the show for legal reasons (crossovers are great examples here), but clopfics/porn is crossing the line.
I'm not a fan of pornography at all, but I'll argue this point here: it's just not right for MLP. It doesn't belong. It doesn't fit with its universe.
We have enough sexual perversion in the real world. We do NOT need this in Equestria.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to count "Much Ahoof About Nothing", too. UHHHH, NOT THAT I WOULD GO AND CHECK
ReplyDeleteNo, it focused on Twilight exploring Manehattan and accidentally stumbling across a strip club, where Trixie happens to work at.
On a side note, I haven't read MLH, is it any good?
ReplyDeleteMrs. Cake had two babies, and the discussion came up within the show of how she and Mr. Cake (two earth ponies) sired a pegasus and a unicorn. Therefore, sex is a natural and recognized part of the MLP universe, which means that clopfics, while debatedly perverse, are not at all "unbelievable".
QED, bitch.
ReplyDeleteWhat you feel is absolutely no argument. Stop justifying attempting to force your opinion on people and love and tolerate.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it, but you can bet your bottom bit that's going to be what's next on my list after this story.
I don't have a problem with any type of content. What I don't like I don't read. Sometimes I even read what I don't like because there is a hook to draw me in.
ReplyDeleteI don't think clopfics that are porn and nothing but should be here, but I also don't think grimdark gore fics that are nothing but should be here either. Not because the content offends me but because they have no actual merit as fics and are very badly written.
I do think that super graphic grimdark like FO:E (which I have no interest in reading myself, ever) that actually have a story of some quality behind them deserve to be here no matter what anyone else feels about the content. I also think that full on clopfics like Romance Reports should be here for the exact same reasons.
Post what's good, regardless the content.
Read what you like and ignore the rest.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying it isn't well-written. I'm sure it is, otherwise it wouldn't be posted.
My concern is with the subject matter at hand. A small but growing pocket of the fandom seems dead-set on corrupting this near-perfect world. With all the garbage that we have to go through here in the real world, it's always nice to "escape" from it all in a few episodes of pony. I know these fics aren't going to affect the show's content, but the fact that the fanbase wants clopfics should make any brony who truly agrees with the show's values concerned.
ReplyDeletefine fine I'm sorry for the terms. I guess I remember him saying in the posting rules section one time to keep it "pg-13" which is why I went with that. never read FO:E though... just plain too long, so don't blame me for not knowing the contents of a fic I have never read.
for the record, I hate the attitude that being offended is always the fault of the person being offended, but since I am not actually concerned with people getting offended here I'm not going to say any more on the matter.
like I said before, and even at the start of all this, I do not necessarily have a problem with this fic or more mature fics, I just have a problem with potential trends. I wasn't ever saying "take this down" I was saying "just remember to be careful, seth."
I'm not one to cite slippery slopes, but I do realize that if you set a standard and you keep inching it, you might accidentally cross a line you never wanted to cross in the first place.
ReplyDeleteYou are trying to force your opinion on him that he shouldn't force his opinion on people.
ReplyDeleteEverything has its place. MLP is not the place for sex.
Guys stop feeding the troll.
ReplyDeleteThat was thrown in as a humorous thing that only the older audience would get. In reality, though, Mr. and Mrs. Cake really did have pegasus and unicorn twins. It just made us chuckle a bit in that "what if" moment when Mr. Cake was like 'That makes sense, right??"
ReplyDeleteYou have to be a parasprite, there's no other possible explanation.
You and leopard must be tag-teaming. Grow up or unplug your modem, there's far worse on the internet, and there's far worse on EqD already. Have you not even glanced at the grimdark fiction on this site?
And the fountain of bad trolling continues...
Oi, Seth, maybe you should consider posting things WITHOUT going at great lengths about how people may not like it for X reasons. It seems to attract those exact people you're afraid of. If you just post it like "any other fic" then chances are it'll slide by un-noticed.
I bet 200 bits that if Fallout: Equestria had all of the questionable content in it listed each time it was updated with a new chapter, a bunch of trolls would've invaded the comments and bombed the rating. There's a lot in Fallout: Equestria that can shake the purest person right down to their core, and yet it has the best commenters and is rated a solid 4.9.
ReplyDeleteBy that logic, neither does violence. Or cursing. Or death of any kind. Or anypony getting seriously hurt. Or shipping. Or romantic tension. Or anything beyond exactly what we see in the show.
How can you justify banning one specific type of content without hitting all the others too?
You know what really funny? The fact that stories that get star bombed are automatically getting a 5 or 4 star. In other words, star bombers are accomplishing the opposite of their goal.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I am indeed against fics that include that (with "war violence" and serious injuries an exception, as long as it's not gory for the sake of BEING gory).
The topic of sex/pornography, however, is by far the least belonging in such a show as MLP.
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ReplyDelete>sex being referred to in a comedy Fan Fiction is bad
>sex being referred to in a comical way in an episode is good
Seriously you guys, why are you even talking to this foal? His trolling is what deserves a star-bomb, here.
ReplyDeleteDon't play mindgames with me >:C
The show has absolutely no themes, ideas, or episodes about sexuality. Absolutely none. You are imagining a grand pile of nothing.
Forcing clop onto us? Don't pull a fucking strawman - not nearly everyone wants "everyone" to clop. That's absurd, and baseless. Don't be an ass.
I'll realistically answer the first guy's accusation. I'm a hypocrite by forcing my opinion that you shouldn't force your opinion? Fine then - that's a fucking adhominem. I'm sorry I prefer people to be able to enjoy things they are able to enjoy and giving people the MERE POSSIBILITY that they could IGNORE THINGS THEY DO NOT LIKE. But you know, don't.
ReplyDeleteI see no reason going into details about "why", since basicly it boils down to my personal preferences (vaguely supported by EQD's submit guidelines and what I assume to be the most common attitude among the community towards this kind of content).
About these fics you mentiond, I know about them, wouldn't mind to get rid ot these too. One can dream, right?
ponymindbleach.com Yay!
Just read it, good one, funny, good.
ReplyDeleteWell of course.
Marital sex does occur in MLP, but doesn't have have attention drawn to it. That's the way it should be.
Pornography and any OTHER sexual activity, however, does not fit with MLP.
Yeah, no. Also, its interesting to read the macho bullshit about not being "tough enough to handle mature things," which is ironically quite childish.
ReplyDeleteHow do the specifics of how, why, or for what reason it was supposedly "thrown in" negate the fact that it's canon? For God's sake, Word of Faust itself confirms that babies in Equestria are conceived the same way they are in this world. How do you disprove that?
And your opinion of sex being the most inappropriate concept for an MLP fic to cover is just that: an opinion. For the record, I'm of the mind that stabbing a person in the chest and murdering him is a hell of a lot worse than having sexual contact with someone you love and care for, but it doesn't matter, because it's just an opinion. None of the blogponies are responsible for tailoring the site to yours or anyone else's opinions, because it's their site and they can do what they want with it. Acting all entitled and demanding that certain things be taken down makes it sound like you think the Internet is a democracy. Protip: it's not, and never will be.
Here's a shiny nickel. Go buy yourself a better argument.
ReplyDeleteYea but Im thinking he means that just cause a married couple has kids doesn't mean there is a porn shop.
But me I have no room to complain about this fic cause I like Fallout Equestria and that's much worse....but it didn't put the words 'porn shop' up on the front page for all to see.
all right I guess I'm done here. Personally I think the site would be best off with a clearly defined dividing line on content If that means barring some quality fics to a mature version of the blog that isn't EAD, then I'm fine with that.
ReplyDeletethat's what the reddit did, they have a general community meant to be as inclusive as possible, they have a "mature" reddit that isn't for straight up porn but stuff that really would make too many uncomfortable for it to fit in with the general forum, and they have an all out porn board.
everyone seems nice and satisfied with that and I haven't seen any complaints there.
I would enjoy it if this site did a similar thing so it can be inclusive and accommodating without having to alienate more mature interests.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I'm saying.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteimplying we don't have equestria after dark
ReplyDeleteHis opinion of pornographic content is just an opinion, so I'm not protesting against that. I'm going after his statement that fan fiction should consist of "believable" things, which to him does not include sex.
ReplyDeleteSex is believable, even in MLP. It has to happen, how else would there be colts and fillies?
Attention is intentionally not drawn to the sexual act, though, because of the nature of the show's universe, one of innocence.
In most other shows' and video games' universes, however, it WOULD be acceptable, quite acceptable in many cases.
ReplyDeletethat's what I meant by EAD.
I'm proposing 3 sites. one for general interests (probably this site), one for more lax content qualifications, where stuff like romance reports (which I loved, by the way.) and cupcakes and such would go.
and then EAD for the full on porn.
make it easy enough to get to the middle one from here, and easy enough to get to EAD from the middle one int he same fashion so you don't end up neck deep in EAD with one misplaced click.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm Maybe.
I don't like how porn shop is on the front page, hide that shit after the break and it will save a lot of drama later on when the rest of the fandom wakes up tomarro lol.
ReplyDeleteI would like evidence that the show specifically has theme-ing around the idea of innocence before you say another word.
If people knew my normal stance on clop and fetishes related to MLP they would probably be surprised by this post, but I am calling neutrality on the argument going on in the comments.
ReplyDeleteWhy neutrality you may ask? Because I can see and understand both sides and believe that it is NOT our decision to make. This whole argument of 'Should EQD post GOOD but QUESTIONABLE content?' really comes down to 'What do you want EQD to be?'.
What I mean is this. Either you want EQD to be our general sources of news and all things pony. With only the useless and 'low quality' stuff being filtered out but no judging on the content beyond quality.
Or you want EQD to be a representative and 'immage' of our fanbase. Something outsiders can look at and take it for face value.
It really comes down to what Seth and the rest of the crew want(or the people if they do not want to decide) from EQD. A news sources or an representative.
(Think compleetly non govermental news paper or cencored news Paper. The first is going to post all news and views, even thouse which in some cases might not be the majority or power holding opinion. The 2nd is just supposed to make a good immage for a specific group)
That is my opinion to this argument, and I know, To long, did no read... oh well.
ReplyDeleteIf you say it's "believable", then you've just visibly contradicted your own argument, thus outing you as either hypocritical, illogical, or a terrible debater. Whichever is the truth, I don't feel the need to keep banging my head against this wall.
I'll see if I have time to read this story tomorrow. I'll come back with a comment then.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea.
As much as I'd rather it not exist at all, ignorance is bliss, after all. If this hadn't been on the main page of EqD, I wouldn't have even known it existed. All this drama could've been avoided.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteoh! and for the sake of this being a fic comments and not a forum, I am by no means saying take this down. I'm giving ti a read right now and will eventually comment on the actual fic later.
ReplyDeleteWell it's being written anyway, so long as the stuff that crosses the line doesn't get posted here, why does it really matter that ones that brush the line get posted every so often? Just don't read it, no one is forcing you.
Fanfiction has absolutely no bearing on the show whatsoever. What is written about in fanfiction means absolutely nothing, and it sure as hell won't change your weird perfect utopian vision of Equestria. There will never be sex explicitly mentioned in MLP, no matter how much clop is written, and frankly I don't see why anyone would care.
ReplyDeleteHow so? I was saying that pornography, clopping, and overt sex didn't belong here.
Sex behind closed doors, between married couples, with attention not drawn to it, works perfectly in the MLP universe.
No offense intended to the author, but reading these comments is almost as entertaining as the fic itself.
ReplyDelete@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteAh. Most say EQaD so, sorry.
Well, yes, but there are many other places that are more traveled and prefered for that kind of stuff. Like, sadly, fimchan. I like the site but /art/ is hilariously porn ridden (not that it's necessarily bad though for such). EQaD is just a nice place to have.
And while we have other places for these kinds of content, we don't believe this breaks any kind of line, and that's the issue with most people here - somehow, the idea of the existence of a porn shop is too repulsive. None of the prereader or seth believe that idea is something we should censor, though the actual act obviously should not be too obvious.
tl;dr this fic doesn't constitute what you're talking about.
It was also really nice of Sethisto to disparage differing personal opinions in the description. Classy.
ReplyDelete"weird perfect utopian vision of Equestria"
Have you watched this show? Sorry to be blunt, but really.
Seriously, Aquaman, leopardx, SansSur, and any silly pony who is arguing, ZIP IT!
ReplyDeleteLeopard, Sansur, both of you are so mind-bogglingly "easy to offend" and self righteous that I am amazed you managed to get to this site without being offended by the "Equestria Filly" banner at the top of the page. Both of you should take a long, hard look at yourselves and see that your opinions do not give you any power to demand or otherwise manipulate a website that you are PRIVILEGED to be able to access.
Aquaman, you keep arguing when you are clearly not going to get any further than you already have. Not only that, but you are just as bad as leopardx in that you cannot find the time to ZIP IT. You've said your peace, just let it go.
All parties stop posting, you're not going to convince eachother any differently, so stop arguing lest you wish to truly display a lack of basic intelligence.
No sexual content huh, I see Why didn't ah stay at the farm AND the author approved side story to FO:E. And that is only from a glance at the archiver. Regardless of your opinion on it, it will continue to be written and posted. If you don't like it don't read it.
ReplyDeleteMostly agree, although a protion of this makes me ಠ_ಠ
Still like the story, even if I am retching a bit.
ReplyDeleteon second thought, I retract my statement on image and replace it on the convenience of accessibility. refer to my other post mentioning what the reddits did with the 3 forum system.
@Mattatatta hmmm took long enough for someone to say stop the never ending arguement.
ReplyDeleteYou are being a troll in my eyes until you reply to my post asking you for evidence.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying this crosses the line at all actually. I never intended to. I'm just saying what was on my mind there.
ReplyDeleteThe voice of reason.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying for the past 20 minutes I think. Check for my previous posts.
*Sits back with tub of popcorn*
ReplyDeleteI wish that borderline clopfics were posted on this site everyday. There's nothing quite as entertaining as a good-old internet catfight
The hell are people arguing about this...?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you guys just do what I normally do when I'm not interested in a post on EqD--skip over it.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteSeth's EAD is NEVER UPDATED. EVER. We barely hav a new one that Seth pointed to. It has a poll up with one option: "I actually come here!"...there is one vote so far.
Splitting the site up only serves to appease the easily offended at the cost of the rest. All we need is something to stop people from wandering into content they really don't want.
And if the main site is the least sexual, we get the issue where the other sites will be starved of users, which will cause a more select group to use them and really separate them from other users. That could cause trouble in the long run. Even if no trouble is caused by the separate user groups, we still hav the problem that it effectively shuns the clop community by putting them in their own little corner, that just looks bad on us.
... [Buy some apples!] I usually don't read this kind of thing, but there are so low ratings now that I can't stop myself! D:
ReplyDeleteDunno. Flame wars are fun, I guess.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever read a book about utopian society? Gulliver's Travels? Utopia? The Giver? Sorry to be blunt, but you obviously have no idea what utopian means.
First of all, if they lived in a utopia, Applejack wouldn't have nearly lost the farm due to conniving ponies.
All those high class ponies in Canterlot would not be so wealthy, because everypony would have the exact same amount of wealth. I can go on and on.
@Dr. Rarity
ReplyDeleteDon't get your hopes up for a bad fic, this one is just getting starbombed.
ReplyDeleteYou say that like I didn't already know I wasn't getting anywhere.
You also say that like Internet drama in itself doesn't give me a warm, bubbly feeling in the center of my chest.
Love you too, though.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love seeing when 'questionable' content is posted. The resulting arguments are highly entertaining, better than youtube.
Holy... over 120 comments already...
ReplyDeleteA little worried about why this is so talkative. lol
ReplyDeleteWikipedia has this to say: "A "loss of innocence" is usually an experience or period in a child's life that widens their awareness of evil, pain or suffering in the world around them."
In MLP: FiM, with the exception of catastrophe events like NMM and Discord, ponies could go about their entire lives not seeing the kind of evil, pain, and suffering, and corruption (like overt sex, pornography, clopping, etc.) that is commonplace here.
I'm not a troll. I'm a brony (just like you, go figure!) that's concerned for the direction this fandom is slowly, but increasingly headed.
@Logan Warner
ReplyDeletethe only reason it has traffic problems is because it isn't easy to get to or find. you wont' see a single link on this whole site to the place. the "middle" site could be linked to from the side bar and plainly visible, just a visible as "no fanfiction mode"
> All we need is something to stop people from wandering into content they really don't want.
in theory, that's what I'm suggesting, and in theory it would work just as easily as the "no fanfic mode" function, which has worked great so far.
More people are getting involved in an argument that is not theirs to be involved in. For this reason I repeat myself:
ReplyDeleteZIP IT!
Neither side is going to make ANY headway with the other. This argument is fruitless, a waste of energy, and a cesspool of low-tier trolling.
Cease the debate, halt all the typing, and cut your comments short. None of you are going to gain anything from arguing, except for make yourselves look like a bunch of ignorant buffoons.
Just zip it, get away from the keyboard, and calm down. Come back in five minutes, and go read a DIFFERENT EqD post, go check out the Drawfriend, or the Story Update post. Or even go check out YouTube. Just do something other than complain where complaints are not supposed to go.
dang it, I'm not even mad, I just have ideas and suggestions but nowhere else to discuss them. I've been posting all over this but I feel bad because It makes me look like I'm actually in an argument like some of the people here.
ReplyDeleteSo... this ISN'T an adaptation of the Vin Diesel movie?
ReplyDelete@R10t Pol1ce
ReplyDeleteAlas no, some explosions would have been entertaining.
Jeez since when do people forget to love & tolerate.. i mean this is just a FAN-FICTION not actually canon so just let people be creative here without overdoing it simple as that..
ReplyDeleteI have indeed studied "Gulliver's Travels" and Thomas More's "Utopia".
Just because one lives in a utopian economy* doesn't mean that nothing bad will ever happen to certain individuals. The Apples would've been able to move on and resettle elsewhere, and be just as successful—it's in their blood! But they would've had to be away from their friends and community: that was the biggest issue.
*I say economy rather than society because your examples were all economic.
Frankly, economics are not related to the issue at hand here.
ReplyDeleteThe non-existence of evil except for the brief existences of it is absolutely no kind of evidence.
You also forgot windigoes - I can argue that it is /only/ by their very existence that there is such a prevailing idea of kindness and ideas in Equestria. By the very existence of a deadly force forcing them to be what is by western standards "good," I have disproven your argument.
Am I the only one who's under the impression that this isn't cloppy at all?
ReplyDeleteI mean, the fact that the primary setting is an adult video store has almost no bearing on the story itself, expect to spark conversation between the characters. It's just like 'Cheers': set in a bar but has virtually nothing to do with alcohol.
Well whatever. I guess I'm a little more thick-skinned or openminded than others, and I can respect that people will take offense to this story's content. But I will say this: I gave this story a chance, and I'm glad I did.
ReplyDeleteIt's our time, and what we do with it is up to us. The way you're butting in for the sake of "silence" is a bit annoying. We're debating a point HERE, because THIS is where the post is. Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteTell me about it; this fic has been starbombed up the arse. Which is a shame, because this fic is really good and I highly doubt the starbombers even read the beginning of it.
Seriously you guys, the one place I thought I wouldn't find starbombing. Thanks for proving me wrong /verbal irony.
Well someone should actually comment on the fic itself instead of how controversial it is so I guess I'll start. I found it to be an incredibly entertaining read and I couldn't keep myself from laughing on multiple occasions. If there were any typos or grammatical errors I didn't notice them.
ReplyDeleteSo… you're saying that they're only being kind and loving towards each other because of an outside threat? They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? That really doesn't seem like what's happening.
In fact, in the Hearth's Warming Eve episode, Twi, AJ, and Shy didn't know that it was their leaders' feuding that was causing the Windigos to freeze them, but decided to share a moment of kindness anyway, out of the goodness of their hearts. Therefore, it's not because of the ulterior threat of freezing that they're loving to one another.
ReplyDeleteThe Houyhnhnms are devoid of personality and names, and opinion is a foreign concept to them. Because opinions cause conflict, and conflict causes suffering. Like what we've got going on here. Ponies have conflicts. They therefore cannot be a utopia. You want utopia? Watch G3, it's the perfect example of utopia at work.
(BTW the only reason I'm really arguing is because I rarely get the chance to argue about literature)
ReplyDeleteBut once again, this is BESIDE the point.
I'm off to bed. Be back tomorrow. >_>
ReplyDeleteIt appears that my calls for silence have fell on deaf ears for some, I only hope it reverberated in the eardrums of those who did listen, and has prevented much pointless arguing.
ReplyDeleteI am going to retire for tonight, I have work tomorrow. I sincerely hope the rest of you enjoy your evening, and that the ones getting involved in petty arguments will soon tire of the activity. There are better things to commit one's energy to, and unfortunately, I chose to commit my energy on trying to end disharmony that should not have even rose up instead of committing it to winding down prior to bed.
I hope my choice was not in vain.
Goodnight, I wish the best for the author of the story, I apologise on the behalf of those who will not for derailing the comments, and I apologise for my part in it - as good intentioned as my actions may have been.
I bet this got more reads than it ever would have if it wasn't this controversial. Forget stars :p
ReplyDelete@Sethisto Right?? lmao
ReplyDeleteScrew the fic. This comment thread is a great read.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of newer people here fail to realize is that a huge percentage of the shipping stories posted here throughout the first 2/3 of 2011 (before Season 2 started up and the fandom got even bigger with all the cons and meetups and shows) were borderline clop. Many were outright clop with the more explicit scenes removed or edited to be more appealing to a wider audience. The only ones we didn't get were outright rapefics.
ReplyDeleteJust look up stories by ButterScotchSundae, Midnight Shadow, Tumbleweed, Friendly Uncle, BrotherPrickle, Pacce.
Even FO:E has a full on clop extra chapter.
Shit, there's even a story on here (non-explicit) that has Aj and Mac as half brother and sister in an incestuous relationship and Apple Bloom's parents.
I personally find incest incredibly bad taste and would rather read an explicit Twixie than a clean MacJack.
CUPCAKES, Rocket to Insanity, A fic where Gilda brutally murders Dash...
Horrible death and violence with no real story or message or quality for that matter (OK Rocket was not bad...).
I'd take sex any day.
People need to relax. There is no way in hell in a fandom this big you will not find something to be offended by that someone else loves.
Holy hell, do you realize how many patrons of this site loathe fanfiction period? There's a "not-Fanfiction" button for a reason.
Anyway. Off to review the fic.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. If I was the author, I would be thankful for all this attention.
Besides, its not like anyone's spamming his fimfiction page, just the EqD one.
ReplyDeleteI do apologize. I never intended to argue ad actually most of my posts were more about me thinking about solutions that would satisfy almost everybody.
it's just that there realy isn't any other good relevant place to discuss this sort of thing.
maybe if seth posted a link like "complaints? suggestions? etc? post them here:[link to a separate thread] where I will actually be looking to listen for them." in the description we wouldn't have this problem.
Don't you people have better things to do?
ReplyDelete@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteFair deal, though that is Seth's call.
Me? I just want the comments in a Fic post to actually be strictly about the Fic.
ReplyDelete*Boot to the Head*
Stupid star rating, you tricked me! This actually isn't that bad, what do I have to do to find a decent trollship?
ReplyDeleteWell, if the author reads this and doesnt like the whole ridiculous comments section, on behalf of the ponies who dont know better, I'd like to say sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteIf, however, you do like the ridiculous comments... Heh, wtf, amiright?
Anywho, A+, would read again, looking forward to the next chapter(s), you sick bastard.
@Aquaman52 @NinesTempest
ReplyDeleteYou guys are heros and officially my two favorite ponies on the site.
Regarding whether or not this belongs here: No one is forcing anyone to read it. If you don't want to read about ponies alongside sexual themes, don't: the choice is yours. Furthermore, EqD will not change because you wish it. For better or worse (better), free literary expression, including sexual content of varying degrees, is a part of our fandom as well as every other fandom. Deal with it.
Regarding Equestria as a utopia (with your intended meaning as a perfect place): Maniacal corrupted deities attempting to bring about eternal night, a griffin subjecting a pony to a fall to earth from above the clouds, a mythical bear destroying whole buildings, a dragon burying acres of Equestria in smog, prejudice against a zebra, parasprites doing damage roughly equivalent to a category 4 hurricane, a hydra attack, multiple psychological breakdowns, an entire town brawling over a doll, a different rogue deity attempting to purge the world of order, destroy friendships, and breed hatred, three tribes torn apart by hatred, and a ton of other thing I skipped or missed.... *sarcasm* SEEMS PERFECT TO ME *sarcasm*
Regarding sex and violence in fan fiction (and literature in general): The excessive vilification of sex compared to that of violence has always puzzled me: why is sex, an act that can be potentially pleasant and beneficial for multiple parties held in worse regard than violence, a destructive act that rarely benefits anyone? Regardless, both of them have their place in any free artistic expression, including literature. Again, the content of this fic is very clearly stated, if you don't want to see it, look the other way. The choice is yours.
If anyone has any rebuttal, comments, or criticisms of any of the above points, please speak up!
Well my other comment is gone. So I'll just say it again, this was freaking hilarious. Very well written and awesome humor. Its worth your time.
ReplyDeleteSee what you do Seth? You unintentionally cause chaos and gets views.
Maybe you should post stuff like this more often...
@Dr. Rarity
ReplyDeleteRight because the BIG BOLD RED LETTERS weren't a give away that this was being star bombed at all.
ReplyDeletewho's to say a trollship wouldn't get star bombed?
Ouch! The hay happened to rating? that's uncalled for unless the story is awful
ReplyDeleteLol Uptight people who try to control what complete strangers do make me laugh. So do people who try to push their own personal preferences/ enjoyments on others are funny too, but not as much as Group A.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what you say, people will enjoy this. I enjoyed it, and its not that dirty at all. Well written, entertaining, and I'm already looking forward to updates. Yet you will always have people who look at this, think
"Ew Ponies sexualized in ANY WAY (btw ponies can never have sex cause its a kids show guys. Don't even think how babies are made, its all magic you sickos) I am not even going to read this, but will instantly rate it 1 star!"
Or people will take it a step further and complain in the comments without any knowledge of the fic whatsoever.
I've given up being offended. People can get their panties in a bunch for all i care. Its just funny now :D
Just give up people. Its a lost cause. If you don't like this kind of thing, don't comment. Don't rate. Just move on with life. Too bad most people are too stupid to understand that.
So since its pointless to cure anyone of retardism (and im saying this to both side- though I'm mostly looking at you people who don't like this sort of thing but are here anyway) I'll just slap this on the end of my ramble:
Great fic! Really liked it, looking forward to more, stfu, enjoy the story, yay ponies!
You guys can be a pain sometimes, but I still love you all. Cause at the end of the day, we're all people. We're all bronys.
Love and tolerate each other guys. <3
I'm just refreshing every fifteen minutes to read the new comments. Lulz are being had.
ReplyDeleteAs for the fic itself, I doubt it's my thing, so I probably wont read it.
...Maybe I'll put it on my reading list with a big question mark. Although my reading list does have...28 other fics on it...
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I am amused at what I have read so far.
@Dr. Rarity
ReplyDeleteI totally wrote a trollship with Seth and Trixie a while back.
Whoa, that's a lot of comments. Maybe Seth really should post controversial stuff more often, just for the hits. I kid, I kid.
ReplyDeleteUh, I just want to thank Seth for putting the warning in the post, so people who don't want to see something like that (like me) can just skip it. Though I'm not sure how well that worked here...
I had no problem with this until it got onto the situation of....gang rape porn?
ReplyDeleteSeriously now? Why don't we all start laughing at that. Soooo funny.
Went from a 5 star with 60 votes to a 2.5 star with 350 votes in like 3 hours... sweet celestia thats a starbomb if ive ever seen one. TIME TO READ THE CONTROVERSIAL(apparently..)STORY! HUZZAH!
ReplyDeletePretty funny!
ReplyDeleteEqD NSFW edition?, heck NO, that would be worse than having nsfw stuff like this once in a while, so seth have to make an "special" version of EQD just because there are some perverts who get turned on by innocent ponies from a children show?
ReplyDeleteCloppers are pretty funny assholes, most of them usually tend to react like jerks (intolerance of intolerance, yeah sure) to the slightest negative opinion against them, and they usually use "love and tolerance" as an excuse to justify their sick fetishes, that's some of the reasons why I don't like most of them and I don't want more nsfw stuff around here, "don't like it, don't watch/read it and GTFO"?, how about no, I'm gonna stay here, because I don't want this site to be turned into another NSFW page just because some of you perverts are sexually attracted to ponies, don't expect nobody to react in a negative manner.
And then cloppers start to insulting me, telling that my opinion is pathetic and invalid just because they're always "right", "I'm ruining the fandom because I'm an intolerant bastard and I don't deserve to be a brony", sorry but "love and tolerance" is not mandatory requirement, I'm a brony because I like MLP, nothing else.
"Mr. and Ms. cake have babies, sex is canon in equestria!!!!!!!!, yeah post more nsfw/clopfics/saucy, everyone can fap to ponies now" seriously? lol, your excuses are funny.
I liked this story. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. Someone said that fan fictions don't have any bearing on the actual show, and that's why I like the story. Its fun to imagine an alternate view of a world. It can be visited and changed without any consequence to the real thing.
ReplyDeleteLike this story. Sly, a dejected, beat up colt slacker who finds a ray of hope in his miserable life. I kinda get a feel of The Dude, novelized by Douglas Adams (if only for the writers ability to make the characters go off into tangents of thought.) The ability to play on the fandoms ideas too, i.e. ponies naked = not sexual, underwear = sexual, and Lyra freaking everyone the hell out with her crazy way of sitting. I got some laughs from the story and gave it a 5 (even though it needs work). This story is imaginative in that it explores something that will never ever exist in the cannonverse, and does it in a smart, and creative way. Give it a shot, the first chapter is pretty tame,not like Hydra on Hydra stuff.
OK, so after chapter 1 I will say this fic is well written and entertaining enough. The base story is OK, but the presentation of many of the aspects of the story are flat out retarded.
ReplyDeleteChapter 1:
Saddlesore Street itself makes no sense. Ponyville isn't big enough to have a street like that. In addition, in a small town like Ponyville it would not make any sense for hookers and druggies to be out and about when they could easily get their jollies either at home or out of town.
Rainbow Dash's story makes absolutely no sense.
Element of Harmony. Personal friend of the Princesses. Only pegasus to perform the Sonic Rainboom. Personally invited to be a Wonderbolt. Cleared training in a year.
Has it all come crashing down because she slept with a teammate? Wut?
Even assuming that's not allowed the fact that Spitfire got off easy? Who is she compared to Dash? A Celebrity? Dash is that plus way more. She's one of the 6 most important ponies in the entire kingdom of Equestria.
At the least she should have formed her own areal team and continued her relationship with Spitfire now that she's not on the team.
This is one of the most contrived premises (for what at this juncture seems an irrelevant plot point) I have ever seen in my life.
"Clop" is not a term to be used in fic, it's a fandom term only.
Is "Vivid White" a human? Why does she have "hands"?
Lyra is not CERULEAN. Cerulean is blue. There is a cerulean green, but she's not that color either. She is SEAFOAM GREEN.
Colgate is Cerulean blue and would have been a much more ironically better choice since she has the same damn cutie mark as Doctor Whooves did.
Chapter 2
You use "filly-fooling" but "gays" instead of "colt-cuddling"?
*Sigh* You would really have to characterize Gilda in the worst possible way.
You realize how silly Griffon on Pony "rape" sounds? They're hindquarters are lion. Lion dicks, like all felines, are really tiny.
Just wanted to say I find it absurd that Equestrian porn is so much more messed up and hardcore than human porn.
Chapter 3
Oh well. At least Lyra's characterization is a COMPLETE retcon of the preexisting fanon.
Anyway. Considering the stir this is causing on EqD and the reassurances that "All the pre-readers loved it" I am not especially impressed so far.
I will probably continue reading this unless it goes totally off the rails.
It's fine for pure entertainment value, and very well written (I noticed no editing errors at all other than the derped youtube link for the LMFAO vid which you should remove) but I can't see myself giving more than 3 stars at this point just due to the fact that I can't take the premise seriously at all and the plot isn't really interesting to me.
lol, the ponies are starting to invade the comments of the YouTube video linked in the fanfic.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many even read it... I haven't so I'm not voting.
ReplyDeleteLove and Tolerance ignorant ones.
ReplyDelete1) Porn Shop
2) Guy that runs it knows Rainbow Dash
3) Lyra ends up getting work at said Porn Shop after his only employee quits.
4) Porn Shop Pony and Lyra end up in an awkward relationship building scenario.
*puts on epic shades of awesomeness*
Seriously if you won't read it for whatever reason (Lyra in a Porn Shop AND being paired with a MALE Pony? who RUNS a Porn Shop?) don't bloody bomb these peoples fics with your ignorance and bias and just move along to something else.
Seth, maybe try adding a slight warning tag with an "AFTER THE BREAK" for descriptions to avoid the overly sensitive people who feel as if some how they are being forced fed 'borderline Clop fics'..... OH WAIT HE DID ADD A WARNING TAG! OH MY IMAGINE THAT! /GTFO
Now those with much butts with hurts need to take their hate and ignorance off to some other fandom and stop with your high mighty 'crusade' to make a perfectly good story that others with different taste from yours could actually enjoy by actually READING before hitting the 1 star!
(glad you can't vote lower JEEZ! some people I swear...) This is no different then the way people down voted Ballad and other shipfics back in the day. If you don't like a certain genre of Fics then MOVE ON and vote ONLY if you actually read a damn chapter!
P.S. Love and Tolerance is such a joke concept around here some times. Yes I may be cranky at the moment but seeing so much drama over this is ridiculous... you'd think this were China or something jeez! why not go some where else with your hate like backing up SOPA or something!
ANYWAYS off to go enjoy a perfectly great fic just because all this hate towards it makes me want to DOUBLY read this! XD
I liked this story. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. Someone said that fan fictions don't have any bearing on the actual show, and that's why I like the story. Its fun to imagine an alternate view of a world. It can be visited and changed without any consequence to the real thing.
ReplyDeleteLike this story. Sly, a dejected, beat up colt slacker who finds a ray of hope in his miserable life. I kinda get a feel of The Dude, novelized by Douglas Adams (if only for the writers ability to make the characters go off into tangents of thought.) The ability to play on the fandoms ideas too, i.e. ponies naked = not sexual, underwear = sexual, and Lyra freaking everyone the hell out with her crazy way of sitting. I got some laughs from the story and gave it a 5 (even though it needs work). This story is imaginative in that it explores something that will never ever exist in the cannonverse, and does it in a smart, and creative way. Give it a shot, the first chapter is pretty tame,not like Hydra on Hydra stuff.
Got to say it's funny how chapters 1 and 2 can be posted 2 days into the future ahead of chapter 3 xD (yeah updates, revisions etc, still it's kinda funny :P)
ReplyDelete5/5 for a nicely written story with an original premise(for me at least). I couldn't stop myself from LOLing at the wheel of fortune bit.
ReplyDeleteI also have to say wow. Over a 150 comments and over 400 ratings in only 5 hours. To all the people who hated on this story without giving it a chance because it tuned to (im)mature readers; love and tolerate.
ReplyDeletethat is possibly the most incoherent posts I've ever read on here and it made me giggle a bit. sorry, just had to say.
@bedofett oops.. forgot the time diference. it's even worse that this fic got star bombed to 2.5 in less than 3 hours
ReplyDeleteAny story that stirs this sort of heated squabble makes me want to read, read read. Totally enjoying it, really like the writing; feels a good, solid read. It warrants a woohoo in my humble, bloodsoaked opinion.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a right to voice an opinion, everypony deserves to shoe their talents provided nopony gets hurt in the process, yeh? C'Mon! Love and tolerate the sh!t out of eachother! It's hella fun! Yee!
I'm sensing much butthurt in this thread.
ReplyDeleteDon't like the premise? Don't read it. Simple as that.
Don't like it? Don't read it! Rate atleast if you gave it an honest shot for trying to read it ATLEAST. Rating without trying can cause for un-deserved ratings for a fic, drawing or whatever it may be. Im fully confident that those mods here on EqD can keep thier proffesional standard.
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice that chapter 1 has like 3000+ views, chapter 2 has a bit over 2000, and chapter 3 has like 1500?
ReplyDeleteI mean the story isn't that bad! its well written. Its a lot better than all of the other 2-3 star stories I've read on here!
all right so I gave it a read. It's well written and all, though I get why it is "kinda sad." kind of has a cynical, pessimistic vibe to it from what I read.
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily a bad thing, just not my thing, though the way the gang rape thing was described makes me wonder if that was actual rape or not... but I'll give the writer the benefit of the doubt and assume it was just staged. I'm not gonna let my problems with rape in fiction give me a hair trigger like that.
either way, like I was saying, well written, but the tone just isn't my thing, always preferred more... idealistic and positive toned pony fics, but I digress. it wouldn't be fair to let the rating suffer just because of personal tastes.
I'll give it a solid 4, though I'll probably actually rate it 5 to help counter the star bombing.
ReplyDeleteI fucking lost it at that one.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteYou can't counter the star bombing at this point. Just rate your honest score.
I see it's been tagged 5 star to bypass the star bombing. I personally disagree that this fic would achieve a "fair" 5 star. I consider this a solid 4 star fic despite the fact that I myself gave it a 3 star.
Unfortunately, stuff like this seems to bring out the worst of the fandom. It's a shame the show's messages are lost on these people. Hypocrites who claim to love and tolerate, but are no less bigoted when clop or furries are mentioned, than the people who judge them for watching MLP in the first place.
ReplyDeleteGuys, some of us are new to EQD. This is all I see... http://pic.twitter.com/ONeRo3ZK
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who finds it hilarious that a fic about an OC running a porn store is sitting at 2.4 stars a fic about Luna writing clopfiction about the Elements is sitting at 4.5 stars?
ReplyDeletejust a formality really. a feeble gesture against the star-bombing.
though I can agree that the star-5 rating would be a good thign to do in this case as far as this situation is concerned.
all the pre-readers liked it, it's getting star-bombed, most of the people who actually reviewed it in the comments seemed to have a good enough opinion of it, so that is probably the closest projection this could get.
@Love and Peace
ReplyDeleteFirst things first, I agree. 2nd: Love and Tolerate is not and never has been or will be the message of the show. Love and Tolerance is a fandom invention thought up to infuriate and troll others in a passive aggressive "nice" way on 4Chan boards.
Here, this one's more appropriate.
@DPV111 ;_; beautiful
ReplyDelete"[...]some of you perverts are sexually attracted to ponies[...]"
I can't even form a coherent argument I'm laughing so hard at this part of your post. I don't know if it was intentional, but you just called everyone a pervert and then singled out the cloppers.
So instead I'll just leave this here.
DPV11: So because some people interpret the message as infuriating, or is used by some to infuriate, this somehow retroactively removes it from the show? The lessons taught are nullified by unrelated people's actions? I fail to see your logic here.
ReplyDelete@Love and Peace
ReplyDeleteI'm simply telling you where the meme originated.
I am not saying you shouldn't make it yours and practice love and tolerance as per your interpretation.
I appreciate the mantra, it's just that one should not try to relate it as if it were some type of canonical concept from the show.
The actual events and stories in the show are pretty far removed from "love and tolerance" as it is used here, in fact.
ReplyDeleteIn case you're wondering, everything in that gif:
In order of appearance, there's "BLA" (as in bla bla bla), ">rape" (green text), "DO NOT EVER POST THAT PIC AGAIN", "Dorks", "SMILE SMILE SMILE", "FUCK YOUR MARKER", "DERPY IS A VERY UGLY PONY", "WHYBONER".
remove Stars completely snd force to actually say eomething they didnt like in the fic. it should lower amount of folk rating without reading anything.
ReplyDeletenot a bad story, not that great ether. i think the author could have used more common words like "faded yellow" instead of "ecru" or "deep red" instead of "carmine".
ReplyDeletei know it can come across as stupid, but i don't like how they thew out all the fannon of background characters like lyra and doctor hooves. i think it would have been better to just create a few more OC's to fit the roles they wanted and avoid the risk of alienating the readers.
i know for the first 2 chapters i was waiting for some joke about the doctor leaving behind a fog watch as an explanation for there brake in character.
in the end, i don't regret reading. but, your mileage may vary..
DPV11: I know the specific saying's origin, but it is currently used genuinely as a catch-all for the series' lessons, which certainly include casting away your intolerance, as with Zecora. Surely though, you wouldn't be so absurd as to suggest that love and caring isn't a centerpiece in a series named "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"." You seem to want to discredit the message in an attempt to put yourself above those who express it, simply because you associate it with hooligans. Which seems silly to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to completely ignore the arguments going on in the comments, because it's pointless and stupid.
ReplyDeleteThe story itself...was fairly interesting. The formatting could use some work, and I feel like the use of present tense wasn't really necessary. What happened to Dashie as a result of her abortion of a career with the Wonderbolts is rather sad and unfortunate, and also not a fate I would agree with...though that's because I'm of the opinion she wouldn't have lasted two years in the Wonderbolts at all, because she'd miss her friends too much.
The more advanced technology in the fic not seen in the show bugged me, as it usually does. The overall technological level of Equestria is about 1915 or so, not 1999.
As I read through the story I did notice some other mildly irksome things, relics of our language that are dropped here and there, like the word boobs, or hand, or man, etc. Some more careful proofreading should be in order for future chapters.
Though we only saw two canon characters, the dialog didn't quite sound like things they would say...the attitudes were there, but the words themselves didn't feel right, especially for Gilda.
The song introduced in the third chapter was not the best choice...
I feel like this story is overall worth three stars in its current state. I might rate it higher depending upon if it improves in newer chapters. It definitely has potential and it does have a few funny bits, so I will keep an eye on future chapters.
I've got an idea. Why don't you just only allow votes for 4 or 5 stars. I mean, why would anyone count votes that they don't agree with anyway? Its not like there's any possible chance that a portion of the audience legitimately doesn't like something.